uin moicmm. onrcoxiAX, rnin.vY, may 21 iioo. tpht n n'nnirw'Q 1 swine I rivfin1m 11 14 U UMILII U - 11 14 UlinilL Washingtoniuih. 3 1J 15 MUCH LARGER IHfrolt 5; Philadelphia 3. DETROIT. May S). Today's gam gave Muliln his seventh stralgnt victory- - Trie X score: " R-- WHAT tfULLAM MUST R.H.E.' E. DO Detroit S 1 .Philadelphia ..3 Confessor Managed Fight Batteries Muliln and Stanag: Planlc. & My task is simply this: I t Vickers. Dygert. Thomas and LIvingaton. Ladies' Wichert Gardner Ladies' Laird- - & Schober With and Got bought this year's stock for Johnson Washington S; Cleveland X. Up to $6.00 Values $2.50 Values Up to $4.00 Most of Money. CLEVELAND. May 20. Washington de- this whole store; since tnen I $6.00 feated Cleveland In ten Innings today. These ar high .but- The score: , Every lady knows find I give must up half of the vax- - v R.H.E-- I R.H.E. Wichert & Gardner ton and laced, Cleveland 2 2 Washington . 7 I space. Approximately ioux kids pat- Batteries Joss and Easterly; Johnson Shoes knows them half 'and EACH SAYS HE WAS VICTOR and Street. qualities the stock must go and what ents. Some Wichert for the that & Gardners at same Chicago 12; Boston 3. appeal to the careful this will cost me goes to you redactions also with CHICAGO. May 20. Chicago broke dressing woman. The these, including one White Man Gets $8875 its losing streak by overwhelming Bos- in reductions if you help me. and Black ton today- - . Score: same quality is in line of superb tans. oily $50 0 0 Johnson Going to R. II. E--! R. H. E. lot as made Is this fair? It certainly seems Chicago 12 15 l.lBonton ... 3 7 5. this the Plain and embellish- England Before Fight Batteries Smith and Owens; Morgan. names famous years so to me. ed styles, the very Chech and Carrigan. v With Ketchel. ago, hand turned acme of "quality and soles, French heels, You St. Loots 2; New York 1. W. J. FULLAM know these brands, ST. LOUIS. May 20. St-- Louis today the makers' standard briefly, we might say PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. May 20 I3p. won the second game of the series $5.00 to $6.00 lines. Alteration P. S. Every shoe clal. It became known today that It wa from New York. Score: Qn Cfl ladies' in the that better shoes ars Jack O'Brien who really engineered R- - H- - E-- ! sale price lam R H. E. .if house is reduced. not made in America, Alteration Sale . nighfe bout with Jack Johnson, not the St. Louis.. 5 l.lNew Tork 2. Price National Athletic Club. and that the Batteries Waddell and Stevena;15 white man made the big end of the Brocket and Blair. profit. Johnson, as lie expected, did get for hia work, but he did not know-tha- t Every Lady Can Choose a Pair of These O'Brien waa paying him that sum BARCLAY IS CHAMPION SHOT . Mens Johnson & Murphy Save .by Buying for the Children Now out af his end of the proceeds. The white j man signed the articles with" the club Wisely, No Matter How Well Wins Individual Medal Trap-Sho- ot Stocked whereby he waa to receive 73 per cent of In The noxt f.w month will be ranch an chil- the gross receipts, which came to about Walla & Stetson US.'"). Of this he gave Johnson hia .7M. at Walla. $6 Oxfords $5 dren's sho" why not a couple af paint while Ladies' tan Putcps. wTth buckle, plain which left about x875 for himself. The WALLA WALLA. Wash.. May 20 you ran got them for slnuit the price toe, tips and fancy club's end was J4625. ' (Special.) cf cnT effect; all f:V50 In addition to taking tha Hoya" C 'I am satisfied with the result of tha Anaconda trophy yesterday. T. D. Bar- TIiosp arc in tan, patent, black, tan Oxford. II. AKlrn a make, and Kood selling at upccial M np bout." said O'Brien today. "Johnson had clay, of Prescott. today took the Indi- I hat meant wear. The prior of ahoca. prioe SO pounds the better of the weights. His vidual championship Betting 25 gunnietal the SIi3J medal. anl patent' lt; the . you know, run to Sup 11 1:1 reach and height were against me. and straight birds In the event. Steele. to Iid ie Iaird Sholer tan. Micde anl still I had to force all the fighting. I Forbes and Storey followed with 24 brands tell patent leather Piiinjs waa better against Johnson, because of The tha story of quality and and Oxford Ties bird. award of the Individual $2.50 "and bu'ckl.