Pigskin peerage Duke meets the Rutgei weekend at Wallace W preview on page 19. THFRIDAY. SEPTEMBEER 13 , 199CHRONICL1 E DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL 87, NO. 11 Dean of Graduate School calls for reallocation of tuition By MATT STEFFORA School. Graduate student tuition sion for the school to solicit con­ ees meets in December, Siegel Roy Weintraub. The dean of the Graduate money now goes to the school of tributions from its alumni, some­ said he hoped the new budgeting The plan has not yet been School announced a plan that each student's field of study, such thing the University now prohib­ structure could be brought before brought before the council's ex­ would give the Graduate School as engineering, the arts and sci­ its it from doing. the board at its Sept. 27 meeting. ecutive committee, which usually greater control over its budget, at ences or medicine. The formula would also recover Siegel's timetable met opposi­ reviews such proposals before the year's first Academic Council The change will help the Gradu­ the portion of tuition money not tion from some council members, extensive discussion and voting meeting Wednesday. ate School to break even, Siegel used directly for graduate stu­ who said the proposal needs more by the full council. Lewis Siegel, the school's newly said. New budgeting procedures dent fellowships, which in 1991- time to be discussed. "[Siegel] should come back in a appointed dean, said his plan, the call for each school within the 92 totals about $460,000, Siegel "I just can't come back for a year's time after he's been dean Graduate School Comprehensive University to have a balanced said. vote in any time for a September for a year," Shaughnessy said. Formula, would allocate gradu­ budget every year. Tuition increases would be kept 27 Board of Trustees meeting," "This needs a thorough ventila­ ate student tuition income "100 Currently, the surpluses in to a minimum, while graduate said council member Edward tion in many other places outside percent for fellowship support." some schools are used to balance student application and registra­ Shaughnessy, professor of me­ this room." The formula would funnel all the deficits of others. tion fees could rise to make up chanical engineering. Shaughnessy raised concerns money the University receives In 1991-92 the Graduate additional shortfalls. "The Academic Council Execu­ about whether the Graduate from graduate students, includ­ School's expenses will exceed its Because the Graduate School' tive Committee is not in the in­ School dean could make better ing tuition, application and regis­ revenues by about $730,000. must announce its budget for terest of rushing votes through monetary decisions than the tration fees, to the Graduate The proposal calls for permis­ 1992-93 when the Board of Trust- this council," said council chair See COUNCIL on page 15 • Gar broken City, county come one into; cameras catch culprits step closer to merger By MICHAEL SAUL By BARRY PERLMAN and a merger plan. Durham residents Michael JENNY TIEDEMAN Consolidating the two admin­ John Winstead and Shawn The Durham County Board of istrations will make more funds Jermaine McKellar were arrested Commissioners came one step available for the school system, Thursday on a charge of breaking closer to a finalized plan for a said Ellen Reckhow, county com­ and entering a motor vehicle that city-county merged school system missioner. The main goal of the was parked on West Campus. at their meeting Wednesday merger is "to improve the quality A security officer who was moni­ night. of education in Durham County," toring the intramural parking lot The commissioners adopted a she said. via TV cameras based in Card plan that would aivide Durham The two districts, with a com­ Gym alleged that the suspects County into seven districts under bined enrollment of 26,000 stu­ had first surrounded a white a combined city-county school dents, are unequal in racial and Mercury Merkur, and then one of system. Each district would elect financial terms. them shattered the window on a single representative to the Minorities comprise 90 percent the passenger's side, said Chief board ofthe new school system. of the enrollment in the city Robert Dean of Duke Public This decision eliminated a large schools but only 35 percent in the Safety. hurdle in the plan to merge the county system. One of the men reportedly en­ Durham city and county schools. Financially, the city schools tered the vehicle, but when Pub­ Under the plan, three of the dis­ receive approximately $300 per lic Safety arrived on the scene tricts would have a black major­ student more than the county both men were trying to leave the ity, unlike