/ PINE BLUFF. ARK, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER l , 1899 No 27 said crop and protect the interest; organization of a corporation with of the plaintiffs. a capital stock of $10,000 to be di- The are IN plaintiffs represented aix OLD KENTUGK vided in to 400 shares of $25 each, COftUNGSTATIONS the com plain t drawn by attorneys the corporation to be known as the D. H. Rousseau and O. C. Porter. M’HAS- Pine Bluff Packet Company. FOR BY BOTH REPUBLICANS AND ^RE NEEDED ACCORDING TO *10 The number of shares Y. M. C. A- necessary for pro- NEWS. DEMOCRATS STILL CLAIM er al. were subscribed and articles of in- THE REPORT OF REAR A VICTORY. corporation will i be filed with the tection- Tonight at 8:30 at Merrill Insti ADMIRAL BRADFORD. of State. The of tute the second attraction on tht Secretary purpose the is “to char- Merrill entertainment course will be company buy, build, ter or sell one or more steamboats ( OVER RENTS. given. The Mendelssohn Male Quar LEGISLATURE DEMOCRATIC SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED [£S1 tette will appear in this city for tht to operate in the interest of Pine tirst time. Bluff’s trade.” This is a first-class entertainment, A board of seven directors was and S. It Is C. Foster and comes recommended as one Anti-Goebel, However, and ■ g, R. oi elected as follows: Simon Bloom, Stations Should Be Placed Near thebest. Co. Are Made Favors Official H. H Huno, P. P. Byrd, L O. 0 & The Daily Leader TayIor--The the Windward Passage, Yu- (Lexington, Kr) Knox, J. B. York, Alex Perdue and says: Defendants Count Being Made. John M. McCain. catan and Other Points: “Never have finer men’s voice* The Board of Directors then elec- been heard in L xington, and theii ted the officer;: Presi- perfect accord is beautiful.” following Special to t e Graphic. filed in the Jefferson dent, Alex Perdue; Vice President, Washington, Nov. 8—The urgent bv Noy. 10. — 3 d. m. P. P. Simon 0urt Friday morning Owensboro, Ivy., Byrd; Secretary, necessity of adequate coaling sta- Me Bask ill et. MISSIONARY SOCIETY —Returns to H. H. Hunn. jd Colonel tbe lcquirer this af Bloom; Treasurer, tions for our warships is dwelt up- R. C. Foster The articles of will jMs. H. fcernoon give Taylor 3,200 plurality. incorporation nn by Rear Admiral Bradford, chief & Co., defen. Reconvened Friday anc be tiled with the ccunty clerk and )f the bureau of in iatheuthal forcing The Louisville Times this afternoon nayal equipment, the secretary of state within a few nis the Held an Session, report to Secretary of the Interesting says Goebel has 923. plurality with jutiff, McHaskill, alleges days. Navy. He relates the difficulties two counties acres of land on Republican giving This is a movement that will no encountered the war with ,ied fifty The annual session of the Wo during from W. W. left out. The Western doubt greatly redound to the inter- in ,plantation man's Taylor 1,550 Spain securing coal, transport- Foreign Missionary Society ests of Pine Bluff’s trade. ; due November 1, Union is ing it and getting it aboard the 1200, of ’he Pine Bluff district, Little says Taylor’s plurality also coLtracted for $75 thips. While these efforts were Rock conference, reconvened at tht more than 3,000. The legislature and supplies from S. successful, the Admiral says: “It Main street Methodist church this is Democratic, but anti-Goebel. ADMIRAL DEWEY MARRIED a!4 Co. W. W. Foster was due almost eotirelv to the near morning. Mrs. R. H. M. Mills, Official count is being made today. taie in June 1899, where- proximity of the theater of war to district secretary, presided. To Mrs. Mildred Hazen at Washing- H. R. C. Foster, Dur own coasts.” ver, The session with Nov. 9 —The opened scrip' Frankfort, Ky., ton alleges, undertook Yesterday. Admiral Bradford says that a ipiaint turo reading aud prayer, aftei county returning boards meet in all led control of the crop of United States fleet, if called upon to which a consecration service was the counties tomorrow to canvass that plaintiffs under Washington, Nov. 9.—Admiral act at any point across the Atlantic, Ifs; held. A good representation oi the returns, and until then tbe re- WH.it C. Foster deliv- George Dewey and Mrs. Mildred M. must encounter even greater diffi- societies is present. sult of Tuesday’s election will be in Sithenthal & Co. nine bales Hazen were married quietly at the culties than were found by Admiral Revs. John F. Carr and James A, doubt. Both sides are charging \ averaging 500 pounds rectory of St. Paul's Catholic church Cervera. Anderson, pastors of local Method fraud. Gov. Bradley is being tele- jBlutbenthal & Co. sold in V street near Fifteenth, this city, “As a matter of fact,” continued ist churches, addressed the assem graphed by hundreds of