TELEVISION RADIO NEWS ELEC. 1110 11:5 JULY 1949 30¢ u.s.and CANADA LATEST IN 'RADIO - ELECTRONICS - TELEVISION TV E %TRAS WARD IflIIÌUTE man WARD PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1523 E. 45TH ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO .JULY 1949 WARD SMASHES TV ANTENNA INSTALLATION COSTS! IT COSTS ONLY 6c IN LABOR TO ASSEMBLE WARD'S SENSATIONAL MINUTE MAN ANTENNA (WP) CLEVELAND, OHIO GREATER INCOMES AND PROFITS REALIZED The Chief Engineer of the Ward Products Corporation states that the new sensational FLASH! BY INSTALLING WARD ANTENNAS. Minute Man antennas are being made of WARD PERMA -TUBE (WP) NEW YORK, N. Y. PERMA -TUBE - a newly perfected non- USES IN CON- corroding coated steel tubing, created espe- STRUCTING MINUTE MAN ANTENNAS. Now you can make big money on a cially for Ward by the Jones and Laughlin standard installation fee. It has been Steel Corp., Pittsbuigh, Pa. Independent (WP) CLEVELAND, OHIO laboratory tests on over 30 metals com- reported that servicemen and re- monly used for antennas have proved The Ward Products Corporation, a tailers are realizing greater profits PERMA -TUBE the best for all weather in- Division of the Gabriel Company, by installing Ward Minute Man disclosed today their new Minute stallations. Aluminum is too weak and other Antennas. The quick 3 minute in- types of coated steel corrodes. Ward is the Man line of TV antennas. These 13 only manufacturer using PERMA -TUBE antennas, ranging in list prices from stallation makes the big difference. in constructing antennas. See your Ward $2.45 to $49.95 are completely pre - It means more installations per day Distributor today. assembled. Where it formely took and at greater returns. No con- two installation men three- quarters of an hour (or approximately $7.50 in sumer complaints have been reg- labor) to assemble the ordinary TV istered by big labor bills. See your antenna, one man can assemble any Ward distributor today. Ward Minute Man antenna in a few minutes. This is the greatest techni- cal engineering improvement in the antenna field and the Ward engineers are to be congratulated on its achievement. They have spent many See Your months in their laboratory perfecting the many ingenious construction fea- Ward Distributor tures. See your Ward distributor today. Today INTRODUCING WARD'S NEW "MINUTE MAN" TV ANTENNAS Dick Moss, television engineer, flicks up dipole in assembly operaflon of Ward Minute Man antennas. (Model TV -4G). Compltly Pr- ssmbld Const -actd of Non -Corro ing Prmalub A few seconds later and Dick snaps the high Profitable to Install frequency dipole into position. It costs only 6c in labor to assemble this Ward Minute Man Thom Word Mmur Man Am., ,, los r, patens and use from any diseance from antenna. M transmitter. S your dimibutor today. :; / Will Train You at Home for Good Jobs in RADIO TI LI VISPO N I Send You Many America's Fastest Growing Industry KITS OF PARTS for practical experience Offers You GOOD PAY--SUCCESS Want a good -pay job in the fast growing RADIO -TELE- I a money -making Radio -Television TRAINED You conduct many teats and experiments with equip- VISION Industry? Want shop of your own? Here's your opportunity. I've trained ment built from materials I furnish. Some of the THESE MEN . MEN some hundreds of men to be successful Technicians equipment from my Servicing Course and froni My tested and is shown below. WITH NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. "1 operating m' my Communications Course Everything easy. You learn I send is yours to keep. proved train -at -home method makes learning rn RadioSake nd Radio -Television principles from illustrated lessons. You get Service business. With experimenting with FM and Television in practical experience building, testing, Ai, the offing. we have a MANY KITS OF PARTS I send. Allequipmentyourstokeep. very profitable fu- ture." A. Patrick. Tampa. Fta. MAKE EXTRA MONEY IN SPARE TIME "N.R.I. was my step. The day you enroll. I start sending SPECIAL BOOKLETS Ping stone from few hundred to over $4.000 a week or more EXTRA that show you how to make O. $10 year a. a Radio En MONEY fixing neighbors' Radios in spare time while learning. ineer Hake extra here. it's a short step to your own shop or a good -pay money servicing Rs- From die.," A Michaels, Trenton. Ga. Radio -Television servicing joh Or be a licensed Radio -Tele- "Before finishing vision Operator or Technician. course. I earned about f10y week Axing Ra- TELEVISION OFFERS BRIGHT FUTURE dios in pare lime. Recommend N.R.I." are 2700 Radio stations on the air -and - Today there nearly trod. Miami. Florid, within three years experts predict there will be over 1000 Tele- ^My first job vision Stations. Then add developments in FM. Two -Way obtained for wby = Radio. Police, Marine, Aviation and Microwave Relay Radio! your Graduate Service Dept. Am now Chief Think what this means. New jobs, more jobs, good pay for Engineer. Ponce Ra qualified men. dio Station WQOX." T . Hamilton. Ohl.; tied in with two Television outfits.t and ACTUAL IE do rrant for &filers. UK N.R.I.N texts often?