• AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBIUCS 200 FOR SALE !• AUTOMOBILES 200 Thursday. April 4. 1957 TORRANCE PRESS Page 39 FOB SALE FOB SALE • AUTOMOBILES 200 FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES tOOf* AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES SOOl* AUTOMOBILES LOW AS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOB SATJC ) FOB SAL I $5.00 OSCAR MAPLES DOWN With Approved Credit WHAT KIND OF A or Collateral '55 Full Price FORD .................. $1795 Victoria. Ford-o-mattc. Ra­ SPRING '54 dio and tieater. Sharp. FORD ............. ... $1295 Victoria, Ford-o-rnatlc, Ra­ dio & heater. BUYER ARE YOU? 54 STUDEBAKER .:. $1195 V-8 Station wagon, radio, heater & hydramatlc. 53 PONTIAC .. $1095 CLEAN-UP Custom Catallna, Hydramat- l(, radio, heater, power steering. WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR NEW CARS ... 51 CHEVROLET ...... $695 PRICE? DOWN Sedan delivery. Really a SELLING USED CARS IS THE BEST AND ONLY MONTHLY PAYMENTS WAY TO DO IT ... LOOK HERE! 1- MONTEREY 2-DOOR SEDAN ................. $2295 52 MERCURY . $42.91 PAYMENT? Monterey sedan. M^rcoma- MONTEREY 4-DOOR .............,.................$2348 tlc, radio, heater. NO DOWN PAYMENT 52 PACKARD .......... 34.13 1956 Ford V8 "200" deluxe. Ultramatic, 1952 Plymouth Sedan MONTEREY HARDTOP COUPE ................$2399 (on approved credit) radio & heater. Kairlane club sedan. Beautiful 3 51 FORD \ ... $29.08 Radio, heater, beautiful meUllir tone finish with iparkllne 2 tone 15 MINUTE DELIVERY V-¥ Beclan< Rebuilt motor. flniab. Rebuilt motor. Will aacrlfire broadcloth Interior to match. Power MONTEREY HARDTOP SEDAN ................$2431 for steering, power brakes. Fordomatic, '51 Radio, heater. radio, heater, white side wall th-es. CHEVROLET . $29.08 One owner ne,w trade. 100% guar­ Fleetllne aedan 2-door. A ONLY $399 antee. BpeciaJ today! 100% FINANCING '51 very good one. NO DOWN PLAN ACCESSORIES STUDEBAKER ....$23.81 ONLY $1999 Champion 2-dr. J00% Financing. No down plan PAYMENTS? 51 HUDSON .......... 23.81 '3- Hornet. Hydramatic. ALL OF THESE FIVE Radio. Heater. 1951 Chevrolet Club Sed. 1950 Pontiac'8'Club Sed. AS LOW PER ACCESSORIES FREE! 50 CHEVROLET . $29.08 Radio, healer, beautiful metallic Radio, heater, 3 tone finish, black $4900 BelAir cluh coupe. Power- flnlnh, white wall tlrea. Muat be over canary yellow, white side wall AS MONTH '50 glide. Radio. Heater. aold. tlrea. Choice of * body stylea. Will 1-RADIO 3-MERCOMATIC NASH ............... $23.81 sacrifice thla week-end for 600 2-door TODAY'S SPECIAL $399 2-HEATER 4-POWER BRAKES '50 ONLY 80r PER DAT ONLY $399 FORD ................ $23.81 100% FINANCING 100% Financing. 80<: per day sedan 5-POWER STEERING 49 MERCURY ........ $23.81 club sedan ALLOWANCE? 49 BUICK ...$23.81 1953 Chevrolet Convert. Super convertible 1950 Buick Club Sedan Powe.rttlide. radio, heater, like new '49 top. beautiful metallic, finish with BUICK ................ $]7.76 Dynaflow, radio It. heater, new cat- 2 tone matching Interior. Excellent $1100 ON 1949 INTEREST Super aedanette trade. Cheaper than bua fare. Only tfres. 49 PACKARD ........ $17.76 7ftc per day. $1200 ON 1950 4-door TODAY ONLY $999 FULL PRICE $299 100% financing No down plan MINDED? 49 NASH ................ $17.76 NO DOWN PLAN $1300 ON 1951 '46 4-door FORD ................ $11.57 1955 Chev. Station Wagon $1500 ON 1952 4% FINANCING '46 DODGE ..............$11.57 4-door station wa.gon. Radio and Business coupe 1956 Ford Ranch Wagon heater. 2 tone finish. Like new thru ETC. - ETC. AVAILABLE 49 PACKARD ........ 17.76 Kord-O-Matlc. like new throughout out. 4-door aedan. Very good Muat aee to appreciate. SPECIAL TODAY $1799 '49 clean car. NASH ... ..... .. $17.76 Today Only $1999 NO DOWN PLAN 4-door statesman Super convertible These Are All Good 1952 Dodge Coronet Clean Cars TORRANCE LINCOLN MERCURY 1955 Ford V-8 Club coupe Original navy blue. .36,000 actual miles. Full. Club fltdan. One owner new nar GARDENA trade Original finish A I through­ out. Must *e,e to appreciate.. Try PRICE $599 and heat thla one. 100% financing av»ila,h1e MOTORS |3A month New car trade HAS EVERY BUYER AND EVERY TODAY ONLY $1199 Open Sundays & Evenings NO DOWN PLAN 16317 S. Vermont Ave. DA. 4-9702 FA. 1-2291 1952 Ford V8 Crestline PLAN COVERED! Convertible. Ford-O-MAt|c. radio PAY LESS- 1951 Bukk Club Sedan heater. Needa acme work. Dynaflow. radio, heater,' white wall tlreH. Thta beautiful car will Only $399 he narriflced thia week-end at the BUY MORE! low price of We're experts at ONLY $499 s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g Only $1 per day No down 1949 Plymouth Club Cpe. WE MUST SELL 60 transportation $$$ Radio A healer. Original jet black Like bua fare. 1951 Ford Custom V8 80c PER DAY 100% financing avaljabl* I960 Chevrolet Fordomatic, radio, heater, beauti­ 2-door deluxe. Radio. ReaJ ful metallic flnlah. Sparkling Inte­ clean. rior to match. Like n*w tlrea. Try NEW CARS IMMEDIATELY! and beat thla one. Special thla 1956 Ford week-end. 1953 Pontiac '8' Sedan Victor!*. Heater. radio, ONLY $399 Original finish. One owner. New power, steering. Fordoma- 100% financing. ,No down plan <ar trade. This car must be, aold. tlr. Low mileage. 1 owner. Will sacrifice for LOWEST PRICES ONLY $799 1950 Ford Only $l.2.r> per day No down LOWEST OVERHEAD V4-ton pirk-np. Real nice. 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtop, radio, heater, power-glide, power steering. One owner. New 1954 Ford Crestline Sedan car trade. LOWEST PROFIT S MEANS HUNDREDS 1952 Ford Fotdomallc, radio, heater, beautiful 2-door "R" overdrive. Real 2 tone finish. One owner. New car clean. Runs food, fie* thia FULL PRICE $1099 trade. Must be sold. at $546. 100% FTNANCTNO SPECIAL TODAY $1099 OF DOLLARS SAVINGS TO YOU NO DOWN PLAN 1940 Plymouth 2-Door Radio, healer. Original flnlah. A 1954 Chev. 2 Dr. Sadan good work car. Bishop Pr>wergliH«>, radio, heater, beautiful blue flnlnh with 2-tone matching OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN MOST OF THE SO-CALLED LOW-PRICED FULL PRICE $99 Interior. Sacrifice price of AUTO SALES ONLY $1099 THREE. DRIVE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE AT THE LOWEST PRICES! 15525 S. WESTERN NO DOWN PLAN North of Redondo Beach Blvd. 1949 Plymouth Club Cpe. heater, while sidewa.ll llre.s. THESE PRICES AND THIS PLAN AVAILABLE FOR THIS WEEK-END ONLY. 6ARDENA FA 1-0939 Jdoa.1 sex-ond car. Try and beat thia 1953 Ford Club Sedan on*. 