
WESTE~RN AUSTRALIA. PARLIAMENTARY ]DEBATES. feqis Iaxibt Cotrarit an Vgi s(ntrbe AVsse"14(17. IsEllSSIO0N 18 9 "5. 59 VICTORlIJE. VOLUME VIII. COMPRISING THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 4, 1895, TO OCTOBER 12, 1895. IjR THIf: BYvAIITIIhIITY: RICHARD PETHER, GOVERNMENT MINTElR. 189-5. Sms. 1IM. CON TEN TS. The Legislature of Western Australia. The Ministry ... .. .. .. .. Members of the Legislative Council.. v Members of the Legislative Assembly .. Public, Statutes of the Session .. .. .. Vii Private Acts of the Session ..... x Public Bills of tbe Sesion x Index to Subjects................... ... .. Yxl 'Index to Speeches ... .. .. .. .. .. Debates .. .. .. .. .. .. v LEGISLATURE OF WESTERN AUSTALIA. ADMINISTRATOR: HtIS EXCELLENCY Sip ALEXANDER CAMPBELL ONSLOW, KT. THE MINISTRY:- SECOND PA-RLIAMENT-SECOND SESSION. Premier and Colonial Treasurer andI Txja FT-N R.- T--- 110 E, . Wr I A V t' AT d1l Colonial Secretary ..... 1 .. Attorney General.. Tuz HoN. SEEFTIMus Bua'r, M.L.A., Q.C. Commissioner of Crown Lands... TaE Hon. ALEXANDE RHOnEST IILCHARUSON, M.L.A. Commissioner of Railways and.Director Thx HON. HARRY WuITTALL YzsN, M.L.A. of Public Works .. Minister of Mines and Education.......THE HON. EDWARD HORNS \VirrE OOm, M.L.C. THE LEGTSLATIXE CO1UNCIL: SECOND PARLIAMENT--SECOND) SESSION. President :-The Hon. Sir GEoRGaE SasmcroN, K. Member. Date of Election. Province. 1. Alexander, The Honourable William .. .. !26Lt July, 1856 Central 2. Blurges%The Honourable Richard Goldsmith .. ... 16thi July, 1691 East 3. Congdon, The&Rononrable Daniel Keen .. ,West 4. Crowder, The Honouxable Frederick Thomas . ... SoLt-East .5. Davies, The Honourable Edward William I.,West 6. Dempster, The Honourable Charles Edward .,,East 7. Fouilkes, The Honourable John Charles Griffiths .. ,Soutli-W A't 8. Hfackett, The Honourable John Winthrop ** ,South-West .. Hardey, The Honourablo Richard Watson . ,Es 10. Haynes, The Hononrable Samuel Johnson .- South East Henty, The Honourable Ernest George *. Central 11, Kidson. The Honourable Alfred Bowman .. 18th July, 1893 West Marshall, The Honourahie Thomas Harry t........ 16th July, 1894 Cestra 12. Ile~ernan, The Honourable Hugh .. eta 13. MeLarty, The Honourable Edward .- ISouth-West 14. Parker, The Honourable Stephen Henry .,MetropolitIn 13. Piesse, The Honourable Charles Austin ... , South-East 16. Richardson, The Honourable John Elliot ... North 17. Robinson, The Hononrable Edward . ,North 18. Saunders, The Honourable Henry John ,,Metropolitan 19. Shenton, The Honourable Sir George, Kt. (President) ,,Metropolitan 20. Stone, The Honourable Frank MendsNot 21. Wittenoom, The Honourable Edward Horne Ce.nrh Deceased, 25Lh June, 1596. t Scat declared vacant, Ittb Jnly, IFA5. THE LEGISLATIV ASSEMBLY. SECOND PARLIAMENT-SECOND SESSION. Speaker :-The Honourable Sir JAB. 03. LEE STans, Kt. Chairman Of Committees:-WILLIAM TRAYLEN, Esq. Name. For what District. Whbeu Elected. I 1. Blurt, The Ron. Sept., Q. 19th lime, 1894 .. I Ashburton 2. Clarkson, B. D., Esq. 16th lime, 1894 .. Toodyny a. Connor, F., Esq.. 22nd June, 1894 .. East Kimberley 4. Cookworthy, J., Esq. 16th June, 1894 .. Sussex o. Forrest, The Ron. Sir John, K.G.M. 14th June, 1894 .. Bunbury 6. Forrest, A., Faq... 22nd June, 1894 .. West Kimberley 7. Georg, W. J., Esq. 12th February, 1895 Murray a. HRer C., Esq.. 27th June, 1894 .. Beverley 9. Hassell, A. Y., Esq. 16th June, 1694 .. Plantagenet 10. Hooley, E. T., Fsq. .. 