41tlB INDIAN DGl100L JOURNAL ~pril 1911 ~lJe 11 ian ~clJool jfournal '>UBLISHED RVERV' ~OI"TH IN THE INTERESTS OF THE UNITKO STAT~ INDIAN EaaYICE ..AND PRINT&D aT nt.A: APPRENTICES AT THE U. So INOlAK $CHOOL. CHILOCCO. OItLAKOMA EDGAR A. ALLi. , Superintendent.. VOLUME ELEVEN FOR APRIL, 1911 NUMBER SIX CONT~'TS: RP'.HtW .&'SD COWlIIV.;r. Change of >.J rinteudent-Cni' Peace-Important Cbaul- Tribal trllC:teri.lics-Centralization-Alaska Indian. Government Help I'lid ",,-From thr St. wu;'. Post-Dispatch ~Iillion is Imoled- om th, Oklahoman The 'ioux \Iother·" "'" hy \I.\Y \1. LoxG"s.,rGH, ill Youth'. Companion 7 . 'ett La e, (\Iinn. Cit pewa Indian Da,·. hoo!. hv GEO. W, BREWFR 9 Quanah Parker, BF Ch E. Lnpp. i~ Bl)Jjtoll Tr~/l.!cripl 11-16 Creek. 'ation Leader b'ael, Di'palch 10 Chicago Tribullt 16-17 uoyab to Hall f me- IS ~Iottoes - HI-itO Commi ,ioner' A " Report (ConriUlwa 2Hli Portrait of Crow and child fl ColumbIa River I .~ hy ArGr.T WOLr 29--30 Fundamental Prh f of Plant Breeding. hy LeoHER BrRs.'x> 31-55 Indian Cradle . II. ml 36 \Iottoe. - 37-38 - naoo!" by Direct \ 39 "h, theJfaillC t to Havalla 39-40 An Ind n Gi '" HI fe 40-41 Con d ., u. 0 I n 414 tl.e _HI c Ha '-" n the Chicago Record-Hr .....ld 4fl-45 Official ~ rnce C H-4ll c 'e" at Chi! 49--53 Forward. ~Iarch! Y_ H C. '11.'. 55,54 hE~ th "''''AL ISSUed from the Chilocco ,·boor.. prinbng deparbDent. e QllIi. chanical work. on It ....""'tlme by tudents of the 'Chaol under the direction of the school's printer. THE J lbA -_t_~,_ Ch L"""UJ&UQIl. both in and. oot ofthe Government n-itt. Commu.mca ... addresaed toTHE biOlA ... S HooL Jm-L'riAL. Cbilocco. Oklahoma.. at the Po.t.-omce at Chiloeco ... 5eeoDd-Ciul Kattl!'. • REVIEW AND COMMENT. Change DC On A rill \[r..JollI H. \\'i" w,,, n,j,eHd of th,· <uperintenrleney Superintendent. of 'h r lOl ~ oJ immediRteh look R <iml! .. po-ilIon ~t H..,kell In, <titlllt-. L~'H' rr. h I"~ _. Hi< ,urrr',or I\t Chilorro h \fr. E,h:nr A. Allen. 'up"r­ n .... or. :\lr. \\ 1 l h J.,l n 111 t:hart!e he-re three year. Hi" m'lW\~emcnt h1\ ... been et'nllnmi,' I. hnll t. II I'm.:" '1 ". \\-. Allell h, h~1I in the Indi, n . hool 'nit,(" Ilh4 lit ei~hll \("l. Hi... experience 1" c()(·\.lcn iH' with the. nice. and he i.. 1lOl t .. lrSII!!l' to l Of'CO. h 1\ ing 111 ult.' nUI.JI) official \ J it-. to the ,('hool and wa.... I\t Olll' time it, prill pill leu'her. Universal The lIew, i, ,Imn-t tno gOIHI to 1.'lie'e t1ult (;",,,t Britl\in I\nrl the Peace. t·" ed ""'tatE' lune 1)('~t11l tlil' drtlHing (It a Ill'\\" treaty with R ,-iew to ~tlhmittill~ to lrhit hon ('\t'n '1l1C'.. tlOlI of clJtft'rcllec h~tw~.·11 the two nation... at pr.'.lIt .xi,ling nr I(·h m ,\ hereafter ari-e. Pre,jdellt Tl\ft and Sc-cretl\ry of State Knox h:\\e lK'C1l klO\\'1I 10 fllH)}' 'lIth a tn·aty for ...on1f'tinH'. hut they were not in­ dined to milk, • llenr. " t>rop'h,,1 on the ,nhjed to (,n,,,t Britnin nntil official infor­ mation had "eelluh 1I1etl a' to the prohahle I\ltiltllie nf G,..'nt Britl\in. The c nl\te of th. rnit.,1 ..; I\teo '\I I h..'e to ,lefiniteh - ttle the 'Miter. Thi, i, the fir-t treaty of the kIDlI ell r propo efI hell...", natioll'. alllI .,Iready German}' and Fmnee I\re ,h"willl: ,ign of f . nd,hlp for ,neh " national polie}'. It i, allOnt !!.OOO year- a~o that the "PI;nce of Peace" w _ IlOm. "'hile million, ofpeople hl\l'e profe>sed to be hi, follo...er. om,ho... th Y hn,e 118lk.,I al a practical appli....tion of hi, prineiples in the m"lter of ", ceo The}' h He extolled and prnebeed man} or all of the yir, tn....hleh ,11 tm_ h rhn t IIIt,. hu the for i'lDg pirit ha' not full}' po- ,ed n-. ,re re pt t C._hi and rell'Un aftenraM. whieh i, not following the prnctice of the DI e l'. lher. nor uf 0 ,1 economir pnncipl . The horror- and expen of melh tor real or up IDtemabon I e iI- i, not more ju,titi­ able t n for' <11 ual to mcur t me t~lD':. Let u come to , bu,i",~, ",ttle­ ment 0 ocr Ifficu nrl let ri_ t mther than m,.:ht he the ardilrntor. It;" ,in, eerel} to be hOI th t A will. n e,,<{'. Important t: co "r~ ~ch)1 "."tern III \O~U(> !lmOD~ the Five Ci,"ilized Chong.. Tr