• . PANNO • T/GR,4/Y PETROS IAN !/~b'R. -. THE CHAMPION SCORES IN ARGENTINA ( Sec p. 190) Volume XIX Number II August, 19M EDITOR: J . F. Reinhardt PETROSIAH, KERES TIE 11'1 BUEHOS AIRES; CHE S S FEDERATION ROBERT BYRHE TAKES THIRD World Champion Tigl'an Petrosian and Paul Keres of thc Soviet Union tied PR ESIDENT for first in tbe international tournament recently completed in Buenos Aires, Ar· Lt. CoL E. B. Edmondson gentina. Keres won nine, drew seven. lost one, while Petrosian, the only undefeated player in the tournament, won eight and drew nine. V ICE-PRESIDENT David Hoffmann Close behind the two Soviet stars was Robert Byrne, long·time candidate lor REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS International Grandmaster honors, who clinched that title by a fine performance NEW E NGLAN D Foil Bnurdon Robert GoodSpeed in an outstanding field. Byrne led the tournament lor most of the way and finished StamlY Kin, with seven wins, nine draws, and just one loss-to Petrosian in the late stages. EASTERN Donald Scblllts Cbarlu Keyser 1.liguel Nlljdorf (who lost to Byrne) finished fourth, with 11·6, and Erich Eliskases Peter Berlow was fifth, with 10·7. MID_ATLANTIC The rest of thc players. in order Qf finish, were Julio Bolbochan. Carlos Gui· SOUTH ERN Dr. StUlrt Noblin mard. Raimundo Garcia, Herman Pilnik, Miroslav f'ilip, Hector Rossetto, Jorge Ru· Jerry SuWvln Dr. Robert FrMmke binetti, Bernardo Wexler, Samuel Sehwebcr. Alberto f'Qguelman. Carlos Bielicki , Rene Letelicr, aDd Al[redo Olivera. GREAT L A K ES Jame. Schroeder Or. Howard G.b. Norbert MatU.awl Byrne's claim t6 the grandmaster ti tle has been solidly documented b)' previous N ORTH CE N TRAL Dr. Geor,. Tie", Frank Skoff perfQr mances, includi ng the United States Championship and the t'. S. Open; with John Otne .. his showing in Argentina- no doubt the (inest of his cal'eer-efficial reeognitioo by SOUTHWES TERN JU'n J . Raid John BeilUnc FIDE is assured. CHESS LIFE Wkes the earliest opportunity to salutp the newesl Kennetb SmlOt United Slales grandmaster- Raben BY l' lle ~ PAClFIC lUehard Vandenhur, Mabel Burllll,ame Gordon Barrett SECRETARY Marshall Rohland - OUR COVER - NATIONAL CHAIRMEN .nd OFFICERS As even Dr. Watson could deduce from the presencc of Oscar PanDO in the ARMED FORCES CHESS .................. Rohert Karch background, our cover photo isn't from the Argentina International Tournament at BUS INESS M A NAGE R ...... " ...... " .. J. F . Reinhar dt all. It is, in fuct, a scene [rom un event of exactly a year ago: last August's PiaU. COLLEGE CHESS .. ................................ Owen Harris gorsky Cup Tournament in Los Angeles. Th cre. too, the Soviet aces scored a one. IN DUST RIA L CH ESS... ......... St.nley W. D. Kin, two victory. INSTITUTIONS CHESS .............. Dr. Rl.lph Kuhn. -Photo by Rothschild INTERNATIONA L AF FA IRS .......... .. Jer ry Sf'"" Women'. InternatlonaL ........ .... K.thryn 5 ater JU NIO R CHIlESS .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. Mordeeal P. Treblow MASTE RS AFFAIRS._. .......... .. ...... _.. Robert Byrne MEMBERSH1P .... ............. .. ...... .. ......... Don.ld Schultz JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION MEMBERSHIP SECRETAII.Y._.. ....... (;ret. Fuehl NOMI NATIONS_ ._ ..... _.. Dr, Alu Janushkowlky USCF I.a a non.prom deroO(:ratlc= orranluUon, tb. ofneLal r overnine body a nd FIDE unll PRESI DENTIAL ASSI STA NT. ........ .1'red Cramer {or che .. In the USA. An70ne Intuuted bI adVlUld.o, Al:Det1clUI che. I.a eUelbl .. tor membe .... blp. II.AT INGS .. PA1 RINGS.............. " ... Arp.d E . £10 RA TING STATISTICIA N .... __ .... Wro. Gol(hberr Membershi p, inclu4i.Jl,a: CHF.SS LInt 'lIbac:rtptlOIl, .1i6IbUlty for USCF· r~tI ..., and all TAX DE DU CT IIIIL ITY .... _.......... _.. II. rold Dondl. TOURNAME NT ADM ..... __.. Gtor'. Kolt.no .... akl prtvl.lerea: 1 )'1'.: ,,"00; 2 ,.....: ...50; 3 7r&. : ' 13.$0; SlWtal.nlnr: 510.00 (becomes Ille Memberahip TOUR NAME NT II. ULES ................ Jamu Sherwin alter 11'1 pa)'DI.e llltl); We: ' 100.00. 'a",lI y Me.... ....., I... (two or more famlly membe... lit NDle T REAS U II.ER .... __.. _ .•. ~ .......... .. _.. _ ... .Mllton Rlilkin address, only one CHESS 1.17& ...~rtpUolI) : r ate... above for first famUy member. ph.. u . S. CHAMPIONSHIP ...... _........ Mauri« KaSper foUo~ fo r each addltlollal member: I yr .: »50; I y .... : ... 75; 3 y .... : l6.7S. WO MEN'S CHESS ......................... _ .... EYa Aron.son CHESS LIF& ill pllbllabed. monthly b7 USCI' .nd ent.ere4 .. HC:Ond~lass m.tter at Dubuque, low•• Non-member 1·)'1'. subRr1pUon: tfo.OO (fI .OO olltlld. USA); alna:le copy: 41)(: ($0(: oullide WORLD CHESS FEDERATION USA). Chang. of add...