Everyone Out To The U Hear Percy MarKaye Game Sat. Night THE WEEKLY SPECTRUM I Sat. P. M. VOL. XXIL—NO. 17. NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1915 FIVE CENTS A COPY. Percy MacKaye Ruth to Be Pre- Dean Bolley Industrial Course Senior Play Chosen sented In The Little Attends Show Declam Friday Night Bridging the Casm---Name of Senior Play--- Here Sato ,D-day SPOKE AT DEVILS LAKE AND Country Theatre Five Students to Contest for Prizes MITCHELL, S. DAK. Charles Carlson a Senior is the Author —Will Be Held in the Little Country Theatre. Poet, Playwright, Pageant Maker Wi Read Under the auspices of the Fine Dean H. L. Bolley attended the Arts Club a musical and dramatic Lake Region Mid-winter Fair at De- Play is Written by a Senior---Will be Directed by Poems---Three Short Plays to be Preset entertainment is to be given in the vils Lake, N. D., where be judged The Sixth Annual Industrial Little Country Theatre, February the grain exhibition and also de- Course Declamatory contest will be A Senior---Is about Seniors---Will be Staged by 15. The proceeds are to be devoted livered an address on methods of held in the Little Country theatre, Seniors --To be Acted by Seniors Program Will Begin at Three O'clock to the Peace Movement by the pur- Standardizing Seeds. Friday evening, Feb. 12, 1915. The chase of Peace -literature for Libra- Professor Bolley went from De- contest will begin promptly at 8 ry extension. The occasion 'is of vils Lake to Mitchell, South Dakota o'clock. Five students—Miss Pen- The Senior class met last Wed- chap and the chief girl character The Little Country Theatre special interest in College circles, be- where he gave an address before the dray, Mr. Vinje, Mr. Strand, Mr. nesday afternoon and chose as their comes from the city. cause the play to be produced Corn Growers Association on The Allen and Mr. Jamieson will contest play "Bridging the Chasm." The The play is full of interesting is the work of Miss Abbie for prizes. All of these students situations and a love element runs Possible Improvement of Cereals play has met with the favor or vari- L. Simmons of the Department of Looking Toward Escaping Crop Dis- have excellent selections and are throughout the play, ending in an PROGRAM ous members of the faculty and Miss English. Students of the Agricultural eases such as Smut, Rust, and working hard and faithfully. From understanding between the country Simmons of the Drama section of PART ONE. College will assist in its presenta- Blight, present indications the Little Coun- boy and the city girl. the English speaking department Percy MacKaye, Readings. tion. Professor Bolley Rates that the try theatre will doubtless be packed The Bridging of the- Chasm is ac; speaks very highly of it. PROGRAM: Mitchell Corn Slow had a very fine to the doors. Special music will be complished_ by the Agricultural Col- PART TWO. Music • College Orchestra exhibit from the Southern section of provided for the occasion. No ad- This is 11 e fourth play written by lege and the purposes of sues Tableau. - Vocal Solo—"Let us have peace"__ the state but the exhibits from the mission will be charged. All stu- Mr. Carlson, who is a Senior in the schools are strongly set forth and A Farm Home Scene in Iceland Thirty Years Ago—Staged by the George Groff Jr. north and western sections did not dents and their friends are cordially Educationa:• department. Mr. Carl- show the cultural as well as the vo- Icelandic Club, North Dakota Agricultural College. Edyth Herchmer Grasse seem to equal those of our own show invited to he present. son's play "For the Cause," which cational side of the Agricultural col- was put on by the Philomathian PART THREE. Piano Solo—"The Erl-King", which was held Jan. 19 to 23. lege. Literary Society at the Literary An Original One Act Play Schubert-Lisrt Because the Seniors have chosen By Irene Carpenter. Miss Simmons Festival held last term scored a big a play in which they are the origin- William V. Arvold. Original Story on the Thought of Staged under the direction of Castalia vs. Hesperia hit. The theme for Mr. Carlson's ators and intend to be the directors, THE NEW LIBERATOR. Peace Eloise Ramsey. • play is found here in school and it managers and actors is one of the Cast of Characters. Miss Elizabeth Perley. CAST. is an attempt to show the chasm best recommendations which can se John Jenks Bernhard Aamodt WILL DEBATE IN THE LITTLE which has existed between the coun- given it. The cast has as yet, Mary Jenks Violin Solo Selected Ruth Miss York not Bertha Schneider COUNTRY THEATRE FEB. 19. try and the city. The scene is laid William Jenks