y YYVVYVVVVVVVVYVYYYYYYYVYYYYYVVYVVYVvvvvvVVYVVvVYYYVVVYYYYVVVVYVVYVVYVYYYVVV py y yp p Again this year. pb p y py p 96.1NMC 850 KC bp ON p py AM ) DIAL DIAL y bp y yp py py Is Following the Wolfpack py yp y at home and in sports pb yp And again this year your host for b pb the entire Football Schedule y) y is p py NASH-STEEL-WARREN py y and your friendly Zenith TV Dealers yp yp py in Central and Eastern N. C. p p Jimmy Simpson yp y brings you TUNE IN "SPORTS PAGE OF THE AIR" y play by play on WNAO RADIO p 6:30-6:45 P.M. y Football and Basketball with MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY py y HAL STAMLEY y py y View “Sports Report” on Channel 28 yp y 7:15-7:30 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY } AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WOLFPACK GRIDIRON Official N. C. State College Football Program N. C. STATE vs. DAVIDSON Published for each N. C. State College home football game by the Program Bureau of North Carolina State College. National Advertising Representative: Don Spencer Company, Inc, 27l Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Volume XXlll Riddick Stadium, Raleigh, N. C., October l0, I953 No. l The State College Athletic Council Faculty Alumni Student Representatives Representatives Representatives Dr. H. A. Fisher, Chairman W. H. Sullivan Dick Tyler Dr. I. O. Schaub D. W. Seifert M. E. Campbell, Dean W. W. Womble Dr. J. B, Kirkland Carl Harris Dean John Shirley Ralph Scott FOOTBALL STAFF ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATION STAFF Horace Hendrickson—Head Coach Roy Clogston—Athletic Director William Hickman—Backfield Coach Willis Casey—Ass’t Athletic Director Mike Karmazin—Line Coach Nell Dye—Secretary C. A. Temerario—End Coach Graham Campbell—Ticket Manager Merle McIntosh—Head Trainer Ed Storey—~Athletic Publicity Director Harold Keating—Ass’t Trainer Dorsey Poole—Equipment Manager I953 Schedule Date Opponent Kickoff Place Price Sept. 26—North Carolina ......... 2:00 p.m. .. Chapel Hill, N. C. ........... $3.50 Oct. S—George Washington . 2:30 p.m. .Alexandria, Va. .............. $3.00 Oct. 10—Davidson ............. 8:00 p.m. RALEIGH, N. C. ............ $3.00 Oct. 17—Wake Forest ............ 8:00 p.m. .. RALEIGH, N. C. .. ........ $3.50 Oct. 24—Duke .................. 2:30 p.m. .. Durham, N. C. .......... $3.50 Oct. (Bl—William and Mary ...... 2:00 p.m.. , . RALEIGH, N. C. (Homecoming)$3.00 Nov. 7—Army .................. 2:00 p.m. West Point, N. Y. ............ $3.60 Nov. 14—Pittsburgh ............. 2:00 p.m. ,. Pittsburgh, Pa. .............. $3.80 Nov. 21—West Virginia .......... 2:00 p.m. .. RALEIGH, N. C. ............ $3.00 Nov. 28—Florida State ........... 2:00 p.m.. .. Tallahassee, Fla. ............ $3.00 ‘a VVYYVYYYYYYVVVVVYYYVVVV VVVVYYYVVYVVYVVVVVVvvvv/V 7‘: v1. rv vvvi v (VYYVYVVVVVYVVYV : WJAS ‘ IZMXAML‘L;.