psyGmnontodai) DECEMBER 19731VOL. 7, NO. 7 THE MAGAZINE ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIETY AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR D. D. Braginsky 15 Stimulus/Response: Psychologists: HIgfi Priests of tfie Middle Class Don't and B. M, Braginsky look to therapists for scientific obiectlvity. Most are as biased as Archie Bunker and their prejudices paste a "sick" label on deviants from the Protestant Ethic. Patrice Horn 39 News Line The problem of locating creative people; male chauvinism and social con duct; the Importance of social innovation; and other items. T George Harris 40 Jensen, Genetics, and Equalitarian Diversity, an introduction. Robert W. Glasgow 43 The Obsessive Concern With Self, a conversation with Robert Nisbet about sub jectivity, decadence, Watergate, alienation, and the hope of rationality. A politically con servative sociologist discusses American life in the twilight of authority. Robert W. Glasgow 50 A Historian of Ideas, a sketch of Robert Nisbet. Herbert J. Gans 66 Barriers to Equality This excerpt from a new book sets forth the problems that face an egalitarian society and suggests ways of overcoming them. RACE, INTELLIGENCE AND GENETICS Arthur Jensen 79 The Differences Are Real An educational psychologist who found his name linked by rhetoric to racism tries again to make clear what he believes and does not believe. Berkeley Rice 88 The High Cost of Thinking the Unthinkable A numberof card-carrying academics have found that intellectual freedom stops where unpopular ideas begin. Ttieo(dosius Dobzhansky 96 Differences Are Not Deficits Ageneticist discusses the heritability of intelligence and points out the pitfalls that lie in the path of those who try to estimate the heritability of IQ differences. Thomas B. Mulholland 103 Biofeedback: It's Time to Try Hardware in the Classroom Apioneer in the field tries to close the communications gap between biofeedback and education by showing how the technology can help students stay alert, feel better and explore innerspace. Brian Murphy 106 "I'll Laugh If You Will" Alook at the comedy of Bill Cosby and Don Rickles spotlights and Howard R. Pollio the importance of social context for certain kinds of humor. Richard G. Graf 112 Speed Reading; Remember the Tortoise After speed-reading partisans questioned the criticisms in a pt article, another psychologist conducted a controlled study of speed readers. As we said before, "Speed Readers Don't Read; They Skim." Robert Wuthnow 114 The Religious Experience: A Questionnaire The latest pt questionnaire goes be and Charles Y. Glock yond the formal categories of religion to explore mystical experiences of all kinds. 4 Input 21 Books 32 Authors 146 Bibliography, Reprint and Tape Information 140 Classified Advertising EDiTOR-iN-CHiEF, T George Harris ART DIRECTOR, Tom Gould DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING SALES, Henry Wm. Marks EDITOR, David Maxey ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR. Rod KamltSUka NATIONAL SALESMANAGER, Harold Duchin MANAGING EDITOR,Elizabeth Hall PHOTOGRAPHIC CONSULTANT. John Oldenkamp EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES, Joseph Benjamin. Marilyn Bond. ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS, Joyce DudneyFleming. Carol ARTISTS. John M. Hix. ArlineThompson Jerome Koffler, Gerald Livingston. Donald Reis, Ronald Scher Tavris ART ASSISTANT. Barbara Bottomley ADVERTISING MARKETING DIRECTOR. Luke P. "Bud" Keane SENIOR EDITORS, Robert W.Glasgow, Patrice Horn. ADVERTISING PROMOTION MANAGER. Eugene Picciano Berkeley Rice STAFF. Mart! Beach RESEARCH ANALYST, Alan Jay Lutrin MANUSCRIPTS EDITOR, Paul B. Chance ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER. Robert J. Krefting CONSULTING EDITORS, Sam Keen George S ADVERTISING OFFICE MANAGER, Bill WilSOn Reynolds, Charles William Thomas II PRODUCTION DIRECTOR, Jack Qualman STAFF. Geraldine Fitzgerald. Mary Hurley, Sonia Jones. ASSISTANT PRODUCTION DIRECTOR, Margaret Beschen COPY EDITOR,Idamae Brooks Sandra Roldan ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Catherine Caldwell,MargieCasady Jack STAFF. Stephanie Stutsman PUBLISHER, John Suhler C. Horn, Peter Koenig. Pamela Moore. Carole Offir CIRCULATION PROMOTION MANAGER, Richard L. LePere CRM PERIODICALS DIVISION GENERAL MANAGER, ASSISTANT EDITORS Colin Campbell. Barbara Morrow Williams CIRCULATION PRODUCTION, William Spiegel James B. Horton RESEARCHER. Gail Bigknife SUBSCRIPTION FULFILLMENT MANAGER. Mlchael J. Ciuffreda CONTROLLER, Brian Sellstrom ASSISTANT COPY EDITOR. Carol J. Gerhard! MARKETING ANALYST, Rosalie BrunO ASSISTANT CONTROLLER, Peter Gorhe EDITORIAL MANAGER. Mary Ernst ASSISTANT SUBSCRIPTION FULFILLMENT MANAGER. Jane Levin ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR, June Reno STAFF. Bonnie Berger, Georgia Cason, Penny Soderberg STAFF, Jacqueline M.Cosby. Cindy Davidson. Marilyn Dreyer. Pearsall,Mary Whiteside. SandyleeWilliamsHoover, Marilyn Dianne Kuliberg, Heidi Lee.NancyNagano.JollyO'Hare,Sue Razzaia, Cathy Scharf Ziff-Dnvis Publiohing Company. President.William Ziff Chief Executive Officer. Charles C. Tillinghast I of oic lo PsychologyconRESPONDENce.Today. PO Boxorders,2990, changesBoulder. PSYCHOLOGY TODAY ispublished monihty byCRM. a Ofvision olZiff-Davis Publishing Company. 31 7 14ifi Street, Del Mar California 9201 d Loioraoo ou302 Vi/hen changing address, please allow sixweeks ad New York City ? •'^"^wesi AdvertisingancJ Represenfalives—Tfieaddutonal oHices CopynghlLaurence1973.F BensonbyCRM,Company.Advertising200EaslOfficesOntario18EastStreet53rdChiranr.'Street vancenolice, including oldaddress(useaddresslabelIrom lalesiissue) Illinois 60611. 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