IOWA --- -·----- • --·- - IOWA - • --.... - - -- -- -- -·- - ·­--·- i . ; . • --- - - - - ---- ~ - --- It ._.... _ ---- ·-·-----.. Iowa Public ~ Television \,I# ----~ - ---....,__ CHECK OUT THE NEW IOWA OUTDOORS WEBSITE! Packed with exciting stories­ straight from the pages of Iowa Outdoors magazine. WWW.IOWADNR.GOV HONEY CREEK RESORT STATE PARK O N RATHB U N L AK E w fa a i The Natural Gait is the perfect place to getaway from the daily grind ... .. you deserve a break, make plans now for your fall or winter getaway. You'll wont to stay forever! Near Marquette, lA TheNaturaiGait.com • TNGhorsehappenings.com 877-776-2208 • TNGhappenings.com p ntrlgait@acegrou p .cc ( This holiday season give a gift that Personalized creates lasting memories! Gift Certificates are available year-round. Purchase online at I TNGmercantile.com ercanti e and lonXchange.com TNGmercantile.com • or call us! We offer a wonderful collection of unique gifts that are sure to be remembered. Fall is a great time to plant ... • CRP Seed Mixes • Wildflower Seed Mixes We're taking 2012 pre-orders • Native Wildflower Seeds for native plants, bare roots • Native Wildflower Live Plant Plugs and special seed mixes. • Garden Starter Kits -Hummingbirds, Butterfly, Raingarden, Urban Gardens and more! .... -. .... ange, Inc. Native Wildflower Seed & Plant Nursery Purple h elping you create Prairie your own natural beauty. Clover 1878 Old Mission Dr. Place your order online at lonXchange.com or call 800-291 -2143 Harpers Ferry, lA 52146-7533 [email protected] SEPTEMBER I OCTOBER 2011 • VOLUME 70 • ISSUE 5 STAFF Brian Button- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alan Fost er - MANAGING EDITOR Jacob Zwe1bohmer- ART DIRECTOR Jessie Brown - COPY EDITOR Karen Gn mes, M mdy Kral1cek WRITER S Clay Sm 1t h • PHOTOGRAPHER Ju l1 e Tack - MAR KETI NG AND PUBLICITY Kevin Baskms- COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU CHIEF MIKE WHYE 1s a Council B luffs based freclann wnll'r-photographer who's STATE PRESERVES ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Sally Pr ickett, Glenwood neall'd Iowa imagt•s and stones for years. Deborah Lew1s CHAIR, Ames Janelle Rettig, Iowa C1ty I!is two guidt'books, Great /oU'a Weekend Wayne Phipps. Glenwood Adt•c ntures and The Great Jou·a Touring Thomas Put nam Boone EN VI RONMENTAL Inger Lamb. Polk City PROTECTIO N COMMISSION Book an• at www. amazon.com Carl Kurtz St Anthony Da111d • · y CHAIR Eldora D1ane Ford Des Moines lorna Punt1llo VICE·CHAIR, S1oux City Lynn Alex. Iowa C1ty Mary Boote SECRETARY , Des Momes Dee Bruemmer, Davenport NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Nancy Couser Nevada Gregory Dree • CHAIR, Arnolds Park John Glenn, Centerville Margo Underwood. VICE CHAIR Clear Lake Dolores Mert z, Ottosen Denn1s Schemmel, SECRETARY Grimes Brent Rastetter Ames Conrad Clement, Cresco Marty Stimson, Cedar Rap1ds R. K1m FranCISCO, Lucas SUBSCRIBER SERVICES 800.361 .8072 ADVERTISING OFFICE Associations Inc, l 1m Smull dt 515.280.7234 ')r [email protected] DNR EXECUTIVE STAFF TY SMEDES 1s a full-time writer and Roger Lande - DIRECTOR photographer from Urbandale. Published vacant · DEPUTY DIRECTOR in dozC'ns of magazines, his work mcludes DIVISION ADMINISTRATORS imagt·s of wildlife. wildflowers and scen1cs. Cmdy Axne- MANAGEMENT SERVICES • Ch uck Corell - CONSERVATION AND RECREATION along with Iowa's cultural events. He Wayne G1eselman- ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES tcat'hes photography classes and leads DNR Central O ffice 5 15.281 .5918 TTY users contact Re.ay Iowa, 800 735.2942 photo-tours to the Eastern S1erras and p I I I Africa. His new coffee table book The •q :le'v' A. SUBSCRIPTION RATES S1 S FOR ONE YEAR Return of lou·a 's Bald Eagles. is available S24 FOR TWO YEARS AND S30 FOR THREE YEARS PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE around Labor Day at www.1owan.com. l e POSTMASTER nd ~ • e ba ~ r ct t ry or·~ ...... d "~""·~"D"" ' ttP Eq F'llp 14 ONR MISSION SHOW YOURS UPPORT To t'Oil't·rvt• .md .. nh.mn our natural resource' m cooperat1on The DNR Naturt St< ,., o ff~rs nppatcl and 1:111~ wilh mdiVIdu;~ls and org;mizaliun' to improvl' the quality of life with profits for p.u ks Ortl 1 onlint .tt for (o\\;ms .utd t•n .un· a lt•gacy for future g~nl'rations. www.iowanarurestore.com or I 866·4 10·0130. ED ITORIAL MISSION SUBSCRIBER SERVICES "'" striw lo opt·n tht· dum to lht b!'auty and uniqu.. ness To subsnibe, or lor .m\ ui>scnplwn is<ues or of low,,·, nat ural rt•sourct·s. mspirt· pt·opk· to gel oulside qul'slions, <"ai11.B00.361 .8072 Mnud.11 lhrough ~ n day and expt·rit·nn· Iowa ,md lu motiVate outdoor·mindt•d from 1 a.m. to II Jl 111 or t kends Is .1m to u p.m. l'ilill·ns lo unrh-1• 1.1nd and c.trt fur our natural resourct's. For t.