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The main ob- jective of the Conference is to discuss subjects that will define guidelines on the activities related to food composition worldwide, considering the importance of biodiversity in this context. The conclusions and recommendations of the Confer- ence will be prepared by BRASILFOODS and divulged on the 7IFDC website (www.fcf.usp.br/7ifdc). English will be the official language of the Conference Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2007 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FOOD DATA CONFERENCE Food Composition and Biodiversity October 21-24, 2007 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil Coordination: Elizabete Wenzel Menezes and Franco M. Lajolo University of Sao Paulo (USP)/ BRASILFOODS www.fcf.usp.br/7ifdc in conjunction with FAO INTERNATIONAL EXPERT CONSULTATION Indicator Development for Nutrition and Biodiversity October 21, 2007 Sao Paulo, Brazil Coordination: Barbara Burlingame Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Upon invitation only in cooperation with 9th NATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY FOR FOOD AND NUTRITION (SBAN) October 24-27, 2007 Sao Paulo, Brazil www.sban.com.br Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2007 Conference convened by the University of Sao Paulo (USP), the Brazilian Network of Food Data Systems (BRASILFOODS) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FOOD DATA CONFERENCE Event plant Transamerica Flat International Plaza Al. Santos, 981 – Cerqueira Cesar Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil AMERICA ROOM EUROPE ROOM VIP Service Balcony area ELEVATORS Hotel Kitchen FOYER POSTER Hotel Staff ROOM Acess to lateral stairs 1st floor This book of abstracts contains the collective views tation of material in this publication do not imply the of an international group of experts and does not expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part necessarily represent the decisions or the stated of USP, BRASILFOODS or FAO concerning the legal policy of the University of Sao Paulo, BRASILFOODS status of any country, territory, city or area or of and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its Nations.The designations employed and the presen- frontiers or boundaries. © Brazilian Network of Food Data Systems (BRASILFOODS)/USP 2007 Message from the Chairs of Seventh International Food Data Conference, Elizabete Wenzel Menezes and Franco M. Lajolo We would like to welcome all participants in the Sev- The 7IFDC is a unique opportunity of interaction be- enth International Food Data Conference. We hope tween renowned researchers and participants from you enjoy Sao Paulo and have a great time during several countries; international organs such as FAO, the next days. INFOODS, EuroFIR, UNU; Brazilian regulatory organs Thinking about food composition studies over the and government agencies like ANVISA, Ministry of past decades, they have passed through four revo- Environment, Foreign Affairs Agency; industries; food lutions. The first one, with Atwater, who described producers; nutritionists and other health profession- the energetic value of foods; the second one, with als. We hope everyone takes full advantage of these the characterization of vitamins and minerals, days, exchanging experiences and knowledge, meet- shown to be important in order to prevent diseases ing old colleagues, structuring new partnerships and, caused by their deficiency; the third revolution hap- more than ever, discussing aspects that may improve pened when food composition was known better the food composition area. and associations between diet and diseases were Our grateful thanks to the colleagues and profes- made, including the ones related to malnutrition sionals Eliana B Giuntini and Milana CT Dan for their and non-transmissible chronic diseases. The fourth great cooperation in all phases of the conference or- revolution is about the discovery of other food sub- ganization, from the preparation of texts for the first stances that also have effects on human health, version of the website in 2006 until now, during the such as bioactive compounds. The fifth revolution event, trying to solve eventual problems. will possibly be related to biodiversity. According Also, we would like to thank the Brazilian Society for to FAO, the wide knowledge of information about Food and Nutrition (SBAN) for having faith in this the composition of foods of different cultivars, re- event and for trusting us its juridical structure, with- gions and countries is extremely important in order out which it would be impossible to receive any kind to guarantee the preservation and sustainable use of financial support. of biodiversity in food security and human nutrition We appreciate all industries and national and in- programs. The main objective of the Seventh Inter- ternational organs for their cooperation and spon- national Food Data Conference “Food Composition sorships. Finally, we thank the Local Arrangements and Biodiversity” is to discuss subjects that will Committee and other professionals from Pharma- define guidelines on the activities related to food ceutical Science School and University of Sao Paulo composition worldwide, considering the importance for organizing numerous logistical details required of biodiversity in this context. to hold a successful conference. Message from the Program Chairs of Seventh International Food Data Conference, Elizabete Wenzel Menezes and Franco M. Lajolo On behalf of the Scientific Advisory Committee, we Several authors required oral presentation at the would like to welcome all participants in the Seventh conference; however, due to the lack of time avail- International Food Data Conference. Thank you all ability in the program, several solicitations could not for the prompt reply to the abstract solicitation. We be accomplished, even with the excellent quality of received more than 142 abstracts from 46 countries. the works. We thank the members of this committee for evalu- ing topics are considered: data quality, food sam- ating the abstracts in a short period of time and for pling, analytical methods, food composition database cooperating with great suggestions. The scientific (compilation, new features, applications and sustain- program, based on the submitted abstracts, is made ability), national food composition database and of 55 oral presentations and 87 posters. Part of the tables, bioactive compounds and functional foods, program has biodiversity as the main subject, there- regional foods and specific nutrients/ products, food fore special attention was given to researches about consumption and nutrient intake. We would like to variety and wild, uncommon and subutilized species; express our sincere thanks to Barbara Burlingame ecosystems and the environment influence over food (FAO) and Paul Finglas (EuroFIR), for the cooperation composition; and the contribution of these foods to in the scientific program, not only for their valuable the nutrition field and food security. Another part is suggestions but also for allowing the participation of related to food composition issues, and the follow- several researchers in this conference. Message from the Chair of FAO International Expert Consultation, Barbara Burlingame OBJECTIVES To identify existing data and data sources needed to linkage between biodiversity, food and nutrition and develop a nutrition indicator for biodiversity related the need to enhance sustainable use of biodiversity to to food composition combat hunger and malnutrition, and thereby contrib- To propose a nutrition indicator for biodiversity re- ute to Target 2 of Goal 1 of the MDGs (Decision VII/32). lated to food composition The initiative on biodiversity for food and nutrition To identify data gaps and research needs (e.g. sam- was formally established by decision VIII/23 A of the pling, reporting) to improve the indicator Conference of the Parties, in March 2006. To develop a mechanism for reporting, which will al- During this same period, the Commission on Genetic low FAO to monitor the indicator over time Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA 10th ses- To identify agencies and institutes that will report to sion) requested the Intergovernmental Technical FAO on the indicator on a yearly basis Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture to “provide guidance to FAO on how BACKGROUND it could best support countries, on request, to gener- Development of nutrition indicators for biodiversity ate, compile and disseminate cultivar-specific nutri- is an international collaborative process, led by the ent composition data, as well as indicate the relative Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Na- priority of obtaining cultivar-specific dietary con- tions
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