Tuesday 25th March 1952 Saracen Park, Glasgow Ashfield Reds 18 Ashfield Blues 28 Glasgow Tigers 31 Lanarkshire Eagles 19 (Scottish Quadrille) Ashfield Reds Eric Liddell 1 1 1 1 4 Cyril Cooper 2 2 0 3 7 Dick Howard F E 1 1 2 Bruce Semmens X 2 2 1 5 Ashfield Blues Don Gray 2 N 3 F 5 Willie Wilson 3 3 E 2 8 Larry Lazarus 1 F 1 3 5 Ron Phillips 3 3 2 2 10 Glasgow Tommy Miller 3 3 3 3 12 Ken McKinlay E E 3 2 5 Alf McIntosh 2 3 2 1 8 Len Nicholson 1 2 1 2 6 Motherwell Stan Bradbury 0 1 0 0 1 Bluey Scott 1 1 NSNS 2 Joe Crowther 3 2 2 0 7 Gordon McGregor 2 1 3 3 9 Ht1 Miller, Gray, Liddell, Bradbury 65.8 1 2 3 0 Ht2 Wilson, Cooper, Scott, McKinlay (ef) 64.8 3 5 3 1 Ht3 Crowther, McIntosh, Lazarus, Howard (f) 67.4 3 6 5 4 Ht4 Phillips, McGregor, Nicholson, Semmens (f/exc) 65.8 3 9 6 6 Ht5 Miller, Cooper, McGregor, Lazarus (f) 66.0 5 9 9 7 Ht6 Wilson, Nicholson, Bradbury, Howard (ef) 66.3 5 12 11 8 Ht7 Phillips, Crowther, Liddell, McKinlay (ef) 66.6 6 15 11 10 Ht8 McIntosh, Semmens, Scott, Gray (nf) 67.0 8 15 14 11 Ht9 McGregor, McIntosh, Liddell, Wilson (ef) 67.6 9 15 16 14 Ht10 Gray, Crowther, Nicholson, Cooper 67.4 9 18 17 16 Ht11 McKinlay, Semmens, Lazarus, Bradbury 66.0 11 19 20 16 Ht12 Miller, Phillips, Howard, Scott (ns) 66.0 12 21 23 16 Ht13 Lazarus, Nicholson, Liddell, Scott (ns) 68.2 13 24 25 16 Ht14 Cooper, Phillips, McIntosh, Bradbury 67.6 16 26 26 16 Ht15 McGregor, McKinlay, Howard, Gray (f) 67.2 17 26 28 19 Ht16 Miller, Wilson, Semmens, Crowther 66.0 18 28 31 19 Wednesday 26th March 1952 White City Stadium, Glasgow 1952 Tigers 44 The Ex-Tigers 40 (Challenge Reunion Match) 1952 Tigers Tommy Miller 3 3 3 3 12 Don Wilkinson 0 F F 1’ 1 1 Ken McKinlay 3 3 3 2 11 Jack Hodgson 0 2 0 1’ 3 1 Len Nicholson 0 1 1’ 1’ 3 2 Alf McIntosh 3 3 2 2 10 Jim Blyth 1’ 1’ 2 4 1 Stuart Irvine 0 0 The Ex-Tigers Will Lowther 1’ 3 2 0 6 1 Harold Fairhurst 2 F 3 3 8 Gordon McGregor 2 2 2 3 9 Eddie Lack 1’ 1’ 0 F 2 2 Joe Crowther 1’ 1’ 2 2 6 2 Wal Morton 2 2 1’ 0 5 1 Johnny Green X 3 3 Scott Hall 1’ 0 1 1 Ht1 Miller, Fairhurst, Lowther, Wilkinson 77.2 3 3 3 3 Ht2 McKinlay, McGregor, Lack, Hodgson 78.4 3 3 6 6 Ht3 McIntosh, Morton, Crowther, Nicholson 80.0 3 3 9 9 Ht4 Lowther, Hodgson, Blythe, Green (fexc) (RR) 79.4 3 3 12 12 Ht5 Miller, McGregor, Lack, Wilkinson (f) 77.8 3 3 15 15 Ht6 McKinlay, Morton, Crowther, Hodgson 78.8 3 3 18 18 Ht7 McIntosh, Lowther, Nicholson, Fairhurst (f) 79.6 4 2 22 20 Ht8 McKinlay, McGregor, Hall, St.Irvine 