http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 225 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Arrow-heads, bequests of, 51. Arundel, Earl of, 20. Acorte, John, 51. Ashburnham (Haschebornham), 51, Adams, Joan, ducked at New 51n. Romney, 159. Asheton, Thomas, will of, 38; Eleno Adth, Sir Thomas, will of, 37. and Elisabeth, 38. Aldington Church, Kent, Notes on the Assessment Book of New Romney, Architecture of, and the Chapel at 157. Court-at-Street, called Bellirica, Athelney, Somerset, Cottages at, 16. by F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A., Aucher, Lady, Sir Anthony, Sir 145-151. Hewitt, and Elizabeth, 181. Ale-conners at New Romney, 166. Audde, John, 44. Alen, a Bearsted mason, 108, 110. Austen, Alice and John, 55; John, Alfred and the Danes at Rochester, S6; Richard, 103. 130. Awys, Margery, gift to Cranbrook Almshouse for the Poor of Sydyng- Church, 63. born to live in for ever, 40. Aylesford, friars of, 47. Altham, Michael, 100. Ayscough, William, Bishop of Salis- Ame, Thomas, 40. bury, murderers of, 29. Amys, Henry, will of, 37; Richard and Alice, 37. Anderson, John, 38; David, and panelling at Trevine, Boley Hill, 137-8. Bacheler, Joan, 38. Andred, 8. Badock, Richard, 138. Andrew, Dom. John, 40,55; William, Bailey of Castle, 129, 132, 134, 136. 47. Bailye, John, will of, 38; Agnes, Annals of the Town and Port of New Isabell, Joan, Margaret, John, Romney, by Major M. Teichman- Richard, Thomas, William, 38. Derville, M.A., 0.B.E., Mayor of Baker, John, will of, 39; Alice, 39; New Romney, 153-173. Martyne, will of, 39 ; Alice (2), Annual Summer Excursion, Report John, Ralph, Richard, Thomas, of Proceedings, 221-223. 39; Jamys, gift to Cranbrook Anthony, Joan, 44. Church, 60; Samuel, 140; Sir Antiphoner, a book called, bequeathed Herbert, 140. to Sittingbourne Church, 40. Baldwin, Stanley, on Sir Richard Antiquities of Canterbury (Somner), 3. Baker, 140. Apprentices' restrictions at New Balliol Earthworks Survey, compari- Romney, 160. son of Boley Hill with Le Mans, Apuldor, Sack by Danes, 154. 131. Apulerville (for Apuldrefeld), William Balser, Dom. Alan (Balsam, Bal- and Manor of Bilsington, 32. sham, as witness to wills), will of, Archaionomia, by Lambarde, 178. 39; 43, 47, 49, 51. Ardisfelde, Reginald, will of, 38. Balstock, Mr., absentee vicar of Armada, Romney ship provided, 162. Romney, 171. Armitage, Mrs., on Boley Hill and Bancroft, Richard, Mandate to the Danes, 130. induct as Archbishop of Canter- Arnold, G. M., on Sweyn's Camp, 13. bury, 94. 19 226 GENERAL INDEX. Banner cloth at Cranbrook, 61, 66. Bix, John, 46. Barber-Surgeon's witnesses, 102. Bladigdone (Blendon), John de, Barmyng, Thomas, will of, 40; John brass at West Wickham, 214. of Ulcombe, 40; Joan, John, Blakboy, John, 48. Thomas, 40; John, will of, 40; Blewberd, John, gifts to Cranbrook Alice, 40. Church, 62. Barnham, Francis, Alice and Martin, Bocher, Alice, 38. and Manor of Bilsington, 34; Boddington, Glos., 10. Robert, 35. Bodington, Northants., 10. Baron, Thomas, will of , 40; Joan, 40. Bohun, Henry de, Earl of Hereford, Barton, Elizabeth, the Holy Maid of 20. Kent, 143, 150, 151. Boley Hill, Rochester, after the Baskevyle, Thomas, will of, 41; Roman Period, by The Rev. Canon Alianore, 41; John, 41. S. W. Wheatley, M.A., F.S.A., Bate, Richard, 100. 