Appendix O Social Assessment www.emgamm.com www.iluka.com Balranald Mineral Sands Project Social Assessment Prepared for Iluka Resources Limited May 2015 www.emgamm.com www.iluka.com BalranaldMineralSandsProject SocialAssessment IlukaTrimReferenceNo:1305935 PreparedforIlukaResourcesLtd|5May2015 GroundFloor,Suite01,20ChandosStreet StLeonards,NSW,2065 T+61 2 94939500 F+61294939599 [email protected] emgamm.com BalranaldMineralSandsProject SocialAssessmentFinal ReportJ12011RP1|PreparedforIlukaResourcesLtd|5May2015 Preparedby BrettMcLennan Approvedby KateCox Position Director Position AssociateEnvironmentalScientist Signature Signature Date 5May2015 Date 5May2015 This report has been prepared in accordance with the brief provided by the client and has relied upon the information collected at the time and under the conditions specified in the report. All findings, conclusions or recommendations contained in the report are based on the aforementioned circumstances. The report is for the use of the client and no responsibilitywillbetakenforitsusebyotherparties.Theclientmay,atitsdiscretion,usethereporttoinformregulators andthepublic. © Reproduction of this report for educational or other noncommercial purposes is authorised without prior written permissionfromEMMprovidedthesourceisfullyacknowledged.Reproductionofthisreportforresaleorothercommercial purposesisprohibitedwithoutEMM’spriorwrittenpermission. DocumentControl Version Date Preparedby Reviewedby 1 27October2014 BrettMcLennan KateCox 2 17February2015 BrettMcLennan R 3 15March2015 BrettMcLennan KateCox 4 23March2015 BrettMcLennan R 5 14April2015 BrettMcLennan R T+61(0)294939500|F+61(0)294939599 GroundFloor|Suite01|20ChandosStreet|StLeonards|NewSouthWales|2065|Australia emgamm.com TableofContents Chapter1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Approvalprocess 1 1.3 Purposeofthisreport 4 1.4 Objectivesandtasks 4 1.5 Assessmentarea 5 1.6 Structureofthisreport 5 Chapter2 TheBalranaldProject 7 2.1 Projectschedule 7 2.2 Projectarea 7 2.3 WestBalranaldandNepeanmines 9 2.4 Injectionborefields 10 2.5 Accessroads 10 2.6 Watersupplypipeline 10 2.7 Gravelextraction 10 2.8 Workforce 11 2.9 Accommodationfacility 12 Chapter3 Policycontext 15 3.1 Introduction 15 3.2 Commonwealthcontext 15 3.2.1 StrengtheningBasinCommunities 15 3.2.2 MurrayDarlingBasinPlan 15 3.3 Statecontext 16 3.3.1 NSW2021 16 3.3.2 StateEnvironmentPlanningPolicy(Mining,PetroleumProductionand 17 ExtractiveIndustries)2007 3.4 Regionalcontext 18 3.5 Localcontext 18 3.5.1 BalranaldShireCommunityStrategicPlan'BalranaldShire2022' 18 3.5.2 StrengtheningBasinCommunities CommunityDevelopmentPlansfor 20 BalranaldandEuston201216 3.5.3 BalranaldShireEconomicDevelopmentStrategy 23 3.5.4 DraftBalranaldCrimePreventionPlan201115 23 3.6 ConsistencyoftheBalranaldProjectwithpolicycontext 24 Chapter4 Stakeholderengagement 25 4.1 Introduction 25 J12011RP1 i TableofContents(Cont'd) 4.2 Stakeholderinterviews 25 4.2.1 Methodology 25 4.2.2 Results 26 4.3 Communityinformationsessions 29 4.4 Communitynewsletters 30 4.5 Other 30 Chapter5 Communityandservicesprofile 31 5.1 Keysocioeconomiccharacteristics 31 5.1.1 Populationsize,growthandfuturechange 31 5.1.2 Populationstructure 