-s- . Thou? my condition, than I was against Ketchel. championship medal to Ba relay gives the styles are Sr.'..'f.'.'Tr!:.. are all thi Sum- I will be even better In my next bout. the Walia Walla Gun Club of current. One bis Hoys calf and ici 9 mer's atylea. a really I a dozen three Shoe, in aizra bcauUful Lne have theatrical offers, but I the medals. J. E. Smalls, of this city, 41-T- l 3 of regular don't think I will accept any of the en- having obtained the Itrownlee. Howe dollar saved by buying now. a 13. pood, now $1.00 cod; $iu. 05 np gagements." and Woods fMr.g tied for the Multnomah Steel-sho- d UJiOj 2 Men's Oxfords of Shoe ffr the little fellow, youths "I won." said Johnson. "everybody medal In the lath event, with birds, other standard Ian Pun p HjrVIe knows I did. but I must admit I never and will shoot this off tomorrow. A and boys, in velour calf and kangaroo calf. e' Strapped and waa so our rwgialar VOO line, dreamed O'Brien fast and clever. large number of contestants have tied makes in tans, patents and blacks, IU H ! 9 13, .- -. l"utu; IT re- to i:j'2 to 'J and to regular up M I am going to England: then I will for the Brownlee trophy, with 24 birds, " Biu.l gc in ihi ale at turn to whip Ketchel new lo 2..V) Shoe S1.85 America and and and this will also be shot off tomor- also all styles, ..l.it) now OUJ and end la.iiea' )tJ take that flyer at James J. Jeffries." row. Children a kid and patent leather lit numerous plain and in OiforU. Oxford Notwithstanding the high $4.0O ; Tie and Slrapwd in wind that $3.15, now Q fancy M yle with hpriiii; lie-U- nMiSh.fanrv and Shpir, tenl and ici OBRIEV WAS ALWAYS FAKER has been blowing during the entire $.j.00 Qr rlain kid. m eter.(jRal .a2ue in lhee. QCp day. sorr.e excellent scores were made, $3.35, now..: ipO.iJO' topa. $1 to $1.7o values 50c Kejrulariy J3C though the general avermae was not up la $3.oo f,.r .'. History of Notorious "Frame-up- " as hlKh as that made yesterday. At the meeting of the association held today With Barns Is Recounted. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Philadelphia Jack O'Brien has long been known as a pugilist who never won fights J. C. Scott, president: Ed Kills, Se- - ttle.vlce-preslden- t: .w E. Allen, Walla on the square. On several occasions he Walla, has been ehught In treasurer; J. F. Emails. Walla the act Walla, secretary. Con-far- r. of "framing" fights In Inrectors, E. F. his advance, and Livingston: E. D. Farmln. Sand his propensity In this direction made It o Point; E. Jo P. Matthewson. Anaconda: K. Wo MORRISON on uncomfortable for him the Pacific J. Chlngren. Spokane, and O. L. Becker. FUL3LAM Coast two years ago that he was forced Ogden. to leave for the Hast. In Los Angeles O'Brien and Tommy Burns were matched to fight 20 rounds at McCarey'a Pavilion. O'Brien made over- mmy t out of tha om. for a ilay or wrathrr aa cold aa II haa and to "frame-up- RAGE h hr. fit. alia ki.o run, Vinrouvtr'i who haa hen plat Ins tures to Burns for a " In CLOSE two. will rover third, and Murphy of lal. aero. lately, Kon ha, tUkUt.4 iMtn, a4 VtMay O'Brien's favor, with Bums on the long or Muliln work In the outer g.irJrn. relumed to the bos yralrrday lrn end of the money. Burns fell In ... 1 Mcr.niio. ttiiorialon Haaan. with the f ae.ma to to Battla liav. solten that el plan.' It was generally believed that Burns Mike Ixinlln aaya Portland la a won- - Vancouver bunch aftr ail. and Harry ' v waa tha better man. and betting odds were SCHOOL TEAMS ARE BUNCHED ill "b" "" n wh,, ,h " lluah contlnuea to win hia same. Th. all In hia favor, but O'Brien, secure In gq to tnw plrlc W,h ,. heavy hltlrra under Mike Lynch n Burns' promise to take a beating, eased IN LEAGUE FINALS. off in his training and spent his time loll- ing about his quarters and drinking cham-.pagn- e. Ockley Green When the night aet for the battle came and Sharer Win. but SAN FRANCISCO . PORTLAND SEATTLE SALE OF 2 SUITS, It found money 7.S-- GOATS, SKIRTS a tremendous amount of Williams Avenue Retains Grip rarket St., Oil!! Morrison St., 111S wagered, and a great crowd turned out to - Second Ave.
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