MICKONESIAN & PACIFIC COLLECTION Community College of Micronesia f\ T}*>-» ICO JPonape, E, Caroline Islsndf The National Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 4 Kolonia, Ponape, December 15, 1983 Number 23 Nakayama cites new era of cooperation; Kabua wants to start Kosrae air service TAFUNSAK, Kosrae - Air Marshall Islands wants to be the first to provide service to the new Kosrae International Airport, President Amata Kabua said during the Dec. 9 dedication of the first phase of the $21.7 million airport and dock complex here. FSM President Tosiwo Nakayama said, "It is my hope that we confirm the bonds of friendship between our peoples and continue this new era of mutual coopera- tion," in welcoming Kabua and Nauru Deputy President and Works Minister Burroa Detudamo. An estimated 5,000 people attended the 11-hour ceremony at the dock site, including hundreds from Nauru and the Marshall Islands. Construction on the airport-dock and access road began Feb. 1, 1980, with landfill in the lagoon on the western side of/Kosrae island, according to State In- formation Officer Alex Phillip. The run- KOSRAE AIRPORT DEDICATED - Republic of Nauru Deputy President and way is 5,750 feet long to accomodate Works Minister Burroa Detudamo is speaking during the Dec. 9 dedication of the jets, and the dock front 550 feet long. Kosrae International Airport and dock. From left are FSM President Tosiwo Naka- It is scheduled to be 90 per cent yama, Detudamo, Marshall Islands President Amata Kabua, FSM Congress Speaker completed in March, 1984, with an addi- Bethwel Henry and Kosrae Budget Officer Frank Lonno, who was master of cere- tional $8.5 million in apron fill, paving, monies. terminal facilities and utilities, all by Kong Yung Construction Co. of South Korea. Kabua said, "it is the wish of my Presidents follow up on accords government to be the first to provide air service to the people of Kosrae. AGANA, Guam — Meeting in further- ween the governments in a number of "Many Kosraeans live in my country ance of the Saipan Accords, signed Oct. areas of regional importance. and many of us are from the same fami- 5, the leaders of the Republic of Palau, Among the topics covered were the (Continued on page 4) the Federated States of Micronesia future development of the College of and the Republic of the Marshall Islands Micronesia, participation in federal prog- covered a wide variety of topics during rams, medical referral costs, immigration \lnside. a two-day meeting Dec. 12-13 here, procedures, social security and prior according to a press release issued by the service benefits and the conduct of an leaders. information program in the United FSM President Tosiwo Nakayama, States in support of the Compact of Truk curbs cholera Palau President Haruo Remeliik and Free Association. (See page 8) President Amata Kabua of the Marshall Islands met briefly while staff working The three heads of state agreed the Community service imposed groups devoted their time to furthering meetings were very productive, and the aims of the Saipan Accords. mat they would come together again ,<. (Seepages) The Accords stressed cooperation bet- at a time and place to be selected. Youfft program considered ILO population MOEN, Truk - The U.S. Peace Corps "We are looking into the possibility Workshop opens is considering implementing youth pro- of a youth development program as it grams as they apply to economic deve- applies to economic development," she KOLONIA, Ponape - The Internation- lopment in Micronesia, according to the said, during an interview here. al Labor Organization seminar on popu- organization's small enterprise develop- "Part of my trip here is orientation lation characteristics being held for the ment coordinator, Barbara Aycock. and part is to look at small business FSM in Ponape may be the first of its Ms. Aycock vi-jj" programs, make recommendations and kind in Micronesia, according to ILO 1sited Ponape Nov.! try ot see if the models used here are South Pacific Director David Groman. 23-30 and ~ applicable to other parts of the world," "Depending on its outcome, we might Nov. 30-Dec. 4j Ms. Aycock said. contemplate holding similar ventures in during her oriental-! In Ponape, she met with the Peace the Marshall Islands and Palau," Groman ion trip throughp Corps Micronesia Country Director Jerry said during the opening ceremony Dec. Micronesia. Sh< Penno and her staff; Gov. Resio Moses, 11 in the Palm Terrace Restaurant. was scheduled special assistant to the governor for The seminar which is covering popu- Ibe in Guam Dec.1 economic development Alex Luzama, the lation characteristics, their relationship 4-5 for an in-ser-l Ponape Chamber of Commerce, business to employment and development plann- vice training prog- Ms- Aycock and government agencies sponsoring ings, labor policies, management and ram for volunteers working throughout