for mall\ II Ir- ha- been I\llOh,hed. and the Government ha., IRken romplet cbs.:e <f them. 1'1 e'l': them unrler the 'ame rul.... lind oyemment a 1\11 0 her 11 ,11 hool. Thl' .ch001< Ill,m r Ahout t...ehe with el\paciti", rangm.: from "x" on hnndl'l.cJ anrl 6fty pupik ome of th('«' 'Chool, ha"e been in eXI- ore than thirh \ l1\ • Tribal Char· I h "ud the ~ioux j, the IRIl..t InrliAn on the eontinent of ,'orth acteristics Am..i"". anll that the Zuni i, th. shortelt. The O....ge; "re probablv the fI hl....t. and the • ''''''Jo the mo.t 'part. It i. I\l<o lAid the latter is the mo~t • T"E hOIAN 8<:"001 JOnNAl thrifh and in,]ustriou,. Hi, oc('upation in great part is the most ancient of all in· ,lu,trie,. lIut of the shephen\. ~lany of thpm are alo cunning workmen in metals. being lughl~ ,killed in the art of m,'king Yariou, artide, of ,iherware. Th~ women of thi, tribe are famous '" blanket we,ners. making some of the Olost beaubful blan· kds and rug' to be found anlwh,'re in the world. The tribe of Indians known a, the Tulalil's. who hale for many c,'nluries inhabiled the shores of Puget Sound. are ,killlil lishermen. :\lall\' of th"m earn a good liyill!! by taking salmon from Its \Iate.... IIhile other, from thi, ancl kinclred trib.." of the Puget Sound country are ex· pt.rb ill tl1l' IlJggin~ and lumhl'r 1)lI .. incs... frequelltl~' spending the entire winter in the \luc)(k The Co, 111' ,\" Alene of easlern \\'ashin!(ton arc good farmer. Inany of them ollning Iotrge trd, of land. from which the~ produce annually good crop, of wheat and other small grain. The Crow, of eastern ~lontana are largely engaged in the breed· in!! nf hm''',,,, They rai'e 'ome Yer.' !(ood animals, and take great pride in the indus­ tn. Cen- The tendenc~' eYerywhel'e i, to centralize That is. to gather into traJization. one bocl~' cliY'er,ified intere,ts for more effectiY'e results. This is true not alone of indu,trie,. but in ellort" along sentimental lines. In union there is strength. ,.e, er before h., this iclea bl-en so thol'Oughll' pxploited as nOli. A con,picuous exaUl' pie i" i,1 to \)<' that of the hanking house of .J, P. ~lorga" I\: Co.. whose control Of capital i, ..aid to 1)<' equal to that of all the natioMI banks of the country. So-called --tru,ts" are 'pringing daily into existence notwithstanding the efforts of law mak. er, to pre"ent it. So long as power is not abu,ed. it is helpful to mankind, but in unscrupulon, hand, it becomes a menace to the happin"', and freedom of all. The obj,,,,t of all efforts i, r,,"ults. whether by indiYicluals or companies. It would be im­ 1)(",il.le for imli"idua!' to reach ,ucce" in man~ C<'\.'>C:i where collections of indi"id­ uals woulcl ,ucceed. Hence the condusion that thbe collections. under "hatE,er name called. are nere-sitib, ancl the effort mw,t be to control. not to abate lI,em. A ril'Cr i, a nl'Cbsit~. It cannot be ahated. but it can ll€' controlled. Our law gi,'· e l1Iu,t ,ooner or later re"ognize these conclitions. The ,u!!ar trust and the oil trust haIC re<lue"! the pri"e of hoth articles to the minimum, ,'ature is beiug touched with a ,trung hand yet scientilicall~ and the results are beneficent. Community of interto.!' ,hou1<l be culti",'led rather than discouraged. E"en iu the Indian Sen'ice cooperation is better than dill'u,ion. Centralization ofeffort can be 8<-cured bl showing its n,h antages. Centralizatioh or coml1lunity of mterests will produce desir;"\ re-,ult>,. 11'l tnlll,fer (If the tribal allegiance to national patriotism is a desirable end. The mingling of the tribe, in nonresen'ation chool, break, the tribal relation. A hun, dred unite IS one fur a COlllmon and ,1""ire<1 en,1. the uplift of the in,hidnal. Let US not be afraid of centralization. AI..... EI'e" here in thi, ./orR'AI. is an artide frol1l the t. Louis PO-It Di.,. Indians. valek de,crihing the GOIernmenfs method of dealmg with the Indian, in Ala,ka. It i, the best worcl-pictore of the Go'ernmenf, helpful di position toward Its haekward people of any thmg puhli'hed for II long time.
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