RADIO TODAY MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1941 :1061:2 111/P I ROI (Time is P. M., Daylight Saying, Unless Otherwise Indicated) NEWS BROADCASTS Rochester Civic Orchestra; Guy Fraser Harrison, Conductor-WJZ, 2:30-3. Monatng 6 :00-WHN WOR.WABC,WNYCi Youthbuilders Forum: "If I Were President," Discussed by School :80-WEAF, WJZ, :30-WMCA, VVIIN Children-*MCA, 4-4:30. WABC :45-WNYC, WJZ 6 :45-WRAF 8 :55-WQXR Cavalcade of America: "The Heart and the Fountain," With Madeleine 7 :00-WOR 9:00-WRAP, wAna Carroll and Others-WEAF, 7:30-8. 7 :05-WQXR, 9 :30-WOE Concert: Francia White, James Melton, Soloists-WEAF, 8-8:80. 7 :15-WHN WMCA. 9 :45-WHN 7 :30-WEAF 10 :00-WMCA. WJZ Symphony Orchestra; Margaret Speaks, Soprano; Alfred Wallenstein, 7:45-WABC 11:00-WOR, WNYC CondUctor-WEAF, 8:30-9. 7 :55-WJZ, WQXR 11:30-W.MCA :00-WEAF, WJZ, Band Concert: Phil Napoleon, Conductor-WNYC, 8:30-9. Afternoon Variety Music; Basin Street Chamber Ensemble-WJZ, 9-9:30. 12:00-WABC, WHN, 2 :45-WOE WQXR 3:30-WQXR. Drama: "Wife, Husband and Friend," With George Brent, Priscilla12 :15-WMCA WMCA, WEVD Lane and Gail Patrick-WABC, 9-10. 12 :25-WJZ 3:45.-WNYC Forum: "Does Capitalism Offer Youth a Fair Opportunity?"-Dr. Ruth12:30-WOE 3 :55-WABC 12 :45-WRAF 4:55-WJZ Alexander, Dr. Harold Rugg-WHN, 9:15-10. 1:45-WJZ. WEVD National Radio Forum: "The New Tax Program and the New Tax 2 :00-V/NYC 5:45-WEIN Problem," Senator Harry F. Byrd-WJZ, 10:30-11. 2 :15-WHN Evening Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program is on the air6:00-WJZ, WABC, 9:011-WQXR WMCA 9:30-WJZ. WISCA 6:15-WRAP 10:00-WOE MORNING 6 :25-WQXR 10:45-WABC, WOE, 5:S0-WOR-Hillbilly Music WNYC-Masterwork Hour G:30-WoR, WABC WQXR 6:00-WOR-Farmers Digest WHN-Recorded Music 6 :35-WEIN 11:00-WEAF. WOE, WHN-Radio Newsreel WEVD-Italian Varieties 6:45-WABC, WJZ, WHN, WJZ 6:15-WABC-Program Resume; Variety 9 :15-WEAF-Rhythmic Melodies WNYC 12:00-WEAF. WJZ. 6:30-WEAF, WJZ-News; Variety Program WOR-Julia Blake-Sketch 7:15-WRAP, WOE, WABC. WMCA WABC-News; Variety WABC-Poetic Strings WMCA 12:30-WOE 6:45-WEAF-News; Variety 9:30-WRAP-Isabel M. Hewson, Talk '7 :30-WHN 12 :55-WEAF, WJZ, WMCA-Popular Music WOE-News: Shoppers Club :45-WMCA. WABC, wax 6:55-WOR-Weather Report WJZ-Breakfast Club-Variety 8 :15-WEIN 1 :00-WMCA 7 :00-WOE-News Reports WABC-Music From Chicago 8:30-WOE 1:30-WOE WABC-Morning Almanac; Talk WMCA.-Dr. Wynne's Food Forum 3 :45-WHN 1:15-WHN WNYC-Sunrise Symphony WHN-Insurance Talk 8 :55-WABC 2 :55-WHN WHN-Popular Music WEVD-Italian Music (Off 10 to 12) WEVD-Musical Clock 9:45-WEAF-Edward MacHugh, Songs '7 :05-WQXR-News ; Breakfast Symphony WOR-Variety Music; Talks NEWS OF SHORT WAVES 7 :15-WOE-Gambling's Musical Clock WABC-Hymns of All Churches (Time, Eastern Standard-Megacycles) WMCA-News Reports; Music WHN-News Reports WHN-News Reports; Music LONDON 7 :30-WRAF-News; Don Goddard; Songs 10:00-WRAP-Bess Johnson-Sketeh 1:15 A.M.