3048 passing through Whitecroft, Yorkley Bottom, Dean, to or near to Lightmoor Colliery in the said Moseley Green, Shaden Tuft, Brandick's Green, Forest, which works will be constructed in the by Wellington Colliery, near Phelps' Meadow, in townships of East Dean and West Dean aforesaid, the said Forest; which said several places before- or one of them. 6th. To construct a new line of mentioned are respectively situate in the parishes railway from near Wellington Colliery by Phelps' of Lydney and Newland, and in the townships of Meadow aforesaid, through the Forest of Dean, by East Dean and West Dean, in the Forest of Dean, Howbeach Valley, to terminate by a junction with or some or one of them, and all in the county of the Forest of Dean branch of the South Wales Gloucester. And to improve the gradients and Railway at or near Soudley Green, all which the curves on the said railway and branches, and works will be in the townships of East Dean and to adapt the said railway and bi*anches in whole West Dean aforesaid, or one of them. 7th. To or in part to the use of locomotive engines, and alter the tolls, rates, and duties now payable to the especially to construct in the parish of Lydney a said Company for the use of their railway, har- new line of railway, commencing by a junction bour, and works, and to levy tolls, rates, and with the present railway first mentioned at or dues for the same, and for the new railways and about the crossing of the South Wales Railway, works intended to be authorised by the said Bill, and terminating by a junction with the present and also to vary the rents and other payments line at or about a quarter of a mile north of the now reserved to Her Majesty, her heirs and suc- first half-mile post thereof; and another new line cessors, and to Charles Bat-hurst, Esq. his heirs in the said .parish of Lydney, commencing by a and assigns, with relation to the railways, canal, similar junction at about one hundred yards north harbour, and works of the Company, and to vary of the first mile, and terminating by a similar or take away certain other rights and privileges junction near the third mile post thereof, in the belonging to Her Majesty and the said Charles parish of Newland ; and another new line com- Bathurst and others with relation to the Company. mencing at or about the fourth mile and three 8th. To purchase by compulsion lands and houses furlongs on the present line of railway, in the and other property for the purpose of the works parish of Newland and township of West Dean, herein before-mentioned, and to vary or extinguish or one of them, and terminating at or about the all rights and privileges which may interfere with five mile post thereof, in the township of West the foregoing purpose?, or any of them. 9th. To Dean ; and also another new line commencing at enable the said Company to apply to the purposes or near the seven-and-a-half mile post of the aforesaid, funds now in their hands or belonging present line, in the townships of East Dean and to them, or which under their existing Acts they - West Dean, or one of them, and terminating at or have the power to raise, and to raise for those about eight miles and six furlongs on the said purposes further sums of money, either by mort- present line of railway, in the said townships of gage of their existing property or by new shares, East Dean and West Dean, or one of them ; and and to attach to such new shares a preference of also another new line of railway, commencing by dividend or ether privileges. 10th. To authorise a junction with the present line of railway at or the Company to supply locomotive power and about the ninth mile post thereof, in the townships waggons and carriages on the whole or any parts of East Dean and West Dean, or one of them, and of their undertaking, and to become carriers terminating by a junction with the Forest of Dean thereon, llth. To authorise the said Company Railway at or near the summit at Churchway to establish, purchase, hire, or otherwise employ, Engine, in the township of East Dean ; and also steam-vessels for the conveyance of the mineral tiuother new line of railway commencing at and and other produce of the Forest of Dean, and for branching from the present line of railway near the supply of the said Forest. 12th. To autho- the third mile post thereof, in the parish of New- rise the said Company to contract with the South land, and terminating by a junction with the Wales and the Great Western Railway Com- present branch' line from KidnalTs Mill at panies, or either of them, with respect to the con- or near Moseley-green. And to relinquish so much struction, maintenance, and working of any of the •of the existing railway between the several points before-mentioned new lines of railway, or with aforesaid, as may be rendered needless by the respect to the working, conduct, and maintenance proposed deviations ; all which works will be of the undertaking of the Severn and Wye Rail- constructed in the parishes of Ruardean, Newland, way and Canal Company, and of the traffic there- and Lydney, and in the townships of East Dean on, and the apportionment of the tells thereon, and West Dean, in the Forest of Dean, and the and also of the tolls on so much of the last-named Hundred of Saint Briavels, or some of them, in railway as lies between its junction with the said Gloucestershire. 3rd. To improve, deepen, and intended railway and its junction with the South widen the locks, basin, canal, and harbour of Lyd- Wales Railway, and also of the tolls on so much ney, and to widen the gates of the said harbour of the South Wales Railway as lies between adjoining the river Severn, and to construct new Lydney and its junction with the Gloucester and locks, quays, piers, and jetties, in connection with Forest of Dean Railway, and to give to the South the said harbour and canal, both at the extremity Wales and the Great Western Railway Com- thereof in the Severn, and elsewhere along the panies the necessary powers to enter into such same. And to lay down on either or both sides contracts ; and for that purpose to amend the of the said harbour and canal a line or lines of several Acts relating to the South Wales Railway railway from the hai'bour adjoining the river Company and the Great Western Railway Com- Severn to the South Wales Railway at Lydney, pany. Plans and sections of the intended altera- with appropriate branches to connect therewith j tions in the existing railway, canal, and harbour, all which works will be in the parish of Lydney, and also of the new railways and works, a book of in Gloucestershire. 4th. To extend the railway reference to the said plans, a map showing the of the Company from near the Wellington Colliery line and direction of the new works, and a copy of aforesaid by Phelps' Meadow to Foxes Bridge, this notice, will be deposited before the first day which extension will be in the townships of East of December, 1852, at the office of the Clerk of Dean and West Dean, or one of them, in the said the Peace for Gloucestershire, at the city of Forest. 5th. To extend the present railway of Gloucester. And a copy of so much of the said the Company from near Wellington Colliery by plans, sections, and book of reference, as relates Phelps' Meadow aforesaid, through the Forest of to each parish through which new works will bs.
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