16th October, 1694.. Murchison 11. Mling-worth, F., Fsq. 3rd July, 1894 .. Nannine 12. James, W. H., Esq. 14th June, 1894 .. East Perth 13. Keep, H. F., Esq. .. 22nd June, 1894 .. Pilharma 14. Leske, G., Esq. 22nd June, 1894 . Albany 15. tefroy, H. B., Esq. 13th June, 1894 .. Moore 16. Loton, W. T., Esq. .. 15th June, 1894 .. Swan 1)7. Marmion, The Ron. W. E. Gt. 15th June, 1894 .. Fremantle 18. Monger, F. C., Esq. .. 21st June, 1894 .. York 19. Moran, C. J., Fsq. .. 3rd July, 1694 .. Yilgamn 20. Moss, M. L., Esq. .. 22nd May, 1895 .. North Fremnantle 21. Phillips, S. 3., Esq. 18th June, 1894 .. Irwin 22. Piesac, F. H., Esq. .. 20th June, 1894 .. Williams 23. Randell, G., Esq. .. 14th June, 1804 .. Perth 24. Richardson, The lion. A. R. 23rd June, 1894' . De Grey 25. Sholl, R. F., Esq. .. 19th June, 1894 .. Gascoyne 14th June, 1894 .. Roebourne 27. Simpson, 0. T., esq. .. 19th June, 1894 .. Geraidton 28. Solomon, F., Faq. 13th June, 1894 .. South Fremnantle 29. Stoere, The Hon. Sir Jas. G. Lee, K 15th June, 1894 .. Nelson 30. Throssell, G., Esq. .. 22nd lune, 1894 .. Northam .31. Traylen, W., Esq. .. 21st June, 1894 .. Greenough 32. Value, The lion. H. W... 16th June, 1894 .. Wellington 33. Wood, B. C., Fsq. .. 14th June, 1894 .. West Perth 0Seat declared vaat 4th June; reeolected 17th June, 1893. VIT PUBLIC STATUTES OF THE SESSION. SECOND SESSION-SECOND PARLIAMENT. Aomrr GENERAL ACT, 1895 (59 Vie., No. 1)- An Act to regulate the Appointment and Tenure of the Office of Agent General. [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest 26th June, 1895. Assented to, 28th August, 1895.] APPROPRIATION (69 Vie., No. 26)- An Act to apply a Sum out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and from Moneys to Credit of Loan Accounts to the Services of the Year ending the last day of June, One thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament. [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest, lst October, 1896. Assented to, 12th October, 1895.] ARBITRATION ACT (59 Vie., No. 1)- An Act to aend the Laws relating to Arbitration. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. James, 26th June, 1895. Assented to, 11th September, 1896.) ASSISTED SCOOoLS ASornoN ACT (69 Vic., No. 27)- An Act to amend the Education Acts, 1871-1894, and to provide for the payment of Compensation to the Managers of Assisted Schools on the cessation of the Grant-in-Aid from Public Funds. [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest, 11th September, 1895. Assented to, 12th October, 1895.] AssocurmNs INCORPORATION ACT (59 Vie., No. 20)- An Act to make provision for Incorporation Of Religious and other Bodies. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Randall, 21st August, 1895. Assented to, 2nd October, 1895.] BRIDGETOWN RAILWAY Ac- (See Under "Donnybrook-Dridgetown Railway Act."] BUILDING ACT AMENDMENT ACT (59 Vie., No. 29)- An Act to amend " The Building Act, 1884." [Initiated in the Asscmbly by Mr. James, 11th September, 1895. Assented to, 12th October, 1895.] COLLIE COAFIELDS RAILWAY Act (59 Vie., No. 8)- An Act to authorise the Construction of a Railway from the South-Western Railway to the Collie Coalfields. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Venn, 1st October, 1805. Assented to, 12th October, 1895.) COPYRIGHT ACT (69 Vic., No. 24)- An Act to regulate the La~w of Copyright, and for other purposes. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Burt, 11th September, 1895. Assented to, 2nd October, 1895.) CUSTOMS DUTIES REPEAL Ac'r (59 Vie., No. 8)- An Act to repeal the Duties on certain Articles and Things. [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest, 27th June, 1895. Assented to, 28th August, 1896.] DoNNmaRooK-BRInorrowN RAILWAY ACT (59 Vic., No. 32)- An Act to authorise the Construction of a Railway from Donnybrook to Bridgetown. [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest, 2nd October, 1896. Assented to, 12th October, 1896.] DUTIES ON ESTATES OP DECEASED PERSONS Acm (59 Vie., No. 18)- An Act for imposing Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Burt, 18th July, 1895. Assented to, 2nd October, 1895.] ECCLESIASTICAL GRANT ABOLITION Act (59 Vie., No. 25)- An Act for the Termination of the Parliamentary Ecclesiastical Grant. [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest, 29th August. 1595. Assented to, 2nd October, 1895.] EDUCATION ACTS, 1871-1894, AnnNMIE Ac- [See Under " Assisted Schools Abolition Act," suprd.] Vill ELECTORAL ACT (59 Vie., No. 31)- An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Parliamentary Elections. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Burt, 4th September, 1895. Assented to, 12th October, 1896.] ENGINE SPRnxs FiluE ParvEN~iosI AcT (59 Vie., No. 36)- An Act to provide for the better Prevention of Fires caused by Sparks and Cinders from Locomotive Engines, and to facilitate the Recovery of Damages in such cases. (Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Traylen, 1st October, 1895. Assented to, 12th October, 1895.) Excxss or ExPeNDITURE ACTr (69 Vie., No. 3)- Anm Act to confirm certain Expenditure for the Year ending 30th June, One thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest, 26th June, 1895. Assented to, 17th July, 1895.) En'nosirvvs AcT (59 Vie., No. 38)- An Act to regulate the Importation, Carriage, Storage, Manufacture, and Sale of Explosives. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Burt, let October, 1895. Assented to, 12th October, 189.5.] EXPORT DUTIES REPEAL AcT (59 Vie., No, 1)- An Act to repeal certain Export Dutties. [Initiated in the Assembly by Sir John Forrest, 26th June, 1895L Assented to, 17th July, 1893.] FERTILIgERS ANID FEmNG STruvys ACT (;59 Vie., NO. 16)- An Act to regulatte the Sale of Agricultural Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Richardson, 24th July, 1895. Assented to, 11th September, 1895.] GotnriEmos ACT (59 Vie., No. 40)- An Act to make better provision for the Regulation of Gold Mining and Management of the Goldfields of the Colony. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Start, 17th July, 1895. Assented to 12th October, 1895.) HEALTR- AcT, 1886, FuuTvrnn AMENDMENT ACT- [See under " Public Hfealth Act Amendment Act," i~frd. JUSTICES APPOINTMENT ACT (59 Vie., N.1) An Act to amend the Law as to the appointent of Justices of the Peace. [Initiated in the Assembly by Mr. Burt, 26th June, 1895. Assented to, 28th August, 18FP5.1 KALOOOazr-CooLOARDIE RAILWAY ACT (59 Vie., No. 19)- An Act to authorise the Construction of a Railway from Coolgardie to Kalgoorlie.
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