Bristol Schools Forum Wednesday, 15 January 2020 Bristol Schools Forum Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 15th January, 2020 at 5.00 pm at The Writing Room - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR Present: Karen Brown Maintained Secondary Governor Rep, St Mary Redcliffe & Temple Rob Davies Nursery Governor Rep, Speedwell and Little Hayes Nursery Federation Simon Eakins Academy Primary Head Rep, Cathedral Primary Simon Holmes Nursery Head Rep, St Phillips Marsh Nursery Sarah Lovell Academy Secondary Headteacher Rep, Bristol Metropolitan Academy Kate Matheson Maintained Primary Governor Rep, St Barnabas Primary Aileen Morrison Pupil Referral Unit Rep, St Matthias Park Chris Pring Maintained Primary Headteacher Rep, Cabot Primary Carew Reynell Academy Secondary Governor Rep, Blaise High School Emma Richards Special School Head Rep, Claremont School Cedric Sanguignol Maintained Primary Governor Rep, Bishop Road Primary Simon Shaw Maintained Secondary Head Rep, St Mary Redcliffe & Temple Christine Townsend Maintained Primary Governor Rep, Whitehall Primary Stephanie Williams Academy Primary Head Rep, Bannerman Road Community Academy In attendance from Bristol City Council: Graham Booth Finance Manager Cllr Anna Keen Cabinet Member for Education and Skills Corrina Haskins Clerk to Schools Forum Alison Hurley Director of Education & Skills Denise Murray Director of Finance Travis Young Corporate Finance Observers: Alderman Brian Price Karen Rose – Speedwell Nursery School Jen Smith Action 1. Welcome The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Forum Standing Business a. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from: William Brown (Union Rep, Bristol NEU); Marian Curran (16-19 Partnership); Kris Hristakev (Special Schools Governor); Garry Maher (Diocese of Clifton); Ruth Pickersgill (Secondary Academy Governor) and David Yorath Secondary Academy Governor Rep, Cotham School. b. Quorate The Chair confirmed the meeting was quorate. 1 Bristol Schools Forum Wednesday, 15 January 2020 c. Resignations There were no resignations to report. d. Appointment of New Members The following new Members were welcomed: Emma Richards – Special School Rep, Claremont School. e. Notification of Vacancies The Clerk advised of the following Schools Forum Vacancies which would be advertised through the Heads/Governors Bulletins: Two Primary Academy Heads Two Primary Maintained Heads Two Primary Academy Governors Two Secondary Academy Heads f. Declarations of Interest Rob Davies asked that it be recorded that he worked part-time for the Primary Heads Association, Bristol (PHAB). 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting RESOLVED - that the minutes of 26th November 2019 be confirmed as a correct record, subject AM to an amendment to request that Forum receive the latest information for 18/19 in relation to the breakdown of teams and income relating to Trading with Schools. Matters Arising In response to the actions agreed at the last meeting, it was noted: Out of Area Placements/Alternative Provision: The information requested at the previous meeting was included in the appendices to agenda item 6, Budget Monitor. Voting Arrangements: Guidance on which members could vote on specific issues had been included as an attachment to the minutes. Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG): This issue would be discussed at the next meeting of the Finance Finance Sub-Group later in the year. Sub-Group HR Systems iTrent: Chris Pring confirmed that schools had been sent the monthly report, but he DM was still awaiting the instructions/guidance required to use the information. The Director of Finance undertook to raise this with the Human Resources Manager. 4. Presentation on Early Years Funding GB gave a presentation on Early Years Funding as follows: 3 main areas: o How BCC gets funding from Government; o How the funding gets passed on to providers; o The effect of changes to participation leading to surplus/deficit; The funding in from Government was worked out in a different way to the funding out to providers; Funding in from Government: o Means of allocating funding for free early education and childcare for 3 & 4 year olds was universal 15 hours + 30 hours for eligible working parents; 2 Bristol Schools Forum Wednesday, 15 January 2020 o This was introduced in 2017 to ensure fair distribution of funding and transparency; o For 3 & 4 year olds: . Base rate; . + Additional needs (Free School Meals; Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and English as an Additional Language); . Area costs (which differ in different parts of the country); o 2 year olds – separate funding arrangement at a regional rate (BCC was the same as neighbouring LAs) o 19/20 rates: . 3 & 4 year olds - £5.69; . 2 year olds - £5.43; o Census data – 3-4 year old 9863 PTE pupil numbers; 2 year old 1210 PTE pupil numbers; o Other funding within block: . EY Pupil Premium = £299,340 (similar to primary and secondary); . Disability Access Fund = £99,630 (this may add to the underspend for this year as forecast at 50% of budget) . Maintained Nursery School Supplement £743,670 (BCC was trying to sustain funding at 2016/17 level prior to EYNFF and may seek approval from Schools Forum to use the EY underspend to top up this supplement again this year); o Total Block = £36.876m Funding out to providers o For 3 & 4 year olds: . Universal Base rate . 