.: " . .I: f 40 - THE .JEWISH POST, Thursday, December.,t.1977 • 'ion-oriented. Socialist' daily.' At a literary work. Cahan acceded to contests. meeting later .that month and at their requests and returned .as " Of historic import is the Best wishes for a Happy Chanukah , the urging of Cahan's friend, editor in 1902. struggle against Communism Louis Miller, the name chosen for Cahan's first task, on his return conducted . by the Forward • Pawns in a Power Game the paper was Forverts .,because .. as editor, was to make the paper initially under Cahan's direction. 1 the most successful Socialist readable to the new readers Because of the hatred . of the Jay-Dee Products Ltd. ,.~' f daily was the Vorwarts of Berlin. streaming into the country from T{larist system in Russia, many EMBROIDERY AND CRESTS Cahan was unanimously elected Eastern Europe. Deprived of a j Jewish workers were at first in­ : editor of t!te prospective paper. formal education in their former clined to be sympathetic towar-d J. D. SCHACHTER , The Continuing Crisis of Argentine Jewry homelands by the economic and the Bolshevik accession to power. Phone 943·4336 43 Westbrook St. , By JACK JACOBS Private telephone conversations Four months of intensive effort political restrictions against They considered it a normal ex­ , especially thorough searches, but year:: Kovadloff has known followed to raise money for the Jews, many had never acquired involving family members were not hCl'n SUbstantiated. Argen­ tension of the revolution against - (.Jack Jacohs. a Columbia !(rad­ per'sonal property belonging to Timcnnan's family since new publication. Just enough the habit of reading newspapers f" interrupted, and the family'S tinian newspapers have reported the Tsarist tyranny. It was the uatc, student in political sci('ncc. Kovadloff's son was "accidently" childhood. and had been askt'd bl' that the Graiver fHmily laun­ money was gathered for a or had ever seen a newspaper in movements w('re closely wat­ destroyed by security agents. and Forward that exposed the real is a (,O-Nlitllr of 'Oi Vugnt Shtim­ his friends to use his contacts t~ dered $17 million handed over to precarious start and the first their own language. On their May we extend our best wishes for a Joyous Chanukah it ched. Deeply worried, the family documents of the Embassy of­ meaning of the Communist dic­ I m,,·.) intervene on Timerman's behalf. it h~' the Montom'r·os. This sum issue of the Jewish Dally. For- 'arrival in this country, many, to all our Jewish Customers and Friends ,; made hurried ph-tns to leave theil' ficials were also checkpd-this tatorship and its debasement of Thl' Graiver Affair was sllpposedly obtaincd b.\' the ward appeared April 22, 1897. With eager for self-improvement, took homeland. last measlll'{' a particularly rare truth and honesty. ' 'i In a plot worthy of a Costa Timerman, in turn. appears to guerillas ill the course of several the exception of occasional lap- advantage of night schools, lec­ , Long before the welfare of Gavras film, antisemitic elemen­ well-publicized kidnappings. The ses, it has appeared ever since as tures and concerts.However, long Israel became the Jewish com­ ,~., the one .labor daily in the United hours of toil left little time for STANDARD ts associated with the extreme Grarvcrs have also been charged munity's most absorbing interest, DAIRIES ~ right wing of the Argentinian with a number of other highly States and Canada. formal education and the Jewish , E Abraham Cahan made two visits LIMITED ( military have been harassing i'Teglllilr financial dealings. Cahan's special contribution, as immigrants came to rely on the to Palestine. A non-Zionist, he editor of th,e Forward, was to Yiddish paper, in their mother prominent Jewish Argentinians in Whcll news of the purported returned as a devoted friend and WliERI!: QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME t, an attempt to bring down the (;raiv('r connection to the Mon­ create a newspaper of wide tongue, for their knowledge in the supporter of the Jewish set­ current Videla regime and tonerOs became publie, c~tremc reader appeal. He introduced New World. With his emphasis on t tlement there. Ever since the { "eplace it with an even more right-wing elemt'llts bl'gan to ex­ light reading matter involving simplicity of language and sub­ 121 Salter Street Phone 689.7388 esta blishment of the State of I reactionary junta. Th(' recent ploit the fflct that the Graivers hwnan interest subjects from the ject matter which toucfied on Israel the Forward's coverage hs sh.op and the home. Above all, he their own immediate concerns, emigration under duress of are .Jewish. and that they were been the· most intensive to be , -\' .Jacobo Kovadloff. an