Wright State University CORE Scholar Martha McClellan Brown Ephemera Martha McClellan Brown Papers (MS-147) 11-13-1903 Thirteenth Annual Convention of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/special_ms147_ephemera Part of the Women's History Commons Repository Citation (1903). Thirteenth Annual Convention of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union. This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Martha McClellan Brown Papers (MS-147) at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Martha McClellan Brown Ephemera by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " Only the Golden Rule of Christ Can bring the Golden Age of man NOV.13-18,1903. 1903 THIRTIETH CONVENTION NATIONAL WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE~UNI ON CINCINNATI o~p :-?~P OHIO .. INTERIOR VIEW OF THF CRUSADE MEMORIAL ROOM, HILLSBORO, 0., SHOWING THE CABINET CONTAINING THE RECORDS OF THIRTY YEARS. HIRTIETH Annual Con­ T vention of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, held in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, November thir­ teenth to eighteenth, inclusive c;eneral @ftlcers 1Aattonal 'Wl. <I. tr. 'l1. iMea~quarters, ~be ilUlillar~, 1Rest crottage,J5\1anston;tru • .;I, ..,~ U:,resiMnt. MRS. LILLIAN M. N. STEVENS, PORTLAND, MAINE. ll)ice~n:iresibent at :!Large. MISS ANNA A. GORDON, REST COTTAGE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS. \torrespo1tbing $ecretat"I?, MRS. SUSANNA M. D. FRY, THE WILLA.RD, REST COTTAGE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS. 'IRecorbing $ecretar)?. MRS. CLARA C. HOFFMAN, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. :assistant 1/l.ecorbing $ecretar)?. MRS. FRANCESE. BEAUCHAMP, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. 'lrreasurer. MRS. HELEN MORTON BARKER, THE WILLARD, REST COTTAGE, EVANSTON, }LLINOIS. 4 State 1Prestbents. (Exe-officio Vice-Presidents of the N ation al W. C. T. U .) ALABAMA MISRISSIPPI Mrs. Martha L. Spencer . Mrs. H arriet B. K ells. ALABAMA NO. 2 MISSISSIPP I NO. 2 Mrs. J. R. England. Mrs. S. E. Disney. ALASKA !WNTANA Mrs. S. E. Shorthill. Mrs. I. N. Smith. ARIZONA NEBRASKA Mrs. Imogen F. H. La Chance. Mr:" Dora V. Wheelock. ARKANSAS NEVADA Mrs. Lulu A. Markwell·. Mrs. Nettie P. Hershiser. ARKANSAS (Harper) NEW HAMPSHIRE Mrs. Josephine Harris. Mrs. Ellen R. Richardson. CALIFORNIA N EW JERSEY Mrs. B. Sturtevant P eet. Mrs. Emma Bourne. CALIFORNIA (Southern) NEW MEXICO Mrs. Emma Cash. Rev. Mary J. Borden. COLORADO NEW YORK Mrs. A. A. Hawley . Mrs. Frances W. Graham. CONNECTICUT NORTH CAROLINA Mrs. C. B. Forbes. Mrs. C. E . Cr aven. DELAWARE NORTH CAROLINA(Thurman) Mrs. Emma E. Caulk. Miss M. A. Lynch. DIS'l.'RICT OF COLUMBIA NORTH DAKO'.rA Mrs. Clinton Smith. Mrs.E lizabeth Preston Anderson FLORIDA OHIO Mrs. Alice C. Brown. Mrs. Annie W . Clark. GEORGIA OKLAHOMA Mrs. Jennie Hart Sibley Mra. A. B. Hillerman. GEORGIA No 2 OREGON Mrs. A. S. Bowen. Mrs. Helen D. Harford. HAWAII PENNSYLVANIA Mrs. Mary S. Whitney. Mrs. Rebecca B. Chamber s. IDAHO (NorthAr n) RHODE ISLAND Mrs. Elizabeth Grice. Mrs. Mary A. Babcock. IDAHO !Southern) SOUTH CAROLINA Mrs. Ora L. Oakes. Mrs. J. H. Haynes. ILLINOIS SOUTH DAKOTA Miss Marie C. Brehm. Mrs. Luella A. Ramsey. INDIANA TENNESSEE Mrs. Culla Vayhinger. Mrs. Silena