i —was ■**•* •**•- tka» of 1*7, U now about saeer* ; and SggfcggggM-l immamnmmmmgmmmmm from tba that, FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE •part damag-aof tha a in ter, them.. stur* which | W« (ram our T«« this aopy axdtong.-« On Iten-s ot Ku- - O O M M E R O I A L hrn»»-ts CtnelaBEtt pn-n.ae ol a ha, cup. pm.nW.- well. *». fetowfeg »•« neT*r baajnvan -t'— bvaro. flow Mr person* haro well. tor the ropMn new#, |Hr steamship Ericsson : MUMTim AND gram remlingly wheat. Tha crops being tho h.« a bird ta k iu OOMMRBOIAL. >fe ol oor and l-laio, good EngHah ! tt hare ail railroad*, oarsbipe, too—la ihw abawnew Oiht Britain. «wnr Om*Mni*KjiHn.lW. I of whioh to Pretty Poll w)>«o sbeears *•« KxtrHor tending eastward (heir great Intervals are ..w I« Parllamm the "good morning," but TbwN. Y. Journal oi Ootnmeice In dinar) Known tabject non ol la term! rrtl! baaUruMtowlng rr-^ Heard) itwi 2600 milaa -/uses immediately Epll ha*DO Command rbtto from *- •offering, of a railroad trawl Ur to tb# of ia not an laiiaa to ttplrtea and «M t Ka.lwckj, fwtoTIIKEK YKAMR KXPRRIkNOB la the eol* country bat born the dower aod ktaguage,—aba mr* T- ba worth ot lb* " U paitea fcd -i Ml W* “WOTHEKK MM KANT < may baring." pension M*P‘ Tha d-maud ter to aadfca h,abean mam ad KmMMj -nr—. r,w t.±j~ IllTMl” Vyiuology, syntax, owMwsodr—ska cannot la Ik lew wtthte a abort wm In • Hath of tWkt *>» A 1’rtncrws Uoyal. Tb* ol A’sooi a T** A*>11 a'., Li e 6r.i of Mia aa that there to aolhing known to th* annuity year waa paaaed Uka ■»»", al Ur) khan ariat boathi I haraJiy ter -teliewgtwg la ** medical world, Tho Twelfth ayliogidintUj, tbp bird o1 J***—ahe cannot ! Jala and Vrwte all ihu. we caa team than la to ?J: .1* (Cito. Th, on, ■Wtoh *<u at all with them. ar* Malrict. without a dirisioo, Mr. Roebuck maki talking Agfast. h.aly ha ,a*yJ*?“***J *7 •«" hind* of compare The, tadood errnlorto** *t ng a feeble rwmou- Kka aa aa IrOaMII for B«U. will tniH. largo. V' hioi, give three 1 ail ter.igw Hqeore.Na, th- In J.ly, ha utocka "JL 'f. lb* Wwwmreg mcUw. o will know in tho oourao of a few •;raocw. Tb* propositions—aa lor Mample :-"My la aeunad mere l*»*rmt.le toe U>a (room* weeks wheth- dowry ol £40,000 in cash waa Mate ail “earth, -uaur hriagtrrr tew. sad tharedao- • aUT' f**t‘ h"'4*J.k# aropt II brought be* nams ia *>*■■ Olih tho in maptoeaM of thma. wlthowl of er or not (or* tbe lluta—Mino a bird—Bow do do »" uao la ttea duty mahtea a d.M-ae. la farar af of **rry «—»3S agrtm lloral Mar mmlrndMto* or yawaf to Mr. the Committee ol when Mr. mo- pretty you Mabry-, *1WI.. toTtotoafOmcawo{fV.*-.ln > »fclhlia Martin, Distribution candidate in Supply, Couyubam •a aallaa oa t« moatohoarful appear.,. r.aod.eery- tho contrary, that If ar* at " a are aware mat * brandy, according grade Wa unarm and iha **•* *" they applied any tin* precious to the "Little red. firstly, that the pennon be reduced from £8'"i0 to tha ptreeat Queen oI once "*• w**A bar born * *•«"Xfifcaf?nddrom,. on tha eub- Tennessee."has been elected to England —»«•*•■•* P*** la antic paoea of thli 4r 5? *•**'*"f* *• actoal rtalng of the >r*«*l, will aU a a MWi H danggin* upon ih» produce nar- they promptly ailay --*-—r'—i. Congreas.— £Souti year, and, that tbe ol bad parror that naa4. la nappe.ad will trad to a leaner m • wbrt LT. boaeily The secondly, dowry £40.<HH) said, “Good Vto," but noeor beyond **“> ar.d for moat utlrlaa lower hare barn r«lto»# aU pain and th* braaal Wythev ill# lie morning. Imporlrr. are arweuirgt. renlrai-1 f„r drllerrli prtcoe retab.uhed. prwvoal from pathonng. aad far! Telegraph. (Democratic,)of Wednes- omitted. Fourteen member* voted with on couod g ahead. «« him his pronounae iho words and on ac- could nnl, team Ol a partiaa »' U. ttormor*. If ito bv.*m ehould first “Queen Victoria," sale*. whlah ra.br.ce An hair ACOTION BALUI actual* rto* before th* olotha oaa to day, furnishes tbe latest as tuotiou, and sixteen on the second. * ol ADVKRTIBKD IN TUB WI1I0. THE !»—ST ATE report, lollows: count ol an brandy Ahkaod.r and A. S.lg-ef. brand, al bad. Iho application and ronmaat COISTITl'TIO KI0UTR. undaiahed was BA*1- Ann maoifAL norm, wearing of them win prodar* owoh The bill was read a first the education auddauly neglected, '» Pretet and ... _ "The re-nit it. this time. In Room of Lord* a tef drlirrry, S,.Vi*A,;b fur Jaly «6 half * a Condition of th* giddr District, aa Ur as .t can now or turned if “*• •* » »>wBaw and baif acra lot nreart aa la Inoar* ler debate oOer to the ptma ardUtgnacund te> 4a of Jutea g*ia A mw n 1?