GENERAL INDEX Abydos, r29 board of education, Br "A8tux, 58 Boeotia, r34 Africa, Roman, II I bouleutic representation of tribes, Agamemnon, r29 IIO Agapetos, 55 brothers in the ephebia, 72-73 age classes for military service, r7. 72. 76-77. II-II2. I26. I36 Carthage, II r. II 4 agonothetes, 40. 63 Carystos, 44-45 Agraulos, r36 Cassander, rr2 Agrippa, 58 catapults, 23. I32 Aianteia, ro census rating, Io9. II3-II4 Aiantis, r7-r8. IIO. II6 Chaeronea, 40. 70-7I. BI. r23-I24. Aigeis, I04-I07. IIo I27. I30 Aischines, r23. r26 chlamys, r32. I37 Akamantis, r-4. r4. 20-2r. 52. 56-57. choregos, 3 I05-I05. I07. IIO. II6 citations, 7. IO Akamas, 4. 20 Cleisthenes, IIO. II2 akontistes, 50. r24. r32 Crannon, Ir 4 Akropolis, r28 crown, of gold, IO-I2. 26-28; of Akte, 79, II5. r26 thallos, IO. 26 Alexander the Great, 69-70. II3 Cyrene, 7I Alexandria, I 33 Alkibiades, r29. r36 Daphne, 9 o!µLAAIX -rwv vl:.wv, 3 Delos, 40 Amphiaraia, 53 Delphic Amphictyony, 76 Amphiaraion, I 4 demarchos, I I Amphiaraos, 7r. Br Demeter, IB. 35 Antigoneia, II 4 Demetrias, 88. IOI. I03 Antigonis, 88. 94. IOI. I03 Demetrius of Phaleron, I09. II4 Antigonus, 45-46 diaitetes, 62. 99 Antioch, r33 didaskalos, 3. IO. r6. 23-24. 28. 36- Antiochis, r3-r4. r8. IIO. II6 37. 48. 50. 60. 6z. 68. 73. 78. Br. Antipater, 69. I06. I09-II0. II2-II3 88. 95. ra4. I3r. r33. I35 Apaturia, r26 Dipylon Gate, 20 Apollo, 40 dokimasia, 2. I 29 apophases, 75 fi~"ll, arbitrators, III Eleusinia, ro archery, 23. r32 Eleusinioi, 7. II-IZ. I6. 34-35 archontes, r23-r24 Eleusis, 6-7. 9-I2. I4. I6. I8. 23. 35. Areopagus, 75. r37 37. 70. 72. 77-78. Br-82. I02. I24 Aristides, I 34. I 37 emigration from Athens, II4-II5 Artemis Agrotera, 9-IO. 35 !vypot,pl:.vn~. I20-I2I Asklepieion, 4. 86 !,p' fi~"I)~, I26 ateleia, I. 3 ephebic enrolments, Io6 ff. I 5I Autolycus, 3. r30 ephebos on black-figures vase, I37 Axione, r3r btl 3LtTe~ ~~ljaotL, I z6 epimeleia of the epheboi, 67-68. 73, biennial ephebia, ro2 II3 172 GENERAL INDEX epimeletes, r4. z9. 37. 40. 57. 60. Kore, r8. 35 66. 7I epitaphia, r8 Lamia, 65. rr4 inL -rriv OL'Tl)piiv, 96 Lamian War, 45. 65. 70. ro9 eponymos of a phyle, 5z lampadedromiai, r8. 5r Erechtheis, r3-r4. 5r. roz-I04. ro7. lampas, r7. 40 II0. rr6 Law against Tyranny, 1z7-rz8 Erechtheus, 5z leitourgia, I. 3-4 Epikrates, rz3-rz4 Lemnos, 46 Eritrea, 70 Leokrates, r30 Eupolis, poet of Old Comedy, 61 Leontis, 3-4. r8. z3. z5. 3z. 37, 53. 58. 67. 7z. ro5-I08. rro foreigners as didaskaloi, 4z Leos, 7, rz. z5 Lesbos, rrz Germanikeia, r 8 Leuctra, I 34 Great Goddesses, 9. 35 lochagos, IO. r6. zr. z3. z8. 3z. 35- gymnasiarch, 3. r8. 40. 63 36. 49. 50. 57-60. 64. 77. ro5. ro8. gymnasium, 40. 88. rr5. r3z-r33 rz5-rz6 gymnastics, r3z. r35 Lyceum, r3z Lycurgus, 40-4r. 81. rz4. rz7-r3z Hadrian, 135 Harpalus, 67-68. 74-75 Macedonia, 7I. rz9 helekia, r7-r8. 39 Mantinea, r36 Hellenotamiai, Jr Marathon, r37 Hephaisteia, 3. I 8 Maronea, r37 Herakles, 40 Megala Propylaia in Eleusis, r6 Hermes, z4. 39-40. 5z. 7z Melanthos, rz6 heroes, eponymoi of 4z military age­ mellepheboi, 40 groups, 7z Methane, z3 hestiator, 3 metic, ro9 hieron of Akamantis, z4; of Amphi­ µt-rp~, IIZ airaos, 7 I; of Hippothontis, 4; of military instructors dropped, r33 Kekropis, 4; of Leontis, 4. z6. z8 Munichia, 79. rr5. rz6 Hippothontis, 4. 9-rr. r8. rro. rr6 Munichos, r7-r8 "hollow" year, 3z. ro8-ro9. II5 neaniskoi, 3. rz3 hoplites, ro6-ro7. I09. rr3-rr4. rr5 N emeseia, 5z hoplomachy, z3, r3z Nemesis, 9-IO. 35. 5z hyposophronistes, rzo-rzr Nestor, r30 Nike, rz8. r36 lmbros, 46 nomoi regulating epheboi, 9 Ionian Frieze of the Parthenon, r37 "normal" year, 3z. ro8 Isokrates, r35 Oath of Epheboi, r36-r37 javelin throwing, z3, r3z Oineis, 4z. 49. 93. ro4-I06. ro7-ro8. II0 ·Kalliades, poet of New Comedy, 6r Oropos, z3. 40. 66. 69. 70-7z. Br Kekropis, 4-5. 7. r4. 19. z3. 37. I06. ro7-ro9. rro. rr6 paidotribes, 4, 95, 13z Kerameikos, r7-r8. zo palaestra, r3z x),:ijpo;, rrz Palladium, 4 kosmetes, r. 3. IO. r3. zo. z8.39. 55. Pan, IO. 35 57. 67-68. 73-76. 78-Br. I0Z. rr8. Panathenaia, 4. 18 rz3-rz4. r3r. r35-r36 Panathenaic Procession, r37 .
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