PROGRESS REPORT FIVE 1 Travel Information Directions for US 395 from the North

PROGRESS REPORT FIVE 1 Travel Information Directions for US 395 from the North

PROGRESS REPORT FIVE 1 Travel Information dire6tions 1or 7S 395 1ro( the North. Facility Locations & Phone Numbers "S $%& from the North Atlantis: Ta/e e0it &. 1or 8oana 9ane, turning right onto 8oana 3800 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8950 9ane. To go to the Peppermill, turn right onto Virginia ! "800# $ 3%&500 Street. For the other 1a6ilities, turn le1t. "S $%& from the South Peppermill 707 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8950 Virginia Street is 7S 395 :*siness. A1ter +ou ha-e ! "775) 8 &% ! ! passed through )arson )it+, when 7S 395 and 7S 395 :usiness split, si('l+ re(ain on 7S 395 :usiness. )ourt+ard: &855 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8951! Arriving by Air ! "775) 851%8300 The Reno terminal is -ery eas+ to *se. E-en (ore )onvention )enter *se1*ll+ 1or inco(ing 1ans, the airport is -er+ 6entrall+ .590 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 8950 lo6ated, 3ust a 6ouple o1 (iles 1ro( the 6onvention 6enter and our 6hosen hotels. FREE airport shuttles run e-ery 30 (inutes to the Peppermill and the Driving Directions Atlantis, wit2 a tra-el ti(e o1 under !0 (inutes. Reno% I-80 from the est Sparks )ab 6an pro-ide rides to the )ourt+ard 1or Ta/e e0it !3 o11 o1 I%80, turning right onto Virginia around ;! , and 6an 5e rea6hed at "775#333%3333. Street. A1ter 3*st under three (iles, the Peppermill To orldcon by Train will be on the right. A 1ew blo6ks later, the Atlantis and <e-in Standlee 6on-ention 6enter will be on the le1t, 1ollo4ed a bit Reno "station 6ode RNO# is on the A(tra/ past 7S 395 5+ the )ourt+ard, on the right. "http://www.a( national passenger railroa, I-80 from the !ast net4ork. T4o trains ea6h da+ serve Reno station "the Ta/e e0it !5 to (erge onto 7S 395 South, then 1ollo4 )ali1ornia >e'2+r bet4een )hi6ago and the San ) *enovation THE 69TH WOR9A SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION Francis6o :a+ Area#. The station is also served 5+ Peppermill or trans1er to the RT) )onne6t servi6e on 6onne6ting A(tra/ )ali1ornia 5*ses 1ro( Sa6ra(ento. Sout2 Virginia. RT) )onne6t runs 1ro( downtown to The )onvention )enter is about 3 (iles "5 /(# south o1 the 8ea,4ood 8all "past the )onvention )enter) and the train station, whi6h is in the 6enter o1 downtown operates ./7 wit2 -ery 1requent servi6e "basi6all+ Reno. ItBs an eas+ ta0i ride 1ro( the station, but there e-ery !0%! (inutes 1ro( & a( to 9 '(#. For (ore is also a 1requent lo6al 5*s ser-i6e "RT) RAPID: information 6all RT) )usto(er Servi6e 1or assistance$&# at "775# 3.8%RIDE "7 da+s a 4eek 1ro( 7:00 a( to 7:00 that runs 1ro( the .th Street Transit )enter "one blo6/ '(# or -isit their 4e5site at northeast o1 the train station, on the opposite side o1 The 8arriott )ourt+ard is on the #57 bus route whi62 the train tra6ks as the A(trak station) to the starts at the 8eadowood 8all transit station and goes Peppermill=Atlantis=)onvention )enter area. Tra-el south on Virginia. th ti(e 5et4een . Street and the )onvention )enter is The Reno%Tahoe International Airport is also servi6e, appro0i(atel+ !5 (inutes, and bus 1are is ; one%4a+ 5+ RT) A66ess, a paratransit ser-i6e that 'ro-ides "6oins or bills a66epted, e0a6t 6hange require,#. door-to%door, pres6hedule, transportation 1or people Public Transit with disabilities who (eet the eligibilit+ 6riteria. )it+ :*s Route !9 onl+ runs hourl+ 8onda+ to Frida+ +igh Desert in August, Don-t Panic! "s6hedule is poste,#. The basi6 1are is ; .00 and the Reno in August (a+ be -ery di11erent than +our *sual airport sto' is at the nort2 end o1 the 6enter 6urb, haunts and 4e don't 4ant +ou to ha-e to spend +our outside o1 :aggage )lai(. The 6losest stop will 5e at -aluable @orl,6on ti(e getting adapted to the Shoppers SC*are "Pl*(b 9ane D S Virginia# 3ust nort2 6li(ate. I1 +ou attended Denvention 3, though, +ou're o1 the Peppermill. Fro( there +ou 6an 4al/ to the li/el+ to experience a (ilder -ersion o1 those PROGRESS REPORT FIVE $ 6onditions, as Reno is about eig2t hundred 1eet 6loser *egistration to sea le-el than Denver. Please 6he6k the (ailing la5el of this Progress Altitude Re'ort and (a/e a note of any 5a,ge na(e +o* @hile altitude si6kness doesn't tend to be a proble( (a+ ha-e 62osen. This will hel' when +ou 'i6k *' until (ore than &500 1eet abo-e sea le-el, there's no +o*r 5a,ge at the 