TO/ TO/ IG: BAGAWl ^PAGING The BEACHCOMBER tire action far beyond the normal duties of his rank. During the Sgt. Nutting Of fighting in Belgium, Nutting s pla­ FOR BEACH FUN Famed 82nd Given toon leader was wounded and the men were scattered under the Ger­ Army Discharge man attack. Sgt- Nutting, Assistant THIS SUMMER Suuad leader, quickly reorganized Sgt. Donald D. Nutting, member the platoon under heavy mortar, • of the S2nd Airborne Division, hus­ artillery and small arms fire and moved from man to man disregard*, band of Mrs. Ruby Marshall Nut­ i, ting, who returned home recently ing his exposure to severe lire. • after 21 months overseas, has re­ Through sheer leadership ability; i i ceived his discharge from the and force of character, Nutting i mvV- S g Army under the point system. welded the scattered group into a Sgt. Nutting holds the Unit hard-hitting force, drove the Ger­ Presidential Citation, the Purple mans from the wooded ground, se­ r Sgi Heart with Oak Lear Cluster ami cured the platoon’s objective and , yN'-i-x-:--' Y J T Bronze Star Medal. The latter was organized an outpost line for his Summer Chronicles Of New Hampshire’s Seacoast Resorts awarded for courageous and effec- battalion. \ , Sgt. Nutting took part in the air- _ u .A borne landings in Normany on D- j Incorporating The ■p Hampton Beach Advocate WEDNESDAY, JULY 4. 1945 FREE DISTRIBUTION Ogunqiiit Day. the airborne invasion of Hol­ MM•:<v«Ny •KvJo? land and fought in Belgium and m 4X m m H L Playhouse Germany. After being wounded in mm Holland in October, 1944, be was ■ GALA OPENING flown by the RAF to a hospital in Monday Eve., July 2 V • 'Nightly Thereafter England. He returned to duty in Mrs. Walter Hartwig presents . December. 1944, and fought in the \ battle of the “Belgium Bulge1' ‘GEORGE & M ARGARET where he was wounded for the sec- i :-X: 7/.WW- Hilarious English Comedy ond time. However, he was soon | Directed by the Author, • V GERALD SAVORY back in action, taking part, in the I Eves, at 8:30 Fri. Mat. at 2:30 push into Germany, where in May, ! Prices: 75c to $2, plus tax 1945, the Germans surrendered en . PHONE: WELLS 70 masse to the 82nd Airborne Di j vision. • \ * Beach Notes m ■ ;v. m THE Mrs. Joseph Green of Passaic, N. ‘‘■Vj J. who has been visiting her daugh­ 4a ter, Mrs. Harold L. Pierson, return­ ...&jffirKnQCa/ I - BIG ed Tuesday to Passaic. Mrs. Green cared for her granddaughter, Lin­ da, during the absence of Dr. and STORE Mrs. Pierson, while they were en­ joying a two-weeks vacation at Kid­ [Popularly Called The 10c Store ney Pond, Maine. Lt. Vernon Dennett, husband of u Mrs. Eleanor P. Dennett, is now in fa x . LOCATED ON , Hawaii. ♦ W.'Vt Captain Theodore Hollis, hus­ B STREET band of Mrs. Evelyn Brown Hollis, died in Germany, May 28. ■ ■■'■A The 42-yeav-old captain was an Has What You official in the Allied Military Gov­ ernment. Before he was commis­ sioned as an officer in the army in Need For Y our 1943, he was very prominent in public affairs in Boston, Melrose SWIM SUITS Cottage and Stoneham, Mass, where he made his home. Mrs. Hollis is the daughter of ONE- & TWO-PIECE SUITS I Houseware Stationery! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown of Hampton. Sizes 32 - 40 Hardware Dial WHITE - BLUE - CORAL - BLACK j There are approximately 36,000 printing establishments in the U. S. RED - LIME. PRINTS & STRIPES THE GREENLAJNDS 3.95 -10.95 WALLIS SANDS, RYE NORTH BEACH TOURIST CAMP NORTH SHORE BOULEVARD HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE George B. French Co. ALBERT D. FANNING H A Z E L P. F A N N IN G WINTER ADDRESS PORTSMOUTH'S LEADING DEPARTMENT 31 SHERWOOD ROAD STORE MELROSE, MASS. 37-41 MARKET STREET PORTSMOUTH — The beachcomber The BEACHCOMBER VUjl.. XIX., NO. 2 VISIT WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1945 FREE DISTRIBUTION Record Crowd Visits Beach Over Weekend $ Great Bay Development Trains^ Buses Crowded, Traffic W ould Heaviest Since Wartime Ban Seacoast Regia 5 I A record crowd of 100,000 vis­ NEAR BRIDGE Quiz Program Is itors jammed the beach and boule­ Beach Lieutenant Thorsten J. Kalijarvi, executive- vard at Hampton Beach last week­ director of the State Planning and Opening Feature end. Vacationists, weekenders and Now Stationed In Development Commission, under Of “Beach Party” holiday erdwds flocked to the beach whose supervision the report of for relief from the hot inland cities Caribbean Area the 1945 Legisltaure, entitled, "The The first of the "Youth Activ­ and many mill workers took ad­ vantage of the long weekend for First lieutenant Donald Langley, Great Bay Plan", was prepared, ap­ ities" programs was broadcast from USAAF, husband of Mrs. Margery peared before ihe Kiwanis Club of the bandstand over radio station many