79.6 3 3 25 23 Ht9 Miller, Crowther, Morton, Wilkinson (f) 78.8 3 3 28 26 Ht10 Fairhurst, McKinlay, Hodgson, Lowther 80.2 3 3 31 29 Ht11 McGregor, McIntosh, Nicholson, Lack 80.4 3 3 34 32 Ht12 Miller, Crowther, Blythe, Hall 79.0 4 2 38 34 Ht13 Green, Blythe, Nicholson, Lack (f) 81.0 3 3 41 37 Ht14 Fairhurst, McIntosh, Wilkinson, Morton 81.2 3 3 44 30 Re-Union Trophy Ht1 Hodgson, Lowther, Green, Hall (ef) 81.2 Ht2 Miller, Fairhurst, Morton, Lack 79.8 Ht3 McIntosh, McGregor, Blythe, Irvine 80.0 Ht4 McKinlay, Crowther, Wilkinson, Nicholson 81.2 Final Miller, McKinlay, Hodgson, McIntosh 79.4 Newcomers Race Jimmy Steward, Jock Scott, Jim Fraser (f), St. Irvine (f), Sam Andrews(ns), Lex McCool (ns) 84.8 Tuesday 1st April 1952 Saracen Park, Glasgow Ashfield Giants v Glasgow Tigers (Challenge) Rained Off Wednesday 2nd April 1952 White City Stadium, Glasgow Glasgow Tigers 56 Liverpool Chads 28 (National League Division Two) Glasgow Len Nicholson 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 7 4 Tommy Miller 3 3 3 3 12 Ken McKinlay 3 2 3 2 10 Jack Hodgson 2’ 3 1’ 1’ 7 3 Alf McIntosh 3 2 3 3 11 Peter Dykes 1 1’ 1 1 4 1 Don Wilkinson 2’ 2 4 1 Jim Steward 0 1 1 Liverpool George Newton X E 0 Peter Robinson 1 3 3 2 9 Tommy Allott 1 1 2 0 4 Bill Griffiths 0 0 2 E 2 Harry Welch 2 3 1 3 9 Alf Webster 0 0 X 0 Peter Craven 1 0 2 3 Buck Whitby 0 1’ 0 0 1 1 Ht1 Miller, Nicholson, Robinson, Newton (exc) 78.0 5 1 5 1 Ht2 McKinlay, Hodgson, Allott, Griffiths 79.2 5 1 10 2 Ht3 McIntosh, Welch, Dykes, Webster 78.8 4 2 14 4 Ht4 Hodgson, Wilkinson, Craven, Newton (ef) 80.8 5 1 19 5 Ht5 Miller, Nicholson, Allott, Griffiths 78.4 5 1 24 6 Ht6 Welch, McKinlay, Hodgson, Webster 78.2 3 3 27 9 Ht7 Robinson, McIntosh, Dykes, Whitby 79.6 3 3 30 12 Ht8 McKinlay, Allott, Whitby, Steward 80.0 3 3 33 15 Ht9 Miller, Nicholson, Welch, Webster (fexc) 79.8 5 1 38 16 Ht10 Robinson, McKinlay, Hodgson, Craven 79.4 3 3 41 19 Ht11 McIntosh, Griffiths, Dykes, Allott 80.6 4 2 45 21 Ht12 Welch, Wilkinson, Nicholson, Whitby 79.4 3 3 48 24 Ht13 McIntosh, Craven, Steward, Griffiths (ef) 81.0 4 2 52 26 Ht14 Miller, Robinson, Dykes, Whitby 80.2 4 2 56 28 Maryhill Supporters Trophy Ht1 Robinson, Steward, Nicholson (f), McCool (exc) 81.4 Ht2 Wilkinson, McKinlay, Craven, Whitby 80.0 Ht3 Miller, Allott, Griffiths, Irvine 80.4 McIntosh, Hodgson, Monteith, Welch (ef) 80.6 Final Miller, Wilkinson, McIntosh, Robinson (ef) 79.8 Tiger Cub Rally Jim