Argentinian tipd to prf'VrOllS Argentinian put a ban on articles involving Abraham Cahan succeeded in , found anywhere. I May we extend our best wishes for a Joyous Chanukah 1; Jew 'with familial roots in Latin governments governments SocialiSt Party polemics and. making the reading of the For­ Cahan died in 1951. Times I I , I "WHERE THE SMART MONEY GOES" America extending back five which. while far from liberal in quarrels. He insisted that these ward a must in the Jewish im­ changed greatly during the long intramural bickerings were of no migrant's home. In further generations, may be an example all AlIll'rican context. must be span of his life, but throughout, of such harassment. and. as such. real interest to the general discerning his readers' needs, seen as moderate within the he continued his work in behalf of GUARANTY TRUST may serve to under line the Ar~entinian politic,,1 spr('trum. reader and would eventually Cahan invited them to share their freedom of the spirit, equality COMPANY OF CANADA precariolls situation of Argen­ Among the first of the past and alienate them from the Forward daily trials and troubles with him and justice for all mankind. tinian Jewry. and injure the paper. Finally, af- in the popular feature known as . W. BOUILLON, Manager present government officials to ter being nagged and harassed by the Bintel Brief. It was also no i 430 PORTAGE AVE. Kovadloff was a well-known be "tainted v b:.- these connections figure in Argentinian Jewish cir­ No 1/ [ I( ~ )'v,\ 0 ~ to the (;l'1Iil'l'r family was Jose his own friends and Forward coincidence that good theatre and [Jacob C. Rich, a member of the ,I PHONE 943-8504 WINNIPEG q cles. For the past seven years he Hl'r G('lb,lf(1, Minister of associates, who did not accept creative literature arrived on the Forward editorial staff since 1922, - -_. had acted as the chief represen­ F,conomics in Peronist gov('r­ this- point of view, Cahan scene with the Forward. In large has contributed to various tative of the American Jewish nlllents until latl' 1974. and. as national publications and was - resigned his post. measure, through Cahan's effor- Committee (AJC) in Argentina. ))f)/R,:> such. prnba bly th(' highest placl'd In this long interlude, Cahan ts, the Yiddish theater reached editor of the Hat Worker, J 8i'J Q VI J Best wishes for Joyous Chanukah .Jl'W in Arl.!entinian public lift,. served an apprenticeship in jour- prestige and artistic fulfillment. publication of the United Hatters, a As such. he had developed ties both with the government of­ Though th(' ('harges against nalism on Englisn:ranguage Cahan also encouraged men of Cap and Millinery Workers in­ '. to al/ our Friends and Customers ficials and with the most visible (~elbard remain alllbiguous. th(' newspapers. The experience and superior literary talent to join the ternational Union, AFL-CIO.j Threatenin/( note received hy Ja('obo Kovadloff in Ar!(l'nlina. ;\r~entinian newspaper La Pr('n­ maturity he acquired in those Forward staff. .Jcwish leaders in BilenOij Aires. Translation: Traitor you play too mnch on both sidl·s. Go awa~' sa reported that Gelbard. David years from his work with his No brief account of Cahan's life In mid-June, Kovadloff and his Even with . aid from the ht'fon' it is too latc. Wl' do not want IIffi,,£,s of Vank('{'s and Regen' Press Limited family began to receive some American Embassv (offered .kws. (;raivl'r (who until his apparent friend, Lincoln Steffens, news can give a full exposition of the death in a plane crash in the editor of the Commercial Adver- impact he made on the Jewish or HOLU)AV GREETINGS threatening phone calls and because Kovadloff worked for an 136 MARKET AVE. EAST notes. They were warned that occurcnce. • have been imprisoned becaus(' of SlIlllrnel' of 1976 was the h('ad of tiser, was to serve the Forward American community. The needle WINNIPEG American organization) the While there is no proof as to the~' must. leave the cOllntry. his ties with yet another his family businesses) and the well. When the daily grind of trades unions came into being Kovadloffs werc harassed during permanently and immediately, th(' identities of the' peopl(' prominent ,Jewish family. the ft1!!itiv(' American busin('ssmall newspapering palled on him, he' largely as a consequence of the thpir departul'l'. Not onlv were ENGEL SHEET and must close the AJC office. rf'sponsible for these accidents. GraiVl'rs, who own 55 pcr cent of Hnbc"t V('sco had met ill 1!l7:l to again turned to creative literary agitation of Cahan's Forward. th(' Ko\'adloffs subjected to thl're is some indication f noting the corporation publishing La discllss a joint financi,ll VPlltUf('.
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