Mastozoología Neotropical ISSN: 0327-9383 [email protected] Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Argentina Mantilla-Meluk, Hugo; Jiménez-Ortega, Alex Mauricio; Palacios, Leison; Baker, Robert J. UNEXPECTED FINDING OF Diclidurus ingens, HERNÁNDEZ-CAMACHO, 1955 (CHIROPTERA, EMBALLONURIDAE), IN THE COLOMBIAN BIOGEOGRAPHIC CHOCÓ Mastozoología Neotropical, vol. 16, núm. 1, enero-junio, 2009, pp. 229-232 Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Tucumán, Argentina Disponible en: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=45712055021 Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Sistema de Información Científica Más información del artículo Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Página de la revista en redalyc.org Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Mastozoología Neotropical, 16(1):229-232, Mendoza, 2009 ISSN 0327-9383 ©SAREM, 2009 Versión on-line ISSN 1666-0536 http://www.sarem.org.ar UNEXPECTED FINDING OF Diclidurus ingens, HERNÁNDEZ-CAMACHO, 1955 (CHIROPTERA, EMBALLONURIDAE), IN THE COLOMBIAN BIOGEOGRAPHIC CHOCÓ Hugo Mantilla-Meluk1,3*, Alex Mauricio Jiménez-Ortega2,3, Leison Palacios2, and Robert J. Baker1 1 Department of Biological Sciences Texas Tech University, Lubbock Texas, 79409-1313, USA, Phone 1 – (806) 742-7163 *[Corresponding author: <[email protected]>]. 2 Universidad Tec- nológica del Chocó Diego Luís Córdoba UTCH, Barrio Medrano, Carrera 22 No. 18B – 10, Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia. 3 Grupo de Investigación y Manejo de Fauna Silvestre del Chocó, UTCH. Barrio Medrano, Carrera 22 No. 18B – 10, Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia. ABSTRACT: After nine years a new record of the greater ghost bat Diclidurus ingens is reported. This new specimen constitutes the tenth known record for the species and the only record available for the Biogeographic Chocó. The presence of D. ingens on the western side of the Andes in the Biogeographic Chocó represents a significant addition to the range of distribution of this species as well as an important piece of evidence to understand the ecological adaptations of these apparently rare bats in the Neotropics. RESUMEN: Inesperado hallazgo de Diclidurus ingens, Hernández-Camacho, 1955 (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae) en el Chocó Biogeográfico Colombiano. Se reporta, después de nueve años, un nuevo registro del murciélago fantasma mayor Diclidurus ingens. Este nuevo registro constituye el décimo conocido para esta especie y el único disponible para el Chocó Biogeográfico. La presencia de D. ingens en la vertiente occidental de los Andes en la región del el Chocó Biogeográfico representa una adición significativa en el rango de distribución de esta especie así como también una importante evidencia para entender las adaptaciones ecológicas de estos raros murciélagos en el Neotrópico. Key words. Colombia. Greater ghost bat. New records. Palabras clave. Colombia. Murciélago fantasma mayor. Nuevo registro. Bats within the genus Diclidurus are rare in stricted its distribution to nine marginal lo- museum collections and very little is known calities (Fig. 1) including its type locality about their biology (Ceballos and Medellín, (Puerto Leguízamo, Department of Caquetá) 1988). The genus Diclidurus encloses four in the Colombian Amazonia (Hernández- species: D. albus, D. ingens, D. isabellus, and Camacho, 1955) which also constitutes D. D. scutatus (Simmons, 2005). Among ghost ingens westernmost collecting locality. bats species, D. albus has the widest distribu- After 53 years of paucity in museum addi- tion and it is the only species found on the tions of Colombian D. ingens, we report a western side of the Andes. On the contrary, D. confirmed new record of the greater ghost bat ingens is only known from the eastern side of D. ingens from the Colombian Biogeographic the Andes and Hood and Gardner (2007) re- Chocó. The new specimen was collected in 230 Mastozoología Neotropical, 16(1):229-232, Mendoza, 2009 H Mantilla-Meluk http://www.sarem.org.ar Fig. 1. Marginal localities of Diclidurus ingens showing D. ingens type locality (point in a square) and the new Chocoan record of D. ingens on the western versant of the Andes (star in a circle). Shaded relieve represents altitudes above 500 m. the Municipio of Cértigui, Department of species collected at the same locality include: Chocó, Colombia (5º 24’ N, 76º 35’ W) at an Artibeus lituratus, Carollia perspicillata, elevation of 57 m (Fig. 1). The preserved Lonchophylla robusta, and Vampyrodes museum voucher specimen corresponds to an caraccioli (Mantilla-Meluk and Jiménez- adult female as skin and skull, catalogued with Ortega, 2006). number CZCH-001649 of the Colección We compared the skin and skull of our Científica de Referencia de la Fauna del Chocó Chocoan specimen with the skin and skull of of the Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó, in the holotype of D. ingens deposited at the Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia. The specimen was Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN 546) and deposited at the collections by Leison Palacios the skin characters of D. albus holotype, de- and Pedro Einner Garrido (Field Number: posited at the Zoologisches Museum der PMC 004) who received the dead animal from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (ZMB 4478) Gloria Patricia Mosquera Copete on June 5th mentioned by Hernández-Camacho (1955). 