McPherson College S"lJ~ McPherson, Ks 67460 ~r6~ The 1991 Quadrangle 0!\\ Volume 74 s~­ Table of Contents Opening pg.1 Individuals pg. 64 Campus Life pg. 4 Academics pg. 86 Athletics pg. 30 Advertisements pg. 102 Organizations pg. 48 Index pg. 112 Table ofContenls l Reflections start turning the 1 1991 the year of reflections we are renecling c past. Remembering By Stephanie llill was good memories or bad it and see t.heir own renee­ good times of be The year 1991 is a renee­ ones. lion. That persons car may teenager and in lion year, but its more Every day our memories have renected the hard school. than that to others of us. were triggered by the work they did to save The birth of a Every minute of every simple things we did. We enough money Lo buy the renect.s t.he characte day we renect on the past. renected on our past to caroftheirdreams instead and qualities of Each one of us used a song, give us guidance both for of having mom and dad parents. As the a picture, a name, a book, the present and for the fu­ give it to t.hem. grows up, it will lea a special place, a certain ture. When we look at a mir· morals and values scent, t.hal when specified After polishing and ror, we see our reflection. parents and pas reminded us of something, waxing ones car, anyone When we pull out the morals on to thei or someone, whether it and everyone could gaze at dusty old yearbook and children. Opening 2 Renections .' When an eld""ly mem­ students had the Persian texts books, and learned in l bcr of the lhmtly pulls out Gulf War, also called the classroom, about the the photo album and tells Desert Storm, in the back Vietnam War. The general ,t the stones about what of their minds at all times, attitude of the students happened, ,. hen each pic­ as they waited for loved was this is our war, we are ture was mken and the ones and friends to return the ones fighting it, and 1 storie• about the people in from the war. fighting for our beloved 1 the pictures, that elderly Several students, both country. peroon IS reflccttng on the male and female, knowing 1 No matter how you look past and the family his­ they could be drafted at at it, this was the year of tory. any time after the gTound reflections and without With all the war• that war had broken out, them some of us just really have happ~ned during this reflected on what their wouldn't have known l century and the protests to parents had told them and what to do with ourselves the Vietnam \\ ur. many what they had read in and with our lives. Standm~t on tM br~dge at Lakeside Todd I-echtenberg, so., and Greg Cox, After bcmg married at Lokesrde Park, Parlt, Br~nda Mmtur, 1u., loolc• OCJC?r the sr., fly by Fanny toward Metler a• one leg Carolina and Will Horri1 croiB the wa.ter at the duch. Photo by Strphome on a teant, during theahoppingcarraces. brtdge tu 1tart thear ntw life together. Hill Photo by Stephanie filii Photo bJ Barry McMillan With h~:rn{1tttwn on theuater, Brenda !tfrntzer, 10., posr.fura ptctu~. Photo by St<phan~<llrll Opening Reflections 3 Plays pg. 14 Homecoming pg. 8 Dances pg. 16 Division 4 Campus Life .' ,· Dotzour Hall pg. 24 Metzler pg. 28 Fahnestock pg. 26 Division Campus Life 5 Sharr1e Grove. Jr., 1how• off her new puppy, to everyone. Photo by Barry Mc­ Millan. While U!<Uttng for the cue to atart, the College Clwlr wotclu!• tlu! 1n1tructor for 1tgn1, ot the Homecoming concert. Photo by Stephame H.U E'V0)1"1l a nice fall d4y, Han Narbu· Goofing off 1n "" dorm roam, &ndy hou., an ux:hange stucknt from Spam, S•nl<l<kni, "·· /.oou at tlu! world from M<!l tlu! fun C)'Cln around the comput. another pe,..p«tlt-'1!, up•i<k down. Photo Photo by Barry McMillan by BaTT)· Mchfi/U.n. At th~ 1ound of tlu! gun. runfll!rs lea~ tlu! bl4cu, while Dan Hoffmon, oooch, watclu!1 1n th• background. Photo by Barry Mcht.llan Candids Campus Life 7 iety of booths were set up and sponsored by vario~s Mactoberfest harvests spirits clubs and organizations By Mici!Lit Dalton Adding to the busy day Mactoberfest 1990-A tivities included a movie football game against the were the Two and Fhe­ Harvest of Memories was night, bowling, a hayrack Bethany Swedes. ~1ile runs and the a week filled with ride, an ice cream social During halftime of the Homecoming Dance that numerous opportunities and an evening at the game on October 13 evening. for involvement and fun YMCA. Homecoming royalty can­ The theatre production Several students took At the bonfire on October didates were introduced. ''Ten Little Indians" by advantage of events spon­ 12 not only students but Junior Sharrie Grove and Agatha Christie and the sored by the Student Ac­ faculty and alumni as well Senior Terry Bruton were choir concert also provided tivities Board which rallied together to show crowned queen and king. opportunity for a few provided a welcome break their spirit for all the fall Other activities were the hours of talent and ent r. from studies. The ac- sports teams and for the Mactoberfest Fair. A var- tamment. 