WORKERS O F T H E WORLD . U N IT E THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition] Published weekly by the Com muntet League of America (Opposition) at 128 Xast 16th Street, New Tork, N. T. Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1828 at the Post Office at New York, N. Y. under the act of Mareh c* 1888 N E W Y O R K . S A T U R D A Y J U N E 3 . 1 9 3 3VOLUME V I, NO. 29 I WHOLE NO. 176 NEW YORK. SATURDAY JUNE 3. 1933VOLUME PRICE 5 CENTS Problems of the United Front Right W in g M ove LEON TROTSKY ' N ew Deal' Fakers THE JOBLESS MOVEMENT to Expel Militants Push Inquiry into Nazis,Poles Plot AND POLITICAL PARTIES Lessons of from P .M .A . Bankers Deals The condition of the millions of a case of “sowing dragons’ teeth M ay Day in unemployed in the United States is and reaping flies.” Gillespie, 111.—The class collabo- The puppets of Wall Street on i Attack on USSR more miserable and critical than Today, very clearly and sharply, ration policies of the Right wing A u s tria Capitol H ill are "investigating” the ever before. Such resources as they opportunistic and even reactionary of the Progressive Miners of Ameri­ House of Morgan. A sop to the | may have had themselves or through petty bourgeoisie and a sham in views are being put forth in the ca has been weakening the union Danger of Imperialist Intervention Imminent. Western friends, relatives, etc., are wholly movement of the unemployed, not in its struggle against the opera­ (REFLECTIONS FROM AFAR) its aims, the Senate Banking Com­ exhausted. Dependance upon organs mittee has disclosed damning evi­ alone by the known labor fakers tors and their agents. The red On the First of May the workers of charity and governmental assis­ baiting campaign of the operators dence on the tentacles of control Powers Haggle Over Vantage Points in Coming of the A. F. of L. and the charla­ of Vienna showed that in spite of tance is greater than at any time aiming to divide' and weaken the of J, 1*. Morgan and Co., which tans of the socialist party—from all deception, treachery and dis­ A nti Soviet W ar. Japan Cinches Position with hitherto. Yet at this moment, gov­ union forces, has been picked up reach out into every pore of the them that is to be expected—but appointment, they do want to ernmental relief of the cities and by the Right wing element and is financial, industrial and political also among so-called Communist light. Once again it became ap­ the Help of the Kuomintang and W a r Lords other agencies is being either elements. We cannot here deal w ith now being followed up in an at­ life of American capitalism. sharply or entirely cut in numerous tempt in the Springfield sub­ parent how easily all the bureau­ The revelations of the investi­ them a ll; we take only those con­ crats and semi-bureaucrats, the From Paris comes the alarming communities, such as New York. district to expel about three dozen gation are vindication of the con­ Soviet Russia and in its subsequent cepts brought out by the represen­ official ones as well as those of the news of a Hitler-I’ilsudski plot colonization. The “New Deal” of the Itoosevelt militant Left wingers. The first tention of the Marxians propounded tatives of the Lovestone, Right half-hearted opposition, disguise against the Soviet Union. J. Sauer- administration has failed thus far three slated to go are Joe Angelo, decades ago. Finance capital wields Furthermore, in this attack. wing Communist, group. wein, Foreign editor of the Paris to touch to any noticeable degree Freeman Thompson and Voizy. their own lack of decision as a its conrtol over the banking institu­ Hitler is indubitably to be the Movements of the unemployed "depressed sentiment” among the M atin, reveals the whole machina­ th misery involving the unemployed In the period of formation of tions of the nation thru a meshwork spearhead. The French merely want have been organized in a large masses. The workers want to fight. tion in a wire to the New York millions. A ll these factors tend to­ the PMA, special provisions were of interlocking directorates which to contract him for the job under measure through the instrumenta­ 'Hines o f June 1. day, as much or more than hitherto, made to admit into the progressive This is the most important conclu­ cunningly evade all laws aimed at the conditions of the Four Power lity of various political parties and sion from which we must proceed. French authorities made the news to give a strong impetus to the union all miltants expelled by the them by the trust-busting middle Pact, with Poland as a subsidiary. tendencies in the