127-141. Bayle, William, 40. " Boley," Derivation question, 136. Bayly, Robert, will of, 38. Bontyng, Isabelle, 40. Beacon watchers at Romney, 163. Bootefishe, Alice, will of, 44. Beanquike, Thomas, paid for watch- Botefyshe, John, will of, 44; Alice ing an incarcerated vicar, 159. (sister of John Rowe), 44. Bearsted, colony of masons at, 110. Botfishe, Joane, will of, 43; John, Becket, Thomas h, at New Romney, 43. 155. Bothe, Oliver, will of, 44; Joane, 44. Beckingham, Stephen, 181; Rev. Botler, John, 53. J. C., 181. Boun, Humphrey de, Earl of Here- Bee, Arthur, and Romney's play- ford and Essex (Bilsington grant), book, 164. 20-1-2. Beindenne ( Biddenden), 20. Bourchier, Cardinal Archbishop, Bell, Matthew, and the Book of gifts to Cranbrook Church, 59. Bourne, 181, 184. Bourdston, Thomas, 50. Bellirica, ruined chapel of, 149. Bourne (Borne) Elisabeth, 51; Benett, John, will of, 41; Elisabeth, Henry, 51n, 52. 41; Joan and her errant husband, Bourne Park, near Canterbury, by 41; Laurance (Bow and Arrow Walter H. Godfrey, F.S.A., maker), will of, 42; Alice, Daniel, F.R.I.B.A., 181-185. Elisabeth, John, Margaret, Rose, Boutflower, John and Thomas, 46. Thomas and William, 42; Henry, Bowden, John, 41. 48. Bowdidge, Stephen, 100. Bennett, Lawrance, 39, 53. Bowdon, John, will of, 44; Cecily, Bergar, Denys, will of, 42. 44-5. Best, John, 38, 44. Bowell, William, will of, 45; Alice, Bethersden players, 161. Elizabeth, Joane. Michael and Bettna, Anes, gift to Cranbrook Thomas, 45. Church, 62. Bowling Green at New Romney, Bety, Walter, 5. first, 163. Bewke, John, will of, 42: Joan, John Bownflowr, John, will of, 46; Rober- and Thomas, 42. gie and William, 46. Bibliography of Aldington and the Box, Mr. E. G., and Otford Park, 9. Holy Maid of Kent, 151. Boxgrave (Boxgrove), St. Mary, Bibliotheca Cantiana, of John Russell Priory and Convent of, 21-2. Smith, 175. Boy Bishop of New Romney, 172. Bigge, William, and manor of Bil- Boys, William, and Hasted's finances, sington, 32. 177. Bilbroke, Nicholas, 50. Brailes, William, will of, 45; Alice, Bilsington Manor, Church and Priory, 45. Notes on Some Early Documents Brass, latest figure in Kent, at Great relating to, by C.Eveleigh Woodruff, Chart, 188. 19-36. Bray, church restored by Sir John Bishop, Alice, 47. Norreys, 107. GENERAL INDEX. 227 Brazier, Mr., and Sweyn's Camp, 17. Carkereg, Stephen, gift to Cran- Brenchley (Brenchesle), Joan, grant brook Church, 60. of Bilsington Manor, 32: Thomas, Carr, Joan, will of, 47. Prior of Bilsington, 33. Carter, William, 103. Bretayn, Edmund, 45. Castelake, John, 162. Brigrnan, John, will of, 46; Joan, Castle Hill Park, Tonbridge, by S.E. 46. Winbolt,183-195. British Archreological Association's Castor, John, Administration, 47. protest against whitewashing at Catelot, Thomas, 45. West Wickham, 211. Caxton, William and the "Golden British Museum and Otford charter, Legend," 67. 6; coins of Durolevum, 198. Caxtone, Thomas, Town Clerk of Brode, John, of Smethe, King's New Romney, 161. Escheator for Kent, 27. Cayme, William, will of, 47; Joan, Brodnax, William, 103. 47 ; will of, 48. Broke, John, will of, 46; Joan, 46. Cenulfus Rex, and Otford, 3, 4. Brooke, Joseph, Philip and Thomas, Ceolwulf, King of Mercia, 11. 