- r , EDISON DRIVE MAIRE HARHEE MGMICP0l1/ERCOMPARUe avausra. unine o< ass d{ (207) 623-3521 O July 27, 1984 MN-84-136 GDW-84-183 Region I United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement 631 Park Avenue King of _ Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Attention: Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Regional Administrator References: (a) License No. DPR-36 (Docket No. 50-309) (b) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated May 23, 1984 Inspection No. 50-309/84-05 (c) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated March 12, 1982 Maine Yankee Emergency Plan Evaluation Report (d) MYAPCo Letter to USNRC dated August 12, 1982 (MN-82-161) Response to EPER Subject: Response to Inspection Report No. 50-309/84-05 Emergency Plan Inspection Gentlemen: Please find enclosed Maine Yankee's detailed response to each of the open items contained in Reference (b). Thirteen of the 19 open items are based on a review and evaluation of our 1982 response, Reference (d), to the Emergency Plan Evaluation Report (EPER), Reference (c), while the remainder are concerned with inspection findings. As you will see when you review our responses, we have not in all cases found we could agree completely with the instructions for changes stated in the "open item". In these cases we have set forth our preferred action and attempted to explain why our alternative is justified. We trust this will be satisfactory, but we would welcome further discussion on any areas where we might,not yet have satisfied your intent or purpose. Page changes to the Maine Yankee Emergency Plan, to address each of the applicable open' items, are, enclosed to help you in your review. Additional copies of page changes to the Emergency Plan will be sent under separate cover pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(q), via our controlled document distribution system. 8503260330 840727 PDR ADOCK 05000309 1 (p O % 3217L-SDE i i & p- - MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY . f ~ United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page Two -Attention: Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Regional: Administrator MN-84-183 We trust the information prohided in the enclosed response and the revisions to the Emergency Plan will be satisfactory. Very truly yours, MAIrE YAM (EE ATOMIC P0iER COWANY Sfeldkh G. D. Whittier {o< Licensing Section Head GDWbjp - Enclosures: Response to NRC Inspection Report (8 Pages) Page Revisions to Maine Yankee Emergency Plan (31 Pages) cc: Mr. James R. Miller Mr. Cornelius F. Holden , 3217L-SDE < wr , - . , . MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY .. MAllE YAWEE ATOMIC POER COWANY ~ : RESPONSE TO MC INSPECTION REPORT 50-309/84-05 L4.1. (0 pen) 150-309/84-05-01 Expand Figure 6.7,-Volume- II to include MVAPC- interrelationships-with private sector organizations'and offsite' . support services, e.g., NSSS cupplier, architectural engineer, etc. -(Appendix C, item A.1). ~ Response:' - Figure- 5.4, Emergency Organization, of the Maine Yankee Emergency : Plan _already identifies Maine Yankee's interrelationships with private and offsite response organizations. We believe Figure 6.7 is adequate and there is no need to revise it. I 4.2 '(0 pen) 50-309/84-05-02 Identify in Volume II the organization (s) that has.the primary responsibility for activation of the Public Emergency LAlerting System for providing emergency information to the public. ~(Appendix C, item A.2).- Response: We have reconsidered the need for this information in the facility , portion of the Maine Yankee Emergency Plan and conclude that there is simply.no benefit to be gained by reproducing this in Volume II ~because it's already covered in Section 4 of Volume I-(State Plan). - - 4.3 : -(0 pen).50-309/84-05-03 Show which onsite. personnel (backshift) and augmentation personnel are qualified to' perform the tasks associated * with performance of.the functions' listed on_pages 5.5 and 5.6 of Volume II and clarify the language of section 5.3,-paragraph 2. (Appendix C, item B.2.) Response: Table 6-1, referenced on page 5.3 o'f the plan, depicts the specific -task assignments for each major emergency response function for minimum and augmented shift conditions. The wording of paragraph 2 of Section 5.3 has been clarified. .44 (0 pen) 50-309/84-05-04 Revise the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) in . the Plan to address observable and symptomic indicators (e.g., instrument readings, equipment status indications, alarm annunciators) necessary to characterize initiating conditions. (Appendix C, item 0.1). 3217L-SOE' . ~ . ' ' ' MAINE YANMEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY . _ -2- s ~ Response: # - Maine Yankee's'~ Emergency Action Levels (EALs)'were revised in , December, 1982 in' response to Reference (c). The EALs contain measurable / observable indications of instruments or system parameter . values where applicable.. ' As agreed to by'Mr. Gordon during the . ' inspection, page 4.2 of the Emergency Plan has been revised to . reference the EAL Table in'the Declaration and Categorization of' , ' - ' Emergency Condition procedure which contains measurable / observable . indications to characterize initiating conditions. : Maine. Yankee's EALs adequately characterize the applicable initiating conditions for the four emergency event classifications and contain observable indications where. warranted. No revision to the EALs in the, emergency plan,is necessary. -. 