0 COMPUTER Electronequtp SYSTEMS Prestel: 329230670 17 Tennyson Avenue 59 West Street Mail Order: 36 - 38 West St., Telex: 913001 Kings lynn Fareham Fareham, BTG: TOR11 Norfolk Hampshire P016 OAW Hampshire P016 OJW Torch Mail: 0329 • 230824 Tel: (0553) 773782 Tel: (0329) 230671 Tel: (0329) 230670 BBC BASED BUSINESS STARTER PACK - £950 + VAT BBC MICRO MODEL B with DFS SINGLE 100k DISK DRIVE DOT MATRIX PRINTER MONOCHROME MONITOR COMPLETE WITH DESK WORD PROCESSOR DATABASE SPREADSHEET "CABLES, DISKS and PAPER SEE CURRENT MAGAZINES FOR SPECIAL OFFERS SIDEWISE ROM Sidewise benefits • FULL SIDEWAYS ROM EXPANSION to total of sixteen ROMS. • 16K battery backed CMOS RAM option- RAM is treated as ROM number 15 on react • Sottw.. fM SIDEWAYS ROMS may be down loaded and run in RAM under the true SIDEWAYS environment before transfer to EPROM using ATPl. '1 EPROM programmer. • EXISTING sockets on BBC are usable and all EPROM sockets are accessible without removing 51 DEWISE. • PLUG - IN -AND GO construction. Mounts needy inside the BBC machine. • NO SOLDERING required to fit SIDEWISE. • FULL BUFFERING of address and data bAes - prevents data bus loading problems associated with unbuffered boards. • PIN 1 of on boai-d sockets are connected properly - no spurious crashes due to this known fault on BBC machine.. 16K CMOS RAM OPTION - please ring fM latest price as this is subject to fluctuation. PRICE: £39.33 inc. VAT+ £1 p+p DESPATCH: within 24 hours from receipt of order. SIDEWISE SIDEWISE FITTED 14" COLOUR PORTABLE TV/MONITOR from ELECTRONEQUIP This TV /Monitor is not a modified television as many TV /Monitors are but a TV /Monitor designed to perform both functions. Technical Specifications:­ Model: MNN1534/3534 (Remote Control) Chassis: Single-board F10 Chassis Power Consumption: 64W Picture Tube: Self-converging 14" precision in-line colour tube. Operation: 12 tuning buttons (with one selecting the monitor function), 1 slide control for volume, 3 rotary controls for colour, brightness and contrast. Loudspeaker: Forward­ facing, 6W music power output. Connections: 2 earphone sockets. Peripheral socket for TTL RGB, composite video and sound. Finish: Silver cabinet with black front panel. Dimensions: W48.7cm (19'~) H 33.5cm (13") D39.1cm (15.4") Weight: 14.0Kg PRICE: £199 (MNN 1534) inc. VAT. £247.25 (3534f+ £4.90 p+p Our smart modern premises contains a shop for the casual or serious buyer who knows what he/she wants and merely wishes to purchase it in comfortable surroundings. A showroom where we can demonstrate a range of Industry standard operating systems from the BBe through IBM compatibles to the newest UNIX operating systems. We also have an operational network at Level 1, 2 or Torchnet. A workshop where we carry out on - site repairs so the customers' down time is considerably reduced. Come along and see us, and allow us to demonstrate some of our extensive range of equipment, give you a competitive quotation, or merely browse. Stock Coole Descl'1Pt1on 17/JUL/85 Exc VAT Inc VAT Coaputers Aastrad COAC464G Monochrome Microcomputer (tape)- CP464 ••••••• 296.09 339.00 COACP464 Colour Microcomputer (tape) - CPC464 .••••••••• 313.48 359.00 COACP664 Colour Computer (Disc) - CPC664 •••••••••.••••• 391.74 449.00 Computers BBC Micro COBANBOl BBC B Microcomputer - Acorn ANBOl 312.86 358.29 COBANB02 BBC B with Econet- Acorn ANB02 ••••••••••••••. 389.14• 446.01 COBANB03 BBC B with Disc Interface- Acorn ANB03 ••.