31 5.1.3 Householdstructure 33 5.1.4 Economicstructure 33 5.1.5 Workforceandoccupationstructure 33 5.1.6 Unemployment 34 5.1.7 Relativedisadvantage 34 5.1.8 Conclusionsaboutkeysocioeconomiccharacteristics 35 5.2 Communityservicesandfacilities 35 5.2.1 Education 35 5.2.2 Health 38 5.2.3 Retailandcommercialservices 40 5.2.4 Recreationandsportingfacilities 40 5.2.5 Culturalfacilities 41 5.2.6 Religion 41 5.2.7 Childrenandyouthservices 41 5.2.8 Emergencyservices 42 5.2.9 Publicandcommunitytransportservices 45 5.3 Housingandaccommodation 45 5.4 OverviewofBalranaldcommunity 46 5.4.1 Thepopulation 47 5.4.2 Thecommunity 47 5.4.3 Housingandaccommodation 47 5.4.4 Conclusions 48 Chapter6 Socialimpacts 49 6.1 Typesofsocialimpacts 49 6.2 Planning,feasibilityandapprovalsphase 50 6.2.1 Context 50 6.2.2 Affectedpropertyowners 51 6.2.3 Communityconcerns 52 J12011RP1 ii TableofContents(Cont'd) 6.3 Constructionandoperationalphases 53 6.3.1 Context 53 6.3.2 Workforceissues 54 6.3.3 Increaseddemandforaccommodation 56 6.3.4 Demandsoncommunity,retailandbusinessservices 58 6.3.5 Impactsonsocialamenity 59 6.3.6 Constructionandoperationaltrafficimpacts 61 6.3.7 Cumulativeimpactswithotherminingprojects 63 6.3.8 Rehabilitationanddecommissioning 64 Chapter7 Mitigationmeasures 65 7.1 Introduction 65 7.2 Workforce 65 7.3 Housingandaccommodation 66 7.3.1 Workforceaccommodation 66 7.3.2 Flowonaccommodationdemands 66 7.3.3 Rentalandhousingandlanddevelopmentmarkets 67 7.4 Communityservices 67 7.5 Socialamenity 68 7.6 Rehabilitationanddecommissioning 68 Chapter8 Conclusion 69 References 71 Abbreviations 73 Appendices A Stakeholderinterviews B Informationdisplaysat2014communityinformationsessions C Communitynewsletters D 2011demographicdata E ResearchintosocialimpactsofminingproposalsinregionalandremoteNSW J12011RP1 iii Tables 2.1 Projectareaanddisturbancearea 9 2.2 Peakworkforcedetails 11 3.1 BalranaldShire2022Pillarsofwellbeingandcommunitystrategicobjectives 20 3.2 CommunityDevelopmentPlanforBalranaldtown–Recommendedactions,keystep andsuccessindicators 21 4.1 Summaryofstakeholderinterviews 26 5.1 Keysocioeconomiccharacteristics 32 5.2 Numberofunemployedandunemploymentrate,20134 34 5.3 SEIFAscores,2011 35 5.4 MySchooldataforStJoseph’sPrimarySchool,2014 36 5.5 MySchooldataforBalranaldCentralSchool,2014 38 5.6 Recordedcriminalincidentsformajoroffences,BalranaldLGA,20112013 42 5.7 SummaryofcommunityservicesandfacilitieslocatedinBalranald 44 5.8 AvailablemotelaccommodationinBalranaldtown 46 6.1 SummaryofpotentialsocialimpactsduringphasesofBalranaldProject 49 A.1 Stakeholderinterviews A.1 D.1 Population(2006and2011) D.1 D.2 Agedistribution(2011) D.2 D.3 Placeofbirth(2011) D.2 D.4 Householdcompositions(2011) D.2 D.5 Housingstructureandtenure(2011) D.3 D.6 Weeklyhouseholdincome(2011) D.3 D.7 Industryofemploymenttopresponses(2011) D.4 D.8 Industryofemployedpersons(2011) D.4 D.9 Occupationoftheworkforce(2011) D.5 E.1 ActiveorplannedminingprojectsintheMidWesternLGA E.1 Figures 1.1 Regionalcontext 2 1.2 Localcontext 3 1.3 Assessmentarea 6 2.1 BalranaldProjectschedule 8 J12011RP1 iv 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview IlukaResourcesLtd(Iluka)proposestodevelopamineralsandsmineinsouthwesternNewSouthWales (NSW), known as the Balranald Mineral Sands Project (the Balranald Project). The Balranald Project includes construction, mining and rehabilitation of two linear mineral sand deposits, known as West BalranaldandNepean.Thesemineralsandsdepositsarelocatedapproximately12kilometres(km)and 66kmnorthwestofthetownofBalranald(seeFigure1.1and1.2). IlukaisseekingdevelopmentconsentunderPart4,Division4.1oftheNSWEnvironmentalPlanningand AssessmentAct1979(EP&AAct)fortheBalranaldProject,broadlycomprising: opencutminingoftheWestBalranaldandNepeandeposits,referredtoastheWestBalranaldand Nepeanmines,includingprogressiverehabilitation; processingofextractedoretoproduceheavymineralconcentrate(HMC)andilmenite; roadtransportofHMCandilmenitetoVictoria; backfillingoftheminevoidswithoverburdenandtailings,includingtransportofbyproductsfrom theprocessingofHMCinVictoriaforbackfillingintheminevoids; returnofhypersalinegroundwaterextractedpriortominingtoitsoriginalaquiferbyanetworkof injectionborefields; anaccommodationfacilityfortheconstructionandoperationalworkforce; gravelextractionfromlocalsourcesforconstructionrequirements;and a water supply pipeline from the Murrumbidgee River to provide fresh water during construction andoperation. Separateapprovals,arebeingsoughtfor: theconstructionofatransmissionlinetosupplypowertotheBalranaldProject;and projectcomponentslocatedwithinVictoria. 1.2 Approvalprocess InNSW,theBalranaldProjectrequiresdevelopmentconsentunderPart4,Division4.1oftheEP&AAct. Part 4 of the EP&A Act relates to development assessment. Division 4.1 specifically relates to the assessmentofdevelopmentdeemedtobeStatesignificantdevelopment(SSD).TheBalranaldProjectisa mineralsandsminingdevelopmentwhichmeetstherequirementsforSSD. AnapplicationforSSDmustbeaccompaniedbyanenvironmentalimpactstatement(EIS),preparedin accordancewiththeNSWEnvironmentalPlanningandAssessmentRegulation2000(EP&ARegulation). J12011RP1 1 HIGHWAY BARRIER ¯ BROKEN !( HILL !( GRAFTON SYDNEY BALRANALD !( !( S CANBERRA I L !( V E R C I T Y MELBOURNE !( H I G H W A NEW SOUTH WALES Y D A RL IN G R IV C O ER B B HI G H W A Y SOUTH AUSTRALIA SOUTH ER SRIV U Y F WA U IGH R H !( R RN MILDURA E E IV ST STURT HIGHWAY LAN R E LACH W ID M !( MU GRIFFITH RR UM BID G ROBINVALE EE !( T HIG !( RIV HAY STUR HWA M E R Y U !( R R AY VALLE BALRANALD YH I G H C W A L A D Y E !( R Y H MANANGATANG ED A IGHWAY W W Y ARD H HWA R G E HIG IVER H I MALLE ELL NIE U R RIVE W SWAN M R E !( N HILL ER WA KOOL RIV !( HOPETOUN YR RA I M R V VICTORIA U E R L !( O YARRAWONGA D !( ECHUCA D Y O Y IGHWA KEY H NV A G N Y U A W R A H W SHEPPARTON Project area O L G L !( I B H !( E M G ID H Y I LAND H Y HI H IGH EL7450 T W N G A N I Y H R E WI M H GH M W A Y E W E H R A Main road H !( A Y T HORSHAM R Atlas-Campaspe MLA MCIV O OR H IG N AY H EEW Willandra Lakes Region World W FR AY E Heritage Area S U M U RENEES H N Y HIG R P H AY Major watercourses A W Y S I Relic and ephemeral lakes A Y Y W A E H A ST I E G W RN H W Perennial lakes C H HIG W H A G HW A G AY Y L I I D National parks and conservation H H E !( R A H W B E A areas BALLARAT S F TERN R L D F E E 050100 E N ELG AY R M !(
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