Serving the community for 116 years nT**1- Summit Founded in 1889 C J VOLUME 116, No. 34 My 23,2005 Prices 500 p Newsbriefs - City has applied Driver charged by police with homicide for tree grant from the county 26-year-old township native dies after late-night hit and run By LIZ KEDLL BERKELEY HEKHTS — Early Heights Rescue Squad. She died on scene. The driver of the vehicle was ving, failure to report a motor vehi- ered fora candlelight vigil at Memo- SUMMIT — Greening Union Sunday morning, July 17, a town- Monday night, according to pub- stopped a short time later by police cle accident with injuries, leaving rial Field in Berkeley Heights on County, a grant application de- ship native walking on Plainfield lished reports, after which her vital at the intersection of Plainfield Av- the scene of an accident with in- Tuesday night, July 19. A funeral signed to encourage tree planting Avenue was struck by an out-of- organs were donated. enue and Boiton Boulevard, and po- juries and first-degree vehicular service for Ms. Pizzo was held at in municipalities, came to the at- state hit and run driver, who has Ms. Pizzo. police said, was leav- lice said she told authorities she homicide. Millingtcn Baptist Church on July tention of Common Council at its been charged with vehicular homi- ing a friend's house when the acci- thought she had hit a deer. Bail was set at S50.000 by Supe- 21. with arrangements by Bur- Tuesday, July 12, meeting. cide. dent occurred on Plainfield Avenue, Police identified the driver as rior Court Judge PerfOio and Ms. roughs, Kohr & Dangler Funeral The council adopted a resolu- The victim, Amber Pizzo, 26, of north of Mountain Avenue, at 12:17 Giselle Barquero-Perez. 24. of Barquero-Perez was later transport- Home, Madison. tion to authorize an application Bedminster, a 1996 Governor Liv- a.m. Sunday. Moresville. N.C. ed to the Union Count}- Jail. After Donations in her memory may be for the matching grant program. ingston graduate, was transported to The incident involved one motor She was taken into custody and Ms. Pizzo's death, the bail was in- made to Mothers Against Drunk According to acting Community Morristown Memorial Hospital with vehicle which, police said, struck charged with driving while intoxi- creased to $200,000. Driving. PO Box 5085. Trenton Services Director Paul Cascais, critical injuries by the Berkeley Ms. Pizzo, then was driven from the cated, reckless driving, careless dri- Friends of the Pizzo family eath- 08638." 40 trees had been planted in Sum- mit through a previous grant, and this application would provide for 20 additional trees. Controversial applications The city has also initiated a tree planting program for resi- dents, starting in the fall. For a put on hold at zoning board homeowner to request a tree, complete the application form available in the city's July Open Line newsletter or call the Depart- Hearings postponed until Aug. 1 meeting ment of Community Services at 273-6404. A request can also be e- By LIZ KEELL They also replaced railroad tie for 26 Lenox Road, which had been mailed to Mr. Cascais at pcas- steps that led down the steep slope continued from June 20. On behalf cais @ cityofsummit.org. SUMMIT — Two controversial area towards Edgewood Road with of this client, Mr. Sheehan asked for - In another effort to protect the applications scheduled to be heard fieldstone steps. The stone wall at two variances: one for a steep slope city's environment, the council by the Zoning Board of Adjustment the foot of the property was rebuilt and another for accessing a structure authorized an application for a at its Monday, July ii. meeting have with stone and cement to make it from a side yard. matching grant from the New Jer- been postponed until Aug. 1. sturdier. Mr. Groskuph said. Architect John Kelly said the sey Department of Environmental The owners of 7 Hobart Ave.. ac- An attorney representing one of Mediterranean style house, built in Protection. cording to neighbors, built a patio the neighbors said Che applicant was 1925, would retain its period appear- The grant goes toward the and terrace before acquiring a per- '"asking for forgiveness, not permis- ance. Building materials would be Summit Recycling Center at a to- mit from the city. Attorney sion"^ modified with brick rather than stuc- tal cost of $5,000, with the city Bartholomew Sfaeehan. who repre- co. A garage will Wend with the paying $2,500 to enhance public sents the applicant, asked for a delay Templar Way hearing delayed landscape by being built into a hill, participation. The 53-acre proper- in the hearing to acquire more "fac- with the upper level of the house ty was deeded over to die