PROGRESS OF CHORCH IN 1936 ENCOURAGING rh» Recittei Hm tb« Internatleiial New* Service (W ire and M ail), the N. C W . C New* Servtee (Inciudinf RadlM and Cable*), lt» Own Special Service* All the Smaller Catholic Servicee, latemational Illustrated News* and N. C W . C Picture Service- PERSECUTION NON-CATHOLIC Local Local We wUh you a peaceful Edition Edition IS HEAVY IN and successful New Year. BEGS CHURCH May God smile on you and THE yours. SOME NATIONS The best evidence the ART REVIVAL writer has seen of the defi­ nite end of the depression is Mission Work Shows Impressive Harvest of Noted Architect Urges Crusade for Redemp­ the revival of the “heavy” Souls; Pope Very Active industries of Central Penn­ REG(Name Registered ISTER in the U. S. Patent Office) tion of Holy Places of Catholic sylvania. The railroad shops Before Illness of Altoona and the steel Beauty VOL. XII No. 52 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, DEC. 27, 1936 T W O CENTS works of Johnstown are (By NCWC News Service, Copyright, 1936) humming with activity. The Worcester, Mass.— (Special)— A crusade for the re­ The year 1936 saw an intermingling of great joys and merchants have just had the turn of the beauty that is the Church’s heritage is needed, President Back Home After 12,000-Mile Trip great sorrows for the Catholic Church throughout the best Christmas season since Writes Ralph Adams Cram, Litt.D., noted non-Catholic ar­ world. While at least some parts of the world gave evi­ 1929. It thrills the heart to chitect, in the student publication, of Holy Cross college dence of advance out of the economic doldrums, the unrest, see the sky ablaze with the here. “ It is true that we need a second Peter the Hermit to the anxiety, and the confusion already existing seemed to reflection of huge blast fur­ proclaim a new crusade for the redemption of the land now intensify. In some sections, the work of the Catholic naces after their long dark in the hands of the infidel— Russia, Germany, Spain, Mex- Church made most encouraging progress. In other sec­ ness, and to hear the hoarse ICO, Mr. Cram aifirms,” but we also need a parallel , cru- tions the persecution of the Church was extended and “ fog horns” of the shops. sade for the redemption of the deepened. holy places of Catholjc beauty, Pope Pius entered upon the 15th Arguing that the b^utiful thing year of his Pontificate and the 80th All the romance that rail­ is the right thing aneb the ugly roading ever knew has come Mexican Biskps of his life. • An illness confined thing is the wrong thing, the noted him to bed toward the end of the back abouncing as a result architect says that Catholicism Decency Legion year. of the new streamliner trains. must once again show herself in . Encouraging reports continued W e had our first ride on one the forms o f old beauty and of - to come from Catholic missions in new. “ If the Catholic faith shows Ban Attendance various parts of the world, experi­ of them a few days ago. It itself before the eyes of men in enced laborers in the fields assert­ is startling to cover in one To Be Insinted the garb of ugliness or dull stu­ ing that impressive harvests of night the territoiy that used pidity,'it not only belies its na­ souls are in prospect. It was re­ to require two nights and a ture, betrays its own validity, but ported that 15,168 native students it gravely weakens its mission to At Marx Sckols are preparing for the priesthood in day to get over. W e cannot those without, to whom, equally 340 seminaries in China, India, By Australians recommend them to people with the faithful, it is sent,” the Japan, Indo-China, Africa, and Mexico City.— A joint pastoral, whose chief delight in train article says. other sections. dated Dec. 12, the Feast of Our World-wide contributions to the riding is to study the scen­ “ It is not alone in the historical Lady of Guadalupe, and signed by Adelaide.