·ast.· 111 pro..:t·s~mg ph·d t h,l\t m l'iS1•t' \\Ill' a ma11ing labt·l,l\allahlt· 11 llnl!' ol •·all To purch."e MAKE A DIFFERENCE a smgk• tOJl\ fo1 $5, tall SIS 181 59 18. Tlw 1\l'l·pns ollht· I and pror r till m'ltdll' \olunteers JEN WILSON 1s a travel and features \\llh natural resourt·e -•·rvtcl' needs statt-wide LEARN MOR E wnter based Ill Des Moines. Her work Gl\ t• hn<"k to lo\\ a<; lands, "ah r' .md 'k1c>. Our\\ •·b<ll(', www towadnr gov Is lo.1dt d Wtth l all 5 I 5·18 1·0878 to match ) our mlt're'h \\llh mformauon for all.•~;es ~~d nt'eds Bu~ hcens.. s re ef\e appt•ars 111 \atronal Geographic Traveler. n<·t·d~ or Vl~ll www.k~~persoft heland.org. <"arnpsit!'> or learn morl' abc· 1 our I'll\ 1ronml'nt onlint Frommers Budget Trat•e/, Jlidwest Living See our m.tgazmc It lt'VI,IOn ' how at http 1/fptv.org and Esquire. Her first book. Running Away HOWT O DONATE Chanlablt• R ' < md f ' 111 goods and to Home, ts ava!lablt 111 bookstores and St rv1c, s gn•,Jtl) enh :JC<'< I0\\3" outdoor li• m~ ~~ ..mr ~SOY INK onlirw at www.touchmgupmyroots.com. Lont.t<:t Kim Rasler nt 515·181-7111. 4 IOWA OUTDOORS • SEPTEMBER I OCTOBER 2011 SWAP is Iowa's only state financial assistance tool designed to minimize the amount and toxicity of solid waste generated and landfilled in Iowa • FINANCE YOUR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECTS • REDUCE WASTE DISPOSAL COSTS • EDUCATION • EXPAND RECYCLING MARKETS • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ] ,I 1: I WINNESHIEK COUNTY ."""" ACTIVITIES, TIPS AND EVENTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY -· fort Atkonson * • -.cbon "'ft(DOI't KEEP YOUR PO ~ car ran nons roar, watch tomahawk throwing matches drive along Mississippi River bluffs to Pikes Peak State Park. H and shop for period clothes and goods at the The family-friendly, free event is held Sept 24 to 2o from Annual Fort 0 e de a Thousands 9.30 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Saturday, and 9 a m to l p m. ~unday att<'IHI to soak up the early autumn sun while reliving Fort Atkinson is in Winneshiek County, we-;t of highway history through craftspeople, buckskinners and military 24, about 90 miles north of Cedar Rapids Spend the night rcenactors who gather to trade wares and recreate 1840s camping at the DNR's new modern campground at Volga military life on the Iowa frontier. Recreation Area in Fayette County (call first about road Mill around the small museum to see artifacts, then buy construction updates). For camping or rendezvous details, beads or blankets, eat fry bread, drink root beer, watch call park ranger Scot Michelson at 563-425-4 76 7 black powder shoots and hear period music. Be awed by old camp-to-camp signals made by blasting a 300-pound anvil FORT FACTS: 40 feet high. Get tips on basketry, rug hooking, pottery, Built in 1840, the fort monitored the Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) blacksmithing and period hunting and trapping. Watch Nation that was forced from Wisconsin to Neutral Ground rivals compete in skillet throws, flint and steel firestarting, in northeast Iowa. Fort founder Brigadier General Henry turkey calling and knife throwing. Youngsters can play old Atkinson promised to protect them from rivals while keeping gamt's with kids clad in garb of the era. settlers out. The fort was disbanded in 1849 when the Spend a clay at the fort, then browse city-wide garage sales, Ho-Chunk were moved/rom Iowa and local soldiers left tour the Bily Clocks Museum in nearby Spillville or take a scenic to fight the Mexican-American War. BY A. JAY WINTER A. jay Wznter educates up to 20,000 Iowa children each year as the DNR's training specialist at the Springbrook Conservation Education Center. JANE, AGE 10, IN HIAWATHA AsKs: Why don't we have earthquakes in Iowa? or most of us living in Iowa, we're much more familiar felt the most recent quake southwest of Shenandoah in Fw1th snowstorms and tornadoes. What we do know about 2004. Iowa was one of only four states that did not <'arlhquakcs we've likely learned from movies or textbooks, have an earthquake between 1975 and 1995. but earthquakes do occasionally rumble in our stale. However, just because an earthquake doesn't originate When two blocks of the earth quickly slip past each other here doesn't mean we can't feel it. Large earthquakes underground, it Jets out built-up energy that shakes the in southeast Missouri in 1811 and 1812 were the first ground and buildings above the surface. Most earthquakes earthquakes that Iowa settlers reported.
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