What Calendar Change Means to Religion. Page 18. atellmart Ma azin.e AN INTERPRETER OF THE TIMES 7 Edited by Robert Bruce Thurber The NEWSPAPER for the NEWS The WATCHMAN for the MEANING XL, No. 6 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE June, 1931 TIMELY TRUTHS The human soul is greater than the stars in their If the wealth of the United States were divided courses, providing it acknowledges obedience to evenly, every man, woman, and child would receive the Creator of the soul and the stars. $2,977, and have an annual income of $692. An • * • equal distribution of wealth is not to be thought of, Mahatma Gandhi, seer of India, is said to come but when we view the two extremes of poverty and nearer to Christ's way of thinking and doing than riches from this happy average, we think of the any man living. And he balancing of accounts says that peace pacts that will be made in the will never end war. judgment. • • • • • A Jewish merchant, WELCOME From the home town Hebrew scholar, has been To the June WATCHMAN of THE WATCHMAN, Noah made librarian of all the W. Cooper, a lawyer and books of the Vatican. enthusiast for Sunday Broadcasting Marvels Page 3 We have noticed lately a laws, recently started on remarkable drawing to- Divorce Evils Page 6 a Sunday-closing cam- gether of Catholics and Medical Fakes - Page 8 paign through the South Jews. We do not profess and East, expecting to to know the cause. Adapted Religion - - Page 10 finish with a grand finale • • * Is the Bible Wet? - - - Page 12 at Washington. We are In Rockville, Mary- happy to announce that, land, a seventh-day Sab- Never Fear - - Page 14 though Mr. Cooper bath keeper was re- The Church and the Calendar - Page 18 means well, Nashville is cently made to serve not shouting for Sunday five days in jail for driv- Taboo on Medicine - - Page 22 laws, Sabbath laws, or ing a few nails in a win- any other laws that dic- dow sash on Sunday. And You Can Read Any One of These Ankles tate a man's religious this is free and en- in Fifteen Minutes belief. lightened America. • • • • 4 Scientists tell us that There is nothing so indicative of the dangerous they owe to "hunches' the discovery of many of trend of our times as the complacency with which the most marvelous modern scientific facts. Peculiar drunkards, drug fiends, nicotine degenerates, sex that "hunches" did not stimulate discovery for perverts, political grafters, and bandits are viewed the past six thousand years, since man has always by cultured church-goers. been subject to them. We prefer to attribute our • • • rapid advancement in the scientific field to the Just when Lady Doyle, widow of Conan Doyle of enlightening of men's minds by God's Spirit, to spiritist fame, is sure that she has received a spirit fulfill His prophecy that knowledge shall be increased message from her dead husband, the medium who in these days as a sign of the end. won him to a belief in spirits confesses that it was done by fraud. Thus the devil continues to rope Liberty of conscience is more to be sought after them in. and guarded than uniformity of doctrine. Entered as second-class matter, 7anuary 19, 1909, at the post office at Nashville, Tenn., under act of March 3,1879, by the Southern Publishing Association (Seventh-day Adventist), arz9 sith.dve. N. Published monthly (except October, when semi-monthly). Price 25 cents a copy, P.00 a year. PAGE TWO THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE What's On the Air? The world stands spellbound at the accomplishments of the radio. e. id it expects even greater wonders. There is promise and portent in this marvel of the new age. By Merlin L. Neff HE world listened as the new radio station soft, kindly voice of Pope Pius XI came to them ... HVJ, of the Vatican State, broadcast the from the metal throat of loud-speakers, usually voice of Pope Pius XI on February 12 to raucous with jazz." the most numerous audience in the annals of church history. As Senator Marconi, the ANNIHILATION Or TIME AND SPACE pioneer of radio engineering, declared in TN THE Vatican the Pope was seated in a cardinal "ntroducing the Pontiff, "This is the first time in 1 and gold chair as he talked through the microphone. history that the living voice of the Pope will have The dedication of the new broadcasting station that been heard simultaneously in all parts of the globe." was presented to the Pontiff by Guglielmo Marconi 0.ne third of the earth's population might have took place on the ninth anniversary of the corona- tuned in on this message and understood it in one tion of Pope Pius. The tall towers of this ultra- or another of the six