Population Trends Contents Regulars In brief 3 Population Trends: The future; Social Trends: Life Begins at 40!; Multidisciplinary conference on research in mortality; Launch of the ESRC Centre for Population Change; Autumn events for 2011 Census; 2008-based national population projections; Future of life events publications; UK Statistics Authority publishes review of migration statistics; ONS Longitudinal Study refresh; Beyond 2011; Mid-2008 population estimates for Northern Ireland; Regional Trends; Focus on children and young people; The Registrar General’s Review of Scotland’s population; Quick online access to older Population Trends articles Recent and forthcoming releases 9 Demographic indicators 10 Features Older Workers in the UK: variations in economic activity status by socio-economic characteristics, household and caring commitments 11 Ercilia Dini This article outlines the trends in the economic activity status of people aged 50 to 69 in the UK in the last 12 years, and how it varies by demographic and socio-economic characteristics, household circumstances and caring commitments 2011 UK Census Coverage Assessment and Adjustment Methodology 25 Owen Abbott This article outlines the proposed methodology for the 2011 Census and focuses on the research that has been conducted to date to develop improvements and innovations Older International Migrants: who migrates to England and Wales in later life? 33 Marcus Green, Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham This article creates a profile of those individuals who migrate to England and Wales from outside the UK at retirement age No 137 Sex ratio patterns in population estimates 41 Autumn 2009 Steve Smallwood and Sofie de Broe Explains the observed sex ratio pattern in England and Wales covering recent censuses Office for National Statistics and population estimates during the intercensal period Tables List of tables 51 Tables 1.1-9.3 52 Notes to tables 80 Reports and annual updates Live Births in England and Wales, 2008: Area of residence 81 Death registrations in England and Wales, 2008: Area of residence 89 Civil Partnerships during 2008: United Kingdom 100 Internal migration estimates for local and unitary authorities in England and Wales, year to mid-2008 107 Contact points 124 Recent and future articles 126 ISBN 978-0-230-23187-0 Post: Room 1015, Government Buildings, ISSN 0307–4463 (print), ISSN 2040-1590 (online) Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales NP10 8XG www.statistics.gov.uk A National Statistics publication Subscriptions National Statistics are produced to high professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. They are produced free from Annual subscription £122, single issue £35 political influence. To subscribe, contact Palgrave Macmillan, tel: 01256 357893, www.palgrave.com/ons Not all the statistics contained within this publication are national statistics because it is a compilation from various sources. Copyright and reproduction The inclusion of reports on studies by non-governmental bodies does not © Crown copyright 2009 imply endorsement by the Office for National Statistics or any other Published with the permission of the Office of Public Sector Information government department of the views or opinions expressed, nor of the (OPSI) methodology used. You may use this publication (excluding logos) free of charge in any format About us for research, private study or internal circulation within an organisation providing it is used accurately and not in a misleading context. 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Dates for submissions A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Issue Contacts Title Spring Summer Autumn Winter This publication Health Statistics Quarterly by 11 Sep by 11 Dec by 22 Mar by 21 June For information about this publication, contact the Editor, Dr Christopher Population Trends by 14 Dec by 31 Mar by 30 June by 29 Sept Smith, tel: 01329 444683, email: [email protected] Please send to: Other customer and media enquiries Population Trends ONS Customer Contact Centre Office for National Statistics Tel: 0845 601 3034 Room 2300 International: +44 (0)845 601 3034 Segensworth Road Minicom: 01633 812399 Titchfield Email: [email protected] Hampshire PO15 5RR Fax: 01633 652747 Population Trends 137 Autumn 2009 in brief CHANGES TO ONS PUBLICATIONS Population Future of Social Trends: Trends: The life events Life begins at 40! The belief that ‘life begins at 40’ looks to be future publications true for Social Trends, one of the flagship The Office for National Statistics (ONS) ONS publishes several annual reference publications of the Government Statistical proposes that both Health Statistics Quarterly volumes currently displayed as pdf files Service. ONS is proud to publish Social Trends, and Population Trends will become electronic enhanced with Excel files. As part of and to continuously develop it, recognising journals. The aim is to make this change from modernising ONS outputs, the format of the significant input of many people who January 2010. Conception Statistics, Cancer Statistics (MB1) contribute content to Social Trends and help to and Congenital Anomaly Statistics (MB3) quality assure it. Social Trends celebrates its ONS intends that both journals will continue due to be published in 2009 and 2010 will be 40th year in 2010 and to mark the anniversary to have a strong ‘brand identity’ and will reviewed. Proposals for changes are also being ONS is changing its publishing strategy by maintain their status and reputation as journals developed for both the content and format of making some chapters available online earlier of record, with peer-reviewed scientific content Mortality Statistics: Childhood, Infant and than usual. The theme for this edition is ‘forty to recognised standards. The journals will Perinatal (DH3), Marriage, Divorce and years of social trends in the UK’. After the continue to be included in international citation Adoption Statistics (FM2), Mortality Statistics: 40th edition, it is intended to phase out the indexes. The ‘web’ publication approach will Deaths Registered (DR) and Birth Statistics print publication to evolve into a fully fledged be accompanied by greater integration with (FM1) due to be published in 2010. Further web-only publication. the statistical content of the ONS website, and details will be published later in the year. ONS plans to take the opportunity to promote The aim of developing a web-only Social wider access to Health Statistics Quarterly and Comments from users of annual reference Trends is to: Population Trends throughout the academic and volumes are welcome. Email: [email protected] policy communities. ● increase opportunities for publicising and promoting Social Trends content Further details of these developments will be announced in due course. Palgrave Macmillan ● ensure more timely release of topic-based will contact current subscribers to both journals statistical summaries, and as necessary about the option to migrate
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