University students like Rhoda Spruce, shown here with L. E. Peaster, flight instructor, are training for aviation service through the pro- gram of the Civilian Pilot Training Corps. At the bottom of the page are a group of former Sooner students who graduated last month from the army's advanced air training school at Kelly Field, Texas. Left to right, Rob- ert D. Coggeshall, Jay S. Lee, J. E. Miles, Jr., Russell D. Hale, Noel R. Strader, J. P. Rousek, Robert E. Brei denthal, Clarence A. Martin, Jr., and Martin B. Schofzeld, Jr. in the two years since her graduation from the University has achieved a po- sition seldom reached by women pilots. After completing her training at Spartan School of Aeronautics in Tulsa, Miss Stevenson went to Casper, Wyoming, where she is now an instructor with the Civil Aeronautics Administration. Only 23 years old, the young pilot's present occupation is almost contradictory to her college education and professional training. First she attended Lindenwood School for Girls, an experience which in itself would be expected to turn her at- tention toward almost anything but gov- ernment aviation. Later, at the Univer- sity, she majored in journalism and worked in the advertising department of Sooners on the Wing the Oklahoma Daily, student newspaper. Throughout her college work, however, By PEGGY CLAY she managed to gain many hours of oc- casional flying instruction and now is an to the Fighting Front, instructor for both light and heavy planes, From Research Laboratories and has ground school ratings in naviga- 0. U. Alumni Are Doing All Kinds of Jobs in Aviation tion, meteorology and civil air regulations. It's a far cry from the football gridiron to the flying field, but Lt. Lynn Mapes, former Sooner gridman, donned a UMMING propellors are a fa- Griffin first gained public acclaim when '26ba, different sort after his gradu- miliar harmonyH to hundreds of Sooner he teamed with Jimmie Mattern in a dar- helmet of a ation from the University, and now super- alumni who fit into federal and commer ing but unsuccessful attempt to circle the vises a government flying school in Cali- cial flying circles like so many bees in a globe. For some time he had charge of fornia. hive. federal instrument landing research, and Louis Gittings, '39eng, graduated from Into almost every phase of aeronautics, only recently he returned from Havana, training school in October and from the mechanical department of major Cuba, where he flew as a representative of a Navy air was commissioned an ensign and ap- aircraft factories to the cockpits of com- the CAA administrator. pointed an instructor for navy aviation mercial airliners, go graduates of the Uni- His new CAA position in Houston, cadets at Pensacola, Florida. versity and, more particularly, of the Col- Texas, places him at the head of a huge alumni have also gone far in lege of Engineering. instrument flying school, a new federal Sooner commercial aviation, where Some them long ago left the ranks aviation project. the field of of is represented by such well- of ordinary pilots and became outstanding One former Sooner has been flying with the University Leland Jamieson, '23, of aviation. Con- Britain's air force. He is Bob Moore, '39, known pilots as personalities in the field Warren Jamie- Griffin, 17ba, former Sooner wrestler, whose censored and his younger brother, sider, for instance, Bennett by the Eastern supervision of letters back home reveal he is in the thick son, '27, both employed who in January was given the route of things in England. Air Transport Company over all instrument equipment for the Civil . Le Add to the list of colorful personalities from Florida to St. Louis, Missouri Aeronautics Administration . (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 38) Formerly an Oklahoma City pilot, Mr. of the air, Grace Stevenson, '39journ, who 13 MARCH, 1941 in professional flying circles. During the Sooners on the Wing past semester forty students were enrolled (CONTINUED PROM PAGE 13) in the primary training program, and four- land Jalnieson has further broadened the teen were enrolled in the secondary, or ad- scope of his aeronautic service by writing vanced, class. numerous fiction stories, based upon his The program, supervised by the Burke knowledge of aviation, for the Saturday Aviation Service, employs equipment Evening Post. which is the latest in model and design . Also engaged in commercial flying is Primary students use five 65-horsepower "Extra Rich" Carl Ballard, '40, who received his pri- Taylor Cubs, and in the secondary pro- mary aviation instruction under the Civi- gram the young pilots receive their in- lian Pilot Training program at the Uni- struction in two 225-horsepower Waco bi- ICE CREAM versity. Later he completed his secondary planes . training, received a commercial license, For ground school classes at the Uni- and is now employed as a pilot for the versity the