‘J “MAJ fbr Dallar- you emit beat a Pawn/w Phone 2—37“ CONN-GOWER PONTIAC CO. Raleigh, N. c. AHOSKIE FOREST CITY LENOIR ROCKY MOUNT WRCS 970-D WBBO 780-D WJRI MBS 1340 WCEC 810—D ALBEMARLE FUQUAY SPRINGS LEXINGTON WEED ABC 1390 WABZ — 1010-D WFVG —- 1460-D WBUY 1450 ROXBORO ASHEBORO GASTONIA LINCOLNTON WRXO — 1430-D WGWR 1260-D WGNC ABC 1450 WLON — 1270-D SALISBURY ASHEVILLE WLTC 1370-D LUMBERTON WSAT ABC 1290 WISE NBC 1310 GOLDSBORO WTSB MBS 1340 WSTP MBS 1490 WLOS ABC 1380 WFMC — 730-D SANFORD WSKY 1230 WGBR ABC 1150 MARION WEYE _ 1290-D WWNC CBS-MBS 570 GREENSBORO WBRM — 1250-D WWGP 1050-D BOONE WBIG CBS 1470 MONROE WATA MBS 1450 WCOG ABC 1320 WMAP — 1060-D SHELBY BREVARD WGBG MBS 1400 MOORESVILLE WOHS MBS 730—D WPNF MBS 1240 GREENVILLE w WHIP 1350—D SILER CITY BL‘IKBLINGTON WGTC MBS 1590 MOREHEAD CITY WNCA 1570-D BBB MBS 920-D HENDERSON WMBL 740-D SMITHEIELD WFNS — 1150-D WBID — 1450 MORGANTON WMPM _ 1270—D CHAPEL HILL WHNC MBS 890-D WMNC MBS 1490 SOUTHERN PINES WCHL _ 1360-D HENDERSONVILLE MOUNT AIRY WEEB MBS 990—D CHARLOTTE WHKP NBC 1450 I WPAQ — 740—D STATESVILLE WAYS ABS 610 HICKORY WSYD MBS 1240 WSIC MBS 1400 WBT CBS 1110 WHKY ABC—MBS 1290 NEW BERN TARBORO WGIV ~ 1600-D WIRC — GEO-D WHIT MBS 1450 WCPS 760-D WIST MBS 930 HIGH POINT WOOW — , 1490 THOMASVILLE WSOC NBC 1240 WHPE —— 1070-D T NEWTON WTNC — 790-D CLINTON WMFR ABC 1230 WNNC MBS 1230 WADESBORO WRRZ 880-D NORTH WILKESBORO WADE — 1210—D CONCORD JACKSONVILLE WKBC —— 810—D WEGO 1410-D WJNC MBS 1240 OXFORD WALLACE KANNAPOLIS H WOXF — 1340 WLSE — 1400 DUNN WGTL — 870-D RALEIGH WASHINGTON WKCB — 780-D WNAO ABC 850 WHED 1340 DURHAM KINGS MOUNTAIN WPTF NBC 680 WRRF ABC 930 WDNC CBS 620 WKMT 1220-D WRAL MBS 1240 WAYNESVILLE WSSB MBS 1490 KINSTON REIDSVILLE O-U>=u WHCC MBS 1400 WTIK ABC 1310 WELS MBS 1010—D WFRC ABC 1600 WHITEVILLE EDENTON WFTC ABC-CBS 960 WREV — 1220-D WENC MBS 1240 WEDA - 860-D LAURINBURG ROANOKE RAPIDS WILLIAMSTON ELIZABETH CITY WEWO —- 1080-D WCBT MBS 1230 WIAM — 900-D WCNC — 1240 LEAKSVILLE ROCKINGHAM WILMINGTON WGAI ABC 560 WLOE MBS 1490 WAYN — 900-D WGNI MBS 1340 ELKIN WMFD ABC-CBS 630 WIFM MBS 1540-D WILSON FAIRMONT WGTM CBS 590 WFMO — 860-D WVOT MBS 1420 WINSTON-SALEM FAYETTEVILLE This list of North Carolina Radio Stations .and where you will find WAAA — 980-D WFAI CBS 1230 WAIR ABC 1340 WFLB ABC 1490 them on your CAR RADIO DIAL is presented through the courtesy of WSJS NBC 600 WFNC MBS 1390 WRAL AM-FM, Raleigh, N. C. and TOBACCO SPORTS NETWORK. WTOB CBS-MBS 1380 D—Indicates Daytime Station NOTE: Keep this list handy (Sunrise to Sunset) when you travel. ROY meosrou ; 147505533? DI‘Eé'Tfll? f.35%;?»me1»aswxifixx{an,,as.. Snystziflrr:y§m3§v5t§1w$f33¢£»A.I..?».»~L:3v2.£¥i.&;5ii?! «fiv§9a38§§tiwgwflwwstuwwnmwzvaé.ii..a!2‘»:.3923211:313:.33?...» £;.>§3§c:H..nffiu‘n.33233Lu»L235;.4,2wa8;.3ruc.2.3.1.¥13.iuifa3,} .5was!7....:0?3A,‘ HGRACE HERDRICKSOfl [15/10 MAC}! ,3.«wh{.siif,las$€.1.fi<3&«.frink...”3:5.u‘T$1.532.A!xvdvfi;s1iixfirf.4;n«» 3max,r)“3%75:3v.5? NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLAYERS huulE WEST~Sophomore—195-lbs., 6-3, PERCY RIDEN—Seniol‘—220-lbs.. 6-2, 22, 19, Alexandria, Va. Lewistown, Pa. CARL W LESiSeniur#185-lbs., 5-9, 22, Played both quarter and half last year Although he has yet to earn a varsity SawBuffalo,plentyN.ofY.action last year in early and learned much as freshman. Currently letter, Riden has been used often as a re- games and is definitely one of leading rates as the top quarterback on the State serve at tackle. Last year he showed must quarterback candidates on the squad. 