2 tone finish, matching Interior. Radio and heater. STATION WAGONS Today's Special Price $199 I Base price <3f car - Car must be f 2 With normal down payment r 3 Pay factory list price for the car. 1964 FORD V-fi Country fkiuire. fordofn*- This Weekend Only $699 sold as equipped. 100% FINANCING NO DOWN PLAN I. tlon WFMI iii'-iiinf tt'i.i i riii< • -•- Ixiw AM $iJ5 down or $42 a 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline month bank term*. 2-door sedan. cujrtofiitzc,d. L"<iv»r<"1 hood, nosed and decked, custom In­ 1956 Chevrolet V8 1»M DK HOTO terior. One of those hard to find V-8 Cuxtom 4-door Station models. % ton «tjike. 6000 actual miles Wagon. Truly nerfvt. With Beautiful red ftnlah. Looks. It nina low inileane. and *>xrellent me- like a new truck. Cost new $2300 rhanif»l ron'lltlon. Jxively 2- Today Only $1399 lone. Ki rr n finl«h. Neur new TORRANCC whlt»wnll tires, t\i. lx»w a* Today's Price Only $1399 |2.*i 'I'.wn or $.'! a month. NO DOWN PLAN f :1IH. Country LINCOLN - MERCURY 1949 Willys Wagon '55 Chev. V2 Ton Pickup K vinyl iuUnm Like new. One owner. Radio and for family car. Guaranteed. heater, overdrive. 100% financing Like new. Full prlca 1885 TORRANCE BLVD. Low aa j$2C down or $39 a month. Bank term*. $36.00 MO. NO DOWN $1299 1 Block West of Western Ave. 100% financing available s CREIGHTON SELECT CARS 399 H. Pacific O- "We're Hard fo Find, (1 block aouth of 1 Redondo Bea'h r'i '• REMEMBER OUR MOTTO: CAN YOU PAY "SERVICE AFTER THE SALE" But Worth It" $4.83 WEEK? '48 Chevrolet r.lub coupe. De luxe radio, powder bl>ie fin­ FA. 8-3065 ish. Mu»t. drive to * A ateady Job for - Your <T*>dlt okeh, J_:. .'...-. -ji. OSCAR MAPLES, INC MERCURY 'M Monterey hard­ '49 FORD nutom V S 2-rtoor '4« LINCOLN sedan Excellent STUDEBAKER '47 6 Champion $4.«3 ft week. top coup*. A beautiful black $150 or make offer. FA. 8-i:<40 FOR1~> W deluxe, tu-door. llns condition. Radio and he.ater. sedan with overdrive. you with whit* top. after ft p.m. or Saturday a spotless light Rrccn finish. o\niilrivi\ best rubber, me­ should *ee it. It'a all orig­ merc-o-matlr. radio and heat­ 1544 W. aaOth. Toi-ranre Even the upholstery In like chanically found. $130. inal. Has \ery low mileage A 2025 W. FLORENCE er. The, supreme whit* tlren new All equipped wllh Ford- FR 4-4653 hows it. The motor 1* very 2 GIGANTIC LOCATIONS are very gond. Look at the ,T BUICK Special convertible, nnintic. and radio nnd heater. good. Priced this week $99 PL. 2-5221 -Ask for Rod pries tflW. small down pay­ r»-pfiF*enm>r. Pet-fort i-nndlttnn. This cat- 1* far. far above, '5R CHKVROt.KT « Mntlon wait- »ot*i TORRANCE LOT WALTERIA LOT ment. hunk terms on balance. Hadln. heatei. ilynaflnw. Un- average In all rc^pcois. Total on, conventional shift, heater, ' ' ; INC. 1955 CHRYSLER JOK TORVtCK, INT. derprlcert $rVPfi. Private hank price |lM>fl, umall down pay­ signals. A-l condition $1405. 1420 Cabrillo 101 Hwy. at hUwfhornt) 14 Ml W. Manchester financed. ment A, bank term* op balance '4255 Newton.
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