DECEMBER 27, 1913 SPORTING LIFE league with the Athletics, of Philadelphia, several years ago, but was released to the AT THE CAPITAL Trenton Club, of the Tri-State League. Youth is in the Saddle Moran has done excellent work with Walter Johnson to be Insured for $50,000 Brooklyn. He is not a hard hitter, but Ainsmith©s Visit Explained Washing- o he covers a lot of ground in the outfield tons Improve Their Standing in the IN THE COUNCILS OF THE OLD blood, who have no idea what others did and has a wonderful throwing arm. Egan to lay the foundation and build the great has been a bench warmer for the Reds Cupid League News and Gossip of the for a couple of seasons. He played in Players. NATIONAL LEAGUE organization. the Tri-State League before joining tha Reds. BY PAUL W. EATON. PEACE IN BASE BALL! THE DEAL IS CLOSED. WASHINGTON, D. C., December 22. Only a Few of the Old Guard Now so far as the two contracting clubs are Editor "Sporting Life." The in-creas Continued from first page concerned, as the Cincinnati Club on the ed prices of base ball players are more Left to Shed the Light of Their reached, Ebbets is to pay the Cincinnati 22d inst., notified Secretary Heydler, of than keeping pace with the Tinker©s final release to the Brooklyn high cost of living. No Club $15,000 for Tinker, and is to hand Club. Nothing now remains except for Presence and Benefit of Their over $10,000 to Tinker for signing t> sooner had Joe Tinker Tinker to sign with Brooklyn in order evolved into a $25,000 Experience in the Old League* play with Brooklyn. A supplementary to secure that $10,000. Tinker wants a beauty than the Washing agreement also gives Cincinnati the priv three-year contract at $7500 per annum, ton Base Ball Club intro ilege of purchasing pitcher Yingling and but the Brooklyn Club will not pay him duced to the public a $50,- BY T. H. MUBNANE. outfielder Moran, of Brooklyn, while more than $5000 per year, as he is now 000 star, by taking steps Brooklyn can buy second baseman Egan simply a player, and that was his salary BOSTON, Mass., December 23. Sev of the Cincinnati team. This latter deal to insure Walter Johnson eral base ball records were shattered dur as a player with the Chicago Club. The for that amount. At a is optional with both clubs. They arc St. Louis Federal Club claims that regular meeting of the di ing the recent National League meeting in given to January 7 to exercise their op Tinker is ready to jump to the Federal New York. First the Na tions. Cincinnati c.an purchase Yinglin-; rectors, on Saturday, De League, which is absurd, as he would Paul W. Eaton cember 20, it was agreed, tional League was in ses for $8500 and Moran for $4000, whr.e thereby lose the $10,000 bonus from Cin to apply for a policy for sion for three days ex Brooklyn can obtain Egan by paying cinnati, which would be the loss of a bird that amount, insuring Walter Johnson changing presidents and $5000. It is almost certain that these in the hand, which even a large salary against death, accident and illness, and trying to become officially deals will be closed. If both clubs (in prospect) would not compensate for. the arrangements have already been acquainted with their new made to do so. It has been the practice man and forgetting the man of the club to insure all its players dur who has served them three ing six months of the year, but the policy years. Lynch was forgot Latest News By Telegraph Briefly Told on Johnson will be in force throughout ten after the first day. It the year, and for an indefinite number of was the largest gathering SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE" years. At the end of five years the policy of base ball men ever seen can be cashed in©at an attractive sur T. H. Mumane in this country and one of render price, and the club©s present idea the unfortunate features MILWAUKEE MEN FOR DAYTON A SEMI-PRO. NATIONAL TOUR was to see veterans moving around the MILWAUKEE, Wis., December 22. Bmce Noell ORANGE, N. J., December 22. The Tacoma is to turn it and Paul Wachtel, the pitchers on the Fond Ctars, a baae ball team composed of the best play- » OVER TO JOHNSON corridors unnoticed by the new men in du Lac Club, of the Wisconsin-Illinois League, era of Tacoma., Wash., are going to make a tour of base ball. The principal "vet" was Cap were Saturday morning sold to the Dayton Gub, the United States and Canada in the Spring. A at that time, if he should want to take tain A. C. Anson, who failed to work the of the Central