mills in surrounding towns Sargent Langley and son of Mr. the Hamptons at the club's regu­ WHEB, Monday July 2 at 7:30 pm are closed from Saturday to Thurs­ lar weekly meeting in Community with George J. Keville, former sec­ day. VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL NEW and Mrs. Edmund Langley of the It was also the first real vaca­ Langley, B street, is stationed at Hall, Hampton Beach, last Monday retary of the Hampton Beach Cham­ night to fully explain the proposed ber of Commerce, as master of cere­ tion weekend when thousands World’s Fair COCKTAIL BAR At The Antigua where he is in charge of start their summer vacation along vwo crash boats with the Army development of the coastal hinter­ monies. land. Bob Fuller and Win Bettison, with the general opening of sum­ Air Force Rescue Squadron Boats. mer camps. Lt. Langley received his com­ Mr. Kalijarvi stated* at the out­ announcers from WHEB, conduct­ set that he thought it was time for ed a quiz program called the Hamp­ Police Chief Jerome Harkness re- mission after graduating from Of­ RECORD CROWD Feather ficer’s Candidate School in Miami. some "straight talking" with rela­ ton Beach Party in which the audi­ tion to this development plan ence participated.. Two girls and (Continued on Page 12) Route 1 Salisbury He was eventually assigned to the Caribbean theater where he ! which became controversial at the their Marine escorts, a girl from Phone Newburyport 1510 For Reservations was attached to the AAF Rescue last minute and one gathered by Texas, a girl visiting Hampton To Entertain Vets Squadron Boats and was stationed inference that the speaker felt the Beach for the first, time and a in Trinidad and Tobago Island. objections, which led to the with­ gentleman who had just been swim­ At Beach Picnic In December 1944, Lt.. Langley drawal of the legislation, designed ming, took part in the show. The Members of the Hampton Garden received a commendation from to put the Great Bay plan into prize was twenty silver dollars. club will entertain hospitalized vet- General Hayes for his work in set­ effect were ill-considered and per­ This Is the first of a series of week­ pitai at their annual picnic at North ting up rescue boat squadrons for haps trivial. He brought out that ly Monday night broadcasts to be erans from Portsmouth Naval hos- maintenance and operation. the cost of the development, over a held at the band stand at the beach. Beach on July 11. Mrs. George Mrs. Langley and her eighteen- twenty year period, estimated as Green wood of Hampton Beach, and month old son, "Jay” are staying approximately five million dollars, Have You Heard? Mrs. Ruth McDonough of Hamp­ at North Beach for the summer was only two or three per cent of That Jack, formerly one of ton Falls, have been assigned as with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G R E A T B A Y Hampton’s Finest, is a darn good the committee in charge of the pic­ F. Sargent of Amesbury, Mass. (Continued on Page Five) painter? nic. KAHfTCJe H. M. ~ r«. * VEGETABLES FRESH The RENTING ? EACH DAY FROM NEARBY Most BUYING? For Your Casualty - Life SELLING ? Money \ _ . ’ ’ •:. • . x.• *y.\.... ,-S ‘ *. ' \n\v . •: N ............ ... SEA FOOD FROM THE OCEAN 3 Market Square one Portsmouth, N. H TO YOUR HOME THE SAME DA? HENRY’S REAL ESTATE 409 Ocean Boulevard Hampton Beach The The Beachcomber The BEACHCOMBER Incorporating The Hampton Beach Advocate SHIP SHAPE estimate accurately, yet It is never­ rubbish thrown into the Bay and GREAT BAY — theless certain that In 1939 the cal control and set up an author­ into the streams entering the Bay. ity in vrhich both features are to A Vacation Digest of all the news state’s recreational industry was "It would be foolish to attempt this (Continued front Paffc Three) showing every evidence of a heal­ be found.” He stated that the de­ information for the summer visitor. phase of the project merely in the lay in the printing of the report thy, sustained growth which cer­ interest of the approximately 800 Published Wednesdays, June 27 to August 29 tainly could not have been said of was to be regretted because it made the estimated income, which, he persons who live around the Bay," impossible a sufficient Interval of either manufacturing or agricul­ said the speaker in emphasizing • By The stated, might run from 250 to 500 ture. time between the publication of million dollars. * the wider interests that are invol­ the report and the Introduction of ved. HAMPTON PUBLISHING COMPANY "And’*, continued the Planning The speaker then went on to out­ legislation to put the report into Commission executive, "one of the line the manner in which the plan­ The money to take care of pol­ effect.
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