John Lange Mr. Newton , Naomi Mrs. Colwell been decided upon but the Seniors I Cuss Anton Strand Vocal Solo Selected Orpah Miss Dinan at the Agricultural school and the have an abundance of dramatic tal- The fifth annual debate between Hiram Henry Rae Bertrand Alan Orr Boaz Miss Ramsey characters of the play come from ent among their numbers and a cast the Castalian and the Hesperian lit- Music Selected Kinsman Miss Pollock both the city and the country. The of exceptional ability wil surely be erary societies will be held in the PART FOUR. The College Orchestra Leading Elder ____ Miss Fitzgerald chief boy character is a country chosen for the various parts. A Little Country Theatre on Friday Silhouette Introduction to "Ruth" Servant Miss Rizpah Ladd By Evening. Feb. 19. Miss Abbie L. Simmons A Prophetess Mrs. Orr Percy MacKaye. The subject for debate is "Resolv- A Dramatized Version of "Ruth" Elders, Reapers, and Women. SAM AVERAGE. ed; that the United States should St. Olaf Band The Agricultural Club Cast of Characters. own and control the coal mines of Andrew George Dixon this country." Joel Arthur Ellertson eases Large 'Crowd One of the livest organizations on Ellen The Castalians will uphold the af- Pl Katherine Ladd the campus is the Agricultural Club Sam Average Urban Ebner firmative side of the question and The Voice Albert Jaqua College Party their team will be composed of the which is made up of the Farm Hus- All Misses Louise Killian, Anne Walter The St. Olaf Concert Band, en bandry students. The club this year The Agricultural Club and the Power Machinery Club orches- has b een doingo n thingsh right. A tras will furnish music for the occasion. and Marie McCleod. route on its tenth annual concert The Hesperians will defend the tour gave a matinee concert before number of real live meetings have been held and a few social times An admission fee of thirty-five cents will be charged. Only two Midwinter Social Event Scheduled to Take Place negative side of the question and a large audience in the college armo- hundred seats will be sold. Tickets are on sale at Room 0, Main In College Armory, Saturday Evening, Febru- their 'team members will be Carl ry on Saturday afternoon, appear- have been enjoyed. The club also Building. Peterson, Arthur Biles and Sivert ing under the auspices of the Cadet stands out a forensic society they ary 20th, 7:30 to 11:30 o'clock Erickson. band. Their program, which is took the Power Machinery men into Last year the Hesperians were the printed below, would' appear to one camp not long ago in a fiery debate victors in the debate but the Castel- who had not heard this band, much held in the country theatre. The Knutson Members of Entire College Organization. Request- ..ens claim' that sat% IS not to be the too attibt....c.ts 1.1- any student or- officers of the club are. The Sopho- case this year. At any rate the (lo- ganization. The sound of the first Edward Vinje, president. ed to Come In Costumes Representing bate will be a lively one as well as few measures of the concert, how- William Wright, vice-president, To Leave mores Again interesting and instructive. The ever, allayed all sues rears. The at- Cecil Baker, secretary. Different Nationalities members of the various teams are tacks were remarkably precise, the Alfred Sabbe, treasurer. Alfred Solberg, editor, GEORGE KNUTSON FIRST SENIOR all ready at work and are putting tone qualities of the individual per- The Sophs Are Doin' Things During A. J. Ellertson, sargent-at-arms, OF 1915 CLASS TO ACCEPT forth their best efforts to make this formers were exceptionally smooth, the Winter Days. OFFICIAL PROGRAM H. Anderson, reporter to Spectrum POSITION. debate one which will be worth tne and the most difficult passages were time of everyone and they wish to executed with an apparent ease that Jake Dawson, yell leader. Last week Wednesday they met in PART ONE. George Knutson of the class of fill the Little Country Theatre to soon made the audience forget that their sanatorium in the Engineering "15" has accepted a position with March of All Nations. overflowing. they were not listening to a band of building and had a quiet little ses- the Great Western Sugar Co. or professional artists. Each instru- sion. At this meeting they adopted CommissionerFlintVisits Longmont, Colorado and will 'leave PART TWO. ment was in perfect tune and per- a constitution, and defined a quo- about the 20th of the month to take fectly modulated, to fit into its par- rum, the last named phenomenon Folk Dances of Different Countries. SOME SNOW up his new work.
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