PARISH OFFICE: 1318 N. Acacia Ave, 1316 N. Acacia Ave, Fullerton, CA 92831-1202 Fullerton, CA 92831-1202 Phone: 714-879-1965 Fax: 714-526-6673 Website: www.stjulianacatholiccommunity.org Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm Friday, 9:00am to 12:00 Noon SCHOOL 1320 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-871-2829 FAX: 714-871-8465 PASTOR Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. DEACON Bill Schlater - (retired) PHONE: 714-992-1388 DEACON Gerhard P. Stadel PHONE: 714-870-5714 DEACON Chuck Doidge PHONE: 714-879-1965 VISION & MISSION STATEMENTS The vision of St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Community is to live as a people of God with Christ at the center of our lives through liturgy, faith formation MASS SCHEDULE and community. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00am & 5:00pm - 12:45pm Deaf Community Mass Our mission is to be a Saturday: 8:00am & 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) welcoming family dedicated to Weekdays: 6:30am and 8:00am Adoration: Last day of the month proclaiming the gospel, Holy Days of Obligation: 6:30am, 8:00am and 7:00pm ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION ~ First Saturday of the Month after 8am Mass celebrating the Sacraments, RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS ~ Saturday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm educating, serving, and providing opportunity BAPTISM ~ Celebrated the 2nd Sunday of the month at 2:30pm. for all to enrich their faith. Please phone the Parish Office, either before or shortly after the birth of the child, to schedule a baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Catechesis. MARRIAGE ~ Couples planning to be married should contact a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before scheduling a date for their wedding. Page Two THE PARISH AS ONE BODY “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’ Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary . Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. “ (1 Cor. 12:17-25) The Seven Essenal Elements of Parish Life constantly interrelate, each nurturing and supporng the other with the communal celebraon of Sunday Eucharist at the center. LEADERSHIP EVANGELIZATION Pastor Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Catholics Come Home Shawn Graham 714-572-8232 Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 Parochial Vicar Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Communicaons Deacon Bill Schlater - rered 714-992-1388 Constant Contact Jan Young Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 Website [email protected] 714-879-1965 Deacon Chuck Doidge 714-879-1965 Vocaons John McElligo 714-871-7182 Pastoral Council Ken Boucher 714-524-8436 [email protected] Welcoming & Jenni Minardi 714-996-0992 School Principal Manuel Gonzales, Jr. 714-871-2829 Belonging/Outreach Director of Faith Michael McHenry 714-879-1965 WORD (Faith Formaon) Formaon [email protected] Adult Educaon Michael McHenry 714-879-1965 Facility Manager Mark Augusn 714-261-5167 [email protected] Bapsm Judy Allen 714-773-0812 [email protected] Children’s Liturgy Michael McHenry 714-879-1965 Business Manager Suzanne Wulff 714-879-1965 Confirmaon/HSYM Kerry & Maura Condon 714-680-7736 Parish Secretary Susan Lazuka 714-879-1965 [email protected] Safe Environment Vicki Delaney 714-879-1965 Jr. High Youth Ministry Sco Kambak 714-870-5908 STEWARDSHIP Grades 7-8 Advancement Rick Price 714-871-4514 RCIA (Rite of Chrisan RCIA Team 714-879-1965 Iniaon of Adults) Stewardship David Hoferer 714-961-2845 School of Religious Michael McHenry 714-879-1965 Educaon Grades 1-8 [email protected] LITURGY Parish Office 714-879-1965 St. Juliana School Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Principal 714-871-2829 School Parent Club Megan Shank 714-330-9182 Altar Servers Bob Cardinali 714-525-8958 [email protected] Don Stelluto Sunday School 9 a.m. Julianna Tapia 714-345-4901 Deaf Community Nancy Lopez 714-547-0824 [email protected] Liturgical Environment Catherine Haydon 714-879-1965 COMMUNITY Altar Care Mariana Meurer 714-870-7524 BSA Religious Emblems Tomas Franceschi 714-287-2926 Eucharisc Ministers Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 Exercise Class Bernadee Gilwee 714-680-5439 Lector Training Vern Meurer 714-870-7524 Fall Fesval John & Maureen Kohaut 714-713-5295 Music Director Todd Helm 714-528-4690 Mary’s Journey Nina Viscon 714-624-4799 [email protected] Nina.Viscon11gmail.com Organist & Cantors Claudia Kellogg 714-402-5404 Men’s