Republi- tod applied same to rent shortly before ten o’clock this morn- Admiral Bradford, “It may be sta- bly. cans offering to come to the state peg to the amount of $275; ing. The ceremony was performed ted without fear of contradiction Reports from societies were hearc capital to prevent Taylor being cash in satisfae- by the Rey. James P. Mackin, pas- that at the present it would be im- jlil.lOin which indicated that the work hac counted out. iid indebtedness, amount- tor of the church, assisted by Rev. possible for a United States fleet to met good results up to this time Chairman Young of the Demo- Folev, assistant pastor, and the carry on active operationsj'during a the end of the third quarter. cratic state central committee the Rev. Sidney Hurlbut. The ceremo- war about the coast of jsianding allegations with at- anywhere A generalBdiscussion of the bes , charges the Rebublicans the the ny was of the simplest character ac- a .of tsays complaint, in Europe, Africa, large portion means of promoting interest iu th< ; tempting to peipetrate fraud If). Poster refuses to let cording to the rites of the Catholic Asia and South America for want of society followed, after which thi > the mountain districts, where the fififsgatoer the remainder church, aud the only witnesses be- coal. morning session adjourned. heavy Republican vote lies. Young jtrop now amounting to sides the officiating clergymen were “This couutry has assumed a do- At the afternoon sessiou, whicl i says the official count by county re- id bales, or permit the Mr*. Washington McLean and Mrs. sition of great responsibility in con- convened at 2:30 o’clock, reporti i turniug boards tomorrow will give bcarry it to a that. Ludlow, wife of Gen. Ludlow, moth- nection with maintenance of the gin; over He also from juvenile societies were recei** Goebel 4,000. says'all [Foster had ar- er and siste: respectfully of the sovereignty of the territory of the plaintiff minor candidates on the state-tick- ed. Officers of the local society are : and site charge of a bride, Lieut. Caldwell, Admiral South American republics against stealing Mrs et wiD, by smaller Mrs. R. H. M. Mills, president, though puralities Secretary. s owu cotton; that the Dewey’s any aggression on the part of a M. C. Cross, secretary; Mrs. Wm than Goebel. iris threatening violence European nation, yet there is not a N. chol, treasurer. iictiffs if they attempt to single port where coa.1 or supplies own A GIN BORNEO war fir cotton, etc. BOARD OF HEALTH. may be obtained in time of by intiffs further allege that Y. M. C. A~ RECEPTION a 1 nited States ship anywhere on ‘demanded a statement of And Hales of Cotton the eastern or western coasts of Held a Meeting This Morning and Fifty Destroyed hint from the said Foster South America. In the West Todies Was Largely Attended and a De Thursday, ientbal & Co which re- Discussed Smallpox Situation. and the Pacific ocean we are now jebeen refused, and they lightful Affair, somewhat better off. It is of para- The cotton giu on the Sol Frank- jitirm with beiDg in a The Board of Health, together mount importance, however to lin plantation, below this city, leas- ?with said Foster to de- Those whose pleasure it was to lx with a number of citizen*, held a establish a coal depot on each side ed aud occupied by Mr. Floyd Jar- etc. present at the Y, M. C. A. receptloi 1 at the city hall this rnorn- of the Isthmus of Panama near the Berests, meeting vis, was destroyed by fire Thursday, ,e last a rare treat. Tin the plaintiffs ask that night, enjoyed ing to investigate certain indefinite together with Of tv bales of cotton termini of the isthmial canal,” auditorium of the Merrill Instituti 5 liheenjoined from iuter- reports relative to smallpox. and twenty tons of cotton seed. The report says under “strategic was well and a very iuter ffi them in their occupied, After hearing all reports and dis- Mr. Jarvis had insurance to the positions” a coaling station should gathering instrti eating program of readings, amount I'hat Foster and B u- cussing the situation the following of $1,500 ou his cotton and be established near the Yucatan held the at mental and vocal music, seed with the Mills ll^, be to resolution was adopted: agency. passage, the Windward passage, required pro teution of the audience for almost ai [ The gin house an<i was 6oks and accoun ts Resolved, that it is the sense of machinery Mona passage and Virgin passage, against hour. Each number on theprogran , 1 the property of the North American this that there no all loca- B'uthenthal & Co., be was rendered with much success,am I meeting being being important strategic Trust Co., and was insured for Ihy the court from turn- here or any likelihood of tions.
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