United States army has furn- For an extra-delicious dessert, Pan-American Airlines. ished a full-sized disassembled plane, to be studied for structure and design . The select one of the special flavors Many alumni own and operate their plane is equipped with a Wright-Whirl- own planes, either for pleasure for of BORDEN'S ice cream. On or bus- wind engine. iness convenience. Lloyd Noble, '21, of sale in Now in its second year, the University Oklahoma City at the Ardmore, president of the University CAA program has trained 130 per- plant and at retail stores. Board of Regents, uses his plane for all sons in the primary division and 20 in major trips in connection with his far- Available in Norman at the the secondary work. The first course flung drilling interests and his frequent consists of a minimum of thirty- Oklahoma Union a n d t h e visits to the University . Tom Gilcrease, five hours of flying time and seven- '4l, prefers the air routes for most of his Town Tavern . ty-two hours of class or ground work, in- work with the Gilcrease Oil Company in cluding meteorology, aerial navigation and San Antonio, Texas, and Bud Gentry, '15 civil air regulations. The advanced train- ba, of Enid, well-known for his work as ing consists of forty-five hours of flying founder of the Oklahoma State Highway Borden Milk and time in planes of at least 125 horsepower Patrol, is a first-class pilot himself. and classroom instruction in aerodynamics Ice Cream Co. Varied from the routine tasks of the 2126 N. Broadway and structures, radio and celestial naviga- average pilot are the duties of Arch M. tion, and aeronautic power plants. In- Oklahoma City Wallace, '21eng, '3lms, who, as ground struction on the proper care and storage of school inspector for the CAA in Oklaho- planes is provided at the University's fly- ma City, each month makes inspection ing field northwest of Norman. tours to all governmental fields in Okla- Directing the training program is R. homa and to some in Texas. V. James, '18eng, head of the department Gliders, rather than airplanes, com- of mechanics in the College of Engineer- mand the attention of L. D. Montgomery, ing. L. H. Cherry, instructor in mechan- '29ba, '30ms, research engineer in De- ical engineering, teaches courses in navi- troit, Michigan for the General Motors gation ; C. J. Bollinger, associate profes- laboratory . He has made more than sor of geography, supervises classes in 600 glider flights. meteorology; and L. A. Comp, '27eng, Working at government flying fields '35ms, assistant professor of mechanics, are Raymond F. Stevenson, '39eng, aero- teaches aerodynamics and civil air regula- nautical engineer in the United States tions. army air corps at Wright Field, Dayton, Primary training is open to both men Ohio ; George T. Chadwell, '38eng, sec- and women students, and four women ond lieutenant in the air corps reserves ; were enrolled in the course last semester . Advanced training in heavy ships, how- Seals, Stencils, Badges, Aaron Alexander, '40eng, chief engineer assigned to air base construction at Cor- ever, is closed to co-eds. Numbering Machines, etc. pus Christi, Texas; and Philip B. Klein, Besides the government flying courses Write for Big Illustrated Catalog '32eng, with the United States air corps in Norman, engineering students at the at Albrook Field, Panama Canal Zone. University may enroll in numerous courses Southwestern Stamp Works In the business of actual aircraft manu- in aeronautical engineering, planned in ac- 303 N . Harvey Oklahoma City facturing are many graduates of the Col- cordance with a survey of major aircraft lege of Engineering. Louis Surber, '40, factories regarding innovations in the aero- is employed by the Douglass Aircraft Com- nautics curriculum. As approximately 65 pany in California . Ralph L. Wassell, per cent of the engineers in aircraft work '34eng, is an engineering designer with are interested primarily in design, draft- "Everything the Aviation Manufacturing Corporation ing, tracing and blue-print work, the plan at Williamsport, Pennsylvania . Also in of study has been changed to emphasize for Pennsylvania is Howard S. Leeser, '40eng, these aspects of aviation. Special courses employee of Curtis Aircraft Company. are offered in aerodynamics, aircraft struc- Cleaning" Harold L. Pietschker, '40, is employed by tures and design, and stress analysis . Lockeed Aircraft Corporation in Burbank, Approximately 50 per cent of the stu- California . National Disinfectant dents who have completed the CAA pro- While Sooner alumni continue to ad- gram at the University have entered the Company vance in aviation, the University of Okla- United States Army Air Corps. Spartan, 2417 Commerce St. Dallas homa turns out young pilots from its own Randolph and Kelly fields are generously CAA field as fast as they can be assimilated populated with Sooner pilots.
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