-6.05, 9.51, 9.58 WEVD-Jewish Comments WOE-McCann Food Talk 3:00 A.M.-6.05, 9.51. 9.59. 11.75 7:45-WMCA-Reward for Listening WJZ-Today's News, Helen Hiatt 6:00 A.M.-6.11, 9.60 WEVD-Morning Melodies WABC-Dramatic Sketch 8:00 and 11:00 A.M.-17.81. WABC-News Reports WMCA.-News Report 11:15 A.M. and 1 P.M.-15.14 7:55-WJZ-News Reports WNYC-Economies, Dr. Gauger 3:45 P.M.-9.58, 11.75 WQXR-News; Symphony Music WHN-Recorded Music 5:45 P.M.-5.05, 6.11. 9.58, 11.75 8:00-WEAF, WJZ-News Reports WQXR-Lisa Sergio, Comment. 6:45 P.M.-6.11, 11.75 WOR-News Reports 10 :15-WRAP-Ellen Randolph-Sketch 8:30 P.M.-6.11, 9.58, 11.75 WABC-News Bulletins WJZ-Midstream-Sketch 11:00 P.M.-6.11, 9.58 WNYC-News Report WABC-Myrt and Marge-Sketch 11:30 P.M.-6.05, 6.11, 9.58 WEVD-Famous Composers' Music WMCA-Recorded Music BERLIN 8:15-WRAF-Gene and Glenn-Variety wNYC-Amsterdam Strings 12:00 Midnight-6.02 WOR-The Goldbergs-Sketch 10:30-WRAP-Bachelor's Children 2:15 and 4:30 A.M.-9.65 WJZ-Variety Music WJZ-The Munros-Sketch 6:30 A.M.-15.11, 15.20 WABC-Music and Talks WABC-Stepmother-Sketch 7:00 A.M.-15.28, 17.76 WMCA-Religious Talk WHN-Popular Music 8:30 A.M.- WNYC-Want Ad Column; Musk WQXR-Salon Concert 11:30 A.M., 12:20 and 1:30 P.M.-15.20 WPIN-Insurance Talk 10 :45-WEAF-Road of Life-Sketch 6:00 P.M.-9.61 8:25-WNYC-Consumers' Guide WJZ-Three Romeos, Songs 8:30-WOR-Vic and Sade-Sketch WABC-Woman of Courage-Sketch 8:15 P.M.-11.77 WABC-Missus Goes A-Shopping WMCA-Popular Music 10:30 P.M.-6.02 WMCA-News Reports WNYC-Safety Program ROBEE WNYC-Amsterdam Strings WQXR-Garden Journal; Songs 1:15 A.M.-9.63 4:30 Pitt -11. WI-News Reports 11:00-VVEAF-Mary Marlin-Sketch 5:45 A.M.-17.82 I 9:45 P.M.-9.63 WEVD-Popular Music WOE-News Reports 1:45 P.M.-9.63, 15.3 5:45-WOR-Mornlng Moods Music WJZ-Viennese Ensemble WJZ-News; ICitchen Quiz WABC-Variety-Buddy Clark, Tenor11:80-WRAF-Lone Journey-Sketch WABC-Adelaide Hawley, Talk WHOA-Ida Bailey Alien's Program; WJZ-Clark Dennis, Tenor WMCA-Health Talk William Fellowes Morgan Jr., WABC-Big Sister-Sketch WNYC-News; Around New York Markets Commissioner; Walter WHOA-Local News; Music WHN-Popular Music Heddon, Bureau of Commerce Head WQXR-Reward for Listening WEVD-Popular Music WNYC-News; Consumer's Guide 11:45-WRAP-David Harum-Sketch 8:55-WQXR-News; Request Program WQXR-Symphonic Music WJZ-The Wife Saver, Talk 9:00-WRAF-News; Songs; Humor 11:15-WRAP-Pepper Young-Sketch WABC-Aunt Jenny's Stories WJZ-Woman of Tomorrow WOR-Bessie Beatty, Women's Talk WNYC-The Adolescent-Dr. Eugerld WABC-News Reports WABC-Martha Webster-Sketch Chimene WMCA-Popular Dance Music WNYC-Colonial Orchestra WHN-Popular Music 4:00-WRAP-Backstage Wife-Sketch AFTERNOON WJZ-Mother o' Mine-Sketch 12:00-WEAF-Words and Music 3:00-WRAP-Biblical Drama WABC-Bennett