THE MAGAZINE OF 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT Volume 27 A Publication of NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC Last Minute Items of Interest 3 Months of 3-D in 200 1 Deep Adventures in Seattle Stereo related subjects are featured for three of The history and development of 3-D from stereo- the twelve months in a 2001 calendar offered by scopes and View-Master to 3-D movies and modern George Eastman House. Titled The Photographer's technological applications is on exhibit at the Pacific Tools-Cameras From the George Eastman House, Science Center in Seattle through January, 2001. the calendar presents an illuminating journey into The exhibit uses a variety of interactive compo- the photograph and motion picture technology col- nents to demonstrate how our brain can fuse vari- lection of the institution's International Museum of ous types of image pairs into stereoscopic images. Photography in Rochester, NY. Each month is devot- Following its run at the Pacific Science Center, the ed to a different aspect of photography and camera exhibit will tour nationally. The Center also has an technology. One month titled "Brownie Cameras" IMAX 3-D theater with a schedule posted on its web shows a Brownie 3-D camera among others. Anoth- site: y?ww.Dacsci.org. Located right next to the Space er month is titled "Kodak Cameras" and shows an Needle, PSC Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (6 p.m. early Kodak 3-D camera. The best is the month weekends) every day except Thanksgiving and titled "Stereographs". This shows a selection of 3-D Christmas. cameras, viewers, and views including a TDC Vivid, Realist slides and viewer, stereo cards, a stereo- Upcoming Stereo Exhibitions scope, a wooden viewer for glass slides, and much The following upcoming competitions & Exhibi- more. tions are listed with the closing date first, followed Priced at $12.95, The Photographer's Tools can by name and address for entry forms, the stereo be reserved or purchased by phone, fax, mail or in formats accepted, and the entry fees. Forms for person at the George Eastman House Museum Shop, some exhibitions are available online at: 900 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607, (716) 271- htt~://members.aol.com/~sastereo/. 3361 ext. # 303 Fax (716) 271 3970, January 18, 200 1, HOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL STEREO CARDS. David Thompson, 400 Jasmine Rides Go 3-D Dr., Brea, CA 9282 1. E-mail: [email protected]. Cards. US $9. Canada & other, $1 1. The IwerksmTurboRidem ride simulation theaters in flve theme parks will be converted to 3-D projec- January 18, 200 1, HOLLYWOOD STEREO SLIDES. tion in 2001 according to Iwerks Entertainment, Mitchell Walker, P.O. Box 8834, Universal City, Inc. The five 148-seat theaters will premier 7th CA 9 1608. E-mail: [email protected] Portal, a superhero 3-D ride film currently in pro- htt~://home.earthlink.net/-camvflre.Slides. US $9, duction at Paramount with Stan Lee Media and Blur Canada & other $11 Studio. January 22, 200 1, DELAWARE. L.T. Maniscalco, TurboRide theaters will be converted at Para- 1304 Oberlin Rd., Wilmington, DE 19803-51 10. E- mount's Great America in California, Kings Island mail: [email protected]~.Cards, anaglyphs, over- in Ohio, Kings Dominion in Virginia, Carowinds in under pairs, lenticular prints. N. Am. and other, North Carolina and Canada's Wonderland in $7. Ontario. Each park currently has two TurboRide March 12, 2001, W1CHIT.A INTERNATIONAL. Alan theaters, and one at each location will be converted Zirnmerman, 8818 Roland St., Wichita KS 67212- to 3-D. More on Iwerks 3-D and Large Format film 4038. E-mail: [email protected] & Slides. technology can be found at: www.iwerks.ca. N. Am. $6. Others $7. March 21, 200 1, CHICAGO LIGHTHOUSE. Don Smith, F'PSA, 145 West Park Ave., Wheaton, IL 60187-6459. Email: DSmithl450aol.c~1~a.Slides & cards N. Am. $7, Others $8 March 23, 2001, SOUTHERN CROSS. Mrs. Nancy Moxom, 46 Glenayr Ave., West Ryde, N.S.W. 2 114, Australia. E-mail: ~om@t~rz.com.au.Slides. N. Am. $8 U.S. Other, $10 Australian. THE MAGAZINE OF Dual Visions of the West on Exhibit ......................................... 3 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT Thank You .................................................................................... 4 TR: Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt's Vigorous Career Part 11: The Roosevelt Stereographs .............................................................. 6 !A Board ofDirectors by Richard C. Ryder Bill C. Walton, Chairman Paula R. Fle ming . -. CyberWorld 3-D 22 Andy Lrlstcom ........................................................................ Dieter Lorenz review by Lawrence Kaufman Russell Norton T.K. Treadwell Seneca Ra Returns ................................................................... 