Legend Legend ELU_summar Proposed LegHiellsn/Rdocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Agriculture Agriculture A1 ProISp-oRseesiddential Hills/Rocky Qarueaarsry to Park Public uRtileitsy idEexnisttiainl gR3 Residential R2 Legend Commercial Legend Agriculture A1 IS-ResidentAiagAlrgicriuclutulturere A A12 IISnd-RuAQsegutsrraiiadcrleurylnt uttiorae lP Aa1rk IS-ResidentRiaeQRl cuereasiardrtyeio ntnot/i OaPlp aRerk3n space Quarry tRo ePsRaidrekesnidtiaeln Rtia4l R3 Residential R3 Defence area Commercial Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Proposed Agriculture A2 Hills/RockIny dauresatrsial Agriculture A2 Public uIIntnilddituuyARs Egetrrxciiaaicrsellu tEialntutxgiirosent iA/nOg2pen space IRndeussidtreianltial RReRR2ceercesriadeteiaontniot/iOanl/p ORep4ne snp aspcea cEexisting RecreatiRoens/ROidepesenindti aeslnp Rtaiac5le R4 Residential R4 Forest Commercial Existing InduAsgtrriiaclu ilntu Rree Acr1eation/Open spaIAScge-Rriceuslitduernet RiAae1l sidential AgricultIuSr-eR Ae1sidentiaQl uarry tRo ePsaidrkential TransportatioQnuarry toR ePsaidrkential R3 Residential R3 AgricultuCreo mA1mercial IS-ResideInntdiaulstrial ExCisotminmg ercial Quarry Itnod PuCRasroetkrmciarmLel Eaeetxrigcoisinaeti/lnnOgdpen space ExisIRntidenusgsidtreianlt iEalx RisRR3tieencgsrideeantiotianl/ ORp5en space ExistinRgecreation/ROepseind esnptaiacle R E5xisting Residential R5 Legend LegenHidlls/Rocky areas Defence MineAsg raicnudl tQuruea Arr2ies ExistiLngegenIAngddruicsutrlitaulre RAe2sidential AgricultIunrdeu Ast2rial RecreatiRoens/Oidpeennti aslp taoc AegricultureR Ae1creatiRone/sOidpeennti aslp Ra4ce Residential R4 LegenAgdricultuCreo mA2mercial ExistingIndustrialIndustrial inC Roemcrmeearticoianl/ OEpxeisnti nsgpaRceecreatIinodnu/CROsoetprmsieaindmPl eisrennpor tcRapiiacaeolel c AsEregexaridsitctiouinnlgtu/Orep eAn1 spIRnadecuessidtreianlt iianl HRRRie4llecesrs/seRiiddaoetecionnknttyii/aa Oall rApTeegraanrsin cssupplatoucrretea tAio1n Residential RAPegusrbiicdliucel tnuuttriiaelitl y AT 1Eraxnisstpinogrtation Residential TRreasnisdpeonrttiaatli oRn2 Hills/Rocky areas PubLlice ugtileityn Edxisting Residential R2 C Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 247 Proposed #0 146 a 181 PropoIsnedudstrial 25 15 Ca 161 1 50 C Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 9 222 l n Commercial North B VM001 Legenn d al 4 249 an 24 248 #0 7 PropoIsndeudstrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 1 a 154 l 5 4 8 221 a 7 a 4 25 230 38 9 C 1 al 288 290 17 0 l 2 Defence - Industrial a an 8 2 n 4 n Commercial Industrial Existing 7 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 2 a 3 C Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 1 0 a 3 l 173 2 1 1 n 60 155 5 3 l 5 6 a C Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 6 a 1 LEGEND: 2 26 Khopadi 4 Defence 5 2 6 C # 7 7 1 146 34 Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 8 0 3 Commercial Industrial Existing 4 Recreation/Open spaceA EgxriicsutilntugrPe rAo1posReedsidential R5 4 1 4 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 2 R 1 163 Hills/Rocky areas Defence Public uMtiliintye7 sE xainstdin Qguarries Existing Residential RR2esidential Agriculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 2 1 2 1 2 E 51 Legend m V 7 Proposed 2 5 F 5 2 6 2 k 0 3 4 1 3 8 Legend 2 F 6 4 9 4 3 3 3 Defence 159 Mines a1 nd Quarries Existing Residential Ag3 C riculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 0 9 1 0 4 43 5 a 4 7 5 2 8 6 26 2 U 16 S48 n 110 2 6 8 8 8 6 l a Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 B 2 1 a l 4 Jablapur 2 2 Agriculture A1 n o 0 IS-Residential (49) QuaPrrryo top oPasrekd ARgersicidueltnutriea lA R13 E IS-Residential 7 a Proposed Land use Quarry to Park Residential R3 t S48 2 C 4 2 5 4 V C C 5 Agriculture A1 3 N a 7 6 a IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 1 North B- k n 5 9 8 2 I 8 M05 6 3 29 a 4 2 p 8 n 1 l 4 Commercial Existing Mines and Quarries 26 2 2 1 0 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation L 2 4 6 Hills/Rocky areas 3 Public utility Existing Residential R2 4 a m 2 u 6 l 1 2 Forest 4 5 ProposN ed 4 6 Residential Mines Residential to Industrial M13 2 PK002 2 165 Gahu-Hiwara PSP ACgormicumlteurrcei aAl 1Existing Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 1 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 4 School EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 2 n 6 Chacher O 30 Defence - Industrial 8 I o 1 Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 5 Commercial Existing 1 5 3 5 RESIDENTIAL R1 t 6 0 4 2 7 2 2 Agriculture A2 e Industrial in Recreation/Open space R8esidential Agriculture A1 C Residential Transportation 34 AS griculpture A1 IS-Residential Quarry to Park anal 6 Residential IRn3dustrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 1 # 2 AGRICULTURE