6onvention. All 5a,ges (ust 4a+ to predi6t who (ight s*11er 1ro( altitude 5e 'i6/e, *' at Registration, incl*,ing those 1or si6kness. There are, ho4e-er, a 1ew things +ou 6an do to (ini(iGe +our risk and s+(pto(s. A-oid strenuous sta11, 'rogra( 'arti6i'ants, ,ealers, etc. a6ti-it+ 1or the 1irst . hours a1ter arri-ing in Reno. 0embershi1s Sta+ 2+drate,H Start ,rinking e0tra 4ater earl+ in Reno-ation (e(berships are a-ailable 1or i((e,iate +our trip, as airplanes and hotels tend to be prett+ ,ry. pur6hase at and 5+ postal (ail. Reno-ation will be 'ro-i,ing +ou with 4ater bottles to Full information on all registration and pa+(ent help out wit2 t2is. options is a-ailable at <eep in (ind that al6ohol is a ,e2+drator, whi6h 6an • increase the s+(pto(s o1 altitude si6kness, so i1 +o* Adult Attending (e(bership: ; 0 are 1eeling ill, it's probabl+ best to sti6k to 4ater. Io* • )onversion 1ro( Supporting: ;!70 (a+ also 1eel the e11e6ts o1 al6ohol (ore readil+, so • Friend o1 the Reno :id 6onversion 1ro( please be (indful o1 this when i(bibing at parties or Supporting: ;!30 restaurants. • Ioung Adult 8e(bershi' "!$% ! +ears old on @ith these sensible pre6autions, +ou should be 3ust August !7, 0!!#: ;! 0 1ine. ?o4e-er, a -ery s(all (inorit+ o1 people (a+ 1ind • the+ ha-e hea,a6hes, shortness o1 breath, or (ore The Fa(il+ Rate " adults plus or (ore serious rea6tions. In the unli/el+ e-ent that +ou ha-e a dependent 6hildren): ;500 • hard ti(e breat2ing, are 6onfused "4ell, (ore than Attending (e(bership rate 1or )hildren "0%!& *sual#, or ha-e ot2er signi1i6ant 'ro5le(s, please see/ +ears ol, on August !7, 0!!#: ;75 (edi6al attention. Registration will be open 1or pre%pai, /limate sta11=-olunteers onl+ 8onda+ beginning PM, in the Reno is higher than (ost (a3or 7.S. 6ities at .,400 RS)) "lo6ation T:A#. Signs will be posted. 1eet abo-e sea le-el. The a-erage da+ti(e high in On Tuesda+, Registration will be open 1ro( !PM to August is 90 degrees Fahrenheit "3 )#, but it 6an ,ro' around 7PM 1or all (e(bers, at our (ain lo6ation in to 50 degrees Fahrenheit "!0 )# in the e-ening. the RS))'s Registration ?all. For the rest o1 the Since Reno is lo6ated in the high desert o1 the Great 6on-ention, Registration will 5e open 1ro( 9:30 A8 to :asin, relati-e 2*(idit+ is low throug2out the +ear, 5 PM. whi6h (a+ 1eel e0traordinaril+ dr+ i1 +ou're 1ro( the 8i,4est or East )oast. ?ere are a 1ew things to 6onsider 5ringing when +ou're pa6/ing 1or Reno-ation: • a hat • suns6reen • bandana • s4eater or light 4aterproo1 3a6/et • saline nasal spra+ • (oisturiGer 2 *enovation THE 69TH WOR9A SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION PROGRESS REPORT FIVE & Iou will need ID when registering – ha-ing +our (ailing with a printe, 6o'+ o1 this poli6+. label will also help us deal with any queries. @e will At Reno-ation, 4e know that (ost people who 4oul, ha-e plent+ o1 lines open at pea/ hours to /eep t2ings li/e to 6arry 4eapons are sensible and 6are1ul (o-ing. indi-iduals. ?o4e-er, 4e (ust /eep in (ind liabilit+, )ash, 6he6/s, Visa, 8asterCard, Dis6o-er and legal issues, and our relationship wit2 the hotels and A(eri6an Express will be a66epted 1or ne4 the 6on-ention 6enter. 8e(ber sa1et+ is our 1irst (e(berships. 6onsideration and it is with this in (ind that this poli6+ Da+ A,(issions 6an be pur6hased online -ia the has been established. Reno-ation 4ebsite or in person at the door. Da+ NOTE: in addition to 6o(pl+ing with Reno-ation A,(issions are pri6ed a66ording to the da+ being poli6+, all (e(bers (ust abide, without e06eption 5+ pur6hased and the age o1 the pur6haser. "Kuote, all rele-ant legal require(ents and 5+ the 1igures are 1or @ednesda+ !$ / Thursda+ !8 / Frida+ require(ents o1 the 6onvention 6enter and host !9 /Saturda+ 0 / Sunda+ ! August respe6ti-el+#. hotels. Please note in parti6ular that 6asino resorts ha-e strong require(ents in pla6e to prote6t their Adult ;.0 / ;50 / ;70 / ;70 / ;30 se6urit+ and that these will be enforced "1or instance, Reno )ollege ;30 / ;.0 / ;&0 / ;&0 / ; 0 1ull 1a6e 6o-erings are not allo4ed anywhere on the Ioung Adult ; 0 / ;30 / ;.0 / ;.0 / ; 0 6asino 1loor). )hil, ;!5 / ; 0 / ; 5 / ; 5 / ;!5 #ervices U1date *enovation ea1ons Policy 3olunteers No real or realisti6 4eapons (a+ be 6arried anywhere )o(e one, 6o(e all. @e are a66epting -olunteers within the 6onvention e06ept during the 8asquerade through the online 1orm 1ound at or spe6i1i6all+ appro-ed e-ents.

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