Rollins College Rollins Scholarship Online Rollins Magazine Marketing and Communications Winter 1929 Rollins Alumni Record, December 1929 Rollins College Office ofa M rketing and Communications Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarship.rollins.edu/magazine Recommended Citation Rollins College Office of Marketing and Communications, "Rollins Alumni Record, December 1929" (1929). Rollins Magazine. Paper 64. http://scholarship.rollins.edu/magazine/64 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at Rollins Scholarship Online. It has been accepted for inclusion in Rollins Magazine by an authorized administrator of Rollins Scholarship Online. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROLLIN ALUMNI RECORD IN THIS ISSUE Pag* The First Rollins Reunion, by F. L. Lewton, x95 1 What is an Alumnus? by Rex Beach, '97 1 Golden Personalities of the Past: Dr. Baker, by George M. Ward 2 The Glittering Quartet, by Robert P. Oldham, x97 Edward W. Rollins Passes On 3 Writing the History of Rollins 4 Rollins in News of Day 6 Continuing Intellectual Relations 7 On the Shores of Lake Virginia 8 The Rollins Student Body, by Dean Anderson 9 Sports, by C. E. Ward, '23 11 Spurs by Class Secretaries 13 The Alumni Office Says 22 Advertisements Volume VI DECEMBER, 1929 Number 4 Published quarterly by the Alumni Association of Rollins College, Rex Beach, '97, President, Winter Park, Florida. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF ROLLINS COLLEGE (Founded by Clara Louise Guild, '90, in 1898) To keep alive the friendliness and democracy of the Rollins campus; to disseminate in- formation about Rollins and Rollins people; to intensify and organize the loyalty of former students and to direct this loyalty in ways that will best further the progress of Rollins College. OFFICERS REX BEACH, '97, President CHARLES A. NOONE, '10, Vice-President KATHARINE LEWIS, '27, Asst. Secretary A. J. HANSA, '17, Executive Secretary F. H. WARD, '21, Treasurer LILLIAN WILMOT FISHBACK, X()7, Chairman Social Committee ALUMNI TRUSTEES F. J. FRANK, '96 T. W. LAWTON, '03 J. K. DORN, '97 D. A. CHENEY, X09 H. A. WARD, x95 ALUMNI COUNCIL OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION, CLASS SECRETARIES and R. W. GREENE, '23, Chairman JOHN H. NEVILLE, X98 FRANK J. BOOTH, '07 RUTH AMY SEBRINO, '25 VIRGINIA DAVIS, '25, Chairman, Social Committee LIFE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION M. A. BRETOS F. P. ENSMINOER F. J. FRANK NANNIE HARRIS GEOTTE SUSAN GLADWIN CLARA LOUISE GUILD A. J. HANNA T. W. LAWTON E. E. MISSILDINE HARRY A. NICKERSON MABELLE O'NEAL MYRA WILLIAMS MARGARET BURLEICH VAUGHN VARSITY CLUB (AH letter men) President: C. A. Boycr >25 East Central Avenue, Orlando, Fla. Vice-President: J. H. Neville Walville, Wash. Secretary-Treasurer: O. L. Sutliff... ..Winter Park, Fla. DIRECTORY OF ROLLINS CLUBS BOSTON : Honorary President: Dr. George M. Ward President: Eleanor Sprague, x25 Robt. Breck Bingham Hospital, Boston, Mass. Vice-President: George L. Benedict, x02 201 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Secretary-Treasurer: Madeline Appleby... 36 Florence Ave., Norwood, Mass. CHICAGO: Honorary President: Louis Boisot President: Robert Sedgwick, X23-. .159 Ravine Drive, Highland Park, 111. Vice-President: Walter S. Flentye, x96... 919 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. Secretary: Ruth Stagg Lauren, x24 8159 Cornell Avenue, Chicago, 111. CUBA : President: Eulogio Gonzalez, xoo Box 986, Havana, Cuba DAYTONA BEACH : President: Rev. C. Arthur Lincoln, xOl Daytona Beach, Fla. FORT MYERS: President: M. Flossie Hill, x01_ _ _. Fort Myers, Fla. Vice-President: Paul Hilliard, '28 Fort Myers, Fla. Secretary-Treasurer: Sara E. Muriel, '18 2110 Royal Palm Ave., Fort Myers, Fla. JACKSONVILLE : Rev. Guy Frazer, '06 -327 Hendricks Ave., South Jacksonville, Fla. Jane Axtell Payne, xio... 2015 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Secretary: Gertrude Davies, x22 .2240 Post St., Jacksonville, Fla. Treasurer: Dr. James B. Parramore, X09-. St. James BIdg., Jacksonville, Fla. MIAMI : Honorary President: George E. Merrick President: J. K. Dorn, '97_ _P. O. Box 1484, Miami, Fla. Vice-President: Jack Baldwin, xl4 _ ..Congress Bldg. Miami, Fla. Secretary: Curtis T. Atkisson, '24-_ ...Florida Power & Light Co., Miami, Fla. Treasurer: Fred Vanderpool, x07 Vanderpool BIdg., Miami, Fla. NEW YORK : President: Fritz J. Frank, '96 239 West 39th Street, New York City Vice-President: Rose Powers Van Cleve, x25 1 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Secretary: F. A. Swain. x96. 239 West 39th Street, New York City Treasurer: Frank W. Palmer, '23 -.191 Broadway, N. Y. OHIO: Honorary President: Mrs. Stevenson Burke President: Smith Fletcher, x2.i 1121 Ridgewood Ave., Lakewood, Ohio Vice-President: J. C. Teare, x24 3389 Dorchester Road, Cleveland, Ohio Secretary: Ruth McKec Bonstcel, x22 3133 Cliadbourne Road, Cleveland, Ohio Treasurer: Marcia Converse Bower, '24 2589 Colchester Road, Cleveland, Ohio ORIENT: President: Clella Avery Shannon, '14 Box 436, c/o Socony, Manila, P. I. Vice-President: Mable Daniels, '18 ..Golden Castle Girls College, Nazoya, Japan Secretary: Rebecca Caldwell, x25... Sllllman Institute, Dumague, P. I. Treasurer: Jack W. Shannon, '11 Box 436, c/o Socony, Manila, P. 1. TAMPA : President: C. W. Lawrence, Jr., x25 .... 