Mòd Ionadach Na Dreòlluinn 2015

Mòd Ionadach Na Dreòlluinn 2015

Mòd Ionadach na Dreòlluinn 2015 Tobar Mhoire Tobermory £5 Dihaoine 11mh an t-Sultain Disathairne 12mh an t-Sultain 11th/12th September Angus Stewart 2 3 Mòd Ionadach na Dreòlluinn, 2015 Chan urrainn dhomh creidsinn gu bheil bliadhna ann bhon a bha mi a’ cur fàilte oirbh don Mhòd againn ann an 2014! Co-dhiù, tha’n t-àm ann a-rithist, agus tha mi’n dòchas gu bheil fadachd oirbh uile a bhith gabhail pàirt ann am Mòd Ionadach na Dreòlluinn 2015. Mòran taing do na h-uile duine a bhios ag obair ag ullachadh nam farpaiseach, clann agus inbhich; as an aonais, cha bhiodh am Mòd againn. Taing cuideachd dhaibhsan a bhios a’ cur taic ris a’ Mhòd ann an iomadh dòigh: le a bhith sa chathair aig farpaisean, a’ trusadh airgid, no a’ deanamh tì! Tha mi cinnteach gun còrd ur turas ribh, agus gum bu mhath a thèid leibh aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta san Òban. I cannot believe that a year has passed since I was welcoming you to our Mòd in 2014! But that time is here again, and I hope you are all looking forward to taking part in Mòd Ionadach na Dreòlluinn 2015. Many thanks to everyone who works hard preparing competitors, young and old; without these people, we would not have a Mòd. Thanks also to those who support the Mòd in many different ways: chairing competitions, collecting money at the door, or even making tea! I am sure you will enjoy your trip, and the very best of luck at the National Mòd in Oban. Seònaid (Janet MacDonald, Chairperson) Angus Stewart paintings and prints of The Isle of Mull The Breadalbane Street Studio & Gallery, 5 Breadalbane St, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland, PA75 6PE Landscape Paintings & Prints The Studio / Gallery is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9.30 till 5.30 or by appointment at other times. You can try the phone any time between 9.30am and 9pm for mail orders or make an appointment. Studio phone 01688 302781 Picture framing service available. 4 5 MÒD OFFICIALS President Janet MacDonald Treasurer Jennifer Jack Secretary Donna Dugdale Office Administrators Anne MacGregor, Jennifer Jack Committee Members Janet Campbell, Mary Jean Devon, Donna Dugdale, Alan Jack, Elizabeth Jack, Jennifer Jack, Fiona Jappy, Janet MacDonald, Iain MacKinnon, Carol MacLean, Marion MacLean, Dougie MacNeillage, Kirsty Renton VENUES Aros Hall Evangelical Church Evangelical Church Hall Evangelical Church Hall 2 Masonic Hall MacGochans GAELIC ADJUDICATORS Allan Campbell Joy Dunlop Margaret Nicolson Kirsteen MacDonald Duncan MacNeill Calum Munro MUSIC ADJUDICATORS Kirsteen Grant Elizabeth Jack Iain Hurst Alasdair Lamont Julian MacKenzie Kathryn Wilkie Martin Wilson www.mullmod.org.uk [email protected] 6 JUNIOR COMPETITIONS PAGE 2a Storytelling 9-10 Fluent 13 4a Recitation 5-6 Fluent 13 4b Recitation 7-8 Fluent 25 5a Recitation 9-10 Fluent 13 5b Recitation 11-12 Fluent 25 7a Conversation 5-6 Fluent 14 7b Conversation 7-8 Fluent 15 8a Conversation 9-10 Fluent 14 8b Conversation 11-12 Fluent 15 10b Recitation 7-8 Learners 24 11a Recitation 9-10 Learners 24 11b Recitation 11-12 Learners 24 12a Recitation 13-15 Learners 24 12b Recitation 16-18 Learners 24 15b Solo 7-8 Fluent 11 16a Girls Solo 9-10 Fluent 11 16b Boys Solo 9-10 Fluent 11 17a Girls Solo 11-12 Fluent 11 18a Girls Solo 13-15 Fluent 23 18b Boys Solo 13-15 Fluent 23 19a Solo 5-6 Learners 19 19b Solo 7-8 Learners 10 20a Girls Solo 9-10 Learners 18 20b Boys Solo 9-10 Learners 18 21a Girls Solo 11-12 Learners 16 21b Boys Solo 11-12 Learners 16 22a Girls Solo 13-15 Learners 26 22b Boys Solo 13-15 Learners 23 23b Traditional Solo 13-18 Open 16 24 Solo—Leanabh an Aigh Primary 17 26 Girls Solo 16-18 Open 23 27 Boys Solo 16-18 Open 23 28 Duet U13 Open 9 29 Duet 13-18 Open 26 Gaelic Testing will take place in the Evangelical Church Hall on Saturday from 10am 7 JUNIOR (cont.) 30a Action Song U13 Open 9 30b Action Song Pre5 Open 9 31a Folk Group U13 Open 17 32 Choral Unison U13 Open 22 34 Choral Puirt a beul U13 Open 22 35 Choral Unison U18 Open 27 37 Choral Puirt a Beul Open 27 38b Fiddle U13 Open 27 42a Chanter U19 Open 41 42b Bagpipes U19 Beginner 41 43a Bagpipes 13-18 Open 41 43b Bagpipes 13-18 Open 41 45a Clarsach U13 Beginner 19 SENIOR 53 Storytelling Fluent 37 54 Reading a Prose Passage Fluent 37 55 Recitation of a Poem Fluent 37 58 Ladies Prescribed Fluent 35 59 Men Prescribed Fluent 35 60 Ladies Òran Mòr Fluent 39 61 Men Òran Mòr Fluent 35 62 Ladies Solo Learners 34 64 Unpublished/Traditional Open 34 65 Local Song Open 38 66 Puirt a beul Open 38 67 Solo – Own Choice Open 33 68 Duet Open 38 69 Quartet Open 35 71 Ladies Choir Open 44 72 Male Voice Choir Open 44 73 Mixed Choir Open 45 74 Choral Puirt a Beul Open 45 78 Self Accompaniment Open 39 8 The best pictures and news articles will be printed in the Oban Times, Round & About and on our website. Competitions open to all ages. For further information go to www.mullmod.org.uk or contact [email protected]. Children's Concert Aros Hall 7.30pm Friday 11th September Admission £5.00/£3.00 Tickets available from the Mòd Office Programme sustained by Prizewinners Licensed Cèilidh/Dance Aros Hall 8.30pm Saturday 12th September Admission £6.00 Tickets available from the Mòd Office Programme sustained by prize winners Music by Sandy MacAulay 9 An Talla Àrois Uasal Madainn Dihaoine Aros Hall Upper Friday Morning Gaelic Margaret Nicolson Music Kathryn Wilkie 9.30am Competition 30a—Action Song U13 Own Choice Sponsored by J & J Mackay 1 Clas 1 - Bun-sgoil an t-Sàilein. 