**‘.~Tru*W‘ In Now Ihor—~f-|, ||t| '*• matte U glhened took place, in committee, on tbe of Wlndtor Cwtie. Da I. Hum a Can too, out, ezhihlted in the atatemant pro- understrapper* at ft dnlrrrod oow, aad 4 Baakiagham count/. »«rp author ahomld them following amendment There TVUfg THUS 4.11 ewrable after Jjly 1* I«h ke*p bp km, aad fou,w la their aw th* posed ol the matrimonial Uw. Various esti- i*a bird new In Modern Athena —Traakin* ante or tho ealaahle milling property la Maa- [Horsins 1 laiUpg tiring IJBatJBte? proroi 1 *• MtoMta^ whtoh alwap. ar* amrt RICHMOND [Mauvin ] mates were voted in that haa either )w rr e-bf -IrlYr^r.oJ ‘•OW” Milta." Hee wtthihaa*. m w wad fc, WHIG. W the Commons. beta wall or haa in- furjuly drtirrry ; and to puncheona Jamaica on odet. srtingtoo, 447 ra.j Lee and 682 remarkably educated, prirnir lama ^aSTJC!!!!I th.—Oemm ra RU^*T4' rale ofrrrm will a*r«r kaow what H to to hen ewtoaa Wtee, m*j A new writ was moved Tn. redaction labile dalle, ua wtoea teach tea. alaeea, one a Brat rain euok, by 11. euRkctog with hor '-. lATrSBAV MBBSINK, Jl SB IS. IIIT, bmjw*. 77 lor the seal ol Thomas G. Bar- tuitively caught the trua ol thr Mint relaUerlr Duel i, A act. Scott, 25« apirit literary atmosphere than an brandlea than. I. too. regard ** A ramtanac* or |1M, II coal* •• who is a we are all paldb, bayerl” X dl*r. I'tfL- Tretoec accompanied hp worth af « ing. app-duied Lord u! tbe Admiraliv. H. Brr- permiitod to and thla bird talks com- reuor wi which will W ow tale of a atgro woman, A Tazewell, 320 124 breathe, pricer the operation ol tbr new TanB by Dtcklaaon.llUI Co.. •tamp*. will moot. Ito Rusvall, notice mon in A worn. paMaga prompt traamatoatoa by maU .fa ga'r 2<s* •• « S»»« tlut on ail b* would teat the acnae, Rood Us la a rare and bt»d rrle. contlnar to M ante to a fair ral.nt at frit TO rOHBKMOITBlIim. Pulaski, tarsrsoti, 123 rally day English. curiosity, pricer. Tbs rale of a af than* olotha to of Iha on we not iraoaac'.ii-oT Include IM lli-Trerlrr'r lot an the north able of with any part Uaiiad Mato*. •• « llouae tbo question of the vote ballot. do believe tk.t our old wouil hava ,«nH can. burready pan Cary atreet, Wei m bumJmim moat b addnumt la Ika Editor Ika *9 90 by Sir G. Pe- (Viand Audubon a/TSit mveral teMmeaie fronting oa IIihM in to Ml* of Wythe. a Hu*MS ted,re and BO ,( o*bra'row.) at d* eSdoek TVj by chell called sttemion to tbe Increased aent bullet through Miiio'a area lor the aaka ol fc**«f7yan «bJ£Tj«*| importation ol slave* head, »; and BOO barkete ADIB A Whig into bis ctna^. d * »“ OIAT, WbclemU aad Cuba, and tbe British Hire* on that enriching aupurtfOi with another beauUlul • fdiertgoBaid, oa the Agmmm, Artu-tmm woo on Mt Mat of tka tailI not b* IWI U66 inadequate coast. nithoJugy twiilV'’ 4a j* ~Tr*fl.'°l Oaalptt turnpike, AM 14T pa par pwhlimh- Admiral Nanebaaaor— moetly cor, red with oak and wood Mala ami Ikhmad vmaia »• TV< i. a rata mt to ha known to alcotl testified to tbe difficult snd baiardous apeclmeu. rapectalfyhf Mint, had mid to lb# The S. 'TJ* pin, of long lading, ought all, ■>9S distinguished Y. CtMuiar, of aura : CO,#" And MEADE nature WeOnerJay, °f "XrJ “d by A BAKER, 1M Mala sL, Hahmoad, Ta oiUl vtll tnma aaaabadaporlMt ftvm. OhUuanr notioaa ami. ol ihe service ol to the slave oruitbologiat in hia anJ manner— The nlTtwTST.u attempting suppies* muolug good-natured .** specie arlpmcot pec A r%9&{tt to iltr, brimbUm to M M Fall tag right Uata ora rkargot fur am adrrrtimmantm. trade on the “Good I. dtraotlaao for applying ihw Olotha, will- Maj. for Martiti, Cuban coast. Lord Palmer-Ion mid that morning, tor." the large* .eec mod. from tut. po7t "I T*4* •" Ban lotrr rleer, In Halifax wiii ha tka tomm ita adrartimm 75 hy^T.y boa My. I mile from B. a II. R R. rr- ckargot Tin- Lord Ciarrudou had rery renewed bis We saw the talking at Ida home inTicmoua •*H*clr *«P—t for the v,tk wul likely riced three mil • <•11.
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