1st National Bank Bldg. Tampa, Fla. Vice-President: Carrie Price Greene, '99 ... ...Bay Shore Blvd., Tampa, Fla. Secretary: Margaret McKay, '24 -824 South Orleans Avenue, Tampa, Fla. Treasurer: James F. Taylor, x96 Citizens Bank Bldg., Tampa, Fla. THE ROLLINS COLLEGE ALUMNI RECORD Established 1918 Published Quarterly EDITORIAL STAFF A. J. HANNA, '17, Editor KATTTARINE LEWIS, '27, Associate Editor Printed quarterly by The Rollins Press at Winter Park, Florida. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Winter Park, Florida, under the Act of March 3, 1879. MEMBER OF: National Editorial Association, South Florida Press Association, Florida Press Association and American Alumni Council, an Association of the men and women in charge of Alumni work at the leading Colleges and Universities of the United States, Canada and Newfoundland. Subscription: $1.00 per year. Free to those who contribute to the Rollins Loyalty Fund. Editorial Comment THE FIRST ROLLINS Mahoney, met in the corridors of captured and capitalized for the REUNION Hotel Endeavor on the lake shore at benefit of the college exchequer. To By FREDERICK L. LEWTON, X95 Windsor Park, on June 25th. the world at large he is what Horace By the Fourth of July the fol- Greely must have had in mind when lowing came to the rendezvous to he referred to all college graduates ^Y^HAT is believed to have been as "horned cattle." rj \j the first of a long succession meet Miss Root: Stuart Crawford, In the pilgrimages I have made to ^^ of reunions of Rollins stu- Emma and Walter Mahoney, Ida Missildine, Albert Barrows, Arch Rollins, I have observed a noticeable dents, at a point other than Winter change has come over it. The old Park, was held on the Fourth of Shaw, Adolph Hempel, Fred Lew- ton and William Ingraham, the lat- game of outwitting the common ene- July, 1893, on the grounds of the ter superintendent of the buildings my, the professor, which we played Columbian Exposition, more gener- with youthful gusto, seems to have ally known as the Chicago World's and grounds at Rollins and known to few except by his first name. become unpopular. Instead is a con- Fair. Other and more largely attended re- ference plan of study, where the stu- The center of the group which unions in later years have been much dents are on good terms with their assembled in Chicago on this occa- enjoyed, but none left such lasting teachers, discussing with freedom sion was one of the beloved teachers impressions as the First Rollins Re- and with high intelligence this seri- of those early days at Rollins Col- union. ous business of fitting themselves for lege, Miss Eva J. Root. Her home a useful and congenial occupation. I was in Hinsdale, Michigan, and as have a deep conviction that the ex- WHAT IS AN ALUMNUS? soon as she announced the date when ercise of common sense in education- she expected to visit the World's al methods and a greater independ- By REX BEACH, '97 Fair letters were sent to her friends ence of thought on the part of the DOT until I returned to Rollins and former pupils suggesting that students, as illustrated at Rollins, College for my 30th reunion will result in a tremondous thinning all who were coming to the "big and was elected President of out of that useless, wasteful, tragic show" arrange, if possible, to reg- the Rollins Alumni Association did I standing army of misfits and fail- ister in the Michigan Building dur- stop to think what an alumnus is or ures, and result in the production of ing the week beginning July 1, 1893. what he stands for. an alumnus entirely worthy of that The principal Rollins exhibit was I assume he stands for something good Latin name. shown in the booth devoted to the in the romantic eyes of the under- educational work undertaken by the graduates, but I don't know just Congregational Church, but as this what. To the professors, he is the All Rollins Alumni will regret to place was not as convenient nor as arch-enemy of their teachings in the learn that Dr. Blackman suffered a sociable as the parlors provided in classroom partly because he is a hor- stroke during the early part of Nov- the state buildings, the Michigan rible example of what education ember. Dr. Blackman has been con- Building was named as the rallying actually accomplishes when allowed fined to his bed since that time but point. Three were already in town to take its course, and partly because as the RECORD goes to press we are when the writer of this "Review" he is likely to run to reminiscences glad to say that his condition is im- arrived in Chicago from the east: and dwell too vividly upon his own proving daily.
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