volunteers and officials of the FSM women's interest issues was being held Micronesia and to visit Palau, Dec. 6-12. Development Bank. through Dec. 16 at the Pohnpei Hotel The Peace Corps has three volunteers In Truk, she met with Lt. Gov. Bob with eight ILO staff members and 20 serving as small business advisors in Truk; Mori, Peace Corps volunteers and staff, FSM state and national government seven in Ponape; six in the Marshall Legislature Speaker Kisande Sos, Res- Resources and Development representa- Islands, three in Palau and one in Yap, ources and Development Director Redley tives participating. she said. Killion and development bank officials. Vice President Bailey Olter said dur- ing the opening reception that a seminar Second Trukese priest ordained of the kind was overdue in coming to Micronesia. MOEN, Truk - Julio Angkel of Parem is located. Ponape Gov. Resio Moses welcomed became the second Trukese to be ordain- Father'Angkel and Samo are members the seminar on behalf of his government ed a Catholic priest during a ceremony of the Diocesan Order. which is the co-host with the FSM Dec. 3 in the Immaculate Heart of Mary The Rev. Angkel, 29, is a graduate of Resources and Development Department Cathedral here. Truk High School who attended the through its Immigration and Labor The ceremony originally was schedul- University of Guam for two years; Division. ed to be held at the Rev. Mr. Angkel's Ateno de Manila University, Philippines, birthplace on Parem Island, Truk Lagoon. two years, and completed four years of Gov. Erhart Aten ordered the site studies at the Pacific Regional Catholic Seaweed pro/ecf laudied changed to Moen on Dec. 1, after the Seminary, Suva, Fiji. Truk State Cholera Task Force went to He is the son of Moap Angkel and the KOLONIA, Ponape - Ponape launch- Parem and determined that it did not former Nusia Kapriel of Parem, and he ed its seaweed farming industry when a have adequate sanitation facilities for the has four brothers and five sisters. State Economic Development Adminis- crowd of up to 3,000 people expected tration loan was presented to Harbor and that the ceremonial site was flooded View Corp. of Uh to purchase equipment by recent rains. for the project. The Most Rev. Martin Neylon, Bishop The $8,000 loan was signed over to of the Catholic Diocese of the Caroline the firm during a Dec. 1 ceremony in and Marshall Islands, said the ordination the EDA offices here. mass in the Truk Cathedral. The Rev. The funds are from a $230,000 Gary Bradley, S.J., superior of Jesuits marine resources grant provided by the in Truk, and the Rev. John Nicholson, FSM Congress and matched with S.J., were concelebrants. $115,000 by the Ponape State Legisla- The Rev. Amando Samo, the first ture according to EDA Executive Direc- Trukese ordained a Catholic priest tor Anson Chong. during a cermony in 1977 on his native The project is being developed under Moch Island in the Mortlocks, also the direction of Dr. Max Doty of the assisted hi the mass. University of Hawaii who developed the The mass was followed by festivities, largest seaweed industry in the Philip- including singing and dancing by groups pines, according to Chong. from the lagoon islands, on the adjoin- The State Marine and Aquatic Division ing St. Cecilia School grounds in Tunnuk is providing technical assistance for the Village, Moen. project, he said. PRIEST ORDAINED - The Most Rev. Father Angkel was scheduled to say Martin Neylon, Bishop of the Catholic Mikel Camacho, president; Airmerson his fust mass Sunday morning in the Truk Diocese of the Caroline and Marshall Doner, vice president, and Leon William, Cathedral. He will be assigned to the Islands, standing left, is celebrating the manager-treasurer, represented Harbor Namisofo Parish in the lagoon which has ordination mass Dec. 3 in the Truk View at the ceremony, while Gov. Resio Cathedral, Moen, for the Rev. Julio not had a parish priest for several years. Angkel, kneeling, with the Rev. John Moses, EDA Chairman Kasiano Joseph It includes Ramanum, Eot and Udot Nicholson, S.J., seated, and the Rev. and EDA Vice Chairman Heinrich Iriarte where the St. Francis of Assisi Church Amando Samo participating. represented the state. H EC w Cop/fa/ funding, health support urged during visit 2 KOLONIA, Ponape - Funding of a, new FSM capitol and support for health manpower and preventive care programs were requested during the Dec. 4-7 visit here by Kathy Johnson of the U.S. House Interior Committee staff. Ms. Johnson was accompanied by Laurie Neville of the Office of Territorial and International Affairs and Tommy Perez, OTIA technical assistance repre- sentative in Guam. The visitors made courtesy calls on Vice President Bailey Olter and Congress Speaker Bethwel Henry, before meeting with the FSM cabinet and staff during the morning and with Gov.
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