labor movement: public in an effort to hold Poland growth of a m ilitant and broad Lewis - Fishwick - Walker group. The First of May policy of the class. The trustified industries, with Poland itself wrangles for a more among these are the official Com­ and the Little Entente in line, a movement on behalf of the unem­ Workers who were the first to lead social democratic party Consisted few exceptions, are either indebted prominent place. munist party (Stalinists), the So­ task which has become increasingly ployed. the struggle against Lewis and in creating for itself an alibi: be­ to or outrightly owned, thrus stock That the French are losing their cialist Party, the CPLA (Muste- difficult for Qui D’Orsay diplomacy comiainy and who laid the ground­ fore the government, in case the control by the Morgan trust. The grip somewhat is apparent. With Of a positive and beneficial char­ ites), Lovestone (Right Communist due to the rigors of the world-wide work upon which the PMA was masses entered into struggle and Morgan institution dominates thru Mussolini to the South and Hitler acter is the growth of tendencies economic crisis. The Polish move Opposition) and others. b u ilt. Now, President Pearcy does suffered defeat; before the masses, its financial affluence a huge section to the East of them, loss of control which aim for a merging of the in support of the conspiracy, ori- These movements of the unem­ not remember or is trying to for­ in case the masses entered into of the American industrial life. over Poland and the Little Entente various unemployed movements into gnally concocted by Nazi statesmen, ployed take, or should take on, the get these provisions. The Right struggle and achieved a vijctory. But J. P. Morgan does not trust would seriously weaken them. a single, national organization on is interpreted as an attempt to organizational expression of the wingers tell these militants to first it is hard to conceive of a more to .his outright or partial control T ha t is why they hold on so des- a united front basis. But as a counteract the Four Power Pact united front of all organizations get a job and then they w ill ob­ disloyal and outrageous policy.. It to assure his dominating influence. paratply. consequence, in part, of this for plans of France, which have met ready to take part in the movement tain a card. However, all are mem­ is disloyal because it leaves the Nor does he depend upon abstract Hitler, on the other hand, would ward direction, resulting essentially with resistance from Warsaw due of the unemployed. A correct ob­ bers of the union and have been masses with the illusion that they for indirect methods to keep the like nothing better than to gird from the objective conditions and to provisions for rearmament made jective must be the merging of the functioning for months. Further, have a party and a leadership. It government, both major political himself for the French by an alli­ demands of the unemployed, other now existing various unemployed for former Central Power nations, questions have again Come sharply one cannot get a job in the mines is outrageous because, in their most parties, subservient to his interests ance with the other notorious ad­ movements into a single and broad unless he has a union card. Per­ and needs. Practically half of the which the Pilsudsky regime fear’s. venturer of Eastern Europe, Pilsud­ to the front. These questions must difficult hour, it leaves the masses Sauerivein writes: United' Front on a national scale. haps Pearcy wanfls them to get national committee of the Repub­ ski. In this he no doubt hopes be decisively revolved soon; they which are accustomed to a central­ "The idea of the Nazi scheme, as F or the immediate demands them­ a joo in the scab mines? lican party, including Edward T. for Washington’s blessing. The involve the growth or crack-up of ized leadership, to seek a way out the French understand it, is that selves of the unemployed movement The Left wing is organizing to on their own hook. Rickard, financial adviser to Her­ Roosevelt “peace message,” which the unemployment movement, and Poland would make a big territorial can be fought for successfully only smash this attempt to exclude and bert Hoover for more than ten the Nazi chancellor was only too particularly its development in a The policy of the social demo­ concession to Germany in the Po­ on a planned, national scale. Such expel the most m ilitant element in years, and the chairman of fhis ready to welcome in his last Reich­ class conscious direction.
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