2007. Specimen CZCH 001649 shares the following The specimen was found inside a house discrete morphological features with the holo- where the bat was roosting in the ceiling. The type of D. ingens: 1) presence of two black collecting locality corresponds to a suburban keratinized excrescences on the uropatagium area near the city of Quibdó surrounded by at the same level of the interfemoral glandular banana plantations and secondary forest. Mean sac or uro-marsipio (Hernández-Camacho, annual precipitation at the Municipio of 1955), which is absent in D. albus holotype; Certeguí is 6775 mm and the mean annual 2) bicolored coat both ventrally and dorsally, temperature is 26.7ºC (34.9ºC maximum tem- contrasting with the unicolored coat described perature and 22.0ºC minimum temperature; for D. albus; 3) dichromatic hairs with 2/5 of Rangel, 2004). At the collecting locality, D. the hairs intense grey to blackish, while D. ingens have been observed foraging near lamp- albus present a monochromatic pattern or not posts of a soccer field around 7:30 pm. Other contrasting dichromatic hairs with the base of REDISCOVERY OF Diclidurus ingens 231 the hairs cream to pale grey (Fig. 2); 4) large ingens (Figs. 3a, b). The angle formed by the basisphenoid fossa separated by a complete intersection of the Frankfort and frontonasal septum (Fig. 3d), a character that is absent in planes in norma lateralis was greater than 100º D. albus, and 5) first and second upper in both D. ingens holotype and specimen premolars not in contact (Fig. 3d). The last CZCH 001649. Same angle in D. albus was character is used by Ojasti and Linares (1971) smaller than 100º. The only characteristic to separate D. ingens from other species in mentioned in D. ingens description the genus. The rest of the species within the (Hernández-Camacho, 1955) not found in our genus Diclidurus are smaller than D. albus Chocoan specimen is the presence of a fourth and are easier to tell apart from D. ingens. lobe in the second lower incisor. Hernández- Skull and forearm measurements of the Camacho (1955) also mentioned that D. ingens Chocoan specimen overlap skull and forearm specimen from Caquetá is the only reported measurements of D. ingens holotype. Skull case of a fourth lobe in the second lower in- measurements were larger than the ones re- cisors among the 13 genera of the family corded for a selected group of D. albus (Table Emballonuridae. Our specimen has the typical 1). Measurements in the present work follow emballonurid trilobed lower incisors. Simmons and Voss (1998). In the same way, The confirmation of the presence of D. the ratios among cranial measurements used ingens on the western side of the Andes rep- as diagnostic characters by Hernández- resents a significant addition to the range of Camacho (1955) also overlap those found in our Chocoan specimen of Diclidurus as fol- lows: Ratio between the width of the zygo- matic arc and the greatest length of the skull (66.66 holotype; 68.89 CZCH 001649); ratio between the basioccipital height and the great- est length of the skull (58.57 holotype; 57.08 CZCH 001649); ratio between the upper mo- lar toothrow and molar toothrow (45.68 holo- type; 54.77 CZCH 001649). Hernández- Camacho (1955) points on the remarkable differences that exist between D. ingens and D. albus lateral skull profiles. Specimen CZCH 001649 shares the flatter lateral profile of D. Fig. 3. Differences in terms of the angle formed by the intersection of the Frankfort plane (hori- zontal) and the frontonasal plane (vertical) in norma lateralis between D. ingens (a) and D. albus (b) from Brazil (Hernandez-Camacho 1955). Ventral view of the skull (D. ingens; holotype ICN 546, and CZCH 001649) show- Fig. 2. Chocoan specimen of Diclidurus ingens (CZCH ing the separation between the first and the 001649); skin in ventral (a) and dorsal (b) second premolars (D) and the septum (S) sepa- views. rating the basisphenoid fossa (BF). 232 Mastozoología Neotropical, 16(1):229-232, Mendoza, 2009 H Mantilla-Meluk http://www.sarem.org.ar Table 1 Comparison of skull measurements between D. ingens holotype (*) and specimen CZCH 001649 collected in the Biogeographic Chocó. Skull measurements of D.
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