Retreat Terry Reinbold 714-345-8000 Sunday 11am Mass Joan Wismer 714-336-5522 Women’s Retreat Catherine Haydon 714-931-6224 Youth Band (Sun., 5pm) Phi Tran 657-206-7640 NAIM Support Group Mary Joyce 714-526-1627 [email protected] (Widows / Widowers) Mary Gin Chaille 714-526-4926 Special Needs Ministry Andrea West 714-282-3039 Newman Club (Chaplain) Fr. Mark Aaron Riomalos 714-353-5001 Usher Kirk Heide 714-553-0762 (College Students) [email protected] (President) Gino Valderrama 949-394-3447 SERVICE [email protected] [email protected] Bereavement Linda Kelley 714-871-8661 Prayer Chain Rita Semple 714-879-1492 Breda Marn 714-309-1606 Knights of Columbus Brian Burley 714-738-8036 [email protected] Order of Secular Servants Dave & Heather Lazaro Respect Life Barbara Legas 714-870-4214 of Mary (O.S.S.M.) 714-579-7655 Spiritual Partners In Care Doris Chiarea 714-526-6856 Small Chrisan Communies Barbara Dieerle 714-525-2208 St. Vincent DePaul Paul Durning 714-879-8721 Y.L.I. Catholic Women Debbie Shimaoka 714-441-0446 FROM THE PASTOR May 4, 2014 Most Catholics here in Orange County one of the most traveled world leaders ever logging nearly 700,000 and throughout our country and world miles in 27 years. will recall Divine Mercy, Second Sunday of Easter 2014 as the historic date when He became the first Slavic pope in 1978. In his inaugural prayer, he two modern day popes were canonized at said, “Christ, make me…the servant of your sweet power.” He also the same time and will be honored in the spoke the words of Jesus, “Be not afraid,” a central message of his private and public prayer life of the Uni- papacy. versal Church for all time. What is strik- Between ordination to the priesthood in 1946 and consecration as a ing about Pope Francis’ decision to offi- Bishop in 1958, Pope John Paul II finished two doctorates, served in cially recognize Pope John XXIII and several Krakow parishes, and was a university chaplain and semi- Pope John Paul II as saints of the Church nary professor. An active outdoorsman, he favored hiking, kayaking, is how he proposed to honor two very different political and spiritu- skiing, and camping. Among his many achievements : 1) He deliv- al leaders in a way that would ultimately unite the faithful often ered of over 129 lectures on the Theology of the Body and wrote the characterized as “conservative” and “liberal.” Both leaders (Saints) first of 12 encyclicals, “Redeemer of Mankind”; 2) Survived two governed the Church in very different times and with dissimilar attempts on his life; 3) Introduced the new Code of Canon Law; 4) leadership styles. Initiated World Youth Day; 5) Made the first official visit to a syna- Pope St. John XXIII, upon his election to the papacy on October gogue; 6) Presented the Catechism of the Catholic Church; 7) Re- 28, 1959, became the first pope in almost 100 years to make pasto- leased Crossing the Threshold of Hope, the first of five books as ral visits around his home diocese of Rome. He visited the sick and pope; 8) Was the first pope to enter a mosque and 9) added the Lu- infirm, and when he dropped in on a prison he announced to those minous Mysteries to the rosary. incarcerated, “You could not come to me, so I came to you.” During his 26 years as pope, John Paul II highlighted countless ex- John was a tireless advocate for peace, and he understood that last- amples of holiness by proclaiming 1,338 blesseds and canonizing ing peace could never come about without courageous leaders. As 482 saints. In 1994, he beatified Gianna Beretta Molla, who sacri- Bishop he assisted Jewish refugees and other endangered groups in ficed her life to carry a difficult pregnancy to term, and ten years their attempts to flee the Nazis. He called all mankind to work for later he canonized her. Pope John Paul’s canonization of Saint Gian- peace through civil dialogue and respect for human rights. na has particular significance because when his own mother was pregnant with him, doctors thought she had no chance of giving On October 11, 1962, at the end of the opening day of the Second birth to a live child, so they advised her to terminate the pregnancy. Vatican Council, the people of Rome gathered in Saint Peter’s But like Gianna she remained dedicated to her unborn child and square and chanted for John to appear. He came forth and gave an carried the baby Karol (Pope John II) to term. impromptu speech and said: “All the world is represented here tonight. It could even be said that even the moon hastens close Pope St.
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