Russell, McCool, Irvine, Sam Andrews 85.6 Wednesday 9th April 1952 White City Stadium, Glasgow Glasgow Tigers 47 Coventry Bees 37 (National League Division Two) Glasgow Don Wilkinson 0 2 1 2 5 Tommy Miller 3 X 3 3 9 Ken McKinlay X 3 2 3 7 Alf McIntosh 3 F 1 F 4 Junior Bainbridge 3 3 3 3 12 Jack Hodgson 0 1 1 E 2 Peter Dykes 3 1’ 4 1 Len Nicholson 1’ 2’ 3 2 Coventry Stan Williams 1’ 2 0 1’ 4 2 Johnny Reason 2 2 2 2 8 Les Hewitt 2 3 3 2 10 Derek Tailby 1’ 1 0 1 3 1 Vic Emms 1’ 0 2 3 6 1 John Yates 2 2 0 1’ 5 1 Jack Wright 1’ 0 1 1 Peter Brough F 0 0 Ht1 Miller, Reason, Williams, Wilkinson 76.6 3 3 3 3 Ht2 McIntosh, Hewitt, Tailby, McKinlay (fexc) 80.6 3 3 6 6 Ht3 Bainbridge, Yates, Emms, Hodgson 79.2 3 3 9 9 Ht4 Dykes, Williams, Wright, McIntosh (f) 80.4 3 3 12 12 Ht5 Hewitt, Wilkinson, Tailby, Miller (fexc) 80.0 2 4 14 16 Ht6 McKinlay, Yates, McIntosh, Emms 79.8 4 2 18 18 Ht7 Bainbridge, Reason, Hodgson, Wiliams 79.2 4 2 22 20 Ht8 Hewitt, McKinlay, Nicholson, Brough (f) 80.0 3 3 25 23 Ht9 Miller, Emms, Wilkinson, Yates 79.8 4 2 29 25 Ht10 McKinlay, Reason, Williams, McIntosh (f) 80.0 3 3 32 28 Ht11 Bainbridge, Hewitt, Hodgson, Tailby 78.4 4 2 36 30 Ht12 Emms, Wilkinson, Dykes, Brough 80.4 3 3 39 33 Ht13 Bainbridge, Nicholson, Tailby, Wright 80.2 5 1 44 34 Ht14 Miller, Reason, Yates, Hodgson (ef) 79.0 3 3 47 37 Gartcosh and District Supporters Trophy Ht1 Miller, Reason, Yates, Nicholson (fexc) 78.2 Ht2 Bainbrige, Hewitt, Wilkinson, F.Hodgson 79.2 Ht3 Emms, Dykes, McIntosh, Wright 81.6 Ht4 Williams, McKinlay, Tailby, J.Hodgson 81.0 Final Miller, Bainbridge, Williams, Emms 78.8 Consolation Races Ht1 Sharp, Russell, Monteith (nf), Steward (f) 84.4 Ht2 F.Hodgson, Sharp, Brough, St.Irvine (f) 82.2 Wednesday 16th April 1952 White City Stadium, Glasgow Glasgow Tigers 58 Yarmouth Bloaters 26 (National League Division Two) Glasgow Tommy Miller 3 3 3 3 12 Don Wilkinson 2’ 1 1 3 7 1 Ken McKinlay 2 3 2 3 10 Peter Dykes 1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 7 4 Junior Bainbridge 3 3 2 3 11 Alf McIntosh F 2’ 1’ 2’ 5 3 Len Nicholson X 2’ 2’ 4 2 Jack Hodgson 1’ 1 1 Yarmouth Johnny Chamberlain 1 1’ 1 F 3 1 Stan Page E F 1 1 2 Fred Brand 3 2 3 3 11 Tip Mills X 0 0 F 0 Reg Morgan 1 1 2 0 4 Vic Ridgeon 2 0 X 2 Terry Courtnell 2 0 1 1 4 Jim Steward 0 0 Ht1 Miller, Wilkinson, Chamberlain, Page (ef) 77.4 5 1 5 1 Ht2 Brand, McKinlay, Dykes, Mills (fexc) 78.2 3 3 8 4 Ht3 Bainbridge, Ridgeon, Morgan, McIntosh (f) 80.4 