other proposals offered schools. Commissioner Becky scene in their own vehicle, Dean GREG PAZIAN0S/THE CHRONICLE that included at-large represen­ Heron said she hopes that the said. tatives. merger will have an equalizing "We didn't mean to do it," Praying to the porcelain god Merging the two systems has effect. Winstead said. "In a way, it was This student seems to have started the weekend a little been discussed for years, and in "The problem Twith the merger] an accident." early. May we suggest some Pepto-Bismol? January the county commission­ is we honestly don't know what See BREAK-IN on page 18 • ers ordered the systems, to devise See MERGER on page 10 • Durham police form task force to combat rising area crime This unit plans to focus on long- By STEPHEN HIEL term solutions rather than the The Durham Police Depart­ number of arrests, said Lt. Paul ment is creating a special unit to Martin, the appointed head ofthe help combat the surging tide of unit. Crime in Durham crime in the city. Police are developing plans for A new task force, called the the task force while Durham con­ change since Jan-Jul 1990 Crime Area Target Team, plans tinues to experience an increase to hit the streets by Oct. 1, said in nearly every category of crimi­ robbery f 74.7% Lt. Col. Harold Fletcher, a team nal activity, especially violent crimes Jan-Jul 1990 s member. The unit will consist of a crime. rape I 51.6% lieutenant, a sergeant and nine The total number of crimes for aggravated assault if 30.4% veteran officers. the first six months of this year murder 4*25% Team members will work to­ rose 7.2 percent, compared with the same period in 1990. Murders 5,885 gether as a single unit. This unit arson f 118.2% plans to "go into an area and stick had been down for the first half of burglary fl8% / with it" until it has eliminated the year, but seven homicides in the causes of a given problem, July caused that statistic to rise crimes Jan-Jul 1991 larceny i3.2%" Fletcher said. After taking the as well. motor vehicle theft f .3% time to address the problems in Drug abuse may be the single one high-crime area, the team greatest cause ofthe crime wave. violent crimes f 46.9% will move to another. "The increase in crime has a property crimes This approach differs from most direct bearing on the arrival of 6,310 f3.9% patrols, which respond to so many crack cocaine in Durham," Sarvis crime total f 7.2% different calls that they can pro­ said. "We didn't really have a prob- vide only a temporary fix, he said. See CRIME on page 18 • SOURCE: DURHAM POLICE DEPT STEVEN HEIST/THE CHRONICLE PAGE2 iHE''CHi*0'NiCLfe FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1991 World and National Newsfile Bush demands delayed debate over Israel Associated Press By R. W. APPLE were working against him, he said. Buried allVeiThe U.S. forces that N.Y. Times News Service "I've worn out the telephone," Bush said, burst through the trenches and mine WASHINGTON — Speaking in unusu­ describing himself as "one lonely little guy fields of Iraq's front line in the Per­ ally vehement terms, President Bush de­ down here" facing a hostile horde. sian Gulf War buried enemy forces manded again on Thursday that Congress The loan guarantees have become a pri­ alive as the Army plows crushed the delay debate on Israel's request for $10 ority issue for Israel because it faces dire earthworks, the Pentagon said billion in loan guarantees and threatened problems in finding housingfor the 350,000 Thursday. to use his veto to block any early congres­ Soviet Jews who have arrived in the last sional action on the matter. few years and the 1 million more who may Lenin iced: In a temperature-con­ At a hurriedly scheduled news confer­ emigrate to Israel in the future. Israel trolled room lined with imported ence, the president clearly raised the like­ intended to ask for the American help in wooden cabinets, the brain of lihood of a bitter dispute with Israel and March, but because the Persian Gulf war Vladimir Lenin lies in 30,000 slices. its supporters in this country by asserting had just ended it agreed to put off the that the request for loan guarantees to request until September. U.S. jaiiS Worsen: Over the past help build housing for Soviet immigrants The administration, involved in trying 10 years, conditions in Soviet pris­ should not be considered now because the to get a peace conference started in Octo­ ons have improved while those in world stood "on the brink of a historic ber, has asked that Congress not debate the United States have gotten worse, breakthrough" that could lead to direct the issue until the middle of next January the U.S.
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