HISTORICAL REGISTER DICTIONARY OF THE FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, SEPTEMBER 29, 1789, TO MARCH 2, 1903. BY FRAKCIS B. HEITMAN. Published under I\('l of (;OngreBs approved Mnrch 2, 1903. NOTE.-This is the unofficial work of a private compiler, purchased and published by direction of Congress. VOLUlvIE 1. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1903. CONTENTS. PART 1. 1. ~ ames of the Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries of 'War, and Commanding Generals of the Army, showing when and where each was born, exact oeriod of sen '­ ice, and date and place of death. 2. List of general officers of t.he United S(",'l,tes Army and of the United States Vol­ ullteers from June, 1775, to 1903, arranged according to grade and rank, with period of ~ e rvi ce of each. 3. Complete chronological roster of chiefs of bureaus or staH. corps, field and staff offi cers of the line (artillery, cavalry, dragoons, infantry, the legion, rangerH, rifle­ men, ~e a fencibles, and yoltigeurs) , showing the acts of Congress uncleI' which each regiment or organization was created, with dates of consolidation, disbandment, etc. 4. ~ ame .· of offi cers of the Army who ha.ve by name been thanked or presented with medals or swords by CongreEs since the organization of the Army in 1789 . .S. Tables showing promotion of graduates of the United States :lVlilitary Academy, and numbers in each class. PART n . Complete alphabetical list of cornmissionpd officers of tJ1 e AnTIY, including officers of the volunteer staff and breve t. major or brigadier-generals of volunt.eers, from t.he organi7.ation of the Army, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903, giving their full names and showing sen 'ices as cadets and all Re rvices as officers 0 1' enlistee! men, either in the regular or volunteer serviee; all brevet appointments, meda.ls of h onor awarded, aJ1d for what service conferred ; all t;l\ses in which thanks, swords, or medals have been awarded by Congress; all of said offi cers who joined the Confederate Army in the civil war, and the highest rank atta.ined therein by each, und the date of death of abo ut 9,000 officers who died after leaving the United States service. PART Ill. 1. Al phabet.ical list of officers of the Regular Arm)' killed, woundecl, or taken prisoner in action since 1789. 2. Alphabetical list of officers of volunteer regiments during the war wit.h iYIexico, 1846-1848. 3. Alphabetical list of fi eld offic ers of volunteers and militia in t.h e service of the U nited States during the civil war, 1861-1865. 4. ,\lphabetical lf9t of captains of light batteries in the volunteer service during the civil war, 1861-1865 . .5. Alphabetical list of general officers of the United States Army and the Confed­ erate States Army killed or died of wounds during the civil war, 1861-1865. o. Alphabetical li st of general office rs of the Confeden1te Army, 1861-1805. 7. Alphabetical list of offi cers who left the United States Army after November 1, 18tH), and joined the Confederate service. 3 340003 4 8. Alphabetical list of officers of volunteer organizations during the \Val' with Spain and Philippine insurrection, 1898 to 1902, and alphabetical list of contract surgeons in service, 1898 to 1903. 9. Strength of the losses in battle, etc., during the following wars: 'War of the Revolution, 1775-1783; Indian wars, 1790-1795; war with Northwest Indians, ]811­ 1813; war with Great Britain, 1812-1815; Seminole war, 1817-1818; Black Hawk war, 1831-1832; Seminole war, 1835-1842; war with Mexico, 1846--1848; civil war, or war of the rebellion, 1861-1865; war with Spain and insurrection in the Philippines, 1898-1902, and insurrection in China, 1900-1901. 10. Alphabetical and chronological list of wars, campaigns, battles, skirmishes, military events, etc., 1775-1902. 11. Alphabetical list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National and State Homes for soldiers, national eemeteries, etc., in the United States from its earliest settlement to date. 12. Compilation of tables illustrative of the (most important changes in the) organization of the Army of the United States from 1789 to 1902, and actual strength (annually) at stated pel'lods since 1789. INDEX OF CONTENTS. Vol. Page, - - - - -- Abbreviations and explanatory notes _.. _. __ .. __ . _. ___ .. ___ . _.. ____ _ 1 9 Acting assistant surgeons (1898 to 1903) ______ •• _. __ . _.. _...