2 Lochaline Primary School P1-3. 3 Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 4 Tobermory Primary 2/3/4. 5 Lismore Primary School. 6 Bunessan Primary 2/3/4. 7 Clas 2/3 Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 8 Ulva Ferry Primary School. 11.00am Competition 30b—Action Song Pre-5 Own Choice 1 Sgoil Àraich an t-Sàilein. 2 Tobermory Pre5. 3 Bunessan Pre5. Mrs A M MacKenzie Shield to Winner of Competitions 30a or 30b Competition 28 — Duet (Under 13) Own Choice 11.30am Oakbank Trophy 1 Dugald MacIntyre & Colin MacDonald, Òigridh Shuaineart. 2 Brodie Crawford & Molly Blyth, Lochgilphead High School Campus. 3 Evie Kellet & Lily Howitt, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 4 Mitchell MacPherson & Finn MacLoughlin, Òigridh Shuaineart. 5 Mairi Ann MacGillivray & Megan MacDonald, Òigridh Shuaineart. 10 An Eaglais Shoisgeulach Madainn Dihaoine Evangelical Church Friday Morning Gaelic Allan Campbell Music Kirsteen Grant 9.30am Competition 19b — Solo 7-8 Learners Own Choice 1 Verity Lawrence, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 2 Eilidh MacKay, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 3 Fionn Cook, Lismore Primary School. 4 Jenna Simpson, Tobermory Primary School. 5 Lachlan Simpson, Tobermory Primary School. 6 Helen Jones, Lochaline Primary School. 7 Jamie Rowantree, Kilchoan Primary School. 8 Olivia Gage, Oban High School. 9 Kathryn Dugdale, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 10 Davina McGrig, Cladich. 11 Maria MacLachlan, Kilchoan Primary School. 12 Skye Renouf, Bunessan Primary School. 13 Amber MacKenzie, Tobermory Primary School. 14 Layla Orr, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 15 Donald MacCormick, Lismore Primary School. Gaelic Testing Evangelical Church Hall Saturday 12th September from 10am 11 An Eaglais Shoisgeulach Madainn Dihaoine Evangelical Church Friday Morning 11.00am Competition 16a — Girls Solo 9-10 Fluent Own Choice 1 Ealasaid MacLean, Bun-sgoil Lios Mòr. 11.15am Competition 16b — Boys Solo 9-10 Fluent Own Choice 1 Ewan MacVicar, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 11.30am Competition 15b — Solo 7-8 Fluent Own Choice 1 Evie Kellett, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 2 Cameron MacVicar, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 3 Logan Gibson, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 11.45am Competition 17a — Girls Solo 11-12 Fluent Own Choice 1 Joy Barrow, Oban High School. 2 Molly Gregory, Oban High School. 3 Maria Clark, Oban High School. The Oban Times & West Highland Times Proud to be supporting Mòd Ionadach na Dreòlluinn The Oban Times P.O.Box 1 Oban, Argyll PA34 4HB Telephone: 01631 568000 Fax: 01631 568001 12 The Western Isles Hotel Tobermory, Isle of Mull PA75 6PR Telephone 01688 302012 Facsimile 01688 302297 The hotel is situated above Tobermory harbour with views across the sound of Mull. Enjoy a meal in the Conservatory or a cup of Fairtrade coffee or tea with home baking at anytime of the day. ‘With all good wishes for a fantastic 2015 Mòd from the Western Isles Hotel’ Fàilte oirbh uile don Mhòd www.westernisleshotel.co.uk 13 Talla na h-eaglaise Soisgeulaiche Madainn Dihaoine Evangelical Church Hall Friday Morning Gaelic Duncan MacNeill 9.30am Competition 5a– Recitation 9-10 Fluent A’ briseadh bhoghan-froise 1 Eubha Nic a' Phì, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 2 Alasdair Hargreaves, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 3 Eòghann Robasdan, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 4 Tearlach Mac an Rìdire, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 5 Rio Mac Ille Dhuinn, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 6 Sàra Westland, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 7 Ealasaid MacLean, Bun-sgoil Lios Mòr. 8 Lilidh Howitt, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 9 Eòghann Mac a' Phìocair, Comunn Gàidhealach Mhuile. 10 Nicola Guaire, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 10.30am Competition 4a– Recitation 5-6 Fluent An coileach a bha ’n Cearara 1 Eilidh NicDhòmhaill, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 2 Flòraidh Thorne, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 3 Eòghann Sanderson, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein.

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