•••• 366.96 420.50 COBANB04 BBC B with Disc & Econet- Acorn ANB04 •••••••• 450.00 516.00 COBANB53 BBC B Plus Microcomputer- Acorn ANB53 •••••••• 409.13 469.00 Coaputers Co..odore COCBM64+ Commodore C~M64 Plus •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 173.04 197.50 COCBM64- Commodore CBM64 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 173.04 199.00 COCBM64H Commodore CBM64 Holidav Promotion ••••••••••••• 173.04 199.00 Computers Electron COEALAOl Electron Micro 32k - Acorn ALAOl 112.17 127.50 Computers Sinclair COSINCQL QL Microcomputer - Sinclair 346.96 397.50 COSPECT+ ZX Spectrum Plus - Sinclair 112.17 127.50 Coaputers Torch COT7251M 725 20MB¥te UNIX and CPN with Modem .•.•.•••••. 6495.00 7469.25 COTGRADU 256K Graduate G800/2 IBM Compatible ••.•••••••• 999.00 1148.85 COTHDPZ8 HDPZ80 20Mb¥te plus CPN for BBC ••.•••••••••••• 2295.00 2639.25 COTPCZl­ Professional Workstation (No Disc) CZl •...•••• 2500.00 2875.00 COTPCZlO Professional Workstation plus 10Mb¥te •••.•..•. 3920.00 4508.00 COTPTZl­ Professional Workstation inc Modem •••••••••••• 2995.00 3442.75 COTPTZlO Professional Wo.rkstation 10Mb¥te, Modem ••••••• 4415.00 5075.75 COTUNI51 Unicorn .5Mb¥te with UNIX and CPN ••••••••••••• 3495.00 4019.25 COTZ80DP Z80 Disc Pack - Torch ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 607.83 697.50 Computers Advance COP88D10 10M Winchester Advance 88dl0 1795.00 2064.25 COPF88DD 720k DSQD FlOPP¥ Advance 88d 999.00 1148.85 Computer Accessories BBC Micro CABAN COl 6502 Second Processor- Acorn ANCOl ••••...••.• 174.35 199.00 CABANC04 Z80 Second Processor- Acorn ANCOil •••••••••••• 348.26 399.00 CABANEOl Teletext Receiver- Acorn ANEOl •••••.•••••.... 196.96 225.00 CABAN FOil Bitstik CAD PackaKe- Acorn ANFOil ••••••••••.•• 327.39 375.00 CABANKOl IEEE 488 I/F Adaptor- Acorn ANKOl •.•.•••.•... 283.91 325.00 CABBALTR Apex ROM/RAM Expansion board- Altair E ••••••• 60.83 69.95 CABBATPL Sidewise ROM/RAM Expansion Board- ATPL ••••••• 34.20 39.33 CABGRPAD Grafpad - British Micro •••••••••••••.•••••.••• 125.00 143.75 CABMOUSE AMX Mouse+ Icon Software- AMS •••••••.•••..•• 78.22 89.95 CABPROMB Autoprom E.P.R.O.M. Programmer- ATPL ••••.•..• 120.00 138.00 CABRB2TB RB2 Tracker Ball- Marconi ••••••••••.••••••••• 51.74 59.50 CABRHELP LiKhtpen- RH Electronic •••••••••••••••••••.•• 43.43 49.94 CABSYMKB S¥mphon¥ Ke¥board Svnthesiser- ATPL •••••••••• 108.70 125.00 CABVIDRH Video DiKitiser- R H Electronics •••••••••••.. 199.00 228.85 CABVOL16 Datapad 16B Ke¥board- Voltmace ••••••••••••••• 34.74 39.95 Computer Accessories Electron CAEALAll Plus 1 Interface - Acorn ALAll 52.09 59.90 CAEALA13 Plus 3 Interface - Acorn ALA13 200.11 228.63 CAERMBXS Rom Expansion unit - SloKger 36.96 42.50 2 Stock Code Description 17/JUL/85 Exc VAT Inc VAT Computer Accessories Torch CATLIPEN Lightpen - Tor.ch 53.33 61.33 Computer Accessories VIC 20 - CAVVIXEN RAM Pack Vixen Switchable 16K for Vic20 30.39 34.95 l!:conet t ECBAEH17 lOOm of Econet Cable •••••..•.••••.•••••••...•• 86.09 99.00 ECBAEH18 Econet 10 Station Lead set •.••••••••••.••••••• 25.22 29.00 ECBAEH19 Starter Kit Econet- Acorn AEH19 ••••••.•.••••• 86.09 99.00 ECBAEH21 Socket Set Econet- Acorn AEH21 ••••••••••••••• 26.00 29.90 ECBAES22 Acorn Print Server E.P.R.O.M ••••••••••••••.••• 42.61 49.00 ECBAES24 Winchester (level 3) File Server •••••.••..••.. 260.86 299.99 ECBAND61 lOMbyte Winchester + File Server Acorn 1477.39 1699.00 ECBAND62 30Mbyte Winchester + File Server - Acorn 2173.04 2499.00 Monitors M011131M4 1431/MS4 Low Res Metal- Microvitec ••••••••••• 199.00 228.85 M01441M4 1441/MS4 Hi~h Res Metal- Microvitec •••••..... 