Opposed Effective May 15, m< By Jordan corner of Florida and Trigg hardly anyone appears day to raise barbershop Chapter President , Bradlield said over 100 (Continued on Page ANNUAL FELLOWSHIP BANQUET - Pictured at Turner, principal speaker; Matthew R. Davis, the third annual Fellowship Banquet of the 40th president, and State Legislature J. A. Patter- Ward Civic Club of the New Chicago area, are son, Jr. left to right: Juvenile Court Judge Kenneth A. with the Memphis Cotton Carnival will have its official kickoff this Sunday afternoon, May 7.- community. Rulers of the Jubilee are King Randy Warren, and Queen Lois Top Awards loll The third annual Fellowship Jean Gibson. Banquet, sponsored by the 40th Here is the weeklong schedule: Ward Civic Club of the New Chi­ cago area, attracted scores of dig­ LeMoyne's commencement speaker, Monday, May 29, will Al Manassas High SUNDAY, 4 p. m„ Soiree, crown­ nitaries. The affair was held in be Atty. George W. Grider, former U.S. Congressman from Ten­ LeMoyne’s summer program will ing of Master and Little Miss the Firestone union Hall. nessee's 9th District. The program will be held at 5:30 p.m. on consist of two sessions, according White Gold, Tom Lee Park, River­ The anunal. promotion is being side Drive. Guest sneaker for the occasion directed by a committee headed by campus in front of Brownlee Hall. to the registrar, Mrs. Margaret Greater Whitestone Baptist Church was Juvenile Court Judge Kenneth E. Earthmon Fort of Louisville, Bush - McWilliams. MONDAY, 7 p. m., Coronation 917 South Wellington'. - A. Turner, and presiding was El­ agency officer of Mammoth Life The two sessions will run con­ Making plans for “the greatest (Continued on Page Four) der Mose Hull, minister of Fire­ and Accident Insurance Co. E. B, currently! one for five weeks, June choir day ever" are Miss pOie stone, Church of Christ. Mrs. Mir- Payne of Memphis, agenyy director 10 - July 14, and the other for iene Hall was in charge of music. of Union1 Protective Life Insur­ Kinnell, president of the Greater eight weeks, June 10 - AUg. 4.. Whiteston« Chorus; Mrs. Ffanide Others on program were the Rev. ance Co., is a member of this com­ Summer school applications are mittee. McNeil, president of the Celestial P. Gonya Hentrel, pastor of Trini­ A "Friends of Grider" commit­ now available in the registrar’s of­ Miss Catherine Jones, 17- year Choir; Arthur Sease, president'Of fice. ty CME Church; Mrs. Vera An,- old senior at Booker T. Washing­ Memphis - owned insurance firms the Male Chorus; Mrs. Wiljie.Tiiae tee at LeMoyne will present him derson. Miss Delorls Miiclin, Har­ with a piagtie during the com­ ton High School and daughter of participating are Universal Life In­ Waddell, supervisor of the Imperial Courses will be offered on the ry Winfield. J. A. Tools. Jimmie. Memphis Board of Education this mencement ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Jones. 1228 surance Co., and Unjon Protective Choir; Mrs. Ozell Clayborn, ‘w- basis of required courses needed Hall, Mrs. Lucille Price, the Rev. week announced the transfer of South Orleans, won, the annual Life Insurance Co. Other pai’ticl- by summer candidates for gradua­ Douglass Talley and the Rev. M. three.teachers: Mr. Grider has long been a State Elks oratorical contest Sun­ pating insurance firms with branch Josephine Jackson, Mrs, tion, and demand for courses as R. Davis. offices in Memphis are Atlanta ffiSiry B. Edwards from Hamil­ friend of LeMoyne and-has made day night. Brown and Miss Princess several substantial gifts to the col­ indicated by intending students. No Life Insurance Co.. Golden Circle ton-High to Central High. courses will be offered with an en­ Guests included State Represen­ The contest was held in connec­ Life insurance Co., and North Car­ Webster Williamson from Porter lege. rollment of less than 10 students. tative and Mrs. Charles Burch. tion with the Elks’ state conven­ olina Mutual Life Insurance Co. director. , Junior to. cypress Junior. State Representative J. 0. Patter­ About 90 seniors will be in the Mrs. Frankie G. McNeil.la ! William. Harden from Douglass son Jr., Billy Wilils, member of the tion conducted here during the Field underwriters for 46 com- gen­ procession, according to the col­ eral chairman and the Rev. A.