95% pass through . Additional supplements (up to 10%) Deprivation (mandatory) Quality Emerging SEN o For 2 year olds: . No pass through requirement and no additional supplements How funding is received and spending calculated: o Funding received was based on one Census figure (January) each year, but taken from last Jan (5/12ths) and current Jan (7/12ths) to account for variations in take up; o Expenditure was calculated based on 3 x different census points and averaged; o Changes in participation levels had a budgetary impact. In response to questioning, GB confirmed: o The number of children referred to those taking up places, not those eligible. o If additional supplements were agreed this would come off the overall funding so children not entitled to supplements would get less. It was commented that additional supplements may benefit the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children. 3 Bristol Schools Forum Wednesday, 15 January 2020 Early Years Representatives made the following comments; o It was acknowledged that there was a number of eligible children whose families were not taking up places and more work was needed to inform people of their entitlements; o Participation in Children Centres had decreased and family awareness of nursery provision had gone down as a consequence; o Birth registration data had only been available for 12 months and so the information had not been available to target families; o One of challenges for Nursery Providers was that it was difficult when income depended on the number of children and this figure changed throughout the year. It was difficult to appoint staff on this basis as well as meet other annual costs and this was the reason that many nursery providers were in deficit; o It was difficult for Nursery Providers to plan 5 year budgets when they did not know how much income they were getting from one term to the next; o Current birth rate data suggested that the birth rate was starting to rise again and the need for nursery provision would increase accordingly. It was requested that the slides from the presentation be circulated to Schools Forum GB/CH Members. 5. Verbal update from Director: Education and Skills The Director of Education and Skills, AH, gave an update as follows: The Joint Ofsted/Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection of the Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) service had taken place in October and the publication of the outcome had been delayed due to the General Election; The results of the Inspection had now been made public and the report highlighted 5 areas of concern: o 2 of the concerns related to the timeliness of Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP); o The underachievement of children with SEND in Bristol; o Engagement and relationships between the SEND service and parents/carers; o Leadership; The report also acknowledged that recent changes had been made to the service, but these had not been embedded and so impact of the changes could not be demonstrated; BCC was working with the Health Authority to draft a “Written Statement of Action”, a high level strategic plan to address the 5 areas of concern and this would be backed up by a detailed action plan; She had met with the Department for Education (DfE) to discuss timelines for improvements and BCC had 3 months to submit the plan; In view of the Council elections, the plan needed to be submitted by 23 March at the latest and Ofsted/CQC would have 10 days to say if the plan was fit for purpose; BCC could not publish the plan until it had been agreed by Ofsted/CQC, although the Council was able to share the work through co-production opportunities; Once the plan was agreed, BCC had 18 months to deliver against the milestones before a re-inspection in October 2021; Co-production was key to the process to ensure: o the plan was owned across the city; o actions were fit for purpose; o plan was embedded and would bring about sustainable change. 4 Bristol Schools Forum Wednesday, 15 January 2020 The route for co-production was: o tapping into parent/carer forums and looking at how this could be developed; o working with colleagues in schools, including Special Educational Needs Co- ordinators (SENCOs) to ensure schools get a voice in the Written Statement; o attending Governor meetings/Forums. The BCC People Scrutiny Commission would be meeting on 3 February to do a deep dive exercise and the outcome of this would be captured in the Written Statement; Progress would be monitored by the Children Improvement Board and BCC Scrutiny; There would also be a deep dive in relation to data cleansing to ensure an accurate baseline to demonstrate progress by creating a full data dashboard for SEND; In terms of next steps, there was a need to make sure the Education Transformation Programme aligned with the Written Statement of Action.
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