College Choir WOR-Victor Lindlahr, Talk WOE-Ed Fitzgerald, Talk WMCA-Youthbuilders' Forum: If I WJZ-Southernaires, Songs WJZ-Mother's Adventures-Sketch Were President, Discussed by Junio9 WABC-Kate Smith Speaks WABC-Young Dr. Malone-Sketch High and Grade School Students WNYC-Midday Symphony WNYC-News; Opera: Magic Flute VVNYC-Chamber of Commerce Talk WEIN-News Report (Records) WHN-Recorded Music WEVD-7ewish News; Music WEVD-Jewish Talk; Interviews WEVD-Polish Music 2:15-WE AF-Mystery Man-Sketch WQXR-News; Music Hour (Off WOR-Health Drama; Music WQXR-Symphony Music 1 to 3) WJZ-Alma Kitchell's Brief Case; 4:15-WEAF-Stella Dallas-Sketch 12 :15-WEAF-The O'Neills-Sketeh Helen Hiett, Guest WJZ-Club Matinee-Variety WJZ-Program Resume; Music WABC-Joyce Jordan-Sketch WABC-We, the Abbotts-Sketch WABC-When a Girl Marries-Sketch WHN-News; Variety Hour WNYC-Latin American Music WMCA-News Report 2:30-WEAF-Valiant Lady-Sketch 4:130-WEAF-Lorenzo Jones-Sketch WHN-Popular Music WOE-Garden Club WABC-Bess Johnson-Sketch 12:25-WOR-Headlines in Health WJZ-Rochester Civic Orchestra; Guy VIMCA-Rines Orch.; Soloists WJZ-News: Farm and Home Hour Fraser Harrison, Conductor WEVD-Opera Encores 12:30-WEAF-Deep River Boys, Singe WABC-Fletcher Wiley. Talk 4:43-WEAF-Young Widder Brown-Skeick WOE-News; Consumers' Quiz WEVD-Paul 'Melt, Songs WABC-A Boy, a Girl, a Band WABC-Helen Trent-Sketch 2 :45-WRAF-Alrnt4d Grimm's Daughter WNYC-Education Program WMCA-Popular Music WOE-News Reports 4:55-WJZ-News Reports WHN-Racing Scratches; Music WABC-Kate Hopkins-Sketch 5:00-WRAP-Home of the Brave-Sketch WEVD-HoUsehold Hints; Music WMCA-Our Gal Sunday-Sketch WJZ-Ireene Wicker, Stories 12:45-WEAF-News; Market; Weather WEVD-Vocal Music WABC-Mary Martin-Sketch WABC-Our Gal Sunday-Sketch 2:55-WOR-Baseball, Dodgerff-Cincinnati WMCA-News Reports WMCA-Beauty-Antoinette Donnelly Reds at Brooklyn WNYC-Young People's Concert 1:00-WEAF-Gordon Gifford, Songs 3:00-WRAP-Against the Storm-Sketch WHN-Popular Music WOR-We Are Always Young-Sketch WJZ-Orphans of Divorce-Sketch WEVD-Italian Drama WABC-Life Can Be Beautiful WABC-Mary McBride, Talk WQXR-Can France Resist Hitler:- WMCA-Drama-Katberine Garten W/vICA-Helen Trent-Sketch Estelle Sternberger WNYC-Missing Persons; Music WQXR-Modern Music 5 :15-WEAF-Portia Faces Life-Sketch WHN-Popular Music 3 :15-WRAF-Ma Perkins-Sketch WOE-Sports-Waite Hoyt WEVD-Variety Show WJZ-Honeymoon Hill-Sketch WJZ-Bud Barton-Sketch 1:15-WEAF-Frankie Masters Orchestra WABC-Eugene Conley, Tenor; Orch. WABG-The Goldbergs-Sketch WOR-Edith Adams-Sketch WMCA-Doc Sellers-Sketch WMCA-Investment Talk, Music WJZ-Poetry-Ted Malone WEVD-Immigration Talk WPIN-Recorded Music WABC-Woman in White-Sketch WQXR-Tuberculosis in Childhood- WQXR-Gilbert and Sullivan Musts WMCA-Easy Aces-Sketch Dr.
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