Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1983 The ommeC nt, October 6, 1983 Bridgewater State College Volume 57 Number 16 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1983). The Comment, October 6, 1983. 57(16). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/474 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE COMMENT Vol. LVII No.. 16 Bridgewater State College October 6·, 1983 Heads Roll At WBIM By Joe Gouveia Steve Miles as Production tive fashion. I feel that Mr. Chief; Julie Lieb from Public Veno's decision has no sub- The student radio. station Relations Director and the stantial backing to it." on campus, WBIM, has suf- vacant position of Office Veno did state that "a fered from personality con- Manager. All these positions change was necessary", but flicts which have resulted in were paid positions, as all are refused to comment on the resignati'on of Darlene managerial positions at Magner's statement. Veno Bethany, the Mus.ic Director, WBIM. Former office man- explained that he did not and the dismissal of the Pro- ager Deborah Desnoyers has want to get into personalities, . g ram Di rector James agreed to return on a part- but did continue to say that, Magner. time basis until the reorgani- "He (Magner) and I disagree Chris Harwood is presently· zation has been accomplis- on different aspects on how acting Program Director until hed. She has agreed to train the station should be run," the postion can be filled per- someone else to handle her and added that he is optomis­ manently. Dr. Richard Veno, responsibilities if the position tic as to the station's future. the station's general man- reopens. When asked if removing ager and director of the Stu- WBIM is presently operat- Magner from his position will dent Union stated that this . ing without a music format, be effective step, disc-jockey business shall be presented Which is generally recog- Scott Levison stated, "I don't at the next station meeting. nized as an essential element know yet. Being program Harwood stated that ''I'm in any radio station's directorhereisnotajobbuta not sure what immediate operation. sentence." When asked if ch.anges will take place at Darlene Bethany, the only Magner's push for a progres­ WBIM. Future possible coo.rd i nator to resign, sive format-had·anything to changes in program format refused to comment. do with the tension at the sta­ will be looked into." . .. ·.· . Magner also .. refus.ed . to .. tion, . ~~vison went on to · nated. Those positions were have nothing substantial to audience, but must mix it in that of: Laurel Bowman as say yet, but I hope that the slowly. Newscasteranddisc- Assistant Pro_wam Director, station progresses in a posi- See WBIM page 15 Hill Quiet Floor: M~I Escapee On Campus An idea that work Sy Beth Ward because everyone who· is a resident on that floor On September 29, 1983, at requested it." Mr:. Stennison approximately 11 :30 a.m., Mr. At the beginning of the 1983 school year, the fifth also gave tentative. plans. for Michael Maurry esc~ped floor at Durgin hall was future floors, including ones from the South Eastern Cor­ for non.. alcoholic and more rectional Center, a medium designated· as a quiet floor. Between the hours of 9:00 positive learning. surround­ security prison located In ing. · . Bridgewater. a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, students Freshman Brad Stubbeo­ According to Mr. Joseph dieck, a resident on· on 5th Landolfi, Deputy Superin­ living .on this floor must respect the quiet rule. Any floor, stated "the idea isgreat tendant of the Department of because 1. can finish my stu­ Correction, 22 year ·old infractions will result in corii frontation and possible dies with no interuptions. Mau.rry was serving a 12 year Friends living on lower floors sentence for breaking and dismissal. Resident Adviso·r Doug come up to do their home- · entering. He began serving work. Everyone follows the his sentence in 1981, but he Smi.th, cor.nmented that "it is more an academic than a rules and knows that it is was a nc;>t prisoner at the Cor­ more or less a prlviledge to rectional Center until March quiet floor. Everyone live here." of this year. respects the rules because a . At the time of his esacpe Maurry was .·working on a farm detail which is part of "/ really believe that It will the prison complex. He 11 reportedly drove a tractor out become a trend tor th·e future. of the grounds arid aban­ doned it some distance from chojoe is given to them John Fleming also aresid- · the center. · whether or not to live here." ing fresh~an on 5th floor; The Bridgewater Police He· also added 1 "this idea has had a similar reaction, com... Department 00 nf i rm ed already established itself in menting. "our R.• A. is cool 18.S.C. student ·reports that one month. I really believe and does his job well. lwould Maurry was in the lower hill that it will become a trend for not want· to live anywhere arking lot. His uniform from the future." else and t hope that ne)(tyear he Correctional Center was Jerry Stennison; Assistant I'll be able to Uvehereagaifl," oand in the same location. Director of Housing stated, Oistinguist1ing,the$tt)Jloor Michael Maurry is at this "a need was expressed by the at Durgin as. the ·quie~ fJpor time, still at large. Police ~students for this type of an seems to be working in all BSC's Debbie Tho.mas spikes to vicfory against Worcester believe he is som?where in enviro.nment. There have · a$pects. · For .those Uving State·as Cara LaConti (9) and Karen Dennehy (16) look on. the area Qf Boston. his been no problems as yet there, they t>'Heve that a tra.. The team is 3-o in their divisi~n ~hi~.Y.e.ar. hometown~ dition ·sh ut e set. 2 The Comment Thursday, October 6, 1983 Letters To The Editor I Feel Personally Insulted ... " A Little Advice Dear Editor, My article is in reference to to Westgate Mall will be run­ Dear Editor, My second bit of advice to consent of the Student Court. Jeannie Pantanella's article ning the second week of I read with great interest a the Executive Office, is to The Student Court is a in The Comment on Sept. 22, October. Other matters of letter to the editor two weeks read the Constitution of the proper, legal channel under 1983 and Deborah Desnoy­ importance were discussed ago in which two students Student Government Associ­ the Constitution. What ever ers fetter to the editor in last and these too were not consi­ wondered if SGA President ation, and don't forget that happened to the democratic week's Comment. I feel per­ dered important enough to Dobson had rewritten the the SGA Constitution is a process we have learned to sonally insulted by both of be printed. faculty contract. I'm sure the working document. As far as I love and know so well! the articles. They seem to We are a group of con­ Union Reps would not appre­ know, it has worked quite _It is time to stop looking for question not only the integ­ cerned students doing the ciate this, since I'm sure they wel I over past years. asthetic improvements for rity of a few indiviuals but the best job we can to represent were not informed or I note the above with great the campus and start fighting integrity of the entire Senate you. We are also human consulted. intere&t, for the SGA Consti~ for· students rights or a tuition body as a whole. We are a beings. The quest for perfec­ My first bit of advice to the tution calls for freshman freeze from the governor. group of 28 students who tion is unending. If we Executive Office, is don't be elections to be held during Whatever happened to fight­ have in the past few weeks achieve perfection, then we afraid to ask questions. This the last week of September. ing for more financial aid; I worked very hard to accomp­ will have no reason for le(lrn­ campus is full of knowledge­ This may seem like a small know it would benefit a great lish things that I consider ing. Our student government: able people, administration, point, but I remember Mr. deal of students. newsworthy, an opinion whose side are we on any­ staff, faculty and students. Dobson questioning the The students of B.S.C. are obviously not shared by the way? In my opinion they are Know your resources and integrity of the 1982-83 SGA looking for your help, don't Comment staff. on your side. Your Senate don't be high on your own for moving the date of an let them down. Good luck Student Government meets every Tuesday night at horse, use these resources election. The only difference and try your best. Association the week before 6:00 p.m. in the Senate and use them well. Remem­ was that in the election he Respectfully last allocated $3,000 in addi­ Chambers. Exercise your ber you're ·only a student questioned, the date was Robert S. Berger tion to $4,000 previously allo­ opinion and find out for leader, not a_pharoah. changed with the advice and S.G.A.
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