-R. High to Cypress junior. lege registrar, Mrs. Margaret Bush- (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) Williams, pastor. ' Leave w^s granted Mrs. Reo Ri­ McWllliams. ta Anjhony ;blive, vocational teach-, er. at Carver High, to further her LeMoyne’s traditional baccalaur­ stiidy at. Memphis State Universi- eate service will be replaced Sun­ day, May 28, by a dedicatory'pro­ gram. The newly completed Han­ son Memorial Student Center will During the dedication of Good­ be dedicated at this time. will Boys Club on Walker at Nep­ Dr. Hollis F. Price, president of tune, the popular Coca - Cola LeMoyne, said the dedicatory pro­ "Trailer" was made available to the club with all proceeds from sales gram will be similar to a bacca­ laureate service. Dr. Walter W- of hot dogs and Cokes going to the boys’ organization, (Continued on Page Four) The dedicatory program was held Sunday, April 23. The club Is lo­ cated on the site formerly used by St. Augustine Church and School. Elijah Pitts, famed star of the Green Bay Packers, was the main speaker at the dedication. He emphasized such matters as good character; good sportsman­ ship, and clean living. The hard- runr.’ng grid - man praised Mem­ phis leaders who helped launch the club, with a special word of praise for Radio Station WDIA. The sta­ tion donated the first $40.000 for the chib, and took the lead in in­ teresting others in the venture. The venture quickly attracted the attention of the Coca-Cola Bott­ ling Company of Memphis, which .1,1 ■ iff ■ 1 has a long established record for JOHNNIE ARNOLD, the public relations counselor, (South- joining in civic ventures designed land Dog Track, Busch-Bavarian Beer, Coca-Cola), has been ac- to promote better citizenship- and harmonious living in, the communi­ cepied ag a member of the Advertising Club of Memphis. ; ty. The Coca - Cola Company ' .’ ,’■**. *1 "Trailer" was one of the most pop­ : COTtÓN MAKERS'’ JUBILEE officials don't want King Randy ular features of the festivities fol­ Wgffin tó"get too carried away with his title. The LeMoyne- Alumni Club of lowing the dedicatory program. John Arnold, Jr., local Coca - Cola re*) i* I* A1-1 1 Memphis will conduct its regular Company representative, partlcb- REV. JAMES LAWSON, JR., pastor of Centenary Methodist mor.tbly meeting .at 5 p. m„ this Sunday in the" Alumni Room of the pated in the ceremonies. Church, elected to two important positions: vice president of the Hollis F. Price Library. Rufus Jones, insurance and real Memphis Ministers Association and chairman of the 700-member estate executive, served'*3 chair­ . Members will consider awards to JUBILEE ROYALTY - King. Citteens Association'of Memphis Area Project-South. man of the Boys Dedicatory Pro­ J ... ,W»<~ “».•.»»• i i' LeMoyne, athletes and hear plans Randy Warren (WLOK disc Jock-' for1 thé annual alumni reception gram Committee. Sam Qualls, Jr., ^ SHElbV COUNTY COURT reseating bill was authored by ey> and Queen Lois Jean Gibson local mortician, is president 8f for the college’s graduating seniors, (Memphis Defense Depot clerk - the Boys’ Club. Bob Brown, fresh- freshman-' State Representative Russell B. Sugarmon, Jr. of according to the chib president, El­ typist) will reign over the Cotton Memphis. ................................. ............................ mer. L. Hehderten. Makers’ Jubilee, May 7-13, (Contlnued on Page Four) LULA COLEMAN er, Mrs. Coleman, is no« Wis tor » check-up. WAYNESBORO, Tenn.-(UPI)-Ru'tle4« Person, F Mrs. Grade Parker was my guest ^ri^RfNmwIt^iÌciqnOri fef tha Advancemen People, lost control af hl» cor arid was killed .Morié ail oq, the sick list a raptd recov­ crashed into a. bridge abutment. ery. pearson', died ■ of head Injuries ,«> iv.'W. M. »ma *liyered a pow- fipt his car skidded on fain- i sermon Sunday at New jiope plashed5 U. 8. Highway 84 and Methhodlst Chjirch, and the choir ilt the ’ bridge. [beautifully. The Jacksonville, Fla., Negro eider, married and father of thrèé ■ 1 vislthjg^ 8arih’Gi nd'MrSJ^tL Bev­ hlldrén/Was erirdute to Memphis els Sjfe>1 io take’ part in negotiations ’ over is. and Mrs. Pahline à threatened strike at a laundry apprcxima.eiy so mues aa nqtir., ReftioWs. of.. _J^y> were Hghly en­ plant when the accldont occurred. Die. car went down IfiW a shallow tertained by Mrs. Rosa Lee Nelson week 'toiler the .ijrW. ' h" i*t a delicious barbecue dinner and Lf AD|J»S MQDBN In addition to his posltloh as refreshmentsmis at Green yill|,ylllp, oyt “He had all the doors, locked head of the Florida and jaefsup- from. Pyfrshurg, after which they viye branches of the civil -rillWi I had th break the Win ■spenj the afternoon in Dyersburg oripnlzatlon, Pearson was repre­ ,o get to hinj. 1 visiting old friends feefore depart­ sentative of the Jacksonville Idea on its. side. IJls ing fop St. Louis. qt tdunderers Dr# . Cleajiefs an^ matched api hk Dyehouse Workers TnterriaiVji.'il. erumpiid Mi' the _ Mrs., Lydia B. Qualls died at her Jf his seat belt had been ias.eneu, In Jacksonville, riegro leaders residence on April 30 at 4:30 am. mourned Pearson's death and call­ ae might not have been hurt.) She leaves her husband, Mr. Eddie ed him “a quiet map 'with a quitt­ Funeral arrangement in. Fiofiiir Lee Qualls, and 14 children.
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