4.5 -(Open) 50-309/84-05-05 Describe the step (s) in the protective action A decision making process' leading to the activation of the Public Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) and transmission of emergency information to, demonstrate that public notification decision making and activation of the public information system will be accomplished 'promptly. .(Appendix C, item E.4). Response: The activation of the Public Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) is' . independent-of the protective action decision-making process. 'Page 6.8 of the plan has been revised to describe the activation of' -the Public Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) by the Maine State Police upon verification of a Site Area or General Emergency from the Maine Yankee control room. This includes calling for notifict. tion by the * - 1 Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) stations and NOAA weather radio for transmitting initial emergency messages and instructions to the ~ .public.- , 4.6 (Open)'50-309/84-05-06 Specify in the Plan or reference by procedure ~ >^ - the organizational titles and alternates for both ends of the communication links which would be involved in initiating emergency - . response actions.. (Appendix C, item F.1). Response: Page 6.7 'of the emergency plan has.been revised to indicate the :priman and alternate organizational position responsible to initiate notifying the Maine. State Police of 'an emergency. 4 A 9 0 * 3217L-SOE , S " MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY ' . , --3- .4.7- |(0 pen) 50-309/84-05-07- Indicate that the Operations Support Center 1will-include. respiratory and communications ' equipment as identified - in Criterion H.9 of MJREG-0654.. (Appendix C, item H.8). ' ' -Response:- , ' : Table 7-2 has'been revised to indicate the respiratory equipment |available for'use by the' Operations Support Center personnel. OSC ~ . repair-teams use whatever communications equipment-is appropriate and : available. ~4.8- (Open);50-309/84-05-08 Provide for a central point for the receipt and analysis of all field monitoring data or coordination of sample media to include that provided by State, local, and site efforts (Appendix C,~1 tem H.10). 1 : Response: ' " Th15"is already-addressed on pages'6.15 through 6.17 of the Maine . Yankee Emergency Plan. The plan currently. describes the EOF as the central point:for coordinating field survey results; no plan changes are necessary.- ' ;4.9' '(Open) 50-309/84-05-09 Describe or reference by procedure the method used for determining release rates / projected doses when instruments (effluent and containment) used for dose assessment are inoperable or r offscale-(Appendix C, item I.3). : Response: Page'6.14 of the Emergency Plan has.been revised to reference the procedure entitled " Evaluation of Radiological Data". 4.10 (0 pen) 50-309/84-05-10 Provide a detailed description of the provisions for rapid dose' assessment, addressing the items specified in Criterion I.8 of NUREG-0654. (Appendix C, item I.4). Response: ' As agreed during the inspection, page 6.15 of the Emergency Plan has ' ' been revised to reference the Emergency Off-Site Radiation Monitoring Procedure. Aspects 'of on-site radiological assessments are addressed in Section 6.3.2 of the Emergency Plan and detailed in Procedure 2.50.7, Emergency On-Site Radiation Monitoring Procedure. 4 4.11' (0 pen) 50-309/84-05-11 Describe or reference by procedure the ; e provisions for distribution of self-reading and permanent record < dosimeters to emergency workers including off-site personnel'(NRC, State,etc.). (Appendix C, item K.2). , ;3217L-LUE' . _ MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY . -4- . Response:- , , , . , "EmergencyRadiationExhosureControl"orocedure,whichprovides guidance on~ exposure control and specifys the dosimetry requirements for. emergency. response persomel,; including non-employees, has been referenced on page,6.24 'of the Emergency Plan. 4.12 l(0 pen) 50-309/84-05-12 Describe the formal training program provided . to each of the categories set forth in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, IV.F.a.-l. This should include training'on operations under accident conditions'(e.g., special radiological protection considerations) as well as general emergency training and specialized emergency training (Appendix C, item 0.4). Response: ' Section'8.1.2 of the Emergency Plan has been revised to provide a brief description of.the Emergency Plan Training Program. 4.13 (0 pen) 50-309/84-05-13 Describe how revised Plan pages for inclusion of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures will be noted in accordance .with 10 CFR.50, Appendix E, V. (Appendix C, item P.3). Response: Page 8.10 of the Emergency Plan has been revised accordingly.
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