-Robot Dorman. New Prague. Minn LESSON E "Four month,months after rolling for N.R.I. Art now! Send for my FREE DOUBLE OFFER. Coupon entitles you to our able to crud lesson. "GETTING ACOUAIN1 ED WITH RECEIVER SERVICING." service Radios: aver- It shows you that learning at home i. aced *10 -SI5 week easy. practical. You also Set my 64- in spare time." --W page book. -HOW TO HE A SUCCESS R. Weyde, Brooklyn. N. Y. IN RADIO. TELEVISION." It tells what my graduates aree doing and earn- 'N.R.1. helped me get ing. Send coupon in envelope or paste ition as Radio Me- on penny postal J E. SMITH. Presi- Annie with United dent. Dept vflx. National Radio Airlines. Have Radio. Institute. Pioneer Hume Study Radio telephone Ind Class School. W.h,ngton 9. D. C. License" Lehman Huger. San Itrun,,. Good tivreehf-FREE MR. 1. E. SMITH, President, Dept. 9GX ' National Radio Institute, Washington 9, D. C. Mail me Sample Lesson and 64 -page book about How- to Win Success in Radio -Television -both FREE.. (No salesman will call. Please write plainly.) 1 Name Age e GET THIS TRAINING Address WITHOUT COST ; 1 City... _ .. Zone State VETERANS UNDER G. I. BILL Check Veteran Approsed Under C I. Bill LMM--- d ........... - Hugo Gernsback, Editor -in -Chief RAI) 10 - Fred Shunaman, Managing Editor Peay .Sae ¡ M. Harvey Gernsback, Consulting Editor ELECTRONICS Use Reliable formerly RADIO -CRAFT Robert F. Scott, W2PWG, Technical Editor Incorse ratina R. H. Dorf, W2QMI, Associate Editor TELEVISION SHORT WAVE TELEVISION NEWS RADIO i TELEVISION I. Queen, W2OUX, Editorial Associate REPLACEMENTS T,n,1 e,k l'rglmlar,,t l;. S. l'aleill Oltlre Angie Pascale, Production Manager Circulation Monoger Business Monoger Wm. Lyon McLaughlin, G. Aliquo Charles K. Brett Television requires the most du- Tech. Illustration Director rable, heat- and -moisture -resist- Soles Managers John J. Lamson, Lee Robinson ant components you can get. In capacitors, that )means Sprague. Contents July. 1949 You'll have no profitless call- backs with extra -dependable Editorial (Page 19) Sprague TV capacitors. Biological Electronics by Hugo Gernsback 19 Television News (Pages 20.3I) Reasons and Remedies for TV Interference by David Gnessin 20 How a TV Station Operates by Morton Shore 22 Circuits for Horizontal A.F.C by Louis E. Garner, Jr. 24 Television Station Lit 26 14 -Tube British Televiser by Major Ralph W. Hollows 27 Conditions Affecting TV Image Resolution by Nathaniel Rhito 29 Antennas 30 Construction (Pages 32 -33) 32 A High -Fidelity Tuner-Amplifier, Port I (Cover Feature) .by M. Harvey Gernsback Electronics (Pages 34-39) /Only Telecaps are Electronics in Medicine, Part IX by Eugene J. Thompson 34 in heat - Prospecting for Uranium Ore using G -M Counters by Samuel Freedman 36 molded I.F. Amplifier in Miniature 38 resistant Bakelite phenolic, oil -im- Audio (Pages 40.41) pregnated, and Design Your Own Crossover Network by James R. Longhom 40 then solder- sealed Servicing (Pages 42-49) -just like metal - Radio Set & Service Review (Motorola 68F1I, 68F12 and 68F14) 42 encased oil -paper Fundamentals of Radio Servicing (Port V -How Capacitors are Made) capacitors. No othernfaunfacturer by John T. Frye 44 / can make this claim/ Rad ngs from Simple Routine Check Locates Receiver Hum. by J. T. Cotaldo and S. J. Richard 46 600 to 10,000 volts. AM Generator Useful for TV by R. M. Vendeland 47 Two New Aids for TV Antenna Installation 48 Amateur (Pages 50 -53) Designing Closs -AB2 Modulators by Rufus P. Turner, K6A1 50 A.N.L. and Squelch Circuit 51 A Versatile Grid -Dip Oscillator by R. L. Pormenter, WIJXF 52 Test Instruments (Pages 54 -56) Linear Resistance Bridge by I. Queen 54 ATOM and Foreign News (Pages 58 -60) TWIST -LOK* European Report by Major Ralph W. Hollows 58 Departments DRY ELECTROLYTICS The Rodio Month 10 Try This One 68 Radio Business 16 Miscellany 71 New Devices 61 Technotes 73 Radio -Electronic Circuits 62 People 75 Question Box 64 Communications 77 New Patents 66 Book Reviews 81 ON THE COVER: The high -fidelity tuner -amplifier (see p. 32) being checked over by the editor -in- chiefs grandson (age 4) while father gets ready to make audio measurements on the amplifier. Kodochrcme by Avery Slack. RADIO- ELECTRONICS, July. 1949, Volume XX, No. 10. l'ubllehed monthly. Publication Office: Elie Ave.. w ale post °Mee E to O Street.. Philadelphia 3., Pa. Entend clam, matter vHmber 27.
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