Moore Holman. NDIAN TERRITORY TENNESSEE No. 2 Mrs. Laura E. Harsha. Mrs. Virginia W. Broughton. INDIAN TERRITORY No. 2 TEXAS Mrs. M. E . Thompson. Mrs. Helen M. Stoddard. IOWA TEXAS (Thurman I Mrs. Marion H . Dunham. Mrs. E. E. P et erson. KANSAS UTAH Mrs. E. P. Hutchinson. Mrs. J. S. Gordon. KENTUCKY VERMONT Mrs. Frances E. Beauchamp. Mrs. Ida H. Read. LOUISIANA VIRGIN IA Mrs. Alice M. Zable. Mrs. Howard M. Hoge. LOUISIANA ( Willard) VIRGINIA No. 2 Mrs. Frances Joseph. Mrs. Rosa D. Bowser. MAINE WASHINGTON (East) Mrs. L. M. N . Stevens. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Bodwell. MARYLAND WASHINGTON (West) Mrs. Mary R. Haslup. Mrs. Margaret B. Platt. MASSACHUSETTS WEST VIRGINIA Mrs. Katharine Lente Stevenson Mrs. N. R . C. Morrow. MICHIGAN WISCONSIN Mrs. A. S. Benjamin. Mrs. Mary C. Upham. MINNESOTA WYOMING Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scovell. Mrs. Nina W. Higby . MI8SOURI Mrs. Clara C. H offman. 5 <r;eneral :JSrancb Secretaries. !!1 :fSrancb. MRS. CLARA PARRISH WRIGHT. PARIS, ILLINOIS. X. U:. 1. :16rancb. MRS. HELEN G. RICE. ROXBURY STATION, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1Aational ©roant3ers ant> '.1Lecturers, Mrs. Helen L. Bullock, N. Y. Mrs. Mattie N. Graves, Wash. Mrs. Ellen A. Dayton Blair, Ill. Mrs. L. E Bailey, N. Y. Mrs. Maude L. GreE>ne, Ala. Mrs. Lucia H. Additon, Ore. Miss Carrie Lee Carter, Mo. Mrs. Vie H. Campbell, Wis. Miss Lillian Wood, Mo. Mrs. Rosetta E. Lawson, D. C. Mrs. Ada W. Unruh, Oregon. Mrs. Nelle G. Burger, Mo. Mrs. Addie Northam Fields, Ill. Mrs. Bridelle C. Washburn, Cal. Mrs. Callie H. Howe, Mo. Mrs. An,;a R. Simmons, Ill. Miss Harriet Henderson, Texas. Miss Elizabeth P. Gordon, Mass. Mrs. Emelie U. Burgess, N. Y. Mrs. Cora E. Seberry, N . Y. Mrs. Ellen K. Denny, Ind. Miss Louise E. Hollister, 111. Miss Margaret Wintringer, Ill. Mrs. Lila Carlin Moore. N. M. Miss Rhena E G. Mosher, N . Y. Mrs. Florence D. Richard, 0. Mrs. M. W. Newton, Va. Mrs. Minnie Grinstead, Kan. 1Aattonal '.l!.ecturers. I Mrs. Frances J. Barnes, N. Y. Mrs. Viola D. Rumans, Ohio. Miss Ida C. Clothier, Col. Mrs. M. J. Telford, Tenn. Mrs. F . E.W. Harper, Pa. Mrs. E.T. Scott, Cal. Mrs. Sarah M Perkins, Ohio. Mrs. M. L. Welles, D. C. r Miss Belle Kearney, Miss. Mrs. McVean Adams, Kan. Mrs. S. 3. Fessenden, Mass. Miss Annie A. Robbi11s, Mo. I Miss Frances H. E11sign, Ohio. 1Aational JE"angeltsts. Miss E.W. Greenwood, N. Y. Rev. Elith Hill Booker, C<Ll. Mrs. J. K. Barney, R. I. Mrs. L. D. Dyer, Vt. Mrs. Anna M. Palmer, Ia. Mrs. Harriette D. Walker, MEISS. Mrs. R. J. Trego, Ohio. Mrs. Anna M. Hammer, N. J . Mrs. Mary J . Weaver. N. Y. Mrs. Harriot T. Todd, Mass. Mrs. E. M. Haughton, Ind. Mrs. L. S. Rounds, N. Y. Mrs. Jennie F. Willing, N . Y. Mrs. Mary E. Teats, Cal. Miss Cassie L. Smith, N. J . Rev. Eugenia F. St. John, K"n. Miss Anna Downey, Ill. Rev. Mattie Cammack Gibson, Ind. Miss Mary E. Barbour, Cal. Rev. :B'rances E. Townsley, Mich. Mrs. M. C. Woody, N. C. Rev. AlicA S. N . Barnes, Montana. Miss Jennie E. Smith, D. C. Rev. Emily C. Woodruff, N. Y. <Ibatrmen of StanMng <rommtttees. Mrs. Minnie B. Horning, Ill. Mrs. Lucie B. Tyng, Ill. Mrs. Mary A. Babcock, R. I. Mrs. Calista E. Bigelow, Ill. Rev. Anna H. Shaw, Pa. Miss Cornelia M. Dow, Me. Miss Mary A. Blood, Ill. Miss Eva