15 squad and on his performance may rest the improvement and is due to see plenty of excellent passer, but has plenty to learn success or failure of the Wolfpack team. service this season. about defensive play and ball-handling. YVVYVVYYVVYVVYVVYYVVYVYYVVVVVVVVYVvVVVvVVYVVVVYVVVvvvYYVVVVVYYYYYYVYVYYYVYYY 4 4 4 glad 7aila¢ec£ 70 We“); Weecld 4 4 4 STRUCTURAL 4 ORNAMENTAL 4 4 REINFORCING 4 4 WINDOWS 4 4 DOORS AND FRAMES 4 4 "SAVE WITH STEEL" 4 4 4 4 PEDEN STEEL CO. 4 14 Telephone 8828 Post Office Box 510 4 44 Office, Plant and Warehouse...RALEIGH 4 512 W. Hargett St. 4 YVVVVVYVVVYVVYYYVVYVVYYVVYYVYYVVYYVVVYVVYVVYYVVYV‘V4 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA14 NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLAYERS JOE BARRINGER—Sophomore—l‘35-le., 6- CHRIS FRAUENHOFER-«Senior—l84-Ibs., 0, 19, Jacksonville, N. C. 5-11l 22, Kenmore, N. Y. TED KILYK—Sophomore—185-1b5., 19, A real hard runner, Barringer can play Perhaps the best defensive halfback on Phoenixville, Pa. both offense and defense with equal ability. the State team last year, Frauenhofer saw Scored two touchdowns last year as strict- Picks his field well and is regarded as sec- little ofi'ensive duty. However in Spring ly a defensive player, using one intercepted ond only to Langston as a runner. Needs game he blossomed forth into a good runner pass and returning one punt for a score. to learn a bit more about the T—formation. and pass receiver. halfbackKilyk is theposition.leading candidate for the right Compliments of NASH-STEELE MOTOR 00. Auto Repairs * Accessories * Paint As Low As $45.00 Distributors for DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS DODGE JOB-RATED TRUCKS 201 W. Coborrus Phone 5571 NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLAYERS i HARRY LODGE—Senior—185-lbs., 6-0, 20, HENRY BROWN— Sophomore — 190-1bs., ALBERT D’ANGELO—Sophomork 190- Blauwnox, Pa. 6-1, 22, Lexington, N. C. lbs., 5-10, 19, Greensburgh, Pa. Most experienced of the returning end Earned varsity letter last year as fresh- One of the best guard prospects since A11- lettermen, Lodge has played extensively for man defensive halfback, but was converted Southern Bernie Watts and Charlie Musser the past two years, earning his letter as to end position in Spring with excellent re- at State. D’Angelo is the pride and joy of freshman in 1951. Can handle both offensive sults. Likely will be one of the best ends on the coaching staff. He has a quick, powerful and defensive jobs without impairing team present team and can be expected to see charge on defense and is perhaps the best and does top job both ways. extensive action. offensive blocker on the squad. THE WOLFPACK CONTINUES TO WEAR “ 71w flirted In 71w 4%! ” ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT Bv/ RAWLINGS Sold Exclusively In This Territory By JOHNSON-LAMBE CO. “6-118 S. Salisbury St, Raleigh, N. C. Phone 8848 NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLAYERS TONY LEONE—Sophomore—ZZO-lbs., 6-0.
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