-.: Allow follt' ... e.u aotlc.; p i ..... a:1ve u. bolb the Dew .ddr.... and IF.I.D.E,) the old addr ess. Ineludlnf the nllmbe'" ...... dat" on the top lIn.e ot your lIenc=U. Jerry G. Spann Vice·President, Zone 15 (U.S.A.) Ad dre.. aU CUD1mun.cauonl. IUId malte all cllec=kJ payable to : -------- UNITED STATES CHESS FEDIRATION. 10 la" nth . t,...t, NIW YORK 1. N.Y. 190 CHESS LIFE Six Tie AI Sandrin Scores In Western Open in Las Vegas It could well have been called the Al­ On July 4, the tremendous Schlitz Cir· bert Sandrin Open. for the veteran Chi­ CllS Par ade, "A Day in Old Milwaukee" cago Master made almost a clean sweep (~ ee Life magazine, or almost any news With a turnout or 164 players (99 more of the Weslern Open at Mi lwaukee over medium) passed the Plankinton House, than last year!) the Las Vegas Open was the second largest tournament played in the July 4 weekend. He fi nished a full site of the Western, lasting almost 4 the naUon over the Independence Day point ahead of a lO·way tie for second hours. The morning round was sel for weekend. Tournament rri7.cs of wen QV(!r place, shared by such names as Steve 8 a.m. and the second round for 6 p.m., $2000 were distributed by the sponsoring popel, Curt Brasket, Paul Poschel, Dick so players could advantageously watch Las Vegas Chess Associalion with Class Vetber, Brian Owens, Ed Formanek, the spcctaele. Phil LcCornu of Chicago A, B, and C players receiving a sub­ stantial portion of the cash awards. Charles Weldon, William Martz, Dr. Alex and Gregory Nowak of West Allis, how­ Top money was divided sil( ways Angos, and brother Angelo Sandrin, who ever, wefe still playing their 8 a.m. game among William Bills. Houston, Irving received the lone hall-point given up by when the parade began, and, indeed, Riv isc, Los Angeles. Duncan Sutties, Re­ the wi nner_ when it fin ished! That game was ad­ no, Peter Cleghorn, San Francisco, Tibor journed at 6 p.m. fo r the next round, Wei nberger. Santa Monica, and Arthur First place paid an und ivided $400.00, (which, incidentally, both lost), was re­ Spiller, Santa Monica. All finished with scores of 6·1. The championsh ip trophy while the ten sccond-placers cut up prize sumed at 11 :30 p.m., and was finally went to Bills on tic-break points. He, to­ money that came to $54.00 each. Eight concluded- you guessed it-a draw, in gether with Suttles, Rivise and Cleghorn, players who tied lor 10th place, with 5 129 moves. was undcCcatcdj the other three leaders points, also cut themselves into the mer­ lost one game apiece. it prizes. Kate Sillars and Adele Goddard lin· Hy Wallach of Brooklyn, N.Y. found ished first and second for the women's prizes. Ralph Tobler and Andrew Kark· the long trip rewarding: he scored 5·2 The strong field was balanccd more and won the Class "A " trophy. Class "A" lines were one- two for the Junior awards. evenly than usual, with no outstanding Class A, B, C, and unrated tops went cash was divided four ways among Wal­ favorites at the start, and with more lach, William T. Adams, K. R. Jones and respectively to Samuel Greenlaw, Larry than the usual number of upsets early Manter, Gary Sauer, and Larry Leuallen. William Maillard. in the upper ranks. The entry of 114 In Class B John Steele 01 Ft. Hood , players, although lower than 1963 and The cross-table, wilh players' lull Texas \\'on the troph)' and sharcd the '62, when the Western ran 8 or 9 rounds, names and cities-showing the wide geo­ cash with lIlike Carr, Joseph l\I izrachL exceeded the previous 7-round Western_ graphical draw_appears on p. 208, as Dennis Littreli and Dr. M. Schick. Because the 4th of July fell on Saturday, does a sample of games, particularly Class C was won outright by Keith the shorter 7-round schedule was used, those of AI Sandrin, for it was indeed Draughton of Clovis, California who was but the Milwaukee Chess Foundation, his day, and it is his name that now fol­ undefeated while scori ng 4lh points. Sec· promoters of the Weslern, promise a re­ lows Don Byrne, Pal Benko, Stephan and place in Class C was sha red by Ncil turn to the more popular longer event Popel, Roberl Byrne, and Robert Fischer Walters, Theodore Bi ngamon, and Mar­ next year, when the holiday weekend on the roll of wi nners of the Western tin Ahlstrom. will be more suitable_ Open. The Junior prize of $100 and trophy went to Bruce V. Samuelson of Shcrman Oaks, California who scored 4-3. Ma rk Holgerson, Dennis P. S:Jccuzzo and Ak i Kan amori shared the second junior award. U na Grumette of Hollywood, Califor­ nia finishcd a clear first among the women, scol"i ng 4-3 and receiving a $50 cash award plus the wo men's trophy.
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