r TH E NEW Y<DRK HERA LD. WHOLE NO. 15,823. NEW YORK, THURSDAY. I>ECi1MBER 18, 1879.TRIPLE iSHEET. P1UCE THREE CENTS HOftMl. CAKIllA(iK>. ivl. AMISKMKXTH. AMimKKlBHTk. NOTICES. " KKWARUk. IPKCIAL _____ sr FULTON ST. UltoU'N MAKE. KIVK YEAKtToCol PASTOR'S THEATRE. &«7 BROADWAY* FRANCISCO MINsTltKLiJi OPKKa'HOL'siC" D1BEOTOUY Full AllVEKTISEKS. KKVVAKD K<>tt KbTlKN (JK UOLO KAUItlN'G NKAB OREA1 HIT. HOUSES AN FKANC1SOO MIN.viltELS * uuJ 2*JUi and KJil a JACKSON & 00.. It ANKERS. AHANDSwMKl.'i'j huiitla blub; wiirrauled sound iiuu kind; price, TONY CROWDED. SAN Broadway »t, /lout between IHUli ;;C*. au<l f»tli *uU 3d uv». K'-^OASSAU 13tn TONY PASTOR TIIK FAMILY RESORT. HAZARD A CO 6th av. and bt. royal Havana kxtraordinaby $100. Apply 13H KitBt st. CASWELL. ijas always ukawn December 23. and Company fur the present wuelt RECEIVED \V 1 r 11 SCREAMS NIGHTLY, HERALD BRANCH OF KICK. 1,205 BROADWAY. ON A U8IMEHH WAQONli A.N ) l'/TrRIAGES.LAK<2E have started another Bonni of Kith. STREET KLAT*. J* in REWARD..LOST. THB 15TH IN>T. CAPITAL l'KIZE SM.vUU. the j.-reat »uccoi» , OHh.N DA V AN it NIGHT KOR TllE HBCEFriON colored hlut. Tho ubovv reward will be ut CALVIN WITTV'.S toiumUtiou ciirriunoASkurtiiium. TOM SAVERS A DECIDED HIT. 'iUDUi'so* STREET FLATS. «I? l"Ji»ilvur paid 154 .">th ov. nf OK ADVERTISEMkNTS AXI» SALE OK 1'AI'KRS. for tlio return of »uuio to JOHN IIL'CKLUY, 1UU LITT1.k havana kxthaourinary wuri-rooum, Soutb THE SVVAI.NS. THE 1'F.ASLEYH. First wxnk tliu IIAKDBACK FAMILY. ADVERTISEMENTS PRESENTED BEKOltE EIGHT i»t. has always drawn December 23. I'T CITY BALDWINS ASD JILLE. LOTTA rtipenteitly tutored. "THE VILLAIN STILL fL'KKUEO HER." O'CLOCK IX THE KVK.MSU ARE INSURED A ClirUtoplier LOT NEW ELK(i.\NT MADE ToV Scruants of 1 u11k >ter at .V. (J. PINAKURE. THE TURKISH PATHOL. hew akd capital prize $*.uui. BAXKKlaide bur Wh^uus, $10<J each; top I'ouy I'baelou, $tk">. AM) FRIDAY skids akk OUT BROKER CLASSIFICATION. <b» wiTTiThe paidVokthk kkcovehy CO Mil ON WK ALT 11 COMPANY uv. MATINEES TUESDAY "the today." » li»«»Ld Hiiir. uont&ininir fuur diaiuulid and DISTRIBUTION Oil 7Ui (1 it EAT ARTISTS WILL ALWAYS DKAWN DECEMBER 31. ~ ALL TIIK AIM'BAR. oiiu bangle ring, lout Wednesday afternoon. on alevated I1AS VTIBLO'S HARDEN. THE NEW gPF.iTACLB. SEATS SECURED. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 3. AMUSEMENTS.1st Pauk.Mil uad Otb cola, CAPITAL PRIZE $30,UU0. - Lessee and road or from Thirty-third street Station to Standard ttocond built Brewster k Co.. of Broome IME. U. UILMORE Mutiayur ASTROLOGY.2l> PAUK-Utli col. Thaalre. Return to W. PATTERSON, Grand Central Hotel. JACKSON A CO.. BANKKUS. HJ NASSAU ST.. N. Y. BKOLMiilAM.band, by it.; s (newj ~~theatre," broadwaY and BILLIARDS.1st I'ai.k.till rol. No light and in ttue ortler. ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR NIBLOS! Daly anTii sr. BOARDERS WANTED.2u PAuit-2d and 3d col». questions. In OKFIC k7~k4~ na ssa it st.: WXI. II. URAY.W) and JJ Wooster »t. theatre under the mtnisemeDt of branch corner Bond at. uud Bowery (bank buiUlinfc). The only BOARD AND LODGING WANTED.lt> kauk.ad col. HPKCIAL, N UflCKS. MA si litkel MAKE. ItUi 1'KKKKCT HEARTS DECISIVE SUCCESS of ClaorKu Clarke'* Jlr AUOUSTI.N DALY BUSINESS OPPORTUN1T1 Es.1 Itu pauk-cth col., and now Irish drama of 3 acts, wilu EVERY EVENING wt H, Al'UUSTIN DALY'S New 12th Kauk.lot col OK THE SPANISH GOVERN BOROER A CO.. (1HK8TMCT^beauty; very t'outlo, sound and kind: elegaut driver; tirely pictorial enHEARTS tTi" ».LOTTEHIES formerly WucIimuhuu a Co. »ix years old ; two-seated liiflit extension top l'ark HEARTS tuauv striking tableaux. Ooiuedy of to-day, the FASHIONABLE SENSATION of BUSINESS NOTICES.7th Pack.Mh and CtU col«. meat. liaudsoruu Single und Double Sluitfbs; Bear Kobe, HEARTS OP STEEL. the hour, entitled AN CITY REAL ESTATE K<IR SALE-2U Pack.1st col. There wa» always the following Extraordinary 1'bneton. 1H West lwtb. Hbueton; of liavinir the advantage* «f MAONIFICENT CLERKS AND cola. 23 Billtt of Exchange ou Oeruia:iy and Havana; German top BuKgy. 1'ouy costume* * SALESMEN.12th Paou.4tb audStb December Drawins' government Bund* bought and Bold. of SCENERY, u trreat company, superb a RRR a It nn w CLOTHINg.12th Pauk.#tli col. National Lottery at Madrid. Addreaa all lettera REPAIRS. and arruor, licit banner*, a (jrand chorus to aa R rt a a » il 1? aa nn n COACHMEN AND CI ARDKNERS.12th PA<jK-&th col. $2,920,000. gold, distributed iu prizes; 40.000 tickets, BORUER A CO.. Banltera. B4 Naaaan at. ^JAKRIAOK STREL. hint; tIto sweetest uf the delicious melodies of A A R It A A )t b II a A n n n COASTWISE mTKAMSIIII'S.20 Pai;k.tith col. 0,1 IU lirixas. full, ill Bold, una to ovary tickets, as We offer every facility fortborougb and promDt work in STEEL*. Et ui. a lar^e corps of popular SPECIALTY a a RRIt a a b3b II a a n N n COPARTNERSHIP*.1 Itu PAuu-tith col. follows :.$.VK>,(i(>), *25u.(J0(l flM.lXMI, 2 of $90,000. 4 of and marbleizedma.ntels. this depart raout. TISTS, together with a stud ot oeautifiil traiuodARSTEELaaa R R aaa II b II aaa n nn DANCING ACAHEMIES.12tu pa(jk-l»t col. $2.r>.<*»'. 2tJ of $10,000. 30 of $5,000, 1.75H of $.rtUU. 2 MarbleAc. A. KLABER, 134 East lsth «t., neariidcjuaveatonea,If. BROWN A PRAY. horses It uituaN HENRY V. In grandeur! a a R R a a I! b II a a n nn Dentistry.12m Paok-ui col. nf jflO.IKJO, 2 of *0.800. 2 of $4,5tKl. 2SI7approximation*of Factory and Wurcrooms. Broadway and 3! tli at. MATINEES WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS AT 2. a > u u a a i'bb ii a n nn DOGS, BIRDS. AC .1st l*a(jk-3d col. SS-VAl and 3.UD0 of $ltJ0 each tar the numbers auding with DE RUYTUER GIVES INFORMATION IN ALL POPULAR PRICES ALWAYS..Admiaaiblt. f>0 cent*. DRV GOODS.1st Pauk.