K. Foster, Mass. Mrs. Frances W. Graham, N. Y. 6 1Rattonal Superintent,ents Glf JDepartments. Work Among Foreign Speaking People-Mrs. A. Darley,Oolo. Work Among Colored People- Mrs. Lucy Thurman, Mich. Work Among Indians- Health and Heredity-Dr. Louise 0. Purington, Mass. Non-Alcoholic Medication-Mrs. M. M. Allen, New York. Scientific Temperance Instruction- Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, Mass. Physical Education-Mrs. Frances W. Leiter, Ohio. Sunday School- -Mrs. Stella, B. Irvin•>, Cal. Temperance Literature-Miss Ellen D. Morris, Mo. Temperance and Labor-Mrs. Mary G. Stuckenberg, Mass. Parliamentary Usage-Mrs. A. S. Benjamin, Mich. W, 0. T. U. Institutes-Mrs. Mary Hadley Hall, Incl. The Press- Mrs. Minnie Barker Horning, Ill. Anti-Narcotics- Mrs. E. B. Ingalls, Mo. School Savings Banks-Mrs. S. L. Oberholtzer, Pa. Kindergarten- Miss Clara Wheeler, Mich. Medal Contest-Mrs. A. E. Carman, Ill. Evangelistic-Miss Elizabeth W. Greenwood, New York. Unfermentecl Wine at Sacrament- Mrs. H .E. Hollingshead, 0. Proportionate and Systematic Giving- Miss Esther Pugh, 0. Penal and Reformatory Work-MrR. Jane M. Kinney, Mich. Work Among Railroad Employes-Mrs. E. N. Graham, Mel. Work Among Soldiers and Sailors-Mrs. E. M. Thacher, N. J. Work Among Lumbermen-Mrs. Emma W. Shores, Wis. Work Amol1g Miners-Mrs. Mary E. Kuhl, Ill. Sabbath Observance-Mrs. Varila F. Cox, N. J. Mercy-Mrs. Mary F. Lovell, Pa. Purity- Mrs. Helen L. Bullock, New York. Rescu'e Work-Mrs. Isabel Wing Lake, Colo. Purity in Literature and Art-Mrs. Emilie D. Martin, N. Y. Social Meetings and Reel Letter Days-Mrs. M.Tomlinson,N.J. Flower Mission-Miss Lella M. Sewall, Mass. Fairs and Open Air Meetings-Mrs. Hannah T. Guild, Mo. Legislation-Mrs. Margaret Dye Ellis, N. J. Christian Citizenship-Mrs. Mary J. Telford, Tenn. Franchise-Mrs. Ella S. Stewart, Ill. Peace and International Arbitration-Mrs. H. J. Bailey, Me. NOTE-All reports of superintendents will appear in the printed annual report, whether presented in person at the convention or not. 7 Prohibition is self protection and is based on the elementary right of civilized man.-Frances E. Willard. ~rooran1. jfrttlar !ll~orntng, 'ilto\Jember 13. 8 :30 U:,ta)2et .meeting in Trinity M. E. Church. Leader, Mrs. R. J. Trego, Ohio, National Evangelist. s :30 cronferences of IDepartmenfs. 9 :30 ilom,ention ilalleO to ©rOer in the Ninth Street Baptist Church by the President, Mrs.Lillian M. N. Stevens, Maine. Reading of Crusade Psalm, responsively. Singing of Crusade Hymn-"Give to the Winds Thy Fears." Prayer-Rev. Wm. J. McSurely, D. D. Hymn. Roll Call by the Recording Secretary, Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, Missouri. Report of the Executive Committee . .Appointment of Committees on Credentials, Publica­ tions, Courtesies, Telegrams aud Finance. 10 :30 U:,resfOent's 'Elnnual 'Elbbress-Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, Maine. 11 :15 J5"angelistfc ilour-Miss Elizabeth W. Greenwood, National Evangelistic Superintendent, presiding. Crusade Prayer Meeting. 12:00-moontfOe ]Pra)2er. 12 :05 .miscellaneous JSusiness. 12 :30 'ElOjoumment. 8 We shall never climb to Heaven by making it our life-long b11siness to ave ourselves.-Frances E. Willard. ffrttla}] :afternoon.
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