Hlanrirratnr Hml& SATCm O AT, SXTLT * 0 ,19BB. SECOND DIVISION, A. L F. ehewdng gum; the Beech Nut Pack­ AVEKAOB DAILY dBOULA'nOM THE WEATHEB ABOUT TOWN BIGGEST THUNDER F R E ICE CREAM ing Company, 2,000 samples of UNITED WORKMEN L 0.0. F. INETALLS for the Moatii e( Jane, 1986 Fereoaat of D. S. iVeatber Buieai^ Beech Nut products and candy. Amateur BartforS Other contributions are expected be­ Meetly dandy, probably local OUTING AT BOLTON LAKE fore the date of tbe eveqt. MIm Dorothy Boody of Anderaon Photographers! Bhowen and thunder itomui tonlfht STORM STOPS HEAT AT GLOBE PICNIC Each child will receive the value Volmer Thomfelt wras installed as atreet with her slater^ Mra. Ward OUTING SUNDAY Member of Um Audit and Tuesday; not much chauKe In o f seven or eight cents’ worth of Noble Grand o f King Da'vid Lodge, HAVE YOUR FILMS temperature. Stilea of South Windsor wUI leave Picnic to Be Held at Osano’a Bureau «t drculatioiis Monday morning for Sebago Lake, candy, soda or some form of sweet I. O. O. F., at tbe meeting In their DEVELOPED AT Cottage—Program of Sports at the picnic. Maine where they will be the guests hall last night. Other officers Install­ Manchester Gets Great Elec­ Is On Schedule. Director Busch wUI line up the of Professor and Mrs. H. P. Boody Kiddies Also to Get Peanuts, youngsters at 2 o’clock next Program of Water Spoils To ed were: Vice-Grand, Robert Beat- of Klpon, Wisconsin who Is spending The New StucGo VOL. LIV., NO. 249 (Olaaaifled AdveiHaing on Page 10.) MANCHESTER. CONN,, MONDAY, JULY 22,1935 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS The Connecticut Branch, 2nd Wednesday afternoon for the gifts tie; recording secretary, Walter the summer in Maine. Professor and trical Display But Escapes Candy and Chewing Gum and parents carrying kiddles will be Fox; financial secretary, Arthur 9 Johnson Terrace Mra. Boody recently visited Mrs. Division A.E.F., will hold Its annual Feature Picnic at Rocky Shorts; treasurer, Thomas Brown; given a place In line. We give highest quality photo Ethel Boody here. outing for members and friends to­ This Is one of the most popular R. S. N. G., Harry Sweet; L. S. N. morrow afternoon at Osano’a cot­ finishing and prompt service. All Serious Damage. Next Wednesday. days at Globe Hollow and several Neck Park. G., Wilbur Loveland; warden, Alon­ Wholesale and Retail. Over Fiftylnjured In Strike Riot The Orford Soap company em­ tage at Bolton Lake. Those attend­ thousand children, are expected at zo, Foreman; conductor, John E. PUBUC ENEMY ployees left this morning for an out­ ing arc advised to watch for the the pool next Wednesday afternoon. Dwiyer; R. S. V. G„ Henry Ingra­ JAPAN IS ATTACKED QUOTA RESTRICTION ing to be held at Rocky Point beach. Two heavy showers, much the signs at Bolton Notch after 12 noon. Applications for entry for the vari­ ham; L. S. V. G„ Albert Miller; past Dinner will be served at 4 p. ni. The annual Globe Hollow. Kiddles Two buses and several private The plant clo.ced last night for two most severe of the senron, which picnic will be held at the municipal ous events scheduled In connection grand, James Wright , N0.1 IS CHURGH, Other events include a baacball cars will be used tomorrow to cen- weeks for the annual summer vaca­ passed over town last night from with the event will be received by Read The Herald Advs. game between the Infantry Brigade swimming pool on Wednesday, July Director Busch at the pool until ■vey members of Manchc.stsr I.odgc, tion. 0 to 8 o’clock broke the three-day and the Marines, scheduled for 2 p. BY ITALIAN PAPERS ON FARM IMPORTS IS 24 under the direction of Frank Wednesday noon. hot wave which reached Its maxi­ m. A. O. U. W., from their meetihj AVERS^HITLER The setback, beano party and dog mum yesterday afternoon with Harold E. Gates of this town la Busch, Recreation Centers super­ place in the Raich and Brown build­ roast which the Daughters of Lib­ street temperatures recorded as chairman of the committee in visor who has secured a large quan­ BRITISH VETS TO HAVE ing to Rocky Neck Park, where the erty, No. 125. L. O." L I., were to high os 08 at 3 o’clock. No serious charge: secretary. Francis J. Mc­ tity of candy. Ice cream and other members will hold their oiitxng. Declare That Tokyo Is FAVORED BY SENATE have held last night on the lawn at damage from the two electrical There has been reservations made UQUOR PERMITS Kee; treasurer. Ernest Erlandson; eatables for the large army ■ of Annual Outing His Newspaper Ranks Politi­ the homo of Mrs. Ellen Wilson, 29 storms was' reported, the local utili­ refreshment committee, Edward J. BOLTON OUTING SUNDAY for 80 and the number may be fur­ Qrlswold street, has been postponed ty companies having only minor In­ Keane, Henry Colbert: events, Wil­ kiddies who annually look forward ther Increased this afternoon. Looking Toward Africa to to this novel form of outdoor party. cal Catholicism First as to tonight on account of the storm. terruptions to their services during liam F. Stelnmlller, Charles A. Mil­ Members will provide basket St. John’s Polish National Catholic Church SENT OUT TODAY ByVoleot60lol7U|iper( Playing will begin at 8 o’clock and tho shower and for a short time ler and .Stuart L. Hartwell; parking, Beginning Monday. July 22 and Members of Mons-Ypres Post and lunchee and on. arrival at the park Enlarge Its Empire — GOV. NICE VISITS | prizes will be awarded the winners. afterward, but elsewhere in the Stanley Tnmrolly. extending through the entire week, Auxiliary, British War Veterans, there has been a program of water Rest of Nazis Assail Jews; Further particulars will be found In state tho same storm wrought con­ or until the supply Ks exhausted, the will hold their annual outing to­ sports arranged to be carried out SUNDAY-JULY 21 Chamber Adopts Amend­ their advertisement today. siderable havoc. Recreation Centers will hold morrow at the cottage of Edward during the morning. Tables In the Japs May Protest Hotels, Restaurants and F O P E R PRESIDENT The first shower struck Manches­ "Planters Week” tor the kiddies. J. Holl, Bolton Lake. Members will park are to be reserved for mem­ More Bans in Palatinate. Rev. J. S. Neill of St. Mary's Epis­ ter about 5:30 accompanied by wind WEDDINGS During the week over 3,000 sample be transported to the lake by bus, bers of the lodge where they will at 1:30 P. M. ment to AAA Bill— Presi­ copal church motored to Canaan of gale force which damaged corn packages of Planters peanuts, do­ leaving the Army and Navy club at have dinner. The return trip will be Clubs in State Now Allow- this morning, taking with him Mary nated by the Planters Nut Choco­ ctarted’ shortly after 6 o’clock to­ Rome, July 22.— (A P )—The Ital­ in several sections In town snd es­ 10 o’clock and the Orange Hall at Berlin, July 22,—Fresh bans and Dorothy McCaughey, Margaret late Company, will be given to the 10:15 a. m. morrow night. ian press, apparently by general But Few Details of Confer­ dent Given Authority to pecially In Wapplng. against Catholic.Youth organizations Smith and Miriam Hooks. The girls Rapid Teinperatiirp Drop Kirschsieper-Anderson children at the pool entered In the A varied sports.program will be OLENDER'S GROVE order, printed violent attacks ed to SeD Hard Liquor. will spend the next week at Holiday Rees swimming, classes. were Issued in the Palatinate today The sticky, muggy temperature Miss Alice E. Anderson, daughter provided for the children and adults Helen Davidson Lodge, Daughters against Japan today, using phrase­ Set Figures House, the vacation home of the of Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson of 15 A large store'of sweets is being Rockville, Conn. ence Known; P. J. Hurley started to drop with the first show­ with prizes for the winners. Box of Scotia, postponed drawing of the ology not unlike that ' employed with Indications that similar re­ Girls’ Friendly society. Barnard street, Hartford, formerly collected by Director Busch from lunches will be carried and Ice Hartford, July 22.—<AP)— The er, readings of from twenty' to thir­ nationally known wholesalers for butterfly quilt at Its meeting last AMUSEMENTS! REFRESHMENTS! strictions may soon be expected ty degrees less than those recorded of this town, and the late J. Alfred cream, hot dogs and soda will he against England a few weeks ago With Them. ■St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters next Wednesday, Globe Hollow Kid­ night ns many of the tickets have School Children’s Program. cocktail, highball and other alco­ throughout Germany. Washington, July 22.— (A P )—By' In mid-aftemoon weroahown at 8:30 Andcr.son. waa married this morn­ sold on the grounds. Tea will he not yet been turned in. The draw­ and against Germany last year. of Isabella will meet Tuesday eve­ ing to Walter A. Kirschsieper, son dles picnic day. Contributors to holic concoctions of pre-problbitlon “ The full machinery of the Nazi p. m. when the final .shower passed served to the members during tho ing will take place at the meeting Everybody Welcome! Come and Enjoy Yourself! Tbe basts for the attack waa an a vote of 60 to 17, the Senate today ning at the home of Mrs. Fannie of Mrs. Augusta Kirschsieper of 10 the cause of Young America for day will reappear In hotels, res­ dry.
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