League. Both Noel and Wachtel letter has been received from Manager Harry C. were given a chance with the Brewers last Kerr stating that he and his men would be in advantage of the investment. A news magnates for a soft berth and then be year, but failed to come up to expectations, and this city on or about May 29 and that he would note says that catcher Johnson, of Oma came a candidate for the management of were turned over to the State League club. like to arrange a game with the best ball nine ha, is expected to make good for Frank the Cincinnati Club. Facing Garry Herr of Orange. Chance©s New Yorks. Sure he will; isn©t mann on the last day, Captain Anson re JAP NINE CHALLENGES BADGERS MADISON, Wis., December 20. Athletic au SHORTSTOP DISPOSED OF his name Johnson? Another backstop marked : "I would like to take off my thorities here received from the University of ST. LOUIS, December 23. Callahan, the short- who is receiving some vigorous boasts is coat and manage your club next year." Keio, Japan, a communication challenging them stop tried out by the Cardinals last season, catcher Munch, the Washington boy who Mr. Herrmann said he would consider the to a base ball game to be played at Camp Ran- has been released to the Jacksonville Club, of the dall the latter part of June. Director ©Ehler says South Atlantic League. did .much of the receiving for the Syra proposition and took Mr. Anson©s ad the athletic council undoubtedly will reject the cuse Club last season, after his release, dress, but that was the last of it, for the challenge. OHIO LEAGUE REORGANIZATION with a string attached, by Manager Grif generation that enjoyed Anson©s work PITTSBURGH, Pa., December 24. Unless fith. Grif has framed up a deal by years ago, bluffing the umpires, is fast SCRANTON SEEKS OTTO DEININGER present plans miscarry, Youngstown, Wheeling SCKANTON, Pa., December 23. According to and Steubenville will be represented next season which Munch will be transferred to At passing away. a rumor circulated here Thursday night, the new in the Ohio State League. According to the best lanta, from which city he will probably NO PENSION FOB "CAP." owners of the Scranton team, of the New York information obta.ina.ble, Maysville, Ky., and be reclaimed by Washington in the Fall, State League, a.re planning to close a deal in Lexington, Ky., will drop out of the Ohio State; Some bright man suggested that the a few days whereby the Miners will get the serv and it may be that one other franchise will be if he comes up to expectations. As was league pension the old man, but the new ices of outflelder Otto Deininger, a former Phil- vacated. If this should prove to be the case, anticipated, Mr. Griffith has decided to blood in the league had never heard of lie and last year a member of the Jersey City room will be provided for Youngstown, Wheeling apply to President Chivington to appoint team, of the International League. and Steubenville©. Should none but the Kentucky Tom Hughes to the vacancy in the Am Anson and the scheme fell through. It teams quit. Wheeling and Youngstown will be made no difference to Anson, who will be NEED MONEY AT KEWANEE the favored ones. Maysville and Lexington plan erican Association©s umpire staff, caused around again next year looking for favors KEWANBE, Ills., December 20. Unless $1500 to return to the Blue Grass League, to which or by the resignation of Ed Handiboe. He from the National League. The best the is raised before January 1, as balance of $4000, ganization they belonged prior to entering the thinks Tom would make an unusually Kewanee©s Central Association base ball franchise Ohio State. capable arbitrator. The lengthy twirler old sport can expect is a wreath on his will be surrendered. This was decided by the grave after he cashes in. Everything went club officials today when the franchise committee PLAYERS FOR BLOOMINGTON has a keen eye, and is tall enough to rosy for President Tener, although it was reported $2500 available and asked an extension BLOOMINGTON, Ills., December 20. The look over the catchers and take a wide of time. Bloomington (I. I. I. League) Club has received view of the field. plain to see that Garry Herrmann was the signed contracts of Walter Lyons, sfaortstop; not over-enthusiastic about the appear DECATUR STICKS TO GAME Lacy Demaree, catcher; and George Fritech, THE ANNUAL MEETING ance of a big man in his little family of DECATUR, Ills., December 22.
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