440.00 506.00 M01451AM 1451/AP/MS4 Med Res PAL/RGB - Microvitec 300.00 345.00 M01451D2 1451/DS2 Med Res Plastic Grey - Microvitec 260.00 299.00 M01451D4 1451/DS4 Med Res Plastic BBC - Microvitec 260.00 299.00 M01451M4 1451/MS4 Med Res Metal- Microvitec .•••••••••• 260.00 299.00 M01451MQ 1451/MSQ Med Res Metal QL- Microvitec ...••••• 239.13 275.00 M01456D2 1456/D2 Med Res Plastic IBM - Microvitec 395.00 454.25 MOK12SV3 Super Vision III IBM/BBC/Apple- Kaga •••.••..• 429.00 493.35 MOK12VI2 Vision II 12" Med IBM/BBC/Apple- Ka~a •••••••• 285.00 327.75 MOK12VI3 Vision III 12" Hi-Res IBM/BBC/Apple - Kaga 399.00 458.85 MOK12VIQ Vision QL 12" Med- Ka~a ••••••••••••••••.••.•• 260.00 299.00 MOKX1201 KX1201G 12" P31 Green Screen- Kaga ••••••••••• 99.00 113.85 MOKX1203 KX1203A 12" P31 Amber- Kaga •.••.•••.••••••.•. 113.00 129.95 MON1201M 1201M 12" P31 Green Screen- Nordmende •...•••• 79.00 90.85 MON1534T MN1534 14" TV/Mon Low Res- Nordmende ••••••••• 213.00 244.95 MON3534R MN3534 14" Remote TV/Mon Low Res - Nordmende 234.00 269.10 MON4007R MN4007 27" Remote TV/Mon- Nordmende .••••••.•• 506.00 581.90 Monitor Accessories MAKFILMO Anti-Glare Screen Filter- Ka~a •••••••••••••.• 13.50 15.53 MAKKTS-1 Stand Tilt & Swivel KTS-1- Ka~a •••••••.•.•••• 22.00 25.30 MAKKTS-2 Stand Tilt & Swivel- Ka~a KTS-II ••••••••..•.• 19.50 22.113 MAMTILSW Stand Tilt & Swivel - Microvitec IBM ••.•••••••• 22.50 25.88 Printers PTB1009- 50 cps Cent/Serial I/F- Brother M1009 •••••••• 205.00 235.75 PTB1009C 50 cps Centronics I/F- Brother M1009 ••....•.. 190.00 218.50 PTB1009I 50 cps IBM Compatible- Brother M1009 •.••...•• 190.00 218.50 PTBHR15D 13 cps Daisywheel- Brother HR15 ........•••.•. 399.00 458.85 PTEFX80- 160 cps Dot Matrix - Epson FX80 · ••••••••••••••• 328.00 377.20 PTELX80- 100 cps Dot Matrix NLQ- Epson LX80 ••••.••..•. 279.00 320.85 PTEMXlOO lOOcps 15" Dot Matrix- Epson MXlOO •••.•.••••• 450.00 517.50 PTEP40TH 45 cps Thermal- Epson P40 •••••••••••••••••.•• 86.91 99.95 PTER80FT 100 cps Dot Matrix- Epson RX80 F/T ••.••.••.•• 225.25 259.011 PTJ6100- 18 cps Daisy Wheel- Juki 6100 •••••••••••••••• 390.00 4118.50 PTKP810- 140 cps Dot Matrix NLQ- Ka~a KP810 ••••••••••• 319.00 366.85 PTKP910- 140 cps Dot Matrix NLQ 17"- Ka~a KP910 •••.••• 1129.00 493.35 PTPENPLO Three Colour Plotter- Penman GR1500 •••••••••. 2119.00 286.35 PTSALP32 64cps Thermal Dot Matrix Sinclair - Alphacom 65.17 74.95 3 Stock Code Description 17/JUI../85 Exc VAT Inc VAT Printer Accessories PA010COU Dais¥ Wheel Courier 10- Juki 6100 ••••.•••••.• 10.50 12.1l8 PA012ELI Dias¥ Wheel Prestice 10/12 Elite - Brother 15.00 17.25 PA012GOT Dais¥ Wheel Letter GOthic 12- Brother ••••.••• 15.00 17.25 PABM9ROL Roll Paper Holder- Brother M1009 ..••••...•... 6.57 7.56 PABM9TRA Tractor Unit- Brother M1009 ••.....•.•..•.•••. 15.00 17.25 PABRCP50 Sheet Feeder- Brother HR15 •••••••••.•..•.•••. 220.00 253.00 PABRXEYB Ke¥board - Brother HR15 •••••••••••.•••••••••.• 150.00 172.50 PAERBOLD Holder Roll Paper- Epson PX/RX80 •.•.•.•••••.• 12.00 13.80 PAETPX80 Tractor Unit- Epson FX80 ••••••••••••••••••••• 36.00 41.40 PAJ6100S Sheet Feeder- Juki 6100 •••••••••••••••••••..• 197.14 226.71 PAJ6100T Tractor Unit- Juki 6100 •••••••••••••••.•••••• 109.00 125.35 Printer Interfaces PIEIPBUS S-6lK Expandable Serial Butter- Gram •.•••••.
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