Slavistische Beiträge ∙ Band 41 (eBook - Digi20-Retro) Maria-Gabriele Wosien The Russian Folk-Tale Some structural and thematic aspects Verlag Otto Sagner München ∙ Berlin ∙ Washington D.C. Digitalisiert im Rahmen der Kooperation mit dem DFG-Projekt „Digi20“ der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, München. OCR-Bearbeitung und Erstellung des eBooks durch den Verlag Otto Sagner: http://verlag.kubon-sagner.de © bei Verlag Otto Sagner. Eine Verwertung oder Weitergabe der Texte und Abbildungen, insbesondere durch Vervielfältigung, ist ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung des Verlages unzulässig. «Verlag Otto Sagner» ist ein Imprint der Kubon & SagnerMaria-Gabriele GmbH. Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access S l a v is t ic h e B eiträge ,J. Holthusen ־ f P. Diels, München ־ Unter Mitwirkung von M. Braun, Göttingen E, Koschmieder, München ■ W. Lettenbauer, Freiburg/Br. J. Matl, Graz ־ München ,L. Sadnik-Aitzetmüller ־ K.-H. Pollok, Regensburg ־ F. W. Neumann, Mainz J. Schütz, Erlangen ־ Saarbrücken HERAUSGEGEBEN VON A. SCHMAUS, MÜNCHEN Technische Redaktion: P. Rehder, München Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access MARIA-GABRIELE WOSIEN THE RUSSIAN FOLK-TALE SOME STRUCTURAL AND THEMATIC ASPECTS VERLAG OTTO SAGNER • MÜNCHEN 1969 Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access A thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. U niversity of London School of Slavonic and Easteuropean Studies 1969 ( Bayerisch• I Staatsbibliothek \ München ł Copyright by Verlag Otto Sagner, München 1969 Abteilung der Fa. КиЬоп + Sagner, Künchen Druck: Pa. W. u. I.M. Salzer 8 München 2, Schleissheimer Str. 20 Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to Dr• C. L• Drage, Professor D. U• Lang, Professor D. S. Likhachev, Professor B. V. Poaerantseva, Professor V. Ta. Propp and Professor A. Schmaus fo r th e ir help and encouragement• I also wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the University of London Central Besearch Fund fo r enabling me to v is it the Soviet Union twice in connection with research for my th e s is • Uaria-Cabriele Wosien, London, 19^9• Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access Sfi- Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access 00046986 Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access 00046986 Sun disc. Embellishment on the mast of a ship, 18th century, State Museum of History, Moscow. Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access 00046986 TABLE OP CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION.................................................................................... 13 CHAPTER I . PAST AND PRESENT OP THE FOLK-TALE TRADITION IN RUSSIA .................................. 21 CHAPTER I I . FORMAL ASPECTS................................................. 37 CHAPTER I I I •HISTORICAL ASPECTS....................................... 65 CHAPTER I V . THE H E R O ............................................................. 85 CHAPTER V . THE SUPERNATURAL FIGURES........................ 107 CHAPTER V I . THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE F O L K -T A L E .•• 145 APPENDIX ( EIGHT RUSSIAN FO LK -TA LE S )........................ 157 L IS T OF ABBREVIATIONS............................................................. 223 BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................... 225 Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access ABSTRACT Th• thesis inquires into th• natur• and form of tho•• tales in th• Russian oral tradition that ha▼• as their nain them• th• journey of th• o«ntral hero# Th• ta l•• vhioh hare been ohosen fo r analysis are exclusively ,ta l•• of th• miraou- lo u s 1 ( Aarne-Andreyev 300-749)• A ll important aspeots of th• hero's journey are studied, especially those that reflect hi• permanent and changing relationships with other folk-tale figur••• Th• laws whioh determine th• stability and lia b ility to ohang• of th• folk-tal• tradition• are examined; and th• reasons fo r th e ir degeneration are dlsousa»d (Chap• 1)• In the larger context of the folk-tale a• a whole, every subsidiary them• or phase of the hero's journey i• •••n as one of the fundamental units of the tal•• Th• •sssntlal• of composition and styl• ar• also touched on (Chap• II)• An enquiry is mad• into th• part played by historical fo lk beliefs and customs, sometimes surviving into th• present, in shaping fo lk themes and motifs (Chap• III)• A substantial part of the thesis is devoted to tracing the evolution and relationships of the principal folk•» tale figures and motifs (Chaps. IV and V). The themes and th eir symbolio expression through fo lk- ta l• fig ur•• and their mutual relationships are eeen to be an expression of a universal philosophy and of basic psychologi- сal factors (Chap• VI)• Th• tale-cycle with th• o«ntral theme of the journey of th• h«ro has so far not b««n studied as a whole. Thi• cycle •mbodles that part of th• Russian folk tradition which reflect• th• oldest traditional •!