Embedded contact knot homology and a surgery formula Thomas Brown St John's College arXiv:1902.03688v1 [math.GT] 11 Feb 2019 University of Cambridge May 2018 This dissertation is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Declaration This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except as specified in the text. It is not substantially the same as any that I have submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for a degree or diploma or other qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other University or similar institution except as specified in the text. I further state that no substantial part of my dissertation has already been submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for any such degree, diploma or other qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other University or similar institution except as specified in the text. Abstract Embedded contact homology is an invariant of closed oriented contact 3-manifolds first defined by Hutchings, and is isomorphic to both Heegard Floer homology (by the work of Colin, Ghiggini and Honda) and Seiberg-Witten Floer cohomology (by the work of Taubes). The embedded contact chain complex is defined by counting closed orbits of the Reeb vector field and certain pseudoholomorphic curves in the symplectization of the manifold. As part of their proof that ECH=HF, Colin, Ghiggini and Honda showed that if the contact form is suitably adapted to an open book decomposition of the manifold, then embedded contact homology can be computed by considering only orbits and differentials in the complement of the binding of the open book; this fact was then in turn used to define a knot version of embedded contact homology, denoted ECK, where the (null-homologous) knot in question is given by the binding. In this thesis we start by generalizing these results to the case of rational open book decompositions, allowing us to define ECK for rationally null-homologous knots. In its most general form this is a bi-filtered chain complex whose homology yields ECH of the closed manifold. There is also a hat version of ECK in this situation which is equipped with an Alexander grading equivalent to that in the Heegaard Floer setting, categorifies the Alexander polynomial, and is conjecturally isomorphic to the hat version of knot Floer homology. The main result of this thesis is a large negative n-surgery formula for ECK. Namely, we start with an (integral) open book decomposition of a manifold with binding K and compute, for all n greater than or equal to twice the genus of K, ECK of the knot K(−n) obtained by performing (−n)-surgery on K. This formula agrees with Hedden's large n-surgery formula for HFK, providing supporting evidence towards the conjectured equivalence between the two theories. Along we the way, we also prove that ECK is, in many cases, independent of the choices made to define it, namely the almost complex structure on the symplectization and the homotopy type of the contact form. We also prove that, in the case of integral open book decompositions, the hat version of ECK is supported in Alexander gradings less than or equal to twice the genus of the knot. Contents Introduction 9 I Embedded contact homology 15 1 Definitions . 15 2 Topological constraints on holomorphic curves . 25 3 ECH=HF ..................................... 26 4 ECH via rational open book decompositions (statement) . 27 II Morse-Bott theory 31 5 Morse-Bott contact homology . 31 6 Direct limits . 36 7 Topological constraints in the Morse-Bott setting . 40 8 ECH groups for manifolds with boundary . 45 IIIECH via rational open book decompositions 47 9 Contact forms adapted to rational open book decompositions . 47 10 Computing ECH via a filtration argument . 57 IV A knot version of ECH 73 11 Embedded contact knot homology . 73 12 Cobordism maps via Seiberg-Witten theory . 85 13 Cobordism maps on ECK . 92 14 Invariance results in the ECK setting . 101 15 ECKd is supported in low Alexander degrees . 107 16 Invariance results for full ECK . 117 V A surgery formula 119 17 Large negative n-surgery . 119 18 A filtration on the surgery complex . 123 19 Orbits and differentials in the twist region . 127 20 The differential on the first page . 135 21 Proof of the surgery formula . 145 22 Further questions . 