•• _______ _ 2 173 Adjutant-General's Department ____________ ________________ _______ _ 1 37 Army of the United States, commanders of the ______ . ______________ _ 1 17 losses in aeti ons (1789 to 1902) ___________ _ 2 295 general offi cers of the ___ __. ____ . ________ _ 1 19 officers of the (arrariged alphabetically ) ___ 1 149 officers of the Regular, killed, wounded, or taken prisoner since 1789 ___________ _ 2 13 general officers of the, killed or died of wounds during the civil war ___________ _ 2 173 officers of the, who resigned after November 1,1860, an d joined the Confederate Army _ 2 180 number of men furnished and deaths in the, during the ci vii war __________ __ __ _ 2 285 organization tables of the (1789 to 1902) __ _ 2 560 strength of, and losses in battle in certain wars, etc ___________________ ___ . ______ _ 2 280 distribution of, by countries, May, 1898, to June, 1902 ___________________________ _ 2 296 Army organization, tables of _. ____________________________________ _ 2 560 Arm y, strength of (1789 to 1902) __________________________________ _ 2 626 Artillerists and Engineers, corps and regiments of. _____________ _____ _ 1 I 50 Artillery, battalion, corps and regiments, fi eld and staff offi cers of. ___ _ 1 50 Artillery Corps (act Feb, 2, HlOl) ____ ____ . _____________ ____________ _ 1 61 light, regiment, fi eld and staff offi cers of ____ ______________ _ 1 50 reorganization of ( 1821) _________________ _________________ _ 1 53 Batteries, forts, et.c" list of . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ___________________ _ 2 475 light, of Volunteers, captains of (1861- 1865) ____________ __ _ 2 281 Battles, actions, etc" list of. __________________________________ __ ___ _ 2 391 Black Hawk war __ _____________________ ___________ ._____ . _________ _ 2 281 Blockhouses, forts, etc _______________ __________________ __ _________ _ 2 475 Bureaus or staff corps, chiefs of ______ ____ . _________________________ _ 1 37 Oa valry, regiments, fi eld and staff officel'Ho f. ____ __ _________ .. _______ _ 1 65 Ch!efs C? f bl1reau~ or_ staff corps __________ . _________________________ . 1 37 Chll1a, II1 snrrechon 111 ____ • __ __________________________ __ __________ _ 2 295 Civil war or war of the rebellion _________ . ____________________ _____ _ 2 285 Commanders of the Army _____ . ___________ •. ______________________ _ 1 17 Confederate Army, general officers of the ____________ . ___ ___ ________ _ 2 176 general officers of the, killed or died of wounds during the ci vii war __________ . ___________ ____ _ 2 173 officers who joined the, from the -, S. Army. ___ _ 2 180 C O llt. rae tsur~eon8 (1898-1903) _______ •• ____________________________ . 2 273 Corps "If ArtIllery ________ ________ . ____ •• _____________________ _____ _ 1 52 Cuba, casualties in _. ________ . ________ ..•••• ___ .• __ . __ .. ___________ _ 2 293 Deaths during the civi I war __ . _..... ______ •. ___ . ____ . __ . ___________ _ 2 286 Dragoons, regiments, field and staff offi cers of. _•••• ____ . __ __________ _ 1 79 light, fi eld and staff offi cers of • _. _••• _. __________ . _______ _ 1 79 Engineer Department or Corps of Engineers ___ . __ , __________ . ___ ._ 1 42 Engineers, corps and regiments of, artillerists and engineers ____ . ____ . 1 50 Fencibles, sea, organization of. _____ . ___ . __ _.. ___ .. : __ .. _____ _.. ___ . 1 143 Field and staff officers of Artillerists and Engineers _. _. _•• _•••... _• __ 1 50 5 6 Index of contents-Continued_ Yol. Page. --- - - Field and staff officers of Artillerists _______________________________ _ ] 50 ] 50 1 65 1 7fJ [;J.~; ~ ~ ~: ~: ~:: ~::: ~ ~: ~: ~ ~: ~: -: ~:: --: •• 1 ] 81 legion of the Dnite<l States _________________ ." 1 139 lig h t artillery _____________________________ _ 1 50 rangers ___________________________________ _ 1 141 riflemen __________________________________ _ ] 141 voltigeurs ________________________________ _ 1 143 Forts, batteries, camps, blockhouse", etc ___________________________ _ 2 475 General officers, U_ S_ Army ______________________________________ _ 1 ]9 U _ S_ Volunteers ________ _________________________ _ ] 28 U_ S_ Army, retirell ______________________________ _ 1 25 Confederate Army ______________________________ -- I 2 176 U_ S_ Army, killed or died of wounds during the civil ,var ____________ . ______________________________ _ 2 17:, Confederate Army, killed or died of wounds during I the civil waL __________________________________ _ 2 173 Graduates of th e Military Academy, number in each class ___________ _ 1 144 Great Brit_aill, war with ___________________________________________ .I 2 281 Indian wars ______________________________________________________ _ 2 281 Infantry, regiments, fidd, and staff officeri' ot. __ . ___________________ _ ] 81 Inspedor-General's Department __________ . ____ .. __________________ _ ] 38 Judge-Advocate-General's Department ______________________ _______ _ 1 39 Legion of the United States _______________________________________ _ 1 189 _Light artillery, regiment ot. _______________________________________ _ 1 51 Light batteries, Volunteers, captains of. ____________________________ _ 2 165 Medals presented by Congress to officers of the Arm~' _______________ _ 1 46 Medical Department. ____________________ . ________________________ _ 1 41 Mexico, war with, officers of Volunteers in the _____________________ _ 2 4-)., Military Academy, number of graduates from and number in each cla",,_ 1 144 :Mounted riflemen ________________________________ . _______________ _ 1 14:3 National cemeteries, forts, etc _________________________ . ___________ _ 2 475 Notes and abbreviations __________________________________________ _ 1 \) Northwest Indians, war with ______________________________ .
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