1/omeromlng candidate. onttc1pate the announcrmrnt of the /990 hing and qut'f'n. Photo by Karen Winter Dt:arana fl~fner, lit')., and &van Dot1id· aon,Jr.,p~rform at tlu! Homcrom1ngchmr conctrl Plwto b.Y St•phan.- /li/1 Tolling fi.r•t tn decorohng conttJt, numberr of tilL Fanny 02 uom, loU tuu for a photo a{ltr th• l{f'f)«ry cart ra«•. Photo by Barry M<At.ll41l. Homecoming .' 8 Campus L1fe Receiuing the Sears Robuclr 'Teaching Junior Jaltmael Kimbrough attempts to Excellence and Campus Leadership """"the my•tery, ofwho the murduer u, Aw<>rd", Herb Sm1th, i• congrotul<>ted by while lceeping control of his nnues, in Pro11dent P<>ul Hoffman. Photo by "The Ten Little Indian<. • Photo by B<>rry Stephan~H.ll McM1llan The bulldog• battle the Sweda m the llofMC<Jmmg football game, 1uith Joeh Unruh, oo., looh1ng for a player to throw <> pau to. Photo by Stephon~ H.U Homecoming g Campus Life Sherr•~ Grov~. Jr., end Randy &mo.ckn.•, ar., errcrowMd at tM bon{irr, ah>ngwllh th•ot~rcond1dateL Photo by Barry Mo.\f.Uan Just clou.:mtyl OTYJurtd, Lue Ptucr, ar., ~ntrrtauu durrnR tM Hom.«am1ng Fair, by blou•ng bubbln. Photo by Barry M<· f.flllan Hom«<mlng condtdotet, Front Row: Lronn JoJuuon,;r., Mt/10 D<ll,;r., Dare• Hau,;r., Shorn• Grote.;r., Denu< Kelly, ;r., and Stacey Bruton, IT. Bock Row: Ted Bu.ue, ar., Jay Dell, tr., Jon Pockn, tr., RandyS<mod<n~,IT., Jun Van Go..t~m. IT., T•rry Bruron, IT. Photo by Mann'• Stud"» Homecoming 10 Campus Life Deanna Hummer, rr., and Kelh Wed· dle. jr., come up th~ home IIN>tch tn the lfofTU'COmlfiJI Run Phol<> by Barry life· M.Uan Football Chetrleade,.. perform a spoof on Bethanydunng IM Homecoming ban· firr. Photo by BaTT)· Mc/\{1//an Homccommg rondic.kJte• au'Ott the an· nouncrment oft~ new Iring and qu«n. Photo by Barry llfcllf•llan Homecom10g Campu' Life 11 Chcdung h~r moil, Em• Yamanoi, U· charwe 1tudent from Japan. wonder• if that ,. an)·lhlnJ! therv. Photo by Barry MrM.Uan Jl,romi Suzuka and Emi Yaman.oi, u· chong~ lluclt:ntlf from Japan, u·rite namn an Joparw~~ at tht 1-lvm«Vming Fa.r. Photo b)' Barry J\frM•IIan Pruhman nm Tubh• and Konna Nan· A{ln-a football gamr. Jcuon Prndkton. nmgo, ro.. ndt' fun C)'da o.cro.. compua. ;r., pooeo fi•r a pU'Iu,... Plu•tu by Barry Phutu b.'· BarT) M\·Mallon McMillan Cand1ds ·' 12 Campus Life Lo.ure:n Worlt')', and frnhlfUJn., Tahi'J.ft Carl-.m, Paula Wurley, and En•a Kitnl at a 1urprue b,rtlula} porty at Pom·Jao'a. Plwto b.> BarT)· McMrllan Tahrflll a hrt'ah, Crndy Euy,Jr., studr"" u:htlr tlu- nmn.,wn stand'* alnlL'. Photo by Barry McMrllan Candid, Campus Lif<.> 13 performed November 21 Students act in productions 30 and December 1. The play focused on By Tahnee Carlson family of children, wb From an island off the guests stranded on a design was the Senior through the patienc< llll coast of Devon, England to desert island, and it un­ Theatre Project for Lisa work of one Chris Ill~ the town of Nonnberg, folds as one guest afl.er Lauver. The play was per­ pageant's director, Austria, this year's plays another is killed. formed October 5, 6, 12, the love of the Lord. I, entertained thousands. Everyone is the suspect and 13. lured 33 commu The year began with the and possible victim. The second play of the children and had a October performance of The play was special in year involved many cast of 41 members. Ten Little lndians, based two ways. It honored the children, in addition to the The Shakespeare on a book by mystery late Agatha Christie on college students. TM Best The Taming of the writer Agatha Christie. the IOOth anniversary of Chnstmas Pageant Ever was performed The story began with ten her birth, and the set by Barbara Robinson was 22, 23and Maria (1\feha D<ll, ;r.), and Captain \."tJn Trapp IStet-t lluorwr, 110.), march t<J the alter, to get married, u:lule thelr ch1/dren folio«.
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