(th col. the sume ileura as the <>np that draws the capital prise of MME.utfnira of llle; magnetic treatment and buiha, uud loaa OlIl'E ROCKAWAY. BUI1LT BY WOOD BBOTHERS, Reserved seals, Oil cunts or 2."> cants extra. Family Circle. JS M II GO H 11 TTTT DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND $5tJO.UO«>, gold. Soma mimbors draw three prises.ono by of vitulity restored. 1U7 Waat l'Jtli at., nearOth ar. in Quo order, very light, too. 26 cents. N N N 11 O OH H T one one with the \VM. H. (iHAY, 20 aud 22 Wooater si. UNFURNISHED.2i> Pauk-l.t col. itself, by appioxiniation and by endlug l m. "marsh, magnetic puysicun, 143 THEATRE. N N N II O H H T STEAMSHIPS.2u Pauk.Mh and Oth cola. figure of the capital prixe. Kuat 30ili twico. N N N 11 O IIIIIIII T fUROFEAN Pauk.16th col. Royal Havana lottery. 1.350,000 pesos distributed. Mrs. at.; rlnt jbASUIONABLE BROUTUIAMS^ UNION~SQUAKESole Lessee aud Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER N N N 11 O GO H H T ^UROFEp7TH "in vwt. r Coupon, at H. Over ilt HI'.UO. ivntw^P..11 i 18.(SMI tickets, 03- pilsas, as fellows:.500,000. 11*1,000, IIA IT IK AND LAI' HA GIBBS-IMAUNBTIO Coaches, lii-iciiis N NN II O U H U T FINANCIAL.1 1th Pauk.6th col. 50,000. 25,000. lOof 10.0W1, 12 of 5.000. ot 1.000, 9 MISStreatment, Ac.; aatiafaction guaranteed. 104 Weat 4tb Landaus, FRENCH SATURDAY MATINEE. AT 1:45. N NN II GO H U T <$> FINE ARTS.1st I'auk.4th col. approximations of 2,000,11 ofl.'DU. Parties desiring to al.. second door from Oth av. THIRD MONTH FOR 12tii I'auk.tiiU c«l. on same of Lundnuluts, FLATS of SALE. tut TO LET. know the result tholr uuiubers by cable day Rockaways. A thousand and onu laughs with the modern Haroun A1 FU UN IS 11 ED ItOOMS AMI APARTMENTS drawings have always applied to register thom in time at MOLLIS IIAINES (LATE WITH MME. of Ra»chid! An emphatic lucces*! ! treutuient the ukst class. j>r.r..^ r ur.A^n r u A. i n. i 2d Pack.I at and 2d cols. j this office. MISS i;lvea magnetic for general debility.HOWard) A. S. It A I' 372 and 374 Broome st. MATINEES OK AN ARABIAN NIOIIT.'' FURNITURE.2d 1'aok.ad coL Prises of the Havana cashed under 5,000 pesos, 1S4 Wavorloy place, corner lutb at. FLA.VI) Jt CO., witnessed <£>-<g> | Pack.4tha col. Hoyal BY OVER THE FUNNIEST SATURDAY CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR'S HELP WANTED.FEMALES.I2th 55 centu American money per peso, or according to UIVESMAON ETIC TREATMENT FOB OR HALK-O.VE NEW, LIGHT. SINGLE TRUCK, PLAY KVEB AT 2. DAY AT 2. DAY. AT 2. HELP WANTED-M ALES.12th I'auk.'ith col. those of the National full in gold. weight suitablo for delivery, express or DUCED IN NEW YORK PR08EVKNTV col. exchange;MMBTLELIArheumatism. general debililv. 105! Eaat liOth at., near THOUSAND You all the while lire in the l'auk-4th on or on in or laugh HOLIDAY PRBSKNTS-Ist praft Madrid iu gold Havana posos gold 4tll HV.

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