CATHOLIC APRIL 23, 2017 SECOND WEEK OF EASTER VOLUME 66:30 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS A journal of Catholic life in Ohio DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 Catholic Times April 23, 2017 The Editor’s Notebook Honoring Our Blessed Mother’s Fatima Appearances An Issue of Trust By David Garick, Editor A few years ago, I was working for But trust is es- a state government agency, and the sential to our senior staff got together for a daylong souls. The key session of team-building. It took place to trust is faith, at one of those wilderness camp places and that is not that specialize in putting ordinary of- something you go out and get on your fice workers into primitive outdoor own. St. Paul says “Faith is the real- challenges that can be solved only by ization of things hoped for and evi- teamwork. dence of things not seen” (Hebrews One of the first and simplest chal- 11:1). Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit lenges was to stand with eyes closed and through this gift, this faith, we can and arms folded across one’s chest. trust in the one person who will catch A co-worker was positioned behind us, no matter how hard or how often you and you were to allow yourself we fall. That is Our Lord Jesus Christ. to fall backwards, relying on the co- This week’s Catholic Times looks at worker to catch you. The idea is to devotions that have grown up around develop trust. It sounds simple. But Divine Mercy Sunday. At the core of what if the person behind me is the that devotion is the revelation that St. guy from that other department who Faustina received of the Risen Lord, has been trying to undercut my big summed up in the simple words “Je- An event honoring the 100th John Larson, “July Apparition: project for weeks? Might he still be sus, I trust in you.” anniversary of Our Blessed Visions of Hell and the Se- angry about that memo I sent to his This Sunday’s Gospel speaks to this Mother’s appearances at Fatima, crets”; and Father John Bullock, boss? Or, what if it is that frail woman trust in the appearance of the risen Portugal, will take place from “Our Lady of Fatima and John who works in personnel? She’d be Christ to the apostle Thomas, who had 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Paul II.” Singer-songwriter Ja- willing to catch me, but I’m a big guy. said he would not believe that Christ May 13 at Our Lady of the Holy nis Clarke also will appear. The What if she can’t do it? was risen until he could see him in Spirit Center, 5440 Moeller noon Rosary will be led by the Ave., Cincinnati. Children of Mary. There are a lot of things going on in person and touch the wounds to his our lives that keep us from trusting. hand, feet, and side. He saw and he The event will begin with the There is no admission charge We have become a very cynical soci- believed. Jesus told him, “Have you rosary and a procession with a for the event, although a free ety. We have lost the ability to trust come to believe because you have statue of Our Lady of Fatima, will donation will be gratefully our political leaders to look out for our seen me? Blessed are those who have followed by Mass. accepted. Register online at interests. We don’t trust journalists to not seen and have believed.” We live Speakers and their topics in- http://cincinnatiourladyoffati- tell us the truth about what is in the in a world which is filled with such clude Father Eric Bowman, ma.com to ensure adequate seat- news. We don’t trust the companies doubt and demands proof. But Christ “100 Years of the Message ing. Lunch will be available for we work for, or the businesses that calls us to have faith and trust in him. of Fatima, Are We Listening purchase. For more information, make the products we buy. We often God’s mercy, love, and tender sup- Yet?” and “Blessed Jacinta: The contact event sponsor Keith are afraid to trust doctors to make cor- port has filled so many lives and is Young Seer of Fatima”; Father Walker at (513) 351-9800. rect diagnoses and to give effective available to every one of us through treatments. Sadly, even the church has trust in the One who is always there to lost the trust of many people who now lift the weight of sin from our shoul- Correction - The April 9 Catholic Times listed an incorrect time for a lecture are trying to make sense out of life ders and to lead us in love to everlast- to be given by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United based on the whims of popular culture. ing life with Him. States, at the Pontifical College Josephinum on Sunday, April 23. The time has been changed from 7:30 to 7 p.m. Front Page photo: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD ~ President & Publisher The Feast of Divine Mercy CATHOLIC David Garick ~ Editor ([email protected]) is celebrated on the Second Tim Puet ~ Reporter ([email protected]) Sunday of Easter, which TIMES Alexandra Keves~ Graphic Design Manager ([email protected]) this year is April 23. Shown Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved. Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 is the image of Jesus as he Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official newspaper appeared to St. Faustina of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is published weekly 45 Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 Kowalska and requested times per year with exception of every other week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscription rate: $25 per Subscriptions (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 celebration of the feast, year, or call and make arrangements with your parish. (subscriptions @columbuscatholic.org) which has been on the Postage Paid at Columbus, OH 43218 Church calendar since 2000. Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. April 23, 2017 Catholic Times 3 Risen Christ calls all to follow him on path to life, pope says By Cindy Wooden and sounds and his resurrection comes as a Junno Arocho Esteves gift and as “a transforming force” to a Catholic News Service humanity broken by greed and war. Jesus is the risen shepherd who takes “In the Resurrection, Christ rolled back upon his shoulders “our brothers and the stone of the tomb, but he wants also sisters crushed by evil in all its varied to break down all the walls that keep us forms,” Pope Francis said before giving locked in our sterile pessimism, in our his solemn Easter blessing. carefully constructed ivory towers that With tens of thousands of people gath- isolate us from life, in our compulsive ered in St. Peter’s Square on April 16, need for security and in boundless am- the pope called on Christians to be in- bition that can make us compromise the struments of Christ’s outreach to refu- dignity of others,” he said. gees, migrants, and victims of war, ex- Pope Francis called on Christians to ploitation, famine, and loneliness. follow the example of the woman who, For the 30th year in a row, Dutch upon learning of Christ’s victory over farmers and florists blanketed the area death, ran to the city and proclaimed around the altar with grass and 35,000 the good news in those places “where flowers and plants: lilies, roses, tulips, death seems the only way out.” hyacinths, daffodils, birch, and linden. Presiding over the Stations of the Preaching without a prepared text, love -- he draws us to follow him on his emanating from cellphones capturing Cross on Good Friday at Rome’s Col- Pope Francis began -- as he did the way, the way of life.” the solemn procession. osseum, Pope Francis offered a prayer night before at the Easter Vigil -- imag- Christ seeks out all those in need, he The bells of St. Peter’s pealed in the expressing shame for the sins of hu- ining the disciples desolate because said. “He comes to meet them through night, the sound echoing through near- manity and hope in God’s mercy. “the one they loved so much was ex- our brothers and sisters who treat them by Roman streets, announcing the joy A crowd of about 20,000 people joined ecuted. He died.” with respect and kindness and help of the Resurrection. the pope at the Rome landmark. They While they were huddling in fear, an them to hear his voice, an unforgetta- During the vigil, Pope Francis bap- had passed through two security checks angel told them, “He is risen.” The ble voice, a voice calling them back to tized 11 people: five women and six and were watched over by a heavy po- pope said the church continues to pro- friendship with God.” men from Spain, the Czech Republic, lice presence, given recent terrorist at- claim that message always and every- Pope Francis mentioned a long list of Italy, the United States, Albania, Malta, tacks in Europe. where, including to those whose lives those for whom the Lord gives special Malaysia, and China. At the end of the service, Pope Fran- are truly, unfairly difficult.
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