29 Richard Tw ichell review by 10 YIn Dennis NSA Offi cers Mary Ann Sell, President Findin Depth in Sheet Metal ................................................. 30 Shab Levy, Vice ' President review Py [ohn Dennis n--- Kamin, Vice President, Activitiei Larry Hess, 5,ecretory David Wheeler, Treasurer Photokina 2000 Photographic 3-D Sags, Digital Systems Multiply 32 Stereo Wor .Id Staff ........................................... ., . ,.. by Dieter Lorenz jonn uennrs,- torror- Lawrence Kaufman, Contributing Edit Mark Willke, Art Director Tele-Stereo: A History ................................................................ 38 Sylvia Dennis, Subscription Manager by Ray Zone Don R. Cibbs. Back Issues Manouer 'OW LO KeULn UJ; NSA Memt~ership (New m8embenhips, nnnvoIs & oddr~sschongt Editor's View Comments and Observations .................................................... 2 P.O. Box 14801, CO~UImbus, OH 432 by lohn Dennis Questions Concerning The Society News from the Stereoscopic Society of America .............................. 28 itereo World Subscr~pt~ons by Norman R. Patterson Larry Hess, (602) 365-3553 Saguaro Park Ln., Glendale, AZ 8531 0 31 e-mall: [email protected] Views-Master Information on the Reel World ............................................... by Woliyang & Mary Ann Sell J rerec World Back: Issue Sewit 36 (Wnte lor ovarlabll'ily & prices.) NewViews Current Information on Stereo Today ............................................ NSA, 2: %575C.R. 77, (:alhan, CO 80t by David Starkman & lohn Dennis 40 eo World Editorial Office Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here ......................................................... to Ihe edtor O~~LIPI& calendar I~rtinqs) I E 71 st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 (503) 771-4440 mail: [email protected] ere0 World PLdvertising (Chsrrh~d& di splay odr) ,E 71st Ave , PC~rtland, OR 972 .--*~--. -4441).... (>Ujj //I H. C. White #9901, "President Roosevelt at his Desk e-mail: [email protected] in the White House, Washington. " This imposing (Insert flyers & c~uclron ads) Jeffrey K raus image is one of several Roosevelt views in Part 2 of I Paltz. NY 1251 Richard Ryder's feoture T.R.: Portrait of Theodore 102 Dubois........ Rd., Nen I I -/Yl5 Roosevelt's Vigorous Career. This concluding half @mhv.net of the article deals with the stereographic record of ZR. 's public life. all Unlm,,r lllVCl IIFIIUSII I IVIIIIF> :oscopic Research Libra I wlrh the Nolionnl Strreorcops Arroao Iron) Erie Ave., Cincinnati, OH 452 08 t-mail: [email protected] (AlbliotprI wlth the NoIlona1 Slpreoaoplc ArrKrc Volume 27, Number 3 ]uly/August 2000 Sha b Levy, Mernbcmh~p Secretag 6320 SW 34th Ave., Portland, OR 97 Stem World(lSSN 0191-4030) is published b~monthlyby the National Stereoscopic Association Inc., PO. Box 14801, Columbus. OH 43214. e. mall: shab@e<lsystreet com Entire contentsO2OOO all r~ghtsreserved. Material in this publicat~onmay not be reproduced without written perm!srion of the NSA, Inc. Print- ed In USA. A subscriphon to Stereo World is part of NSA membership. Annual membership dues: $26 thlrd class US $38 first class US, 138 . ..... Canada and fore~gnsurface, $56 internat~onalairmail. All memberships are based on the publish,ng year of Stereo world, which be Ins in March Stereo World on the Web and ends with the IanuaryiFebruary Issue of the next year. All new memberships received w~llcommence w~ththe ~archi~~riissue of the www.stereoview.org current calendar year, When applying for membership, please advise us ~fyou do not des~rethe back Issues of the current volume. Member, International Stereoscopic Union -- --- . -- - Comments and Observations EDITORSWEW john Dennis s I'm sure were most readers, I It's probably understandable if fre- documenting the construction and had expected to see the report quent Stereo World contributor operation of the station. During A on the NSA convention in Ryder seems to have become the October 11-24 Space Shuttle Mesa in this issue. It was held for absorbed in his subject. Roosevelt mission, eleven minutes of IMAX our next issue in order to include was ahead of his time in so many 3-D footage were Part I1 of Richard Ryder's impres- ways that his words and actions- shot using two spe- sive feature on Theodore Roosevelt both progressive and regressive- cially designed cam- without interruption as well as sev- come through today like thunder- eras which will stere- .. if 'S hard eral other items having specific bolts of political directness long ograph more activity to beat time value. The real problem, in since foreign to mainstream politi- inside and outside~ -~- fact, is that we have a relative cians. As a pivotal figure in Ameri- the station during" Larae wealth of fascinating material in can history, his combinations of future missions. hand or on the way but a limited social fairness, military
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