city of tual research" involving the building Mr. Sheehan also represents die opening up to a terraced lawn above Summit from Union County to out of the patio and to discuss the owner of 27 Templar Way. He said a the garage level. develop plans for passive and ac- matter with neighbors. He said there notice to all the neighbors within A bridge from the second floor of tive recreation. Related public fo- is also an issue involving a private 200 feet was delayed. Currently, the house would connect to the up- rums will be held in the fall. right-of-way. there is a stop work order on the pro- per lawn. The owners of the home, Jooa ject. "We will keep the sides and the aad Donna Groskuph, came before Zoning Board chairman Jay So- rear of the house in the same charac- School board the zoning board in June. They said bel said there would be no certificate ter and maintain the sun room, most- accepts gifts their contactor, Frank Scheppe. had of occupancy issued until the appli- ly glass, which is really two, with told them diey would not need a per- cation is approved by the zoning one on top of the other," the archi- SUMMIT - The Board of Edu- mit since they were basically re- board. He said, "We could summar- tect said. cation is expected to accept sever- placing a patio that had been there ily dismiss the case if it's delayed Alternatives for the garage were al gifts at its 8 p.m. Tuesday, July POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE — Carrying the ceremo- previously. any longer. That's the reality of the not feasible, he said, because of the 26, meeting atLawton C. Johnson nial wooden mace on Ms way to prepare for Class of The owner said it never occurred situation." He added, "I'm ready to steep slope. Summit Middle School. 2005 graduation exercises in June at Tatloek Field was to him that he would need a vari- dismiss the case unless the attorney Included are a drum set valued ance. shows ap to talk Jo the neighbors. FuD agendas, hearings deferred at $600. from Mr. and Mrs. long-time Summit High School English teacher Robert "I should have been here 10 I'm as chagrined as the rest of you. Richard Previdi; benches and pic- Kisch. (Photo by Michael J. Kelly) months ago, but now we're going in We will carry this to Aug. 1. based Dennis Galvin, attorney for the nic tables, valued at $3,698, from reverse order," he said. Mr. on the presumption he (the attorney) zoning board, explained that two ap- the Washington School PTA; a Groskuph said he received a letter will show up and meet with the plicants on the evening's agenda donation of $5,000 over a five- from Summit zoning officer Christa neighbors." Carl Woodward, attor- were numbers nine and Fen and de- year period for the S.M.A.R.T. Garage elevator^ Anderson in February informing ney for the neighbors, did arrive lat- cided that those applications would mentoring program from an him he needed a side yard set back er in the evening. The board voted not be heard, so called late Monday anonymous party and approval to variance for the patio. four to three to hear die application afternoon to cancel. Board member accept IDEA (Individuals with concrete need "Everything stopped." he said. at its Aug. 1 meeting, but Mr. Sobel Dennis McGuire said he had a prob- Disabilities Education Act) - ba- "We had the property re-surveyed." said, "The temper of the board is be- lem with applicants canceling their sic, $644,273: preschool - According to the transcript from an ing tested by this case." scheduled appearances, since sever- $21,251. repairs on Broad St. earlier hearing, there was apparently According to Ms. Anderson, the al cases were deferred. some confusion as to whether a pa- owner had applied to install a swim- Mr. Galvin said. 'Ttn the bad guy By LIZ KEILL said, it was necessary to begin repair tio had existed on the property in an ming pool in one area of the proper- in this. A secretary failed to do Gity seeks input work right away. earlier survey. Mr. Groskuph said of ty, which would result in a loss of something. It's hard to get notices on deer damage SUMMIT — Damage to the ele- Regarding deterioration in the the patio that was on the site when trees. The city's forester. John Lin- out on time." vator hi the Broad Street garage, as concrete, Mr. Helmer said an origi- they moved there in 1997, "We did- son, suggested revising the plan to Temple Beth Hatvikah, 36 n't know it was non-conforming." relocate the pool where a tennis Chatham Road, is scheduled for a - SUMMIT — The city is seek- well as deterioration in the concrete, nal estimate included water-proof- The current homeowners re- court had been.
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