140. Champe, Thomas, will of, 48; Brookland Players, 161. Margery, 48. Brookland, Visit of K.A.S., 223. Chapels, Nonconformist, certified Brotherhood of Our Lady and St. and registered, 91. Anne, 47. Chapleyn, Symon, will of, 48; Brown, Colonel, 166. William, 48. Browne, Richard, 100. Chapman' s Ford, 9. Brown, Sir Thomas, gift to Gran- Chapman, Thomas, 39. brook Church, 63. Charles II. as Lord Warden of the Bryan, arms, 184n. Cinque Ports, 168. Bugge, John, 53. Chart, 8, 9. Bull, Papal, to Dover, 89, 91, 96. Charter of New Romney, 156, 156. Bullyng, Geoffrey, 45. Chartham, Geoffrey, Administration, Buntflowre, William, will of, 46; 48; Elisabeth, 48. Agnes, Elisabeth, Joan and Château-it-motto, 132, 136. Margery, 46. Chessman, John, first chartered Busshe, Robert, will of, 47; Joan, Mayor of New Romney, 161, 165. 47. Chelde, William de, 5, 6. Bussher, Thomas, will of, 47. Cheney, Sir John and Manor of Butcher, John, 55. Bilsington, 32. Butler, John, 38; Rowland and Cheyne, William, and Manor of Juliane, 45. Bilsington, 32; John, knight, 50. Button (Button), Dom. John, 52. Cheynewe, John, would-be Mayor of Buttington, Montgomeryshire, 10. New Romney, 162. Bydictun, 2, 10. Cheyney, John, 56. Byrche, Thomas, will of, 43; Alice Cheynie, Thomas (2), 34. and John, 43. Childebridge (Childsbridge), 5, 6. Byxe, John, 41; will of, 43; Agnes, Child, John, 38. Joan, Marione (2) and Thomas, 43. Chitlowe, Thomas, will of, 48; Joan, 48. Chrismatory, 14th Century one at St. Martin's, Canterbury, 64. Christian, John, sen., 102. Cade's Rebellion-Pardon for Prior Cinque Ports, Privileges, 155; and Convent of Bilsington, 29; archives of, 172. Pardon issued at New Romney, Clarke, Major Eric, and Cranbrook 160. Inventory, 68. Ccesar's Cantian Campaigns, and Clarke, Rev. P. A. L., Faversham, Sweyn's Camp, 13. 113. Calverley, Richard, 42. Clark on Norman Castles, 127. Capella of Gretenersce (Otford), 3. Claxton, Christopher, will of, 48. Care-cloth, or Holy Cloth, 65. Clerical Penance at Tong, 102. 228 GENERAL INDEX. Clerke Juliano, 40. Coting, Alice, 42. Cliffe-at-Hoo, The Church of, by Cotyng, Robert, 38, 40, 47, 49, 51, Alan R. Martin, 71-88. 56; John, 41, 45; will of, 49; Cliffe, Great Fire at, 71; manor of, Alice and Robert, 49. 71; Plan of St. Helen's Church, Couchman, Peter, 102. 73; Rector's ancient jurisdiction, Coupere, William, holder of land at 76; church defacements, 82; Bilsington, 27. church altars and lights, 83. Court-at-Street, Our Blessed Lady Clitherow, Roger, and Eleanor, 107. of, bequest to, 54; ruined chapel Clive, Eleanor de, 85. of, 149; hermit of, 151. Clough, John, will of, 49; Elisabeth, Courtfeld, Richard, 53. 49. " Cowcher," a book called, bequest Cloveshoo of Saxon Chronicle- of, 37. rival claims of Cliffe, Abingdon Cranbrook Church Inventory, 1509, and Clifton Hoo, 71. by Aymer Valiance, 57. Clynton, Walter, 42. Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Cobb, Benjamin, arms of, at New Canterbury, and grant of Bilsing- Romney, 191. ton Priory, 34. Cobham, Lord, Lord of the Manor of Cranwell, Richard, will of, 50; Cliffe, 71. Elizabeth, Elyn and John, 50; Cobler, Thomas, 42. Alice, 51. Cook, F.
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