3 3 11 7 Ht4 Dykes, Courtnell, Chamberlain, Nicholson (exctps) 80.6 3 3 14 10 Ht5 Miller, Brand, Wilkinson, Mills 78.0 4 2 18 12 Ht6 McKinlay, Dykes, Morgan, Ridgeon 80.2 5 1 23 13 Ht7 Bainbridge, McIntosh, Chamberlain, Page (f) 80.8 5 1 28 14 Ht8 Brand, McKinlay, Hodgson, Courtnell 79.4 3 3 31 17 Ht9 Miller, Morgan, Wilkinson, Ridgeon (fexc) 81.0 4 2 35 19 Ht10 McKinlay, Dykes, Page, Chamberlain (f) 80.6 5 1 40 20 Ht11 Brand, Bainbridge, McIntosh, Mills 79.6 3 3 43 23 Ht12 Miller, Nicholson, Courtnell, Morgan 79.4 5 1 48 24 Ht13 Bainbridge, Nicholson, Courtnell, Mills (f) 81.4 5 1 53 25 Ht14 Wilkinson, McIntosh, Page, Steward 80.4 5 1 58 26 Qualifying Race Nicholson, Hodgson, Courtnell, F.Hodgson 79.8 Ayr Supporters’ Club Trophy Ht1 Brand, Bainbridge, Wilkinson, Page 80.0 80.4 Ht2 McKinlay, Nicholson, J.Hodgson, Dykes 80.0 81.4 Ht3 Miller, F.Hodgson, McIntosh, Morgan (f) 80.2 82.4 Final Bainbridge, Brand, McKinlay, Miller (f) 79.4 Tiger Cub Rally Irvine, Monteith, Russell, McCool (ef) 85.0 Consolation Race Not Raced Saturday 19th April 1952 Old Meadowbank, Edinburgh Edinburgh Monarchs 53 Glasgow Tigers 31 (National League Division Two) Edinburgh Don Cuppleditch 1’ 3 2’ 3 9 2 Bob Mark 2 2’ 3 3 10 1 Eddie Lack 2’ 1’ 3 1’ 7 3 Harold Fairhurst 3 3 2 2 10 Jimmy Cox 2’ 1’ 3 1 7 2 Dick Campbell 3 2 2’ 1 8 1 Johnny Green 1 0 1 Harry Darling 1 0 1 Glasgow Peter Dykes 0 2 0 0 2 Tommy Miller 3 3 3 2 11 Ken McKinlay 1 0 0 1 2 Alf McIntosh 0 1 0 1 Junior Bainbridge F 3 1 1’ 5 1 Jack Hodgson 1 0 0 1 Don Wilkinson 0 2’ 2 1 Len Nicholson 2 2 3 0 7 Ht1 Miller, Mark, Cuppleditch, Dykes 67.2 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Fairhurst, Lack, McKinlay , McIntosh 70.0 5 1 8 4 Ht3 Campbell, Cox, Hodgson, Bainbridge (f) 71.4 5 1 13 5 Ht4 Fairhurst, Dykes, Green, Wilkinson 71.4 4 2 17 7 Ht5 Cuppleditch, Mark, McIntosh, McKinlay 68.8 5 1 22 8 Ht6 Bainbridge, Fairhurst, Lack, Hodgson 70.8 3 3 25 11 Ht7 Miller, Campbell, Cox, Dykes 69.6 3 3 28 14 Ht8 Lack, Nicholson, Green, McKinlay 71.6 4 2 32 16 Ht9 Mark, Cuppleditch, Bainbridge, Hodgson 69.8 5 1 37 17 Ht10 Miller, Fairhurst, Lack, Dykes 69.8 3 3 40 20 Ht11 Cox, Campbell, McKinlay, McIntosh 72.0 5 1 45 21 Ht12 Cuppleditch, Nicholson, Bainbridge, Green 71.0 3 3 48 24 Ht13 Nicholson, Wilkinson, Cox, Darling 72.0 1 5 49 29 Ht14 Mark, Miller, Campbell, Nicholson 69.2 4 2 53 31 Wednesday 23rd April 1952 White
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