A1 0 1 6 24 6 u 88 Defence - Industrial Mines/Quarries Salwa Residential Existing Mines quarrie Ag A2 3 d 2 N 0 i 2 0 C n Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 9 Dhakne E 1 4 North B- e 4 2 T a d HillsL/Reogckeyn adreas PubPlicr outpiliotys Eexdisting Residential R2 m i 1 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 8 9 Defence - Industrial 1 Mines/4 Quarries Residential Existing Mines quarrie Ag A2 1 W 2 Proposn ed 9 Agriculture A1 RESIDENTIAL R2 High 2 5 H 6 W 158 IS-Residential Quarry to Park 9 Residential R3 1 1 #0 2 a 3 Railway 3 20 55 AGRICULTURE A2 2 Legend EC02001 E G Agriculture A2 Industr8 ial Recreation/Open space ARgersicidueltnutriea lA R24 I l C Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 School 8 Dharmaraj School & x Agriculture A2 2 H 27 a Industrial Recreation/Open space R Residential R4 6 i 6 4 al Waterbody 2 9 an Defen5ce 8 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN E 6 s 0 1 C n 9 3 Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 #0 W Agricul8ture A1 1 2 Jr. 5 C F IS-Residential Quarry to Park PRSePsidential R3 Temple t 57 Station 5 7 9 RESIDENTIAL R3 1 283 Tem p le i 1 a 9 F Kolkataa b 2 Forest in Industrial MINES / QUARRIES 3 n 1 a Residential PSP Transportation PSP Existing l 8 n 1 1 U 2 o Agriculture A2 College 2 9 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 t 2 8 Defence Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 2 g 9 B Forest d a e PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 258 1 2 9 6 North B- Defence 1 6 7 2 Mines and19 9Quarries Existing Residenti2al Agriculture AC2ommercial Residential to Agriculture A1 l E i Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 1 Agriculture A2 5 r R Industrial 1 Recreation/Open spa9ce ResidentiEXISTINGal R RESIDENTIAL4 IN m 1 e 4 2 9 8 8 6 3 N 1 6 I Forest 2 PSPAgriculture A1 s RESIDENTIAL R4 Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 1 o 4 0 2 7 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 5 13 2 L 3 INDUSTRIAL 9 3 PG005 5 a Agriculture A1 2 3 6 2 5 2 9 IS-Re6 sidential Quarry to Park Residential R3 N 2 2 d 5 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 1 199 2 1 2 Temp le Forest 9 PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 1 198 0 Agriculture A2 O 9 l Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 o I Proposed 3 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 1 a 6 8 S 1 n t North B- Commercial 1 2 Commercial Recrem ation/Open space Existing Residential R5 Industrial Existing COMMERCIAL 2 191 3 a Hills/Rocky areas Public utility ExistIingdustrial Existing Residential R2 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 1 0 2 2 34 p 1 Temp le 70 Kandri S60 7 V #0 N C CommerciRECREATION/al OPEN SPACE 136 1 Proposed 1 E Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 128 1 92 196 2 3 k 8 1 C 127 137 u 9 5 8 Defence - Industrial 3 2 5 T Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 9 0 1 8 2 Agriculture A2 6 9 PK005 Recreation/Open space a Residential R4 138 Industrial 3 196 139 4 Marotrao 2 2 2 140 19 195 C 7 2 4 1 0 n Public utilEXISTINGity INDUSTRIAL IN 1 n 7 200 3 H Gaothan Residential 1 1 1 2 0 63 1 a Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 141 M01 Public utility 2 1 a 2 6 0 Commercial 9 2 2 G l INDUSTRIAL Industrial Existing 4 e Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 142 4 7 I 0 d 131 143 n Pantavne a o Forest in Industrial PDSePfe nEcxeis t-RECREATION/i nIngd OPENu SPACEstrial Mines/QuarrieRsesidential PSP ResidenTtiraal nEsxpiosrtitnagtion Residential to Agriculture A2 8Defence - Industrial 144 d 200 2 Mines/Quarries o Residt ential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 a #0 H Commercial Existing Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 i Commercial Residential Transportation Temp le 1 1 R 1 Residential R5 C Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing 132 145146 l 2 d 147 North B- 2 57 8 e 1 p l m College of Arts a 1 s l 6 Agriculture A2 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 148 P 1 Forest i1 n Industrial 4 Residential PSP Transportation 0 7 PSP Existing 130 W r 1 2 17 o 0 a a Tem149 p le 2 o n 8 1 p n u QUARRY TO PARK 3 Agriculture A2 7 p 8 4 o PUBLIC / SEMI PUBLIC 4 o 5 Industrial Pr 1 6 a Recreation/Open span ce Residential R4 5 7 Agriculture A1 a Legend s m C IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 152 to 136 150 0 EC01005 e 1 8 a 151 7 1 1 3 5 n 2 m 1 Commercial 2 152 7 2 d 2 l Forest in Industrial PSP Existing7 Residential PSP Industrial ExisTtirnagnsportation Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 2 39 1 1 0 5 1 1 9 C 0 6 Commercial Existing 0 Adarsh 2 R Industrial in RecreationA/Ogpriecunl tsupraec Ae1 Reside ential Agriculture A1 CRoemsimdeenrctiiaall TErxainsstipnogrtation 5
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