148 7 Introduction Embedded contact homology adapted to rational open book decompositions Let M be a closed, oriented 3-manifold equipped with a contact form α. The embedded contact homology groups, ECH(M; α) and ECH\(M; α); arise from chain complexes which are generated by orbit sets, collections of embedded closed orbits of the Reeb vector field of α, and equipped with a differential which counts pseudo- holomorphic curves in the symplectization R×M between orbit sets. The corresponding chain complexes are defined in terms of both α and the chosen almost complex structure J on the symplectization. However it is shown [Tau10] that the homology groups are independent of both these choices. Furthermore, we have isomorphisms ECH(M) =∼ HF +(−M) and ECH\(M) =∼ HFd(−M) (0.1) with Heegaard Floer homology [CGH11a], as well as isomorphisms ECH(M) =∼ HMd (M) and ECH\(M) =∼ HMg (M) (0.2) with Seiberg-Witten Floer cohomology [Tau10]. The isomorphisms between HF and HM have also been proven directly by Kutluhan, Lee and Taubes [KLT10]. In this thesis we are concerned with a version of ECH adapted to knots K ⊂ M, em- bedded contact knot homology, which is analogous to knot Floer homology in the Heegaard Floer setting. To define this we construct contact forms on M which are in a sense \adapted" to the knot K. In particular, we consider the case where (M; K) admits a rational open book decomposition, that is we can find a decomposition M = ν(K) [ N where ν(K) is a neighbourhood of the knot and Σ×[0; 1] N = (x; 1) ∼ (φ(x); 0) is a mapping torus over some oriented genus g surface Σ with one boundary component such that the restriction of the monodromy φ to @Σ is a fractional rotation. It is required that, under the identification between @(ν(K)) and @N, the meridian of the knot is identified with a (closed) integral curve of @t (here t is the [0; 1] coordinate). 9 10 INTRODUCTION Given this decomposition we construct contact forms αN on N which are extendable to the rational open book M (c.f. Definition 9.12), which in particular means that the boundary @N is a negative Morse-Bott torus (c.f. Definition 5.1) for αN and the Reeb vector field on N is transverse to all the pages Σ×ftg of the open book. We define (c.f. Definition 8.2) a collection of relative ECH groups, ECH(N; @N; αN ) and ECH\(N; @N; αN ); which involves some careful manipulation of the S1-family of Reeb orbits foliating @N|in particular we define the groups above by picking two distinguished orbits in @N which we denote by e− and h−. These two orbits are included when constructing the chain complexes above but we ignore all other orbits in @N. The first main result of this thesis is Theorem 4.8 which expresses the embedded contact homology groups of M solely in terms of orbits and differentials in N, to obtain isomorphisms ∼ ∼ ECH(M) = ECH(N; @N; αN ) and ECH\(M) = ECH\(N; @N; αN ): These isomorphisms are proved in the case of integral open book decompositions by Colin, Ghiggini and Honda [CGH15], and the generalization of their argument to the rational case is the subject of Chapter III of this thesis. Embedded contact knot homology for rational knots The structure of the extension of αN to M gives rise to two additional orbits in ν(K), denoted by e+ and h+, and three pseudoholomorphic curves h+ −! ;; h+ −! e− and e+ −! h− (0.3) which contribute to the ECH differential. Here we are using the notation Γ+ −! Γ− to denote a pseudoholomorphic curve in R×M with positive end at Γ+ and negative end at Γ− (c.f Section 1.2). Let P denote the set of embedded orbits in int(N). We introduce a complex denoted by ; h+!e− ECC (int(N); αN ;J) (0.4) e+!h− (c.f. Definition 10.16), which is generated by orbit sets constructed from fe±; h±g [ P, and has a differential obtained by counting J-pseudoholomorphic curves in N as well as the three curves in (0.3) above. The homology of the complex in (0.4) is isomorphic to ECH(M). In analogy to knot Floer homology, this complex can be visualized graphically by plot- ting dots in the plane: an orbit set is represented by a dot at coordinates (i; j) if it contains the orbit e+ with multiplicity i and its Alexander grading is j. Here, the Alexander grad- ing is defined to be the number of times an orbit set winds around the mapping torus in the [0; 1] direction and is equivalent to the well-known Alexander grading from knot Floer homology (c.f. Section 11.2). For an excellent introduction to knot Floer homology, refer to Manolescu [Man]. No differentials arising from pseudoholomorphic curves in int(N) can affect the multi- INTRODUCTION 11 plicity of e+ or the Alexander grading. From the description of the complex in (0.4) we therefore see that the only differentials affecting these two gradings are e+ −! h−; which decreases the horizontal coordinate by 1, and h+ −! ;; which decreases the vertical coordinate by 1.
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