— At a plenary meet­ work of the Pontifical Society for ery, for it whizzes by like the records of the lives of the holy all the Mexican Bishops, warns ing of the Archbishops and Bish­ the Propagation of the Faith re­ wind. But as time savers, men and women of 20 centuries, against the errors of Socialistic ops of Australia, held at the con­ the saints, martyrs, confessors, and Communistic education and ported in May totalled 42,000,000 clusion of the All-Australian Cath­ they are almost in a class lire, approximately $3,360,000, missionaries, crusaders, philoso­ says that parents who wish to re­ olic Edtfeation congress, it was re­ with the airplanes, although phers, teachers; it is not alone in ceive absolution must withdraw while the donations to the work of solved that, in accordance with in­ Re*ted and in the best of spirit*. President Roosevelt presented a picture of health when lie rteturned the Pontifical Society of St. Peter much safer. what has been set down of the their children from schools in structions of the encyclical Vigi- to Washington after hi* 12,000-mile trip to South America. Mrs. Rodsevelt and Vice President and Mrs. the Apostle for Native _ Clergy On our return trip, the great redemption of Europe after which these errors are taught. lanti Cura of His Holiness on the the fall of the pagan empires; it is John N. Gamer were on hand at the capital’s union station for the homecoming. amounted to 9,000,000 lire, ap­ cinema, a central vigilance com­ magnificent new Diesel en­ Failure to fulfill Christian du not alone in the history and the ties, particularly when it is a mat­ proximately $720,000. These sums mittee be appointed to safeguard gine went out of order and were one million lire more than achievements of the great Chris­ ter of the education of children Cardinal’s Visit, Erection of Province, Mexican Seminary Outstanding Catholics of the commonwealth an old-style steam engine tian states that rose on the ruins and youths, the pastoral says, must those reported in 1935. from dangers arising from vicious was attached to the front of of antiquity that we can realize be condemned. Public education, Catholic Press Exposition films. what indeed was this Catholic faith Adoption of the film classifica­ the train. It pulled the converted into atheism and the that ‘so wondrously hath wrought.’ worst type of Socialistic and Com­ Held in Rome tion system of the American Le­ streamliner about 400 miles The mind comprehends, but the Catholic Church Active in The World Catholic Press expo­ gion of Decency, with the addition munistic education, is a most seri­ and arrived only an hour eye sees, and its testimony is faith­ ous evil, the pastoral adds, since it sition, held in a courtyard of the of a special reviewing X)f Austra­ late. So there’s plenty of life ful and true,” the architect says. contains errors that dissolve both Vatican itself, was a pronounced lian films from a central review­ in the old locomotive yet. It “ The art of a time is a test and order and safety. success. Plans were advanced to ing office, to be established in Syd­ a measure of that time and of the The establishment of edjuca- increase the power of the Vatican ney, is projected as the work of must have felt as proud as a United States During 1936 the vigilance committee. power that gave it form and shape, tional institutions in which religion City radio station to enable it to horse that is requisitioned to b^athing into it the breath of is taught is prohibited fcy the gov­ carry the Holy Father’s voice di­ It is considered difficult, if not pull in a stalled automobile. rectly to his spiritual children in impossible, to review individually life. If you find a great art linked ernment, the pastoral continues, (By NGWe News Service, Copy­ total number of convert? was listed the Apostolic Delegate to the with an epoch or an institution, all parts of the world. all films entering Australia, There­ How curious it is that and the erroneous doctrines im­ right, 1936) at 63,454, as compared with 63,845 United States last July. you know that gp^eat was its na­ posed result in evil to religion and The Pontifical Academy of Sci* fore, the classifications of the streamliners ahould be de­ The first visit ever paid to this in 1,935. Assembled for their general ence was reconstituted by the American Legion of Decency will ture. Not the thousandth part of to the country. country by a Cardinal Secretary of veloped first in ^he West, meeting at the Catholic University Motu Proprio In Multi/s Colaeiis be followed as a general form. the art of Catholic Europe has es­ “ We,” the Bishops declare, State; the special laudation of the The visit of Cardinal Pacelli, of America in November, the Bishr published O ct 30, and some of the These classifications and the find­ where railroad traffic is nec­ caped the malice of time and the “ having an obligation to teach the American Hierarchy in an encyc­ Papal Secretary of State, was no­ ops of the United States extended world’s most distinguished scien­ ings o f the reviewing committee essarily lighter. Steam will cynicgil brutality of fallen human truth and to defend the rights of lical issued by Pope Pius XI; the table for many reasons.
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