languages into which it was modern radio station are erected just inside the translated. ancient walls of the recently constituted state of Beyond the dream of the imagination is the Vatican City—a striking contrast between modern congregation that was linked together by the in- invention and medieval architecture. tangible ether waves. This is but one of "If anything more the many events that were needed to con- the time-and-space- vince a skeptical world annihilating radio has that we are living in broadcast in the past an age of miracles," few years. The miracle declares the editor of of its power is but the Washington Eve- eleven years old, for ning Star," the world- it was in 1920 that wide broadcast of the the first regular trans- two addresses of Pope mission of programs Pius XI would supply by wireless telephone the evidence." was inaugurated in A network of one Pittsburgh. From hundred and fifty those early days of radio stations, with experimental and equipment valued at novelty receivers that $35,000,000, was used faintly brought the in the United States human voice and to rebroadcast this phonograph records to message. The cost to the head-phones, has American radio com- grown the mammoth panies, we are told, industry of radio as was approximately we know it at present, $18o,000. Some twelve million As the magic of the sets are found in the radio brought the homes of Americans words across the At- today, bringing in the lantic Ocean, rich and finest music of orches- poor alike stood lis- tras, singers, and pipe tening. "Devout organs. It brings the throngs," pictures the zde World Photos voices of the lead- New York Times, For the first time in history, the supreme pontiff of the Roman ing personalities of the Catholic church sent his voice out over the radio in the largest "crossed themselves hook-up that has ever been attempted. There is now a powerful world into our living and even knelt as the Sadie station at Vatican City. TOOTH. JUNE, 1931 PAGE THREE Radio is one of the big busi- ness industries of the nation. Chains of stations throughout the various states are linked together to receive the best talent that money can secure. Two nation-wide systems, the National Broadcasting Com- pany and the Columbia Broad- casting System, had gross receipts from advertising last year that mounted far into the millions of dollars. The vast system that is found in these two companies may be estimated from the following facts: The Columbia System has seventy-six broad- casting stations connected by a network of 13,500 miles of telephone wire. The National Broadcasting Com- pany has over ro,000 miles Wide World Photos of line connections for which The broadcasting room of the new Vatican radio station. they paid the telephone com- pany last year a rent of approximately $2,750,000. made, is the plan for a Radio City in the heart of The presidential compaign of 1928 was a feat that metropolitan New York. This group of buildings is showed radio its powerful influence upon the nation. to cost $250,000,000. It is planned to cover three The voices of the candidates were heard frequently city blocks with skyscrapers, auditoriums, churches, in their campaign speeches. Since that time we and theaters, where the programs of the nation will have heard the inaugural events, the voice of our be broadcast. In these buildings the studios, en- president, and various other political officers speak- gineering rooms, offices, and radio business enter- ing to us from the nation's capital. In times of prises will be centered. catastrophe the radio has played a part most dramatically. When the Ohio State Penitentiary THE RADIOCITY at Columbus was in flames, a microphone was in- CORRESPONDENT for the New York Times stalled in the prison yard and seventy-six stations A describes the plans in these words: "The big were sending out the actual sounds of the tragedy. central building, as already announced, will be sixty- When the Graf Zeppelin arrived in the United States, eight stories in height, not so tall as some New York the announcers walking beside the silver, cigar- skyscrapers, but with its 2,000,000 square feet of shaped craft, described the event to millions of floor space it will exceed any other in capacity. This listeners. As the drought-stricken areas of our main office building will be flanked by two others, country came to dire want, the Red Cross went to each forty-five stories high. There will be the rescue with a drive for ten millions of dollars. twenty-seven studios, the smaller one extending In this emergency the radio did its duty.
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