•ments and the most univer- •al them••• Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access 00046986 - 13 - INTRODUCTION Research Into th• Russian folk-tale has come a long way since the time when a few enthusiasts began th e ir sporadic and rather amateurish research into folklore• In accordance with the taste of the time, the editors of the firs t small col- lectione of folk-talee did not publish these in their entirety, nor in the original folk idiom, but adapted them instead• Indeed, public reaction to such attempts at popularising the folk heritage, or making it acceptable reading for the soph- istlcated, was often, especially in the beginning, not тегу favourable! 9•••for the simplest peasant could, without any trouble, invent some ten such tales, and were they a ll put in - to print, it would be a waste of paper, quills, ink, printers' type, not to mention the labour of the gentlemen of letters. Bringing the folk tradition to the attention of a wider reading public was greatly facilitated by the then popu- 2 lar luboohnyye kartinki• These were cheap leaflets, partly text and partly illu stra tio n , mostly of coloured woodcuts or etchings. Their subjeot-aatter varied greatly• They included almost anything, from summaries of B ib lical and Apocryphal w ritings, heroic byliny, extracts from classical and contempor- ary literature, social satire and caricature, to rewritings and abstracts of folk-talee• Some of the more well known represen- tations of these luboohnyye kartinki « with only a few lines of te xt, are Baba-yaga yedet drat * sya в krokodilom, Koshchey Bessmertnyy. Klad pod Kupalov den' and 0 »loy ved *me Hepogod'ye• These mostly anonymous p rin ts appeared in a great number of copies over a period of approximately more than seventy years, beginning with the later part of the eighteenth century. 1• A coment in the Sankt-Peterburgskiy Vestnik. April 1781, p. 295» on V• Levshln's Rueskiye skaxki soderghashchiye drevneyshiye роѵевіюѵапіуа о slavnykh bogatyryakh. Skaski narodnyye 1 prochiye, ostavshiyesya cheres pereskagyvanyle ▼~p«ayati. Prlklyuchcniya. p i. I. Moscow. 1780-83• 2• E. P. Ivanov, Russkiy narodnyy lubok. Moscow, 1937; Tu• Ovsyannikov, Russkiy lubok. Moscow, 1962) D• Ro rinsky, Russklye narodnyye kartinki. 5 vole•, St. Petersburg, 1881• Maria-Gabriele Wosien - 978-3-95479-358-7 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/11/2019 09:48:22AM via free access In th• eighteenth century th• original folk-ta l••, vhich hitherto had been only related o ra llj and had been handed down for centurie• fro■ one generation to the next, entered literature• In their menőire ■ап/ writers have testified to the r i ohne •8 of the folk-tale tradition s till remaining at the beginning of the nineteenth century at a ll social levele.* Folk-tale themes began to be used extensively by w riters of the 2 early decades of the nineteenth century, notably by Pushkin, Zhukovsky and Oogol• Influenced by their w ritings, there began the movement for the reappraisal of the national folk tradition which reaohed its climax during the Soviet period. Tot, as an artistio creation in its own right, the folk-tale began to be appreciated only later in the nineteenth century, when it started to attract not only the general public but became of interest to scholars as well•^ The basis for serious research was oreated with the publication of A. H• Afanas'yev's collection of over six hun- 4 dred Bueelan folk-tale•• This was an event as important for Russia as had been the appearance of the Kinder- und Hausmaer- chen of the brothers Orimm• Afanas 1 yev had collected the tales from a variety of sources• Only ten he had recorded himselfs the remainder came from private oolleotione, especially from that of V. 1• Bal 1 and from the archives of the Rueeian Imperial Geographical Society. This •oolety, which sponsored Afanas'yev's work, had been organised in 1646 and soon had ■any branches in various parte of th• oountry. Their publica- tlon of the firs t ■ajor collection initiated a new phase in the study of folklore• Hot only did it stimulate interest in the fo